Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 14 - National Tournament (1)

"Huuu man its National already" Kuroo sighed

"Hey, Hey, Heyy c'mon KUROO be more excited, it's our first middle school National!!" Bokuto shouted

"Fucking morning owl..." Kuroo muttered under his breath

"Huh?? Kurooo did you say something??" Bokuto asked

"Nah, I didn't" Kuroo answered

"You sure you didn't say something?" Bokuto asked again

"No I didn't" Kuroo answered again

"Stop bullshitting man!! What's wrong with being a morning owl huh?!?!?" Bokuto shouted





While Kuroo and Bokuto was arguing with each other Kazuto and Shou was discussing something important

"Hoshiumi, I'm guessing is still polishing his skill in Nagano, but the problem is how do we get there, we don't really have a reason to go to Nagano and even if we managed go I doubt that we'll be able to meet him" Kazuto said

"That's true so I'm thinking we should meet him in national, but I not sure if he's good enough by next year, so maybe some other national in the future" Shou said

"Kiryu is also the same case with Hoshiumi... Ummm.... Oh how about Nishinoya? If he gets better, then, the Karasuno team would also get better"

"Oh yeah Nishinoya.... How are we going to convince him though?"

"he is pretty competitive, so I'll just film you, Bokuto, Ushijima, Iwaizumi, and probably even Sakusa spiking in the next gathering and then we can like come up to him, show him the video and be like, 'You wanna train with these spikers? It would help you improve a lot' and he's probably gonna agree"

"Yeah alright, we'll go with that" Shou shrugged before continuing, "So, Kyo-chan joined Niiyama huh?"

"Yeah she did I think. I'm guessing that pedo guy who called himself god made an error in [probability] , and that's why we can't see her" Kazuto answered

"Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait for that old guy to finish recharging his probability" Shou sighed before asking, "Anyways you got any girls in mind?"

"Ummm..... At first thinking of going for Shimizu, but after spending time in Fukurodani, I also met Yukie, Fukurodani's manager in the orginal, and I thought she's kinda cute..." Kazuto answered

"Jeez the fuċk when did you became so honest? And also didn't you say you lived to 69 years old before dying? That a pedo move right there Kazu-san" Shou commented

"Shut up!! I ain't a pedo I'm still a 13 years old in this life. I don't got girl who reincarnates with me to Haikyuu so I gotta improvise, adapt, overcome. and plus, in my past life I trained so much I completely neglected my love life so I still new in this kind of stuff" Kazuto said

"Man I feel bad for you, maybe I shouldn't have told you to become the best libero in the world that day"

"I mean if you didn't tell me, I still would've done the same thing" Kazuto shrugged

"and did you make it? " even though he knew the answered Shou asked anyways

"Hell yeah, not a single ball could get past me, but now in Haikyuu it seems that the players are a bit better than the players on earth"

"..." Shou was silent for a moment before he opened his mouth, " Yeah its an anime after all"

"Yeah but we shouldn't treat the peole here as characters but actual human being"

Shou looked at Kuroo and Bokuto before smiling and agreeing

After walking for a while the four arrived at their usual bench and sat down to eat their breakfast before getting on a bike and going their seperate ways

[A/n: The "probability" that Shou and Kazuto were mentioning is similar to the probability in omniscient reader's viewpoint, although it wasn't clearly explained in the story, probability is basically a mechanism that prevent a certain event from happening or interfering, like for example a god or constellation can not just appear and interfere with the story or scenario , they have to pay a certain amount of probability to do that, or they will suffer from a "probability storm", that is basically what probability is for those that don't read ORV. Since it wasn't explained in the story, what I'm thinking for the god in this story is that he needs time to recharge his probability, after sending Kazuto and Shou to Haikyuu, he have enough to send Kyoko to Haikyuu but not enough for her to be able to interfere with Shou's and Kazuto's story properly, thus making her unable to see or touch them, after the god have enough probability it is most likely that he will be able to enable Kyoko to see and interact with them]

Kuroo and Shou arrived at boys volleyball team gym, sat down and waited for everyone to come

After a few minutes of waiting, Hisoka came into the gym and greet the two

"Oh Kuro-chan, Shou-chan you guys are rather early huh?" Hisoka said

"I mean it's our first national in middle school, so..... Yeah" Kuroo answered which earned a nod from

"Alright..." Shou muttered as he stood up and took the volleyball trolley from the equipment room

"Hisoka-san set for me, Kuro you're blocking" Shou said as he move to the court

"Oooh alright, I also need some warm up as well" Hisoka followed behind along with Kuroo

Shou then points to Kuroo as he said, "Kuro, from now on I'm going to make you a genius..."

"..... What?" Kuroo questioned

"it means that I'm going train you until, you can block my spike at 70% power"

"Uh... Okay?" Kuroo confusingly said and he got into position

Shou then threw the spike up for Hisoka, who absorbed the ball and toss it perfectly to Shou

Shou did his approach and jumped up, meeting Kuroo on top of the net who was anticipating a straight

Shou saw this and smashed the top left of the ball changing his straight into a cross court, the ball flew and completely avoided Kuroo's arms and landed in the corner

"Judgement Kuro! Judge and predict where the ball is going to go!!" Shou shouted

"You said it as if it was so easy!! You literally change that direction with zero indication!!" Kuroo shouted back

"What about, how my hand contact the ball?" Shou said

Kuroo stop and a thought for a moment before looking up and said, "Oh shit..."

"Alright next!" Shou said as he got another ball and threw it up for Hisoka

"Kuro!!! Timing!! Timing damn it!!!"

"I'm trying damn it!!!"

"Kuro!! Harden and put some strength your fingers!! The ball broke through your hand as if it's paper!! "

"70% power?? bullshit!!!"

"Release some pressure!!! You damn rooster head!!! Make the spiker intimidated!!!"

"What kind of dragon ball language are you talking about?!?"

After a while, team arrived, sat down and watched the exchange between the two

In the end Kuroo was on the ground with a tired expression and he still couldn't block a single spike

"How much did you trained?? 70% that's gotta be bullshit! " Kuroo shouted

Shou patted Kuroo's back and said, "One day, you're going to block it and it's gonna feel great"

"..." Kuroo was silent for a while before smiling arrogantly and saying, "Tch I'll block it before next year"

It was then that Ikeda walked into the gym with two other people

"Gather up!!" Ikeda instructed

After the team gathered up, Ikeda introduced the two guest, "Since we got national today, I've decided to invite coach Nekomata from Nekoma high and coach Ukai from Karasuno high to watch"


"Fufufu I heard we got some young talents here so I've decided drop by, and I also decided to bring this old fool" Nekoma said

"Shut up Bakeneko, I only came cause national is already done for my team so I'm not busy now" Ukai said in annoyance

"Who is the captain here?" Nekomata asked

"It's me coach!" Katsuki said as he stepped up

Nekomata observed Katsuki for a bit before smiling and saying, "then I'll be counting on you to make the team go all out and give us the best performance"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright let's go" Ikeda said as he walked out of the gym and head to the bus area followed by the two old coach and the Nekoma team

The bus ride this time was rather uneventful as the team got some guest they were well-behaved

They arrived at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium and walked in

There were a few team tht already arrived and was getting ready

"Hey captain..... Isn't that..." a player asked as noticed players wearing a red jacket with the word NEKOMA written in white at the back walking in

"Yeah.... Thats the team that wreck havoc in national last year, Nekoma" the captain answered his teammate.

"This is not going to be easy.... " the player said which earned a nod from his team

In another area there were players wearing a yellow with a mix of green colour jacket this was Itachiyama the third Tokyo representative, they were getting ready and noticed Nekoma entering

"whats with that aura that they always exert?" Aiza said with a nervous smile

"I mean what do you expect captain, they're really powerful" Koda commented

" That's true"

The Nekoma was walking through the hallway and was suddenly stopped by another team wearing a white jacket with some black and yellow stripes, this was Fukurodani the second representative of Tokyo

The two team looked at each other with a competitive smile, after a while Atsushi stepped up and raised his hand up and said, "Let's meet in the final"

"Yeah" Katsuki said as he took the handshake, and the both team went their seperate ways


Nekoma arrived at their arena and walked in and checked the board

"So we're going against Inubashi middle school first in court 2.... Let's go.." Katsuki said as he moved to court 2 followed by the rest of the team

The two team did their warm up and the two captain met in front of the referee to do a coin flip which ended with Nekoma obatining the serve

"Let's have a good game" Katsuki said as he held out his hand

"Yeah" Inubashi's Ace and Captain, Ryu said as he took the handshake

[Nekoma's Bench]

"We're serving coach" Katduki said as he arrived back to Nekoma's bench

"Good, now about Inubashi Middle School, they're a team that play around their Ace, so you guys know what to do" Ikeda smiled in a sinister way

The team also started smiling sinisterly as they said in union, "Trap and Torture the Ace"

"Good... Hehehe"

"Ikeda-kun you better not be making my future players turn psychotic" Nekomata commented

"Psychotic?? I don't know what you're talking about Nekomata-sensei" Ikeda said with a fake smile on his face

"Alright huddle up!!" Katsuki instructed

After the team huddled up Katsuki looked at each players in the eyes and said his speech, "We're like the blood in our vein, we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working!"


After the two team entered the court Shou got the ball went to his position, closed his eyes and took a deep breath and got ready to serve

*beep beep*

When the ref blew his whistle, Shou exhaled, open his eyes, looked at Ryu and let his pressure leak out which cause chills to run down the Inubashi Ace's spine

'Such fierce eyes' Nekomata and Ukai thought as they looked at the white haired player

Shou threw the high ball up, did his approach and used his full power, kicked the ground and flew up

'High...' The two old coach looked at Shou flying up in shock

When the ball was in the perfect position Shou smashed it with all his might and before it left his hand, he snapped his wrist to create a top spin

The ball disappeared from his hand and appeared next to Ryu before it bounce off and flew away from the court

"Huh... Nani?.... " Ryu muttered in disbelief

"Nice Serve Shou-chan" Katsuki said as he patted Shou's shoulder

"Katsuki-san where should I aim now?" Shou asked

"Hehehe was that even a question?" Katsuki said with an evil smile

"Of course it wasn't I already know my next target, kekekekek"

Shou got the ball and threw it up again, he did his, flew up and smashed the ball with all his might

The ball flew straight towards the libero, who got ready to recieve, but when the ball was near, it suddenly curved at a sharp angle and completely avoid the libero before hitting the corner

"Wha...??" the libero who was shocked by the sudden change of direction, got ankle broke and fell

Shou smiled in satisfaction at the scene as got the ball and went to his position

*beep beep*

After the ref blew his whistle Shou threw the ball but with two hands, he approached it slower than usual, then he flew up and performed a jump floater

As the ball was about to go over the net, it suddenly dropped down and hit landed on the tip of the net before dropping down in front of Inubashi's setter

As the match continued on Shou continued break down Inubashi's defense with his deadly serve, unable to give them a chance to attack

After Shou's deadly serves wave was over Nekoma continued to play with absolute defense while trapping Inubashi's Ace, restricting his attack, while also retaliating back with their amazing offense

"Fu...ck....th...ey're.... too... Strong" Ryu muttered as he tried to catch his breath after he continued to be blocked or his spikes getting recieved


[Nekoma's bench]

"Ikeda-kun who is he?" Nekomata asked as he pointed at the white haired player who's dominating the court

"That's our new first year and Ace, Asata Shou" Ikeda answered

"A first year?!?" Ukai asked in shock

"Yes sir, Shou's talent is not something to scoff about, even in highschool level, not only that, in Fukurodani Middle School, they have Hiroshi Kazuto, a first year libero, the only player that actually go against Shou" Ikeda said

"Fufufu it seems the Nekoma team is just going to rise in the future, you sure you want another Battle at the Trash Heap again you old fart? Cause it seems you're gonna lose" Nekomata said in a mocking tone as he looked at Ukai

"Tch don't get ahead of yourself Bakeneko, as if your team is not going to beat mine, when I'm still coaching" Ukai retaliated

"Fufufu yeah right"



And eventually Nekoma defeated Inubashi's middle school and went to the 2nd round

"Nice match everyone that was some nice teamwork" Nekomata complimented the players as they came back

"Ikeda who are they going against next?" Ukai asked

"Umm lets see" after flipping through some papers he stopped and looked before answering, "They haven't finish their games, but out next opponent would most likely be Inarizaki Middle school"

"Alright, who ever the opponent is, upjust go out there and play your best" Nekomata smiled

"Yes sir!"


And it was like they expected, Inarizaki won their game and is about to start their match with Nekoma

When Shou was doing his warm up he looked around the audience and his eyes twitched as noticed the Inarizaki's cheer squad

'Inarizaki middle school also have cheer squad? Well whatever if they annoys me in my serve I'll make them regret it' Shou thought as he goes back to doing his warm up

[A/n: I read the manga a long time ago, but now after watching the new episode in the anime, I realized how annoying the Inarizaki's cheer squad was, but yeah,

Saeko nee-san the best ✊]

After the warm up Katsuki and the Inarizaki's captain, Makoto met in front of the referee to do a coin flip, which resulted in Inarizaki obtaining the serve

"Let's have a good game Katsuki" Makoto said as he held out his hand

"Tch, what's with that fake ȧss smile?" Katsuki said in annoyance

"Alright, Alright" suddenly Makoto's expression turned into a serious as he said, "We're going to crush you this time ya lil shits..."

"There, there, that's the Makoto I know" Katsuki said as he took the hand shake

[Nekoma Bench]

"We're recieving coach" Katsuki said as he returned back to the bench

"Alright we talked about the plan before anyone got anything to say?"

"Coach what our next opponent for today?" Shou asked

"It seems our opponent could either be Itachiyama or Sarukawa Middle School"

"Alright, Inarizaki although isn't a hard opponent to face, their cheer squad can really break our momentum and rhythm, so to get all of the unnecessary thought out of my head, I'll enter the zone in this game, so I'll be counting on you guys for the next game" Shou said witha smile

"Zone?" Nekomata asked

"The Zone is a state in which lets the player reach their maximum potential and it can also raise my concentration and focus to the max, coach" Shou answered

It was then that Coach Ukai spoke up, "Although I'm not sure, I think my Ace experienced this before by pure accident, but can you really control it?"

"Well if you have enough talent and if you train your body and mind correctly you would be able to enter it by force" Shou answered

"Then, s-so you c-ca-...."

"You'll see it soon enough, coach Ukai" before Ukai finish his sentence, Shou interrupted him with a smile before huddle with his teammates

After the team huddled up Katsuki said his speech, "We're like the blood in our vein, we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working!"


The players from both team walked out as the match between Inarizaki and Nekoma is about to begin


[A/N: Yoo I finally got through the workloads for the first term, I regained a bit of freedom now :/

Anyways, since I've decided to timeskip into the canon after national, I have decided to go back to my other ff after the match between Karasuno and Nekoma ended


Goodnight ❤️]

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