Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 13 - Tokyo Qualifier Tournament (2) [rewritten]

[A/n:, Yeah, I think 's updating system is broken, it was the same to the first draft I posted

to understand why this chapter was rewritten please read the chapter before this, anyways enjoy]

"Captains!" the ref called the captain from both teams

Katsuki and Atsushi met infront of the ref to do a coin flip which ended with Fukurodani serving

"Let's have a great match" Katsuki said as he held out his hand

Atsushi nodded and took the handshake, after a while they broke the handshake and went back to their bench

[Fukurodani's bench]

"We're serving coach" Atsushi said as he arrive at his team's bench

"Good, now everyone listen carefully cause I'm going to make this quick", The coach said with a serious tone after he got everyone's attention he continued, "I don't care what you think about this match, but I want all of you to go all out against Nekoma, and surpass your limit, right here, right now!"


"Now.... It's war time..." Fukurodani's coach, Yami said with a smile

[Nekoma Bench]

"We're recieving" Katsuki said as he came back

"Is it just me or like when Katsuki-san does a coin flip there's only a 20% chance of us getting the serve" Musumi said

"True" Hisoka agreed

"Shut up I'm trying my best alright!!" Katsuki shouted

"Alright calm down guys we're playing against Fukurodani here" Ikeda said as he tried to calm the team down

"Coach is right, we can't let down our guards here" Tatsuo said

"No need for discussion we're going all out" Shou said which earned a nod from all of the team

"Alright huddle up!" Katsuki said as he huddle up with the team

After the team huddled up Katsuki looked at each players in the eyes and said his speech, "We're like the blood in our vein, we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working!"

"Katsuki-san.. mind my language but.... What in the fuċk was that?" Kuroo asked

"..." Katsuki was silent for a moment before saying, "That's the new tradition I just made up to help us set the mood, the captains have to say it before the start of every match"

"What if the next captain don't wanna say it after you graduate?" Kuroo asked another question

"If I graduated that still ain't gonna stop me, from skipping classes in highschool just to fly over and smack the captain that won't say it" Katsuki answered casually

"Alright let's go" Katsuki said to his team before walking onto the court

Both of the teams stepped on to the court and got into their position

Atsushi started off the match with a jumpserve in which Shou recieved it easily and back off

Hisoka got under the ball and set a quick ball to Kaneki who did his approach quickly, jumped and spiked the ball

Kazuto quickly shuffled his feet, moved to the ball and recieved it perfectly to Izumi

'Alright I got this..' Izumi thought to himself as he got under the ball

He absorbs the ball and pushed it into Bokuto's direction, however the ball was too close to the net, Shou saw this and did his approach and jumped up

Bokuto noticed this and ran towards the ball, 'Shit he's faster than me.. ' Bokuto thought as he did his own approach and jumped up to block Shou's spike

Contrary to Bokuto's expectation, Shou swung his arm and slowed down as he tipped the ball over the net while avoiding Bokuto's arms

"SHOU!! YOU CAN SUCK A BIG FAT COCK!!" Kazuto shouted as he ran and dived and manage to save the ball by sliding his hand under it before hitting it up

Izumi quickly moved and cover for the save, he digged it to Shoji, who did his approach and spiked the ball with all his might

Tatsuo quickly moved to try and recieve the spike but the ball flew away on his attempt

Hisoka ran to for the ball, when he got near the ball, he turned around and and pointed at Shou and looked at him in the eyes and changed his hand gesture and pointed down

He crackles his wrists before jumping and twisting his body mid air as he absorbs the ball and set the ball perfectly to Shou's direction

Shou did his approach and using his full strength jumped high up with perfect timing, when the ball was at its perfect position Shou smashed it straight down with all his might

The ball flew 90 degrees down, but just before the ball hit the ground a hand slid under it and saved it

"Kazuto?!?" Izumi shouted in surprise

"Set it!!" Kazuto shouted as he got off from the ground

Izumi quickly regained his composure and tossed the ball to Shoji

Shoji ran and did his approach and jumped up and swung his arm and was about to smash a straight with his full power

But it was then that Kaneki jumped up and attempted to block Shoji, Shoji noticed this change his straight into a cross last second

The ball flew for about a millisecond before hitting a pair of arms and flew straight back down Fukurodani's court at high speed

But Kazuto once again dived for it and managed to save it from touching the ground

Izumi quickly covered for the save by diving towards it and hit it up, and Kazuto immediately got back up and volley the ball over

"Chance ball!" Kuroo shouted as he recieved to Hisoka

Hisoka got under the ball and licked his lip as he tossed the ball to Shou, "perfect.." he muttered as he felt the ball leaving his hand

Shou looked at the ball and thought, 'This... How long was it since I've had a perfect set?' he smiled and did his approach and flew up

'.. Tch... Damn those motherfucking sets....' Kazuto said with wry smile as he looked at Shou's figure in his last life overlapping with the Shou in the air

However, Kazuto somehow still remained calm even though he knew that he was never able to react to a spike from Shou when he got a perfect set, but... He wasn't a top tier libero in his past life for no reason.... After Shou's death. he began to train and train, aiming to surpass the Shou in his past life, when he was in his prime he finally reached far enough to touch a part of the level that Shou was standing on, before he slowly weakened due to old age, and now, after years of training in Haikyuu, the skills of his past life finally broke through the last obstacle and returned to him

When Shou flew up and smashed the ball with all his might, almost as if it was his natural instinct, Kazuto's body moved on its own,

'Ah.... There... That's the feeling I was always familar with" Kazuto thought as the corner of his lip curled up

As the ball disappeared from Shou's hand, Kazuto immediately moved and dived to the left corner and reached out and positioned his hand perfectly causing the ball to bounce off his hand and fly back to the Nekoma's court

"Out!!" Katsuki shouted as he watch the ball bȧrėly missed the line and before hitting the outside area of the court

Shou landed back down and looked at Kazuto in shock before his expression turned into a vicious smile as he said, " I have no idea what that was but adrenaline is already pumping... Let's break some limit today shall we?"

"I have no fuċkɨnġ clue what that was as well, but I guess..... I'm back.... ", Kazuto said with a bloodthirsty smile as he stood up and crack his neck, "Let's spice this game up shall we? " Kazuto said as jet black with a bit of gold electricity leaked out of his eyes and the pressure he was hidding rushed out and began to rage on the court

"Yeah! " Shou said with the same vicious smile, as silver white and gold yellow electricity leaked out out of his eyes, and pressure that he was hiding oozed out and began clash with Kazuto's pressure

"tch, these brats" Yami muttered under his breath with a smile

The match match continued with mainly Shou bombarding Fukurodani with his deadly attacks, while Kazuto was defending it with the best of his ability

"What the fuċk is this...." everyone else in the gym muttered in shock

As the match went on, Kazuto's and Shou's smile grew wider and wider and their speed and reflex was increasing rapidly

"They're getting faster?!? No Shou is getting faster..... Kazuto is just getting use to the speed, if this goes on... " Yami and Ikeda looked at the two players in shock as chills ran down their spine


In blank, white room and man with a long beard was watching a volleyball game through a Tv screen

He looked at the screen with his eyes widen as he muttered, "Such monsterous talent.... Although it doesn't seem obvious, a mere mortal is slowly but surely improving God Speed Impulse to the level outside of the realm of gods, the other reincarnator is doing pretty good as well, to be able catch up to God Speed Impulsd to some extent by getting use to the speed of it,... but unfortunately, it seems the that's his limit... "


To Kazuto's surprise, Shou was getting faster, his movement was getting smoother and the golden electricity that was leaking out of his eyes was shinning brighter as the time passes

'Tch got damn it.....I thought I finally caught up to you but... Even after death, It seems you are still the [Absolute Monarch of the Court]' Kazuto thought with a smile as his last wall defense finally broke after being overwhelmed by Shou's speed and power

In the end, after Nekoma won both sets , Shou and Kazuto collapse on the court, and they got sent to the nurse

And that concludes the Tokyo Qualifier Tournament


"..... Fuck... " Shou and Kazuto both muttered while looking at the ceiling

"My body hurts like hell" Kazuto compliant

"Yeah no shit, none of this would've happened if you didn't try so hard!" Shou shouted

"What you mean? you were the try hard!!"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"Say no you again and you're retarded!"

"You were the tryhard!"

"Fuck that didn't work..." Shou cursed

"Alright lets just be honest we were both tryhards"

"Yeah true" after a few moments of silence Shou asked, "You wanna go to Miyagi and watch Oikawa and Ushijima with Kuro and Bokuto tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure" Kazuto shrugged

The day ended and after Shou and Kazuto recovered they were sent back to their teams to go back to their school

After they went back their school Kuroo and Shou both got on their bikes and biked home

They met with Bokuto and Kazuto along the way, and the four of them decided to go grab some ice creams

After they bought their ice creams got outside and sat down on their bikes while enjoying their ice creams

"Huu man I'm tired" Bokuto yawned

Immediately Kazuto, Kuroo and Shou looked at Bokuto with their eyes widened to the limit due to the shock of what they just heard

"What's wrong?" Bokuto asked confusingly

"Y-You....can get tired?" Kuroo asked carefully

"No shit I can get tired! After watching Shuu and Kazuuto going against each other made me felt real tired" Bokuto sighed

"Bullshit.." Kuroo said with doubt

"I ain't bullshiting!!"

"Shou and I planned to go to Miyagi tomorrow to watch Ushijima and Oikawa wanna go?" Kazuto asked

"Yeah sure.." Kuroo answered

"YEAH LET'S GOO!" Bokuto shouted as he jumped up

"What the fuċk was that? You were supposed to be tired ȧsshole" Kuroo said as he looked Bokuto

"Oh shit forgot... I mean.... Yeah sure..." Bokuto said in a more tired voice

Kazuto, Shou and Kuroo just stared at Bokuto who was sweat profusely, after a while Bokuto ran and jumped onto his bike and biked away

"Hey! Come back here you damn owl!" Kuroo shouted as he got on his own bike and chased after Bokuto with Shou and Kazuto following behind him


The next day Kazuto, Kuroo, Bokuto, Shou and his dad who insisted that he'll be supervising the 4 met at the train station and got on to a train heading for Miyagi

After 2-3 hours they arrived at Miyagi, Shou's dad walked the 4 to the area where the semi final and final of the Miyagi qualifier tournament is taking place before going to Ryota's place which was rather close

The four walked into the court and went to the audience area, there weren't much people so they quickly found a seat and sat down

Kitagawa Daiichi and Shiratorizawa in the beginning of their first set

As the match continued on Shiratorizawa started dominating and they won their first set with the score of 25-16

When they were on their second set, Kitagawa Daiichi managed to get a bit of a lead, it was then that Shou stood up

"Oi oi Shou what are you doing??" Kuroo asked in concern

"Nothing..." Shou answered before turning to the court and shouting at Oikawa from his seat, "OIKAWA!! IF YOU LOSE THIS SET, YOU'RE BUYING ME DORA-YAKI!!"

"Eh?" Oikawa looked around confusingly before noticing Shou in the audience along with Bokuto, Kuroo, and Kazuto

Oikawa then gave a look as if saying, "Why the fuċk are guys here?"

Bokuto then jumped up and shouted, "OIKAA ME TOO!"

"Me three!" Kazuto said as he raised his hand up

"I'll take two!" Kuroo shouted

Eventually Oikawa got annoyed and shouted back, "SHUT UP YOU FATASSES, I HEARD YOU!"

"Thanks for the food!" the four said in union

"What are you guys even thanking for?? I haven't even lost the set!!!"

Spoiler alert, Kitagawa Daiichi eventually lost the set to Shiratorizawa and Oikawa went with Kuroo, Shou, Kazuto and Bokuto and paid for their Dora-yaki

"Kyahhh is it just me or the dora-yaki in Miyagi is better than the one in Tokyo" Kuroo said as he enjoyed his dora-yaki

"Yeah its definitely better than the one in Tokyo, we should claim our free dora-yaki every year like this" Kazuto suggest in which all three of them agreed

While the four was enjoying their dora-yaki, Oikawa was sitting on a bench while opening his wallet and closing it repeatedly and looking at it with a depressed expression

'Money-san was like a father to me, I loved him like my son.... Now h-he's g-goneeee' Oikawa thought as his soul slowly left his body

"Oikawa..." Shou said as he sat down next to Oikawa

"What is it?... " Shou sounded serious so Oikawa cautiously asked

"You still thinking about how you can be the perfect setter?" Shou asked

"well....Kind of, I was thinking of trying to understand the spiker and their behavior but I'm not sure where to go from there" Oikawa answered

"Umm alright I'll give you some hint,..." In his past life Shou had went around the world to play and discuss with many professional players, this also includes many amazing setter from many teams, namely Bruno Rezende from Brazil and Micah Christenson from USA.

Although their time was short, Shou gain a lot of amazing insights about the position of setter through them.

"Oohhhh why didn't I think of that?!? Alright Imma go try it out now" Oikawa said excitedly as he waved the four goodbye and ran back to his home

"Why did you do that?" Kazuto asked after he saw Shou giving Oikawa hints

"If you think about it, if Oikawa is stronger than the original, that would motivate Karasuno to be stronger as well, and we would be able to fight stronger opponents right??" Shou asked while smiling manically

"Yeah you're right but..." Kazuto smack Shou's head before continuing, "You're becoming Hisoka, I don't want my friend to become a pedo clown.."

It was then that Shou's hair turned red and his skin turned pale as he turned to Kazuto and said"Bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum" however this just earned him another slap to the head causing him to return to normal

"Alright guys let's go home, I'm tired" Shou yawned as he picked up his phone to call his dad

"Yeah..." everyone agreed


As the day past, National are inching closer to the middle school volleyball scene

And the players from all of the schools that made it through the qualifier are training and getting ready to face each other

After 2 weeks of waiting, National had arrived

"It's time..." Ushijima, Bokuto, Kazuto, Kuroo said as they stood up

"Shit! Where's the toilet paper?!?" Shou panicked as he struggles to find the toilet paper, "How the fu k am I supposed to wipe my ȧss?!?"

He looked around for a bit before stopping and looking at his hand

"..." Shou stared at his hand for a good minute before snapping out of it, "No! I ain't about that life!"

How would Shou's journey to find something to wipe his ȧss look like? Would he be sucessful in find something to wipe his ȧss? Or will he ultimately betray himself and his hand? I guess we might never know...


[Huuuu another chapter, alright I'm planning on just timeskipping to the canon after national because if I timeskip to the third year of middle school or the first year of highschool it's gonna be boring and I really have no more ideas, what do you think?

Btw I'm looking for a novel where the mc reincarnates many times (like Yoo Jonghyuk) where he gains skills and ability through those reincarnations, any suggestions?

Anyways dats all

Goodnight ❤️]

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