Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 12 - Tokyo Qualifier Tournament (1)

'I will defeat them' Ushijima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, Shou, Kazuto, and Bokuto thought as they stood up


Shou, Kazuto, Bokuto and Kuroo gathered and walked to school together

"The Tokyo middle school qualifier tournament, hope it would be fun...." Shou started a conversation

"Dunno, the only schools participating is our schools, Itachiyama, and Nohebi" Kazuto said

"Nohebi is real shit, Itachiyama might be a decent team" Shou shrugged

"Oya? Mr. Super Ace is already ċȯċky?" Kuroo said with a smirked

"Shuddup you're the one that's ċȯċky, you said that you're gonna confess and go out with Atsoko in just 2 months, but look at you now! 4 months already past and you haven't said shit!" Shou retaliated

"*Cough**cough* I'm taking my time alright!"

"Yeah right..." Shou said which caused tick marks to appear on Kuroo's face

"GRRR You little shit!!" Kuroo said as he lunged at Shou, but ultimately missed his target due to Shou reacting fast and dodging him, Shou then jump on his bike and bike away

"Get back here damn it!!" Kuroo shouted as he jump on his own bike and started chasing Shou

"OOHHHH ARE WE PLAYING TAG?!? I WANNA PLAY TOO!!!" Bokuto shouted as he chased after the two

"Haizz it's like 7am in the fuċkɨnġ morning, why do they have so much energy?" Kazuto sighed


Soon Kazuto arrived at where the path to Fukurodani and Nekoma splits to see the three on the ground, panting

"Dumbasses" Kazuto said as he sat on his bike and started eating his breakfast

Soon the three joined him, after a while they finish their breakfast and parted way


Shou and Kuroo arrive at their class on time and sat down

"Ah Tetsu, Sho! You guys later than usual" Atsoko said as they looked at the two

"Yeah it's because this guy didn't have enough courage to conf-"

Before Shou could finished his sentence he dodged a hand coming at him

"Shut up!" Kuroo shouted as he chased Shou around the room

After a while Ikeda enters the classroom and calmed down the chaos

"Everyone, Seattle down! I have an announcement!"

After everyone sat down quietly Ikeda started his announcement, "Alright since today I'm going go with the volleyball team to the qualifier tournament, Ojiro-sensei your science teacher would be the substitute teacher for English, is that clear?"

Immediately discussions started from different area of the group

"Ehh? Why does it have to be him?"

"Fuckk, I'm gonna get sent out of the class again!!"

"Wait... Hold on don't we have science after english??"

"God damn it! So have to meet him twice?? "

However among those students Shou and Kuroo was laughing maniacally, "Kekekekekekkekakakakakk just as I calculated.. "


After the 4th period Kuroo, Shou and Atsoko stood up and told their teacher they had to go before heading out of the class, Atsoko went to where the girls team is gathered, while Shou and Kuroo went where their team woud gather waited for the whole team to come

After everyone came, Ikeda spoke up, " I don't really have anything to say other than, Win and go to National! alright?"


"Alright here's the team uniform " Ikeda said as he brought out a box

Ikeda cut it open, revealing red and black uniforms for the players to choose, after they all chose a uniform they went and changed


After a while the first years came back to gym with their new uniform

Hisoka had #2

Yaku had #3

Kaneki had #4

Shou had #5

Tatsuo had #6

Kuroo had #7

Kai had #8

And lastly Masumi had #69

"How the hell did that get there?" the players questioned as they stared at Masumi's uniform

"Don't know, but pretty nice aint it?" Masumi shrugged

"It was a slight error during the making of the uniform but we'll just roll with it" Ikeda said

"Yeah" all the players agreed in union

"Okay! Let's move boys! " Ikeda shouted as he exit the gym with the boys team following behind him

The team later arrived at the bus area and hopped on the bus

[Girls Bus]

[A/n: Ah shit here we go again, I swear I ain't sėxist]

The coach of the girls team Ayano looked back to see that the team was a bit tired so she shouted, "Hey girls!" catching their attention

"Huh... What is it.. Coach" Yoshino said sleepily

"Catch" Ayano said as she threw each one of them an apple

"AHH IMMA DESTROY FUKURODANI THIS TIME!! Atso-chan give me some real good sets alright??" Saeki shouted jumped up from her seat after finishing her apples

"Roger that Ace!" Atsoko said with determination

[Boys Bus]

To put it in simple terms, the state of the boys bus this time is... What in the actual fuċk, I swear I don't even know what's going on anymore....

In the corner of the bus Katsuki was singing unravel with a sleeping Kaneki,

"Kowareta boku nante sa iki wo tomete~

Hodokenai mou hodokenai yo shinjitsu sae~


Kowaseru kowasenai kurueru kuruenai~

Anata wo mitsukete~"

In the middle of the bus Kuroo and Hisoka was having an argument

"Hisoka is a pedophile!!!" Kuroo shouted

"No! His action was totally justified!! " Hisoka shouted back

"What about when he was fighting Gon in the Heavens Arena arc? he said that he was getting turned on from Gon looking at him? and did I mentioned that he mȯȧnėd real hard when Gon charged at him in that fight?!?"

"He....he just really likes to fight strong people!! He's attracted to power!!!!!"

"Oh yeah? What about that one scene in the Greed Island arc where he was staring at Gon's and Killua's ȧss with a satisfied face, they're 12!! Motherfucking 12 damn it!!"

"...." Hisoka was silent for a moment before shouting again, ".....HE'S JUST CHECKING OUT SOME CAKES OKAY?!? ,





"HE'S 100% A GAY PEDO!!"




"YES H-... Wait what?"

"Uhhhh I said HISOKA ISN'T A PEDO!!" Hisoka started shouting again




In another area Shou was lying on top of two chairs while muttering some type of demon language as..... he was attempting to summon a demon...

"N imnd slghnznld zglmc, ilwlj dmoi m llc, lh mii wpiio"

[A/n: I swear this is not just some random ȧss words I typed in, I searched and found a random ȧss demon language translator and I was like fuċk it and typed in: "I said certified freak, seven days a week, wet ȧss pussƴ" and this is what it translated into... ]

After a while Shou's body started floating and hovering above the two chairs

"Shit!!! SHOU IS LEVITATING, HE'S LEVITATINGGGGGG" Yaku screamed while he pointed at Shou hovering above the chairs while still muttering some demon language, Yaku however also woke up Kai in the process of him screaming his lungs out

Kai slowly woke up and confusingly looked around to survey his surrounding, "Umm... Huh?" it was then that he found Shou levitating above two seats, "AHHHHHH CAPTAIN!!!!!! SHOU IS LEVITATING!!!" he shouted in horror

In the front area of the bus, Tatsuo and Masumi was having a very.... Engaging conversation

"Can you believe ... That... Aha...ya know.... I was in my dad's ballsack before being born?" Masumi said with a high expression

"Man.... that's crazy, imagine just like wriggling around in your dad's ballsack like this" Tatsuo said as he proceed to get on the floor and performed the worm dance

"Exactly, you got it bro" Masumi said while finger gunning

"Alright, guys we're ab-" Ikeda turned around to talk to the boys team, but ultimately stopped mid sentence as he witness everything happening behind him

"Aight then let's just wait for them to calm down....." Ikeda said as he went back staring at the road in front

It was then that voice of the bus driver sounded out next to him, "First time?"

Ikeda nodded which caused the bus drive to chuckle and said, "Yeah...."

After a while Nekoma Team arrived at the place where the qualifier tournament is going to be held the two teams got down from the bus and walked into the building

After walking for a while they arrived at the court and entered

Immediately all of the team turned towards the entrance to look at the team that just arrived and disscussion sounded out across the gym

"That red and black uniform.... Captain isn't that Nekoma?" a first year in Itachiyama asked

"Yeah.... that's Nekoma the team who was second place in the Natational last year"

The Nekoma team went to check out who they're going aganist first

"We're going against Itachiyama first, let's warm up" Ikeda instructed the team

"YES SIR" Nekoma shouted as they walk to their court and started doing warm up

After the warm up the two captain from both team met to do a coin flip which ended with Itachiyama with the serve

"Let's have a good game" Katsuki said as he held out out his hand

"Yeah.." Aiza the captain of Itachiyama said ad he took the handshake

The two captain let go of each others hands and head back to their team's bench

[Itachiyama's bench]

"We're serving coach" Aiza said as he arrives at the bench

"Good job Aiza" the coach stopped for a moment before continuing, "In this match just try your best to conserve some stamina, It's going to be hard, but since Tokyo accepts 3 representatives we still have a chance if we manage to defeat Nohebi"

"Coach we haven't play aginst yet how are you so sure that we won't stand a chance" the first year libero asked

"Nekoma is not an opponent that we can defeat in our current level, have you guys heard of the 3 monsters of Nekoma? " the coach asked

"Isn't that just a rumour?" the first year asked again

"It's not, Koda...." Aiza said as stepped in, "the 3 monsters of Nekoma, also known as Monster Cats are a group of 3 players in Nekoma that have mysterious ability

These 3 players are Ken Kaneki, which have the ability to move formlessly in the air, Murano Hisoka, also known as the trickster has the ability to set to any position he dėsɨrė without pushing the ball to that direction, and lastly Kirigawa Katsuki, the captain of Nekoma, his vert is overwhelming for a middle schooler, as he is able to put his whole torso over the net and his reflex is quick as well"

"Just as Aiza said, with these players in their team our chance of victory is slim, so I just want you guys conserve your stamina is that clear?"

"Yes sir!!"

[Nekoma's bench]

"We're recieving" Katsuki said as he arrived at Nekoma's bench

"What's wrong with Shou?" Katsuki asked as he noticed that Shou was in a bad mood

"He's mad that we couldn't play against those snakes" Kuroo answered

"They're gonna piss their pants if they go against us again, just let them off already" Katsuki sighed

"whatever... " Shou muttered

"Alright let's go" Katsuki said as he walked towards the court

"Get over it already!" Kuroo shouted as he smacked Shou's head before following Katsuki to the court along with the team

"Tch" Shou clicked his tongue before moving to court

When all of the team got their position Aiza got the ball and threw it up

He did his approach, jumped up and smashed the ball towards the corner

Tatsuo tried to recieve it, but the ball flew away from the court on his attempt to do so

"Yes! Nice ser- huh? " Koda immediately stopped in the middle of his sentence as he saw Shou reacting immediately and started running at high speed towards the ball

Shou got close enough and analyse the situation before diving towards the ball and shouting," KANEKI-SAN!! " as he hit the ball back to the court

Kaneki backed up and did his approach and jumped up

'Nice set...' Kaneki thought as he smashed the ball right into the corner scoring the first point for Nekoma

"Nice save Shou-chan" Katsuki said as he patted Shou's back when he returned

"Sorry I was letting my guard down for a bit there" Tatsuo apologized to his team

"It's alright Tat-chan we got your back" Hisoka said with smile

"Now....." Katsuki said as he turned towards Itachiyama, "It's counter attack time..."



Shou got the serve next and took the ball as he went to his position and closed his eyes and took a deep breath

*beep* *beep*

"Huu.." as the ref blew his whistle Shou exhaled and threw the ball up real high

He approach the ball with a 3 step approach and using his full power he jumped and flew high up

When the ball is in the perfect position Shou smashed the ball with all his might

It was then that the ball disappeared from his hand and appeared in the middle Aiza and Koda in the span of a second

'that was essentially a spike..... ' Aiza thought with his widen as he looked at where the ball landed

'I couldn't reacted to it' Koda thought in shock as he gritted is teeth

Shou looked at his hand as he thought about the serve he just perform, 'Not bad but.... Need some improvement'

"*cough* tryhard *cough*" Kuroo cough as he walked back to his position causing tick marks to appear on Shou's face

"Shut up!" Shou shouted as kicked Kuroo from the back

The match continued with Nekoma dominating over Itachiyama leaving them no space to breathe

[A/n: when I reread this it sounded kinda wrong but you get the point]

The match ended with Nekoma winning the 2 sets with a the score of 25-10 and 25-13

"Man I'm tired" Kuroo yawned

"Oh yeah, here catch!" Ikeda said as he threw each of the player an apple,

"Oh thanks coach" Masumi said as he bite the apple

"I didn't give this to you guys on the bus because I was afraid of..... Uhhh..... Intervening with your..... Bussiness" Ikeda siad as he was having a vietnam flashback

"Understandable" everyone shrugged

After a few minutes of waiting, Fukurodani finished their game with Nohebi

Shou and Kuroo was walking to bathroom when they noticed Atsushi coming out of it

"Oh aren't you Fukurodani's captain?" Kuroo asked

"Yeah, aren't you the two scary first years of Nekoma?" Atsushi asked while staring at a particular first year

"Well I guess you could say that" Shou shrugged

"Let me ask you one question" Atsushi said as he look at Shou

"Wait can I just go take a piss first my baguette is about leak" Shou said as he looked at Atsushi casually

"Oh sorry.." Atsushi said as he moved out of the way for Shou

Shou went in the bathroom and came out of it a while later

"Alright what was your question?" Shou asked as he stood in front of Atsushi

"How are you able to have such high physical capability as a first year?" Atsushi asked his question

"Training, just sheer hard work" it wasn't a complete lie, Shou had been training his body and skills like a mad man in his past life for years and it took him blood, sweat and tears to get to where he was in his past life

Atsushi looked at the white haired player in front of him with a slight bit of doubt but he dismissed the feeling

"You got anymore question Sushi-san?" Shou asked

'Sushi?' Atsushi thought in confusion

"Alright if not I'll be going" Shou said his last words before heading back to his team

"Man the first years these days..." Atsushi sighed as he looked at the two Nekoma first year, "But, I have to admit that guy... Asata Shou is the real monster out of all of the players I've seen in my life"


Fukurodani and Nekoma both went to their respective benches and was getting ready to play against each other

The Battle of the Kings of Tokyo is about to begin


[A/n: The timeskip chapter are getting closer, give me some ideas on how to write a timeskip cause I don't know shit about writing it and maybe some scene ideas for me to write about


Goodnight ❤️]

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