Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 11 - Training Camp (3) and ???

The next day, Muraoka gathered the players around and he spoke, "Today we're going to have a change of plan, after a long discussion with the coaches, we concluded that the mini-tournament would not be effective for our training and instead today the teams would be rotating and playing against each other, is that clear?!? "

"YES SIR!!!"

The training camp continued for the first week like that with no noticeable event, the team would play against each other, then they will have training, and after that Shou would stay and do some extra practice with the other, however it was on the last day of team battle that something within Shou snapped for the first time coming to this world

Nekoma was having a match against Nohebi, however Nohebi was constantly trash talking Nekoma the whole game, and sometimes using such underhanded move such as stomping on Nekoma's blockers' foot while landing down.

It was in the 2nd set of the game the score was 5-2 in favour of Nekoma that the Nohebi Ace spiked the ball with his full power and the ball flew and hit Kuroo's face causing him to fell down

The ref paused the game, and the Nekoma team went to check on Kuroo

"Kuroo-chan are you okay?" Katsuki said as he ran towards Kuroo

"... Yeah.... Just a bit dizzy... I think.... I can continue" Kuroo said with a struggle

"No you're getting subbed out" Ikeda said as he approach Kuroo

"But, coach I-"

Before Kuroo can continue Ikeda stopped him and said, "Your nose is bleeding and your eye is swollen, as your coach, I can't let you play like this"

"..." Kuroo was silent for a moment before standing up and walking out of the court, and Kai was subbed in

Shou with a dark face walked Nohebi Ace and said , "Oi... You did that on purpose didn't you, you piece of shit... "

The Nohebi Ace chuckled and said, "No it was just a mere accident that I hit your friend in the face"

"..." Shou was silent for a moment before clicking his tongue, "tch, fuċkɨnġ piece of shit, you'll pay for this.."

"What is this guy saying?" a Nohebi player said with a mocking smile

"Hey you know, I'm getting annoyed already,

you first years have be-" the Nohebi Ace suddenly stopped in his sentence, due to a sudden crakling noise

As Shou open is eyes silver electricity leaked out but something was different as there were also golden electricity, the pressure that he's been hiding all this time was all released and cover the entire gym

"!!!" Immediately all of the players and coaches turned their head towards Shou

"Suffocating.... " the Ace of Nohebi thought as he looked at the white haired first year

"Sho-chan?... " Oikawa muttered as he never saw Shou act like this

"Fucking trashes... " Shou said as he looked at the Nohebi's player in annoyance

The match continue with Nohebi serving, Yaku recieved it to Hisoka

Hisoka looked to decide who to set to, and when he looked at the white haired player, Shou gave him a look that said 'Give it to me...I'll crush those motherfuckers!..'

Hisoka sweated, but still smiled as he set Shou and said to Nohebi Ace, "You guys fuċkėd up real bad this time..."

"Huh?" the Nohebi looked at Hisoka with a confused expression before snapping out of it and got ready to block

Shou did his approach and kicked the ground as he flew up and met with a 3 man block

Shou looked at the 3 man block with a hint of mockery, "tch Weak ȧss bitches...." Shou said in a volume loud enough for the whole court to hear as smashed the ball right through the 3 man block causing 2 of the Nohebi player to fall down

Shou turned around without saying a word and rotate to his new position

"Tch, you really are just useless trashes... 25-8? One of the strongest school with only that much skill? Don't fuċk with me... " Shou said his last words to Nohebi before stepping off the court


In a blank, white room a man was watching something through a TV, It was then that he suddenly smiled as he muttered, [It seems the second potential is about to awaken]


After practice the group decided not to speak anything about what happened today and just practice

The training camp continued to the mixed team phase, Shou got teamed up with many different players and got to know them and their playstyle

Sometimes he would be teamed up with some Nohebi member but he just ignored them

The training camp ended in a flash and after the last match ended the coaches gathered everyone and decided to throw a barbecue party

The players looked at the meat on the barbecue with drool hanging from their mouth

"Hehe....can I eat now?..." Bokuto said with star in his eyes as he reached out his chopstick for the meat

But it was then that someone smacked him on the heaf , "Kota-chan that's not cooked yet" Oikawa said as he pointed at the meat

"Haizz why do they gotta make us wait with delicious meat in front of us like this, that's just torture" Bokuto sighed

"You know what? Fuck it! I'll too hungry to wait for this shit to cook!!" Shou shouted as he lunged at the meat

Immediately Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa and Iwaizumi stepped in and hold him down

After the food was cooked they let him go and Shou immediately jumped up and stole all of the meat that Kuroo and Oikawa was about to take and ran off

"OI GET BACK HERE DAMN IT!" Kuroo immediately ran after Shou as he shouted

"DAMN IT SHO-CHAN, THAT WAS MY MEAT!!" Oikawa shouted as he followed from behind Kuroo

"They don't know how to rest do they?" Kazuto sighed at the scene

Ushijima nodded at Kazuto's statement, "That was the first time I've seen Shou that angry" Ushijima suddenly brought up

"Yeah, but it's only natural, Shou is someone who have limitless love for volleyball, so to see a team doing something so underhanded in the sport that he loves, it would naturally make him mad" Kazuto said

"But still I don't know if it's just me or not but, after that rampage I felt that Shou's aura changed a bit"

"I felt it too, he was faster, stronger and his reflex was quicker as well..."

"Now that I thought about it It's funny how I somehow became apart of this group, with my personality" Ushijima chuckled

"I mean it's only natural, you're pretty strong and talented yourself, and this group was meant for future monsters like us" Kazuto said

"You call our group future monsters, but how would you know that all of us are talented and going to be monsters in the future?" Ushijima asked

"Oh trust me, Shou and I knows if someone would be a good player when we see them, but you misunderstanded we don't look at talent, you saw Kuroo? He seems pretty talented but the case it different, he's just a players who are above average with some talent, but because he worked hard and have aspirations to become the best just like us, he managed to made that "Some Talent" bloom and manged to enter the zone " Kazuto answered

"The Zone..... Is it the state that Shou and You were in?"

"Yeah, The Zone is a state in which a player reaches their full potential, It is a superlative of regular concentration and focus. The condition to enter The Zone really depends on different players, but usually 2 of the conditions are that you need to have an extreme amount of Love and Passion towards a sport and the player must be highly talented"

"So can I enter it as well?"

"Well, in my opinion the possibility is pretty high so yeah"

".... The zone..." Ushijima was deep in thought after hearing Kazuto

In another area Katsuki, Rei, Goro, and Atsushi was talking to each other

"Man the 1st years this year are real scary" Goro sighed

"I know right, have you seen what Katsuki's junior did Nohebi? I still get goosebumps from remembering that moment" Atsushi said while remembering Shou's face as looked at the Nohebi Ace

"I mean who told him to piss off my Kouhai?" Katsuki shrugged

"True, he was a dumbass" Rei agreed

In front of the entrance of the gym Oikawa and Shou was sitting and was discussing about something

"Oikawa, I think noticed this by now, but you know that you don't have a high talent for volleyball right?" Shou said

"I know.... Sometimes I feel like the world is just unfair " Oikawa said with a dark expression

"The world is truly unfair, but you shouldn't let that drag you down right?"

"Hmm? What are trying to say Sho-chan? " Oikawa asked confusingly

After thinking for a little while Shou opened his mouth, "I'm saying you shouldn't care about those 'geniuses' like me who were granted limitless talent. You.... Who recieved The Curse of the Ordinary shouldn't be discouraged by those who are called 'Geniuses' "

"The Curse of the Ordinary?"

"You might not understand it now, but I'll tell you this, you can work hard and hone your craft and become the ideal setter that can bring out the maximum potential of a team... but still this is where the unfairness of the world will come in, no matter how much you work, how much train, you're destined to be left behind by those geniuses who could bring more than the maximum potential out of a team" Shou stopped before continuing while pointing at Oikawa with a smile , "And that is why, I want you, Oikawa Tooru, to defy that fate and prove destiny wrong by surpassing those geniuses and becoming the grestest setter and the [Grand Commander] of the court"

"Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish..." and with that Shou left Oikawa deep in thought

[A/n: there's this analysis video on youtube called, The Curse of the Ordinary - Oikawa Toru, I highly recommend you to watch it is actually pretty good ]

After the barbeque party ended, the Shiratorizawa coaches said their last speech and before the teams left

But before the Nekoma team was about to leave Washijo asked to have a conversation with Shou

"Asata Shou, during the training camp you demonstrated amazing skills, physical capabilities, intelligence, and talent, and as the coach of Shiratorizawa Academy I would like you to invite you to join our team after middle school"

Shou pretended to think for a bit before saying, "I'm sorry sir, but I would like to decline your invitation, as I don't think Shiratorizawa would be a good choice for me "

Washijo was surprised before asking, "Why wouldn't it be a good choice"

"Because if I joined a strong team like Shiratorizawa it would be hard to find challenges any more, and that would take the joy away from me" Shou answered

Washijo looked at the white haired boy in front of him for a moment before saying, "Alright, you may leave"

"Yes sir" Shou said before running out of the gym

After Shou left, Shou's words flashed in Washijo's mind, Washijo chuckled at his words and thought, 'He really is the opposite of me'


Shou was currently walking around the streets of Tokyo with Kuroo, Kazuto and Bokuto

While walking Shou noticed in a public volleyball court a kid a bit younger than them with wavy black hair and two moles on the right side of his forehead was self setting and practicing his spike

This was of course Sakusa Kiyoomi one of the top 3 Ace in the original

"Hey loo-" but before Shou could say anything Bokuto ran into the court as he shouted, "HEY HEY HEY!! CAN WE JOIN?"

Sakusa looked at Bokuto for a while before backing off and asking, "did you wash your hands yet?"

"Uhhh, No why?" Bokuto looked at Sakusa confusingly ad he said

"Then no" Sakusa said as he go back to practicing which made Bokuto walked back to his group depressed

When he got back to the group he saw Kazuto holding out a sanitizer

"WOAH!!!!!!! KAZUUTOOOOO!!" Bokuto shouted as he grab the sanitizer and sanitize his hand and ran back in the court

The rest of the group did the same and also walked into the court

"You guys washed your hands?" Sakusa asked and everybody nodded

"Have you guys taken your flu shots?" Sakusa asked another question and everyone nodded again

"Alright, I guess you guys can play"

"What your name?" Kuroo asked

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, I'm from Wakata elementary school, what about you?" Sakusa answered

"Kuroo Tetsurou, Nekoma middle school 1st year"

"Hiroshi Kazuto, Fukurodani middle school 1st year"

"Bokuto Kotarou, Fukurodani middle school 1st year"

"Asata Shou, Nekoma middle school 1st year"

After the introduction Sakusa said, "So you guys are a year older than me"

"Guess so" Bokuto said

"You want a set? I mean self setting isn't really that effective you know?" Shou asked

"Yeah sure I guess" Sakusa shrugged

"Alright I'll recieve! " Kazuto shouted as he walked to the other side of the court

"We'll block later" Bokuto and Kuroo said as they sat down on a seat

"Alright here!" Shou said as he threw the ball up for Sakusa

Sakusa recieves it to Shou, who set the ball a bit away from the net for Sakusa

'a nice set....' Sakusa thought as he did his approach and spiked the ball perfectly and snapped his abnormally flexible wrist to create a nasty spin

'That spike was good....' Sakusa thought as he looked at the ball

"Damn that's some real nasty spin, but..." Kazuto quickly moved to the ball, "You need a bit more practice..", Kazuto said as recieved the ball perfectly with shocked Sakusa a bit as he have never seen anyone recieved his spike perfectly

"How did you put so much spin on that" Shou asked even though he already knew the answer

"It's my wrist, it's abnormally flexible" Sakusa answered as he bend his whole wrist down

"Hmm that is certainly useful for volleyball, but I feel like you're missing something" Shou said

"Missing what?" Sakusa asked in confusion

"Raw power and physical capabilities...." Shou answered

"Raw power? Physical capabilities?.. "

"I mean just think about it if you can jump higher you can hit the ball from a higher point, your strength if you could hit the ball harder it could so faster and if we add your nasty spin into the mix and it would be a deadly weapon, there's a lot of things you can mix your physical strength and ability with, here let me show you, give me a high one " Shou said as he threw the ball to Sakusa

Sakusa switched position with Shou and threw the ball at him, Shou recieved it back Sakusa who gave him a high set

Shou did a 3 step approach and used his legs' full power and kicked off the ground and flew up

'High...' Sakusa thought with his eyes widen as he looked at the figure in the air

Shou reached the ball in know time, and twist his body to the right and back to the left as he use his full strength and swung his arm, almost like whip his hand hit the ball, and it flew vertically down and bounce high into the air after it touches the ground

"Did you see that, I didn't put a spin into it just technique and raw power, but if I did put spin into it you can imagine how deadly it can be right?" Shou asked as he landed back down

Sakusa still in daze just nodded and thought about what Shou said

After that the 4 practice with the young Sakusa for a while before saying goodbye to him, but not before exchanging contact with him


Oikawa was curently sitting in his room, deep in thought while holding a volleyball

'The ideal setter.....to be an ideal setter I first have to start to understand the spiker and their behavior, merging and playing with many people might help me to understand them more and after that it would just be a process of sharpening their fang until they can tear their opponent into pieces' Oikawa thought while smiling viciously

"YOSH!!" Oikawa shouted as he stood up and took and dialed a number

After a few second someone on the other side picked up, [Yeah what do you want Shittykawa?]

"Iwa-chan you'll be my first spiker guinea pig"

[...., what?]


Day by day the volleyball middle school tournament is slowly creeping up on the players

[A/n: okay I don't know why when I wrote this paragraph I imagine something like: "volleyball middle school tournament-kun what are you doing~", alright I'll just shut up now]

But still they continues to work hard and improve themselves as none of them want lose against each other in the final showdown

And finally the countdown had reached 0 and it was time for the tournament...

'I will defeat them' Ushijima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, Shou, Kazuto, Bokuto thought as they stood up


Full title: Training Camp (3) and meeting another monster

[A/n: Huuuuuu another chapter, sorry for the quality of the chapter, I really have nothing left to write about before the tournament so I'm going to start the tournament part next chapter

Anyways I hope I satisfied you reader-sama(s)

Goodnight ❤️]

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