Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 10 - Training Camp (2)

"The last guy is in front of you damn it!!!!! " Shou shouted at Kuroo

"I can't see shit!! Is he invisible or something?!?" Kuroo shouted back

"Noo he's litterally standing next to the fuċkɨnġ rock!!! You somehow got a good angle and you ain't gon shoot shit?!?!?!"





In the end Shou gave up, "Damn it I'll just do it myself", Shou said as he controlled his character to take out an AWM and rushed towards the rock in front of him in a zigzag movement

When he got close he changed his direction one last time and jumped and as he spot the enemy he move his crosshair to the enemy's head and fired his AWM killing his enemy on the spot gaining the Chicken Dinner

"Huuu, I did pretty alright didn't I? didn't get knock a single time" Kuroo said proudly

Shou looked at his stat, which was 27 kill and 3000+ damage, and then looked at Kuroo's stat, which was 0 kill and 0 damage and said, "Yeah.."

It was then that Katsuki bursted into the room and said, "It's time"

Kuroo and Shou nodded before standing up and headed to the court with Katsuki

When all of the team gathered, Muraoka also arrived with a board with a large cloth that was covering up the contents of the board

"Alright, this is how the tournament going to go, first round the 6 teams is going to play against each other, the three team going to the next round will rest for 5 minutes before 2 of the 3 team would go against each other and whoever win that would play against the last of the three team for the first place and if the last team that didn't play the last round loses they would have to play against the team that lost the last round, and lastly the teams lost would play for 4th 5th and 6th place in the same format. But this is still not interesting enough, so I'll add a round of flying fall for punishment for the teams that loses that clear? " Muraoka explained

"Yes sir!"

[A/n: I know its confusing but you'll get it later]

"Now this will be the match up" Muraoka said as he pulled down the cloth and revealed the contents of the board

Round 1:

Nohebi vs Shiratorizawa (court 2)

Fukurodani vs Inarizaki (court 3)

"Now get to your ȧssigned courts" Muraoka instructed, which caused the players to immediately scattered and went to their court


Nekoma and Kitagawa Daiichi head to the court 1, and did their warm up, after the warm up, the two team's captain went to the ref to do a coin flip with ended up with Kitagawa Daiichi getting the serve

"Let's have a good game" Kitagawa Daiichi's captain, Goro said as he held out his hand for a handshake

"Yeah" Katsuki said as he took the handshake

It was then that Goro tighten the grip of his hand which caused Katsuki to do the same, the exchange continued without the two saying anything, after a while Katsuki broke the silence

"GRR are you salty because we won last time, Goro-chan?!?" Katsuki said as he tighten his grip even more

"GRR Salty? Says who?" Goro said as tick marks appeared on his face and tighten his grip

"Nope you were a 100% salty, you kept on stomping around the gym and jumping everywhere with a dissatisfied face"

"Bullshit! I didn't do shit! I was sitting on the bench and drinking my water quietly like a respectful player"

"Yeah right, salty ȧss bitch"

"Whatcha say?!?"

After a few seconds the ref broke them up and they walked back to their team while giving each other death glare

[Kitagawa Daiichi's bench]

"its the first round and we're up against a crazy strong opponent already" the coach says with a grim expression

"Are they really that strong coach? I mean we have been defeating every school that had a practice match with us with huge points gap" a first year asked

"It's not that simple, Hiiro" Goro said which caught the attention of the Kitagawa Daiichi players

"Nekoma now is what I like to call a craddle of mysterious monsters, many of the players that appeared in Nekoma usually have abnormal and mysterious ability and it seems another one appeared this year, and not only that, in my opinion they're one of the most perfect team I've met" Goro continued

"What do you mean by that Goro-san?" Hiiro asked

"Last year in the national we lost against them with a scores of 25-14 and 25-13, each of the players worked together so perfectly that there is bȧrėly a gap that can be seen, it's almost as if the players are 'Connected' by a red string, however it is well-known that they lost to Shiratorizawa due to the fact that they lacked power, speed, height and intelligence, aspects that Shiratorizawa train their players in, however only a few knew about the final score of the third set and the reason why they lost, in the third set Shiratorizawa won with a score of 38-36..... The reasons they won was because Nekoma's Libero drained all his stamina and their setter injured his hand, and after the two players were subbed out, I saw it, the faces of the Shiratorizawa's players was mix of relief and fear... " Goro ended his story

[A/n: remember the points needed to win in the third set is usually 15]

After the story ended, the Kitagawa Daiichi players had their eyes widen in shock as they finally realized who they were up against

"But since this is a training camp I want you guys to do something new and try and improve yourself alright" Goro added with a smile


*Beep* beep*

It was then that the ref blew his whistle indicating that the players should get into their position

Nekoma players walked into the court with confidence in their eyes, as their aura of superiority flared and covered the entire gym

"Oh boy.....this is not going to be good" Oikawa said with a smile as he started to sweat

"Let's go" Goro instructed his team as he walk to the court

When all of the players got into their position, Goro got the ball and threw it up, he did his approach, jump up and smash the ball towards the corner

Yaku immediately moved and recieved the serve to Hisoka who absorbed the ball and straighten his hand toward Kaneki's directio

Oikawa and Iwaizumi immediately move to block Kaneki, but only to see no ball in sight

They looked back at Shou's direction to see he's already up in the air with the ball closing in to the position of his hand

Shou smashed the ball towards the corner in which Goro was there to cover but the ball flew away from the court on his attempt to recieve it

Oikawa immediately ran and manage to hit the ball back to the court

"Nice save Tooru!" Goro shouted as he hit the ball to the other court

Shou saw this and immediately ran with his full speed and use his momentum and his legs full power to kick the ground and flew up

'What the fuċk is that vert!! First year?!? BULLSHIT!!!' Goro cursed in his mind as he looked at the white haired player flying up at a rapid speed

"Nice set!" Shou shouted as he met with the ball on top and smashed the ball down with all his might

The ball traveled at high speed and landed in front of the still shocked Goro gaining the first point for Nekoma

"YEAH! See Goro-chan? That's my favourite Kouhai kkekekekekekeke!!! " Katsuki celebrated as he looked at Goro and laughed

"Tch.. I guess I was correct... Another monster had appeared" Goro clicked his tongue as he scratch his head

Nekoma continues to dominate and eventually defeated Kitagawa Daiichi in both sets

Next it was Nekoma against Shiratorizawa, and Nekoma got the serve this time on the coin flip

"Let's have a good game..." the captain of Shiratorizawa, Rei said with a serious expression

Katsuki nodded in response and they both separated and went back to their team

[Nekoma's bench]

"I want you guys to do me a favour" Katsuki said as he arrived at the bench

"What is it Katsuki-san?" Kuroo asked

"It's Shiratorizawa.... We're gonna pay back the debt by going all out alright?!?" Katsuki said

"Yeah I agree, Let's do it!" Kuroo said


Shou went to Ikeda and said, "Coach can I be subbed in later in the game?"

"Why? are you injured?" Ikeda asked

"No, because our next game would be against Fukurodani and my friend Kazu is the libero there, his ability isn't something to scoff at, I could defeat him, but it would be really hard if I don't have enough stamina" Shou answered

"Alright Kai will take your place for the time being" Ikeda said

[Shiratorizawa's bench]

"How did the coin flip go, Rei? " Shiratorizawa's setter, Hajime asked

"They're serving, we're going to go all out, but still it going to be really tough to win against them" Rei told his teammate

Rei then turned to Ushijima and said, "Wakatoshi, you seems to know the white haired first year in Nekoma, do you have any information about him?"

Ushijima stepped up and started to speak, "As some you might have already seen from our game during the free time, Asata Shou of Nekoma and Hiroshi Kazuto of Fukurodani are both dangerous players as they both destroyed us 6 with only 2 players, but in my opinion out of those two, Asata Shou is the most dangerous player overall, his instinct and reflex I would say, are in or above the level of a superhuman, his accuracy, you guys might not believe me but he seems have perfect accuracy as I have never seen him miss his target before, his physical ability, I don't know how much he trained but his physical ability is..... overwhelming for a first year, and lastly his intelligence and experience in volleyball is very high, he knows his power and knows how to utilize it to the max"

"I figured that was the case when I was watching them from the bench" Rei stopped before sighing and continued, "There's not much we can do about him so just stay on your toes and take this opportunity to improve yourself alright?"

"Yes sir!!"

Rei then turned to Ushijima and put his hand on Ushijima's shoulder and said, "Wakatoshi, you've been doing amazingly well in the practice matches so I'll be expecting a lot from you"

"Yes, captain!"

The match between Shiratorizawa and Nekoma went on with Nekoma keeping a steady lead with Shiratorizawa chasing from behind

Nekoma won the first set and in the second set, Shiratorizawa managed to took the lead with a score of 24-23 due to Rei and Ushijima continuous scoring

It was then that Shou stood up and signaled Ikeda that it was time

Ikeda immediately understood and subbed him in and subbed out Tatsuo

"Finish it Shou" Tatsuo said as he walk past Shou

"Will do" Shou said as he walked to his position with a smile

"He's here...." Rei muttered

Shou then stared at Rei before declaring, "I'm going to shut down your onslaught right now"

"Try it if you can, I'll buy you a drink if you manage to do so" Rei retaliated back with tick marks on his face

Kaneki got the ball and served it over, the libero recieved it Hajime who tossed the ball Rei

Rei did his approach and jumped up, he twist his body to the right and back to left and swung his arm and smashed the ball with his full power

The ball was about to fly and hit the corner, but before it crosses over the net a pair of arms appeared and denied the ball's entrance

The ball fell back to Shiratorizawa's court at high speed and landed in front of the libero who couldn't reacted to the speed of the ball

Shou looked at Rei as he smirked and said, "Now that you mentioned it's been a while since I had some Orange juice", which caused even more tick marks to appear on Rei's face

After a while Rei sighed and said, "I'll buy you one after practice"

"Oya? For real?"

"I'm a man of my word" Rei said proudly

The score is now 24-24 a deuce, the match continued with Kaneki serving another ball, in which the libero recieved it again

Hajime thought for a while before deciding to perform a dump, but Shou saw his intention and jumped up and and blocked his dump

'Wakatoshi-chan wasn't kidding when talking about his reflex huh? ' Hajime thought while sweated as he looked at the ball that landed next to him

Kaneki got the ball again and served it, Ushijima recieved it this time and got ready to spike

Hajime got to the ball and set it back to Ushijima, who did a 3 step approach and jumped up meeting a two man block of Katsuki and Shou

Ushijima's eyes twitch at the height of the block, while all of the other players thought, 'That's just bullying'

Ushijima looked around to find a way to get ast the blockers, 'I can't break through it, I'll have to do a block out', he thought as he aim at Shou's finger tip

Shou smirked at the scene as he watched Ushijima smashed the ball towards his finger tip, and just before the ball hit it, Shou seperated his arms causing the ball to fly through the path between his arms and flew far away from the court

"...." Ushijima watch the ball fly away with complicated expression

"Home run~" Kuroo said with a smirk

"..." Ushijima was silent for a while before opening his mouth, "I..... Don't... Know what to say... I just hit... A.... Home.... Run" , he said with a lifeless expression

"Wakatoshi?... " Hajime shaked Ushijima as he never saw Ushijima acted like this, moments later he collapsed to the floor with the same lifeless expression, "OI! WAKATOSHI-CHAN!!WAKE UP!! REI HELP ME!!" Hajime shouted in a panic as he tries wake up Ushijima

"He's alright, he just can't process his feeling and collasped" Rei said casually

The match ended between Shiratorizawa and Nekoma. Nekoma rested for a bit before going back to the court again to play against Fukurodani

This time the captain Fukurdani, Atsushi, got the serve in the coin flip

"Let's have a nice game Atsu-chan, I hope you lose in style" Katsuki said with a smile as he held out his hand

"Yeah keep talking ya little shit, I'll wipe that damn smile off of your face in the game" Atsushi said with an intimidating smile while taking the handshake

"Classic Atsu-chan always joking hahaha" Katsuki laughed as he let go of the handshake and walked back to his bench

[Fukurdani's bench]

As Bokuto noticed Atsushi walking back to the bench he exclaimed, "Captain you're back!"

"You good, captain?" Kazuto asked as he saw that Atsushi had an annoyed expression

"...." Atsushi stayed silent for while before opening mouth, ".... Change of plan, we're going all out"

"You sure Atsushi? We're not using this opportunity to try some new attack? " the ace of the team, Shoji asked

"Yes, and I want Kazuto to be on the court using all the opportunities he gets to do so" Atsushi said as he thought of Katsuki annoying smile

"We're bringing him out already?" Shoji asked

"Well it's not that surprising" Kazuto spoke up and attracted the attention to him as he continued , "I've noticed the Nekoma in their match with Shiratorizawa, during the match they only let Shou play for the last 3 points only, so I figured they want Shou to deal with us and I think they know that it would be hard for us to deal with him without me"

"It seems that's the most possible explanation" Atsushi said

"Let's not think about it too much and let's just play" Izumi suggested

"Yeah, Izumi is right let's just give it our all!!" Atsushi said


The players all got into position Atsushi took the ball and threw it up

He did a 3 step approach before jumping and smashing the ball towards the corner where Shou is

Shou immediately moved and recieved the ball perfectly to Hisoka, who tossed the ball Kaneki

Kaneki did his approach and jumped up and met a 3 man block, he noticed that there is a gap between one of the blocker's arm and decided to go for it

Kaneki smashed ball and it flew through the 3 man block and was heading for the corner

Kazuto read it and immediately move, he dived for it and managed to save it

Atsushi got to the ball and tossed the ball to Bokuto, who did his approach and jumped up and met with Katsuki trying to block him

'Geh, that hella high' Bokuto thought as he try to find a way to break through

Without no other choice left he tried to tip the ball over, but the ball still wasn't able to travel over high reach of Katsuki and ended up bouncing back to Fukurodani's court

As the ball fell, no one move because they didn't think that they could save it

But it was then that a hand slid under the ball and saved it from hitting

"WAKE UP DAMN IT! I AIN'T ACCEPTING THE FACT THAT WE LOST A POINTS WITHOUT PUTTING UP A FIGHT!!" Kazuto shouted as he stood up from the ground which caused the team to snap out of it and immediately connected

Atsushi reacted quickly and dived for the ball and managed to hit it up, Shoji immediately followed after with spike

But before the ball could go over the net, Kaneki, twisted his body mid air and reached his hand out and blocked the ball's path using the back of his hand

The ball bounced off of Kaneki's hand and flew back to Fukurodani's court

"GRR" Bokuto gritted his teeth as he dived for it but he wasn't able to get to the ball in time

The match went on with Nekoma and Fukurodani exchanging blows, as each rally was intense, but Nekoma still had a steady lead

And in the end Nekoma manage to win the two sets, and the score for those set were 25-21 and 25-22

"Haizz, I mena at least we got to 20 points in both of the sets" Atsushi sigheh

"True.... But still if it wasn't for Kazuto I don't know if we could've done it" Shoji said

"Have to agree with you there"

Fukurodani then went on to play against Shiratorizawa for 2nd place in which they won

After all the matches is all done, the ranking was out

1st Nekoma

2nd Fukurodani

3rd Shiratorizawa

4th Kitagawa Daiichi

5th Inarizaki

6th Nohebi

"Alright great job everyone, now you will rest for 15 minutes before we start the skill training" Muraoka said

The training then continued and ended at 7pm, the players all left the gym to go for dinner, except for some

"Ahh let's just do some more spiking training, today I feel like my spike was real shit" Bokuto sighed

"Alright we'll block" Kuroo and Shou said as they walked in the court

"I'll set" Oikawa said

"Ay wait can we just have one blocker?" Iwaizumi said as his eyes twitch at the two Nekoma players

"Why?" Kuroo asked

"I mean... It's pretty self-explanatory isn't it"

Kuroo and Shou looked at each other, and Shou then sighed and said, "Alright I'll recieve"

"Huu, yeah that's much better" Iwaizumi sighed in relief

"Alright let's train!!!" Bokuto shouted


[A/n: Alright this chapter really make me realize how much I hate writing tournaments so be expected for tournaments chapters to be summarized like this for most of the times

Anyways I'm thinking about having a timeskip third year of middle school soon, what do you think? If you like the idea, give me some suggestion on how to write it


Goodnight ❤️]

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