Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 9 - Training Camp (1)

When Kuroo and Shou got to school the only thing waiting for them was the boys and girls volleyball teams, standing next to 2 buses

"Ah, Kuroo and Shou is here coach!" Katsuki exclaimed when he noticed the two

"Good! we should have enough now, boys get on the bus!" Ikeda told everyone as he get in the bus

The boys and girls volleyball team both got on separate buses and they start their journey

[Girls Team's bus]

"Let's play truth or dare! " a third year and captain of the girls team, Yoshino, suggested

"Alright!" all of the girls agreed

"Umm Yoshino truth or dare?" the Ace of the girls team, Saeki asked.

"Um.. Dare" Yoshino answered

"I dare you to text Katsuki and tell him that he's cute"

"Wha..... Haizz alright" Yoshino blushed for a bit before taking out her phone and texted Katsuki

"He haven't seen it yet so let's do another one while we wait for him" Yoshino said before turning to Atsoko and asked, "Atsoko-chan truth or dare?"

"Eh... Um.... t-truth" Atsoko answered shyly

"Umm what's your relationship with that black haired first year?" Yoshino asked

"Eh... Well.... Umm.. Uh" being caught off by the unexpected question she struggled to answer

[Meanwhile in the Boys Team's bus]

All of the boys were currently sitting around in a formation that seems like a circle, But something was off, their face and body were covered with white blankets

In the middle of the circle was phone, and the screen showed a beautiful and glorious picture of Harambe

"R. I. P and peace my friend.. ~" they sang in sync

"The hit was ordered by the U. S Government~, I'm here without Harambe~, but he's still on my lonely mind~, I think about Harambe~ and I dre- *ding ding*" They continued to sing but they suddenly stopped due to a sound of notification of someone's phone

They suddenly turned their heads towards another fellow with a blanket on, this was Katsuki

"You disturbed the ritual..." Shou said

"I'm sorry sir I will not do it again....." Katsuki said as he kneeled down and put his head down

"Are you aware of the consequences of neglecting the great lord Harambe? " Shou said as he look down on Katsuki

"Yes, and I will accept any punishment for lord Harambe" Katsuki said

"Boys you know what to do" Shou said as he point at Katsuki

"Yes.. Leader..." all of them answered as they slowly approach Katsuki

Katsuki on the other hand, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he gets ready for the punishment

"No, No, NOOOOOO HARAMBE-SAMA!!!" Katsuki screamed in pain


After a few hours they finally arrived at their destination

"Ah fresh air!" Yoshina said as she stepped out of the bus followed by the rest of the girls

"It seems we're quite early I don't see any buses here except for us" Saeki said as she looked around

"Girls let's go" the coach said as she walked into the school

The boy's bus arrived a few seconds later

"Man this place is huge!" Kuroo said as he looked at Shiratorizawa's campus

"I kinda wanna sleep after the ride" Shou said as he yawned

"..." Kaneki came out while looking at his phone intensely as he was watching the battle between Kaneki and Jason

"Ken-chan is watching anime? That's new" Hisoka said ad he looked at kaneki in suprise

"Ha-rambe... oh... great.... lo.... rd Harambe" Katsuki muttered as he got out of the bus with tears in his eyes

"Alright let's go guys!" Ikeda said as he walked into the campus


Nekoma's boys volleyball team walked in to the gym where every team would be gathered and sat down next to the girls team

"What's with Katsuki?" Yoshino asked Hisoka while pointing at Katsuki lifeless body

"Nothing, you don't have to worry about it Yoshi-chan" Hisoka answered while covering up Katsuki's body from Yoshino's vision

"Alright if you say so" Yoshino shrugged it off

After a few minutes of waiting, Fukurodani entered the gym

"SHUU!! KUROO" Bokuto shouted as he entered the gym along with the rest of his team

'I don't know him....' Kuroo and Shou thought as they try and avoid eyes contact with him

Bokuto then proceed side step around Kuroo and Shou while calling their name repeatedly to get their attention

"Shou-chan do you know him?" Masumi asked while pointing at the still hyperactive Bokuto

"No.." Shou said as he picked up Bokuto and threw him at Kazuto who caught him and gave him to Fukurodani's captain who contained him

A while later some of the Shiratorizawa player came this included Ushijima

"USHIJIMAAA!!!!!" Bokuto shouted as he waved at Ushijima

Ushijima ignored Bokuto and looked at Shou and Kuroo before nodding at them

'I guess that was a sign of greeting?' they thought as they nodded back

Ushijima then proceed to do the same to Kazuto who was also confused but nodded back

A while later the rest of the Shiratorizawa team came and in that bunch Shou noticed a player and thought, 'I should ask Ushijima to invite Tendou to the gathering'

Kitagawa Daiichi was the next team to arrive and that also mean...

"SHO-CHAN, KURO-CHAN, KAZU-CHAN, KOTA CHAN!!" Oikawa shouted as he entered the gym

Once again Shou, Kuroo, and now also Kazuto are trying their best to avoid eyes contact with Oikawa, while Bokuto started shouting, "OIKA!!!!!"

Oikawa ran towards the nearest duo which was Kuroo and Shou who dodged him when he got close, causing him to lose his balance and accidentally fell on Saeki

Kuroo and Shou who expected this, fist bumped each other with a smile

"Ara ara~ I've been noticing, you first years are really bold huh" Saeki said with a smirk as she looked at Oikawa

Oikawa immediately stood up bowed his head as he quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me"

Saeki chuckled before saying, "Nishishishishi, it's okay, I'll let you off because you look cute"

Oikawa blushed at the comment before bowing again and said, "Thank you very much!"

"Damn it Sho-chan, Kuro-chan you almost got me in trouble" Oikawa said as walked past Kuroo and Shou while trying to leave Nekoma's territory as quickly as possible

After a while the rest of the teams that was invited entered as they sat down, Kuroo kept on staring at particular first year in Nohebi, his eyes twitched when seeing the first years for some reason , and Shou was looking at a first year in Inarizaki, and that was Oijiro Aran one of the top aces in the original

'I should maybe invite him too' Shou thought

When all of the teams is gathered, Washijo Tanji the coach for Shiratorizawa in the original came out along with two other coaches and said his speech, "I am Washijo Tanji, I am the coach for Shiratorizawa Academy, I am going to make this clear, the purpose of this training camp is to gather talented youths and train them to a greater height, and if you are not willing to give your all, don't be surprise that you're left behind"

After Washijo finish his speech the coach for Shiratorizawa Jr, stepped out and gave everyone the instruction, "My name is Muraoka Atsushi, now I shall let you explain the layout of the training camp, for the first week we will have a mini tournament between all of the schools everyday, on the 2nd weeks a mini tounament between mixed teams that will be decided randomly and will be changed everyday and for time that we have left for each days would be used for training your skills is that clear?"


"I will give all of you a time schedule for each day, please get one representative from each team to grab the schedule"

The captains of each teams stood up and each took some and went back to their team and gave each players a schedule

"Alright now the boys teams stay here while the girls teams follow her" Muraoka instructed while pointing at another coach

As the girls stood up and walked out the entrance, it was then that Shou felt the familiar, mythical feeling as a girl with purple hair from Niiyama Jr walked past him.

His eyes widened with surprise again but this time instead of shouting out, he turned his head towards Kazuto who had the same expression as him

They regained their composure and looked at each other and nodded

After the girls are gone Muraoka took the boys on a tour of the entire campus and showed where each place is

They head back to the gym and Muraoka announced, "Alright boys, since this is the first day and I know you're tired, we're going to have lunch first, then you're free to do as you wish, you may use this faculty and the equipment during your free time, but make sure to come back here by 5, now you are dismissed "

"Aw thank god, I'm sleepy"

"Yeah now that I think about it I kinda wanna sleep"

"Anyone up for a game of Pubg?"

Conversations started among the players after Muraoka finished his announcement, after a while the players started heading out to the cafeteria to eat


Shou and Kuroo got their lunch and sat down at a near by table, and later was joined by Kazuto, Bokuto, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Ushijima who also brought Tendou

"Aree? Wakatoshi-kun, I didn't know you had this much friends" Tendou said

"Friends? What are you talking about?" Oikawa said with an annoyed face

"...." Ushijima was silent for a moment before pointing at Oikawa and said to Tendou, "be careful around this weirdo..."

"Huh whatcha say ya bastard?!?" Oikawa said with an intimidating face

"Anyways this is Tendou, he plays middle blocker and he's actually pretty good", ignoring Oikawa, Ushijima turned to the other and introduced Tendou

"Heyo~" Tendou greeted the group

"Hey, heyy! it seems like many of the players are going for nap after lunch, anyone up for a game?" Bokuto said

Immediately all of them nodded except for Tendou who said that he wanted to take a nap after lunch

"Alright!!! Oh wait let's also wear that!!" Bokuto suggested

"Wear what?" Oikawa questioned

"OH yeah you guys haven't received it yet, hold on, let me take it out" Bokuto said as he shuffled through his bag

And a while later he pulled out 3 white shirts with kanjis behind them and gave Ushijima, Oikawa and Iwaizumi each a shirt

Iwaizumi's shirt said [The Imperishable Spirit]

Oikawa's shirt said [The Grand Commander]

Ushijima's shirt said [The Unstoppable Spear]

The trio looked at the shirts with stars in their eyes, this also included Ushijima

"Damn this is actually pretty sick!" Iwaizumi said in awe which earned a nod from the other two

"Alright let's go change and let's play volleyball!!!" Bokuto said


Kuroo and Shou went to their specific dorm room that was ȧssigned for Nekoma's player

They put their luggages down and changed as quickly and quietly as possible to try and not wake up the sleeping members

But then suddenly a voice sounded out surprising Shou and Kuroo, "Haram.. Be...- Sama" Katsuki muttered in his sleep

"Oh thank god he's just sleep talking" Kuroo whispered

But then another voice sounded out that almost caused both of them to jump, "Bungee Gum.... posses-es.... the properties..... of both rubber... and gum" Hisoka muttered in his sleep

"What the fuċk, that scared me" Shou whispered

But it doesn't end there, from the corner of the room someone was singing a melodg, "Oshiete Oshiete yo sono shikumi wo~" Kaneki sang in sleep

This time Kuroo and Shou wasn't surprise, instead they..... Joined in, "Boku no naka ni dare ga iru no?~"

"Kowareta kowareta yo kono sekai de

Kimi ga warau nanimo miezu ni~"

[A/n: I miss tokyo ghoul now]


After a session of singing Unravel with the sleeping Kaneki they quickly left the dorm room and head to the court

When they got to the court, they found everyone waiting for them

"Sorry, we're late" Kuroo said as he entered

Shou looked around the gym and thought, "there's bȧrėly anyone here... "

"Alright lets play!!.... Wait the teams are uneven..... " Bokuto said as he looked around the gym and suddenly shouted at a player who was practicing his setting skill, "AHHH IZU-SENPAI!!!"

The player stopped practicing and looked at Bokuto and asked, "What is it?"

"Can you play with us?? We're missing a setter!"

"Are you sure? I might mess up"

"It's just a mini practice game so it's okay"

"Alright I'll play"

The player make his way over and Bokuto inrroduced him, "His name is Izumi, he's my senpai"

"Alright let's mix up the teams a bit, wait no I got a better idea" Kuroo said with a sinister smile

"What is it?" Bokuto asked

"Alright so we're gonna do it like this-" Kuroo explained to everyone his suggestions in which they agreed

"Oooh that's kind of interesting" Oikawa said

"Isn't that too much" Izumi asked in concern

"No its alright Izumi-san, you'll see" Kuroo said

After the discussion they got in their teams all went to their position

The game was simple, Shou and Kazuto against the rest

"KYAHAHAHA, now I got my chance to take revenge!!" Oikawa laugh

"You know what, I'll buy the two of you ramen when we get back if you win this KYAHAHAHA" Oikawa added

It was then that Kazuto and Shou looked at each other and smiled as they closed their eyes

And after a while they, open their eyes, lightning crackling sounded out across the gym and their pressure leaked out

"SHIT! DAMN IT OIKAWA!!!!" Kuroo shouted as he smacked Oikawa at the back of his head

Kuroo then proceed to run over to the other court and smacked Shou and Kazuto as he said, "Too early in the match, that's a violation, exit The Zone right now!"

"So we can't enter it now?" Shou asked as he exit The Zone

"I mean he provoked us to try our best first by using ramen" Kazuto said as he pointed at the Oikawa who was lying flat on the ground

"That's a different situation" Kuroo said

"So when can we use it?" Shou asked

"Umm how about if we get to 20 points first with over 5 point gap, then you can use it" Kuroo suggested

"Alright" Shou and Kazuto agreed

Kuroo then walked back to his side and got into his position

"Alright let the game begin!!" Bokuto shouted

"What about him?" Izumi asked as he pointed at Oikawa who was still on the floor

"Just let him be" Kuroo said

But then suddenly Oikawa jumped up and shouted, "Alright let's do this!!!"


The game started with Ushijima serving. Ushijima got the ball and threw it up, did his approach and jumped up

'Jumpserve? He already learned it?' Shou thought as he back off a little bit

"GAH!" Ushijima shouted as he summoned up all of his strength and smashed the ball with all his might

"A bit messy, but pretty impressive" Kazuto said as he received the serve perfectly which made Ushijima's eyes twitch a bit

Shou got under the ball and set it to Kazuto, Kazuto did his approach and jumped up and met with Iwaizumi trying to block him

Kuroo looked at Kazuto's figure in the air as got ready to recieve the spike and shouted, "Libero?!? Bullshit!!!"

Kazuto smiled at the comment and smashed the ball, the ball avoided Bokuto's arms and went straight towards Ushijima who failed to recieve it, the first point goes to Shou and Kazuto

"This is gonna be annoying" Kuroo sighed as he scratched the back of his head

The second point started with Shou serving, he got the ball and threw it up as if he's about to do a float, he did his approach and jumped, immediately the six got ready to recieved the float

Shou was in the air and when the ball got close to his hand he immediately smashed the ball and add spin to it turning it into a jump serve

'Shit went too far fowards' Iwaizumi cursed in his mind as he back off

The ball traveled and suddenly hit the net and dropped down to the ground in front of Iwaizumi

"Shit!" Iwaizumi shouted as he dived forward to try and save it but he was too late as the ball already hit the ground

Shou and Kazuto continued to dominate the game as it started getting more attentions from players that entered the gym and even some of the coach who walk past the gym

The score was now 24 - 16 in favor of Shou and Kazuto

However other than the huge gap in the points, there was something weird was happening, Bokuto and Kuroo was quieter than usual and they were also more focus

Oikawa got the ball and served it, Shou recieved it casually to Kazuto who tossed the ball back to Shou

Shou did his approach and jumped up and met with Kuroo, Shou smashed the ball and tried to go for a cross, but it was then that accompanied by the sound of lightning crackling Kuroo changed his hand's position and denied the ball's entrance

Dispite being surprise, Shou's quick reflex immediately took control, and hit the ball up right after it bounced off of Kuroo's hand

Shou backed off to get ready to spike the ball again, Kazuto tossed the ball back Shou, who did his approach and jumped up, but this time he used more power to jump

Shou looked at Kuroo from above and he saw it, "Zone..." he muttered as he noticed the black electricity with a mix of red leaking of Kuroo's eyes

Shou smashed the ball but Kuroo manged to touch it, "one touch..." Kuroo said to his teammates

Ushijima recieved it to Oikawa you decided to toss to Bokuto

"huuuu" Bokuto exhaled, lightning crackling noise sounded out and black electricity with a mix of gold leaked out of his eyes as he took the first step

" Another one?" Shou muttered in surprise

Bokuto continued his approach and jumped up, and met with Kazuto who tried to block him

"Shou!!" Kazuto shouted as he knew Bokuto intentions

"Yeah I know!!" Shou shouted back as he quickly moved

Bokuto smashed the ball and it curved mid air as it flew, it was about to land in front of the line but Shou managed to save it

However the ball flew back to the other teams court and just before it cross over the net, Bokuto jumped up and smashed it down again, but Kazuto reacted quickly and slid his hand under the ball and saved it

The ball flew away from the court, and Shou ran after it, at a specific point he jumped up and twist his body and smashed the ball back to the other teams court

Kuroo however predicted this and just before the ball cross over the net he tipped it back over

"Grr" Kazuto gritted his teeth as he used the rest of his energy and dived for the ball and hit the ball high up

Shou ran with his full speed and when he got near the ball, he did his 2 step approach and using his full power he kicked the floor and flew up high into the air

He looked down and saw Kuroo and Bokuto still in the zone as they tried their best to block him

"Nothing personal, I don't wanna ruin your epic moment, but, I can't turn down free ramen for you can I?" Shou said as he smashed the ball with all his might, the ball flew almost vertically down and landed infront of Ushijima who couldn't reacted to the speed of the ball

After the match the people who were watching started cheering and clapping

"God damn it! they still managed to pull through even when we pushed them to a corner like that " Kuroo said as he exited the Zone and collapse

"Kyahh that was great" Bokuto shouted as he was lying on the floor

"Man it seems like I accidentally stepped into a party full of monsters" Izumi said as he smiled wryly

"Anyone wanna practice more after practice?" Oikawa asked

"Yeah sure" they all agreed

It was then that Katsuki and Fukurodani's captain past through the crowds and looked at Kuroo and Bokuto as they shouted, "You dumbasses!! How could you already used all of your energy even before the damn tournament even started..."

After a scolding later all of the 8 players all went back to their room and rested to regain back some energies for the tournament


[Huu man another long chapter, I feel like this chapter is maybe above average compared to the other, what do you think? Anyways...

Goodnight ❤️]

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