Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 8 - Evolution and News

It was monday morning, Shou was sitting in front of his opened window with his arm crossed while holding a boomerang and his eyes were closed

When the clock ticked and it became 8 am, his eyes shot wide open as he stood up and aim the boomerang out of his window

"This angle, time, the approximate velocity and speed, NOW!" Shou analysed and threw his boomerang and got back on his bed and went to sleep immediately


Bokuto, Kuroo and Kazuto was on their way to Shou's house to wake him up

When they got there , Bokuto walked infront of the window and got ready to shout to wake Shou up

But unknown to him something was cutting through the air at high speed flying towards his head

"Ah... thats new ... Shou is real creative huh.." Kuroo said while looking at the object in the sky

"SHU- Ahh!" when Bokuto was about to shout, something hit him and knocked him out

'Now he should be knocked out for about 1 minute, that should be a good enough sleep' Shou thought in his sleep

Just like Shou predicted, Bokuto woke up after a minute of being knocked out and started shouting

Shou finish getting ready and came down while later and joined in, they ride their bike for a bit and stopped near where the path to Nekoma and Fukurodani was split and sat down on their bike to eat their breakfast

"Haizz we should really find like a bench to sit on to eat our breakfast" Shou sighed

"He's right, we look like hobos" Kuroo agreed

"True, and also some kids from our schools pass by here a lot" Kazuto added

"Well I saw like 2 benches somewhere like 5 minutes ago" Bokuto said

"Let's use it tomorrow then" Kazuto said


"Choose one" Kuroo said as he held out 2 different flavor juice box for Shou to pick

"Umm give the orange one" Shou said

"Here" Kuroo said as he threw the milk box to Shou, who caught it and started drinking

"Guys wait!" A voice sounded behind Shou and Kuroo

"Hmm?" Shou and Kuroo turned around to meet Atsoko

"What is it Atso-chan?" Kuroo asked

'Atso-chan?..' Shou thoyght as he looked at Kuroo with a hint of suspicion

"Umm can you guys come with me, when I go register for the volleyball club at lunch? I saw the coach for the girls last friday.... She looked really scary and strict" Atsoko asked shyly

" I'm gonna go talk to Kaneki-san at lunch so Kuro, you go with her" Shou said with a smirk

"Well... alright I guess" Kuroo said in a reluctant tone while looking at Shou who flashed his thumb up

"Really? Thanks Tetsu-kun!" Atsoko said cheerfully which almost made Shou choke on his juice

When Atsoko left, Shou turned to Kuroo and asked, "So... Kuro-san... what did you guys talked about on that walk while I was zoning out that made her that comfortable in saying your first name? No, not even your first name, what happened? Tetsu-san? And what's with the Atso-chan? "

"Shut up..." Kuroo said with a red face as he hurriedly walked in the school


At lunch time Kuroo went and accompanied Atsoko to the teacher faculty office, while Shou went to the rooftop to meet Kaneki

Shou open the door to the rooftop and saw Kaneki staring at the sky, " Kaneki-san, why are you always here?" Shou said

Kaneki looked at Shou for a moment before going back to stare at the sky as he said in a hush tone, "It's calm up here..."

Shou sat down next to him and they both ate their lunch in silence

Then suddenly Shou broke the silence as he asked, "Kaneki-san have you ever seen Tokyo Ghoul?"

"No, I haven't "

"You should try it"

"Why? Because the protagonist look like me? And also have the same name as me? "

"....." Shou was silent for a moment before answering, "Yes..."

"Alright whatever, I'll watch it.."

"Have you ever witness our school Nekoma becoming champion in the national yet?" Shou asked another quesion

"No.. "

"Even when we have that much talent??" Shou asked in surprise

"Well the only thing that can describe our team last year was..... Unorganized..." Kaneki said while staring at the sky


"Last year when I was a first year, our team didn't have a coach, our faculty supervisor was hopeless never bothered to check up on us so we never had any real training or practice matches, and we were still naive, didn't know much about volleyball strategy and stuff, so everytime we went to training, we were just playing for fun"

Shou looked at Kaneki and waited for him to continue

"It was then that a new tranfer student came to this school and changed everything, he was a second year at that time and had a dad that was professional volleyball player, and he started training and teaching us everything he knows about volleyball, he was Katsuki-san.. "

"Katsuki-san's dad is a professional volleyball player?" Shou asked in surprise

"Yeah a famous one at that too, you might have heard of The Flying Tiger"

"You mean the player with a height of 1.8m with a reach of 398m who led Japan to the championship 3 years ago?"

[A/n: I know that's a bit unrealistic, but it's anime so it's meh..]

"Yeah that's him, and with the help of Katsuki-san, we caused havoc in the national and it seems like the school noticed this and got us a coach, but in the national we only lost to one opponent, who had players with power, speed, height, and intelligence and that was Shiratorizawa... .. But this year it's going to be a different story" Kaneki as he pat Shou's back, stood up and left the rooftop

Shou looked at the time and also left to his class as he take in the story Kaneki told him

As the year went on, Shou got closer to Kuroo, Atsoko and Kaneki and the rest of the team while also improving on his skills little by little, the spring tournament is getting closer everyday and it was today that...

Asata Shou is about evolve

It was in the middle of practice and they were doing a 4v4, they, and Shou was just standing there with his eyes closed, he took a deep breath and exhaled, and it was then that the scenery inside of his mindscape changed

Shou is currently standing in front of a huge Gate, he stared at the Gate for a while before approaching it to observe it

'So this is the Gate of the Zone, it seems I can't open by just simply touching it right now like last time' Shou thought as he observe the gate

Shou then proceeds to walk to the center of the gate, 'But... If I can't go in the normal way then.... I'LL JUST FORCED THROUGH IT MYSELF', summoning all of his willpower, he held on to the gates and forced it open

As the gates opened wider, Shou can feel himself being pulled in the gate, and when the gate opened up wide enough for Shou's body to fit through, he disappeared...

Shou opened his eyes as he found himself being surrounded by water but still being able to breath without difficulty as he slowly sank his way down to depth

[A/n: this is just the same as when Aomine forced the gate to open]

As Shou opened his eyes, lightning crackling sounded out across the gym, the pressure that was concealed within him, leaked out, alerting all of the players in the gym

"!!!" Kuroo looked at Shou in shock as he muttered, "Did he enter that state again?!? Wait hold on isn't this just overkill for a practice match?!? "

"It seems some shits about to go down" Katsuki said while nervously smiling

"..." Kaneki on the other hands was staring Shou, but it was then that Shou turned his head at him for a second which made him felt chills crawling down his spine

Kaneki got the ball and served it, Tatsuo recieved it to Masumi, who decided to set to Shou

Shou did his approach and use all of his power to jump up, but something was off

"No way..." Kaneki muttered as he stared at Shou figure in the air

Immediately Katsuki ran and jumped up to try and block Shou, Katsuki high vert helped him in covering most of Shou path for spiking, but Shou on the other hand was calm

It was then that Shou did something that shocked the whole team, he let the ball fly past where him for a few milliseconds before twisting and spinning his whole body to the right and used the momentum to smashed the ball

The ball flew towards Kaneki who had his eyes widen to the limit and hit the corner of the court

'What the fuċk....' the whole team thought in sync

Shou landed back down while maintaining his calm expression, white electricity still leaking out of his eyes, and went back to his position

The match continues, Tatsuo got the ball and served it, Yaku recieved it to Hisoka who tossed the ball to Katsuki

As Shou ran to Katsuki he analyzed everthing, 'the ball is lower than his max reach, approaching from the side, most likely a cross, 3 tempo..... The success rate if blocking him is... 100%'

Shou ran and used his full power and jumped up, his vert was high enough that he could have his full head expose on top of the net, and he instantly reached Katsuki up in the air

Katsuki looked at his junior and smiled in satisfaction as he see his own shadow behind Shou

Katsuki then proceed to twist his body and change his target and tried and go for a straight

Shou noticed this but he remained calm as he twist and spin his body 180 mid-air and reached out his left hand

"Jeez that's brutal..." Kuroo muttered at the scene

Katsuki smashed the ball but it was then that the ball flew and hit the back of Shou's hand and bounced back down and landed in front of Katsuki

Shou continued with his domination and when the match was over he dropped down to the ground as he exit the Zone state

"Ho-ly.... Shit" Shou said as he desperately gasping for air

"You okay?" Kuroo came up to him to support him

"Yeah..... I guess... this is..... what ha-ppens when you force-.... fully enter... the Zone" Shou said with a bit of struggle

"The what?" Kuroo asked in confusion

"The Zone... , that was..... the..... state I was.... in" Shou answered

"Oh... Soo can I enter the Zone as well?" Kuroo asked

"Dunno maybe..." Shou answered

"Man, Shou-chan is always surprises us huh" Katsuki said which earned a nod from everyone

Shou walked to one of the wall of the gym with shruggles, sat down and leans his back against the wall

After regaining enough energy to walk he stood up and decided to continue practice, but it was then that Ikeda walked in and told everyone to gather up

"Alright boys I got some good news" Ikeda said

"What is it, coach?" Katsuki asked

"We got 2 weeks of training camp to attend" Ikeda smiled as he said

"Who's hosting it?" Hisoka asked

" Shiratorizawa Jr, the camp for both boys and girls, the training camp is going to start 2 weeks later when you're having holiday" Ikeda said

"Who's attending? Coach? " Shou asked

"Shiratorizawa specifically invited some of the strongest schools, these includes, Fukurodani. Jr, Kitagawa Daiichi, us Nekoma, Inarizaki, and Nohebi, try and gather some information about these schools during the training, I'll be giving you more information later"

"Yes sir!"

The practice continued and ended a while later, Kuroo and Shou got changed and walked home together

They met with Atsoko along the way as she also just finished her practice

"So you guys going to attend the camp?" Atsoko asked

"Ye-" before Kuroo had the chance to talk Atsoko stopped him and sighed, "Of course you are, if you said no I wouldn't be surprise if the sun started rising from the west"

"Eh?? Who is this? Give us back our cute, little Atso-chan! " Kuroo said as he backed off a biy

"Hehehehe" Atsoko grinned

"Shut up and stop flirting, I'm trying to get a new highscore in flappybird, I can't even play properly..... " Shou said casually as he is used to this, which made Kuroo and Atsoko blushed a bit

"So, any noticeable opponent for you?" Kuroo asked in a softer voice trying not to disturb Shou

"Umm not really but I heard some of the third years talking about Niiyama Jr so I think they're really tough" Atsoko answered




In a blank white room a man was watching TV while laughing maniacally


In the weekend, Shou's dad decided to visit his mom in Miyagi, and Shou was forced to go with him by his mom

After they finished visiting Shou's grandma, his dad suggested, "Shou, do you want to go to your friend Oikawa, during the time I visit Ryota-san? "

Instantly Shou's face lit up, but then his expression turns into a frightened one as he said, "Dad, you realize mom is gonna whoop both of our as- I mean buŧŧ if we get back right late right"

"*Cough* Yeah you're right but it's gonna be a secret between us and also you don't have to worry, because I got a back up plan" Shou's dad let out a dry cough before he said with confidence

"Alright... Let's do it" Shou said

Shou then ran to Oikawa's house and knocked, after a while Oikawa came to open the door and to his surprise he see his best friend Shou,

"SHO-CHANN" Oikawa cried as he ran up to Shou to hug him, but Shou avoided it and let himself inside

"Sorry for intruding" Shous said as he entered

Oikawa and Shou hangout for an hour or so and also discussed about the training camp while they're at it, after a while Shou's dad texted him saying it's time to go

He said goodbye to Oikawa and head to the station his dad told him to go to

After walking for a while he noticed a kid with orange hair that who seems a little bit younger on his bike looking at a TV that was showing a volleyball match

Shou stand there for a while before he started to approach him


Hinata looked at the screen amazement as he muttered, "Little... Giant.... Amazing..."

It was then that a voice sounded oyt behind him

"It's beautiful huh?"

"Yeah.." Hinata agreed unconsciously, but then he snapped out of it and turned around to meet a tall guy with white hair tied into a pony tail

"Gah!" Hinata exclaimed

"What's with that reaction?" Shou asked

"No I'm very sorry! I was just surprised!" Hinata immediately apologized

"Don't sweat it", Shou said as he pats Hinata's shoulder, "Anyways are you interested in volleyball kid?" Shou asked

"Well..... Um... Kind of" Hinata answered

"Let me tell you this, if you think that's amazing, you'll be seeing much more amazing things when you actually play it yourself" Shou smiled as he pointed at the TV screen and continued, "Him? You can also be like him if you train hard, do you want that?"

"Well..ummm..... YES! " Hinata thought before answering

"Train hard kid, and you'll meet me at the top" Shou said before dissappearing


When Shou and his dad got home they were confronted by a pressure that was too great to be measured

"Where have you boys been going to?" Shou's mom said as she let out more pressure

"Calm down honey, come with me, I'll tell you what my mom said about you" his dad said with got his mom to retract some of her pressure and followed him

Before Shou's dad enters the room he flashed Shou a thumbs up, Shou saluted with tears in his eyes and went up to his room and locked his door


The 2 weeks past by in a flash, and it was the day that the training camp is going to start

As usual Bokuto went around and woke everyone up, after that they started biking to school

After a while, they stopped at the usual benches and sat down to eat their breakfast

"Hey hey hey, are you guys ready?!?" Bokuto asked with a grin

"It's seems Oikawa and Iwaizumi is going to be there too, it's pretty sad that Atsu-chan and Samu-chan can't join us" Kazuto sighed

"The only reason I'm excited for this camp is because we have like 5-10 games a day, but still it actually might be pretty interesting" Shou shrugged

"Man I don't even have that much clothes, I think I just shoved my entire closet in my bag" Kuroo said

"OHH I almost forgot!" Bokuto said as he unzip his bag to find something

Later Bokuto took out 4 white shirts with Kanji written behind them and gave Kuroo, Shou and Kazuto each a shirt

Kuroo's shirt has the words [The Unbreakable Wall]

Bokuto's shirt has the words [The Unshakeable Ace]

Kazuto's shirt has the words [The Divine Guardian]

And lastly Shou's shirt has the words [The Absolute Monarch]

This surprised everyone including Shou

"Damn these so cool!" Kuroo said in surprise earning the nods of the rest

"I know right?!? I found them online and I knew I just had to buy it" Bokuto said happily

"We should wear this on the first day and the last" Kazuto suggested with stars in his eyes

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed

After a while, it was time they had to get to their school, they all said goodbye to each other and went their own ways


[A/n another long ȧss chapter, this one was 3000 words, but still this chapter was pretty good in my opinion ngl , what do you think? Anyways Imma do my hw now

Goodnight ❤️]

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