Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 24 - Aoba Johsai vs Karasuno (2) - [Realm of the Genius]

*beep beep*

Coach Ukai called a substitution and subbed Hinata in, and subbed Narita out

"Hinata just take it easy" Daichi said as he pat Hinata's shoulder

"Don't worry your senpais is here to cover for you" Tanaka said as he flashed a thumb up

"You dumbass, you better be calmed this time" Kageyama said as he kicked Hinata

"Alright alright!" Hinata shouted back

*beep beep*

As the ref blew his whistle, Iwaizumi threw the ball up. he then proceed to do his approach, jumped up and smashed the ball with all his might

'Grr... What's with these guys serve?!? How much have they trained since last time...' Daichi thought as he clenched his teeth

"Hinata!" Kageyama shouted as he quickly got under the ball

Hinata, realizing his intention, immediately accelerated, did his approach and soar high up

'Wait... Don't tell me...' Oikawa thought as he looked at the little orange shrimp in the air and Kageyama

'This position.... This timing..... This angle..... Dead on..' Kageyama thought as he absorbed the ball and shoot it at high speed towards Hinata's hand

'Oh Tobio... You lil brat...' Oikawa thought with a wry smile as he watch the ball flying at high speed towards the opposite direction

Hinata swung his arm and it was then that the ball beautifully appeared in his hand and got sent right to the surprised Iwaizumi before landing in front of him

"Nice one!!" Daichi shouted while being relieved that Iwaizumi's serve was shut down

"Hahaha Yeahhhh" Tanaka shouted as he gave both Hinata and Kageyama a high five

Sorry my bad I was surprised for a second.. " Iwaizumi apologize

"Shou!" Oikawa suddenly shouted out

"What?" Shou shouted back

"Film the quick and send it to Tsumu-chan and Samu-chan and rile them up a bit hehehe" Oikawa said with a smile

"Keuh keuh I already did hehehe" Shou responded with a sinister smile

"Alright now... Let's continue the match..." Oikawa said as he cracked his neck

[In the Miya house located in Hyogo]

Atsumu was currently watching an anime while eating rice crackers in his room

"Let's goooo, Aomine!!!! Beat that red hair fuċktard!!!" Atsumu cheered as he watch Aomime enter the Zone

The Doraemon manga flew threw the air and hit Atsumu right in the head, "Ouch! Fuck was that?!?!" Atsumu shouted in pain as he dropped his phone

"If you're gonna be loud, at least shut the fuċk up!" Osamu shouted as he caused the a massive confusion between the two

"What?" Atsumu questioned as he tried to comprehend what that means

"What?" Osamu questioned as he didn't understanded what he said as well

The two looked at each other awkwardly for a few second before, a message notification suddenly sounded out

"Haizz alright I'll be more quiet..." Atsumu sighed as he picked up the phone to check the message

When he opened it, it was from Shou, who sent him a video and message that said: [You got competition...]

"What the fuċk? ..." Atsumu muttered as he open the video

It was then that the video of Kageyama and Hinata weirdo quick appeared on his screen

"Shut the fuċk up I said!!!" Osamu raised his head and shouted

"Oi oi Samu look at this!" Atsumu said as he

"Wait.. Hold up isn't that Oika-san's genius junior?" Osamu said as he pointed at Kageyama

"Fuck yeah it is, but that's not important, we gotta train Samu, this motherfucker is coming for our ȧss" Atsumu said in a hurry

"First of all that's kind of weird that he's coming for our ȧss, and second of all fuċk off, I haven't finish this volume yet" Osamu said as he went back to his Doraemon manga

" Samu!!!!! Let's train train you fat fuċk!!" Atsumu shouted

"Shut the fuċk up!" Osamu shouted as he kicked Atsumu away from him


[Back to the Game]

In the end Karasuno lost the first set with a score of 25-12

[Karasuno bench]

"Ughh, man this is hard..." Ennoshita sighed tiredly

"Their captain is no joke, his serves and and sets are disgustingly good" Tanaka said as he chug down some water

"It's fine just keep up the intensity! We got this!!" Daichi shouted to motivate his team

"Yeah!" they shouted in union

[Aoba Johsai bench]

"Man I didn't expect a quick like Tsum-chan and Samu-chan to appear like this" Oikawa said as he drank some water

"I mean your junior is a genius and we all know that, so I wouldn't be surprised if he were able to pull the quick off like that.." Kazuto commented

"Haizz you're really bad a lying, you that? shittykawa? He's gonna surpass you one day, and you know that" Shou words that is fill with harsh cold reality stopped Oikawa in his track

After a moment of silent Oikawa open his mouth, "Tch, Shut u-", but then is interrupted by Shou

"But still, I don't think that'll happen, in the far future that is. You, the player who had inherited the [Curse of the Ordinary] , had also received a gift...."

"A gift?.."

"Yes, a gift known as.... [Hardwork]"

"whether it'll be in a years or 5 years, it'll just be just a matter of time before your gift, [Hardwork], will clash and break [The Curse of the Ordinary] that sealed your fate, ." It was at that moment that a vicious smile appeared Shou's face that sent shiver down Oikawa's spine, then Shou spoke," And it would be at that moment that you would become a [Genius]"

And through those words, many thought and emotion began violently rush through Oikawa's mind

Adrenaline pumps inside his body, his heart began beat violently, and bloodthirsty smile crept up his face as he muttered, "A [Genius] huh...?"

"But Oikawa.... don't stop there, continue to work hard and train, even if you had became a [Genius]" Kazuto suddenly said as he yawned

Then Kazuto open his eyes and his suffocating pressure leaked out. Then heopen his mouth, "cause if you still believed that those that is known as a [Genius] were a [Genius] from the start, then you have already lost to them"

"What do you mean...?"

"I mean, if you thought Shou and I were a [Genius] from the start, then you were mistaken..." Kazuto said as he remember those days in his last life in which they trained and trained and broke through multiple limits to get to the level they are at now, "Although I can't go into details about that, just keep in mind that we didn't ascend to the top just with our talent, we ascend through our blood, sweat, and tears"

Hearing this Oikawa was shocked as he couldn't believe that Shou and Kazuto the players known as the Absolute Monarch and the Divine Guardian wasn't a [Genius] from the start



Asata Shou and Hiroshi Kazuto in their last life was known as the players with limitless Talent

However, in truth it wasn't always like that

In their early childhood, they had began to train with Shou's father, Asata Yasha, who was a retired professional volleyball player, he was player known through out the world as the Asura of Japan due to his deadly spikes that could break through any walls

Kazuto and Shou was always together as they trained and trained until they couldn't continue anymore with the sole purpose of surpassing Yasha , but it was one day that they both realized it

"I'm at my limit.... " they both thought as they clenched their fist in despair

Although they were really good players at the time, the feeling of unable to move forward filled them with despair

But it still didn't make them waver, they still continued to train until they're at their limit and on the verge of collapsing everyday

After 7 years, on that memorable day that they felt it and realized, their blood, sweat and tears paid off after they have broke through all of their limit and reach the realm of [Genius with immense talent]

"Hah... Hah... We did it!! We really did it!" Kazuto shouted happily with tears in his eyes as he collapse and went to sleep

"Yeah.... We really did it...." Shou said with a smile on his face

Although Shou was happy as well, a single lingering thought was still bothering him, 'I still haven't surpass him....'

After that day Kazuto began to take it easy in his training as he felt as if his body need rest after the 7 years of consistent training

While Shou on the otherhand, continued to push himself to the limit everyday and train and train to surpass his father

It got so intense to the point in which he would collapse everyday after his training

Kazuto was worried for Shou, but he didn't try and stop him as he knew that Shou wouldn't listen

Kyoko who was the most worried, she had tried to tell Shou that he should take it easy and turn down the intensity a bit or else he's going to just ruin his body

But to that, Shou just smiled and said, "If it's to surpass him, then anything is worth it..."

After a while Kyoko gave up and decided to join in and helped him with his training instead

It was in those days that they became the closest to each other and it was also when Kyoko learned the most about volleyball

And it was on one of those days, when Shou was in the middle of his training, Shou suddenly collapse and fainted

"SHOU!!" Kyoko and Kazuto immediately ran over to check on him

They turn him over, and look at his face, his face was turning pale and his eyes lost its colour and life, almost as if he was dead


Shou open his eyes, he was in a dark place, the floor was filled with water that showed no reflection and in front of him a huge gate with guardian like statues standing next to the door

Shou looked around for a bit, before he sense an aura that attracts him to something inside the gate

He walked forward, with each step, his feet sinks in the shallow water, accompanied with the sound of water splashing

And after a while Shou arrived at the gate, and there was a line of words carved into the gate, [Only the worthy shall ascend to the realm of the Monarchs ]

Shou then raised his hand up and touch the words on the gate

"This...." Shou muttered quietly as he looked at the silver mystical light leaked out from the gate and engulfed his body

And it was then that the gate slowly opened with a loud creaking noise

After the gate fully open, Shou stepped inside, and that's when he saw it, in the middle of the room inside the gate, a throne was there, glowing in mist of the silver light

Immediately he felt an aura that attracts him to the throne. The aura slowly but surely caused him walk to the throne

When Shou arrived, he sat down on the throne, it was then that the mystic light from the throne and the light that engulf his body, merged, and shined bright in the darkness before it manifested into a silver crown on Shou's head


"I belong here.... I am the Monarch...." Shou muttered as a vicious smile crept up his face

It was at that moment that Asata Shou realized it..

On that fateful day, he had ascended to the realm of a [Genius with limitless Talent]....

As of today, a New Legend shall be born...


"SHOU! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Kyoko at this point had tears in her eyes as she desperately shouted

"God damn, you son of a bitch, don't go now..... We still have to surpass him damn it....." Kazuto muttered in despair as he continued to shake Shou to try and wake him up

After a while Shou's face finally regain some colour again, and he finally opened his eyes

When Shou opened his eyes, Kazuto and Kyoko both saw it and felt it

A glint of the mystic silver light ooze out of his eyes before vanishing, his aura was suffocating to the point in which Kazuto and Kyoko almost forgot breathe

"Shou..... Don't tell me... " Kazuto muttered as a smile slowly formed on his face

Shou checked his body for a moment before his aura flared, and a smile formed on his face as he spoke, "I've ascended to the realm of the Monarchs... "

"You did it..... You son of a bitch, HAHAHAHAHA YOU DID IT.... After all these years, you can finally surpass him!!" Kazuto laughed joyfully

It was at that moment that Kyoko suddenly embraced Shou as she muttered with tears in her eyes, "You got me so worried you dumbass"

"I'm sorry Kyoko, I'm fine now, let's get something to eat..." Shou smiled as he embraced her as well

"Then you guys go, I'll head back home, my mom is waiting for me..." Kazuto said his excuse before leaving as he does not want to be in a third wheel situation

"Alright.... Let's go Kyoko.." Shou said as he stood up while still embracing Kyoko


After he went back, Kazuto sat in his bed as he thought about what happened to Shou

"God damn it.... I was too easy on myself.... I should've continued to train and push myself to the limit.... Now Shou is going to get stronger thn ever... And he would surpass him..." Kazuto muttered as he clenched his fist in regret

After a while he stood up and thought, 'No.... It's not too late.... I'll train and train starting from tomorrow until I'm at my limit.... And one day I'll ascend to that realm as well...'

On that day Hiroshi Kazuto swore to himself that he would continued to move forward with high intensity and never stop moving forward again...


After Shou had reached The realm of [Genius with limitless Talent] his growth have been monstrously amazing

And after half a year of training he had finally realized he'd finally surpass him, Asata Yasha

"Hah hah.... How about that... Old man.." Shou muttered joyfully as he collapsed on the court, "Man that felt great"

"Ayo Shou what in the fuċk was that spike?!? I couldn't even react to that shit!! " Kazuto shouted as he demanded some answer from Shou

"No clue.... I just went pow.... Bam and boom" Shou said with a tired tone

After lying on the gym floor for a few minutes, Shou stood back up and said, "Ughh let's go home, I'm tired..."

"Yeah.. I'm tired as well." Kazuto said as he stretched his back

After Shou and Kazuto both packed everything up, they both walked down the street of Tokyo and headed home

"Ah God damn it! I could bȧrėly recieve that crazy ȧss spike of yours, next time turn down the OP-ness of yours will ya?" Kazuto said with a sigh

"Ho? A mere mortal asking for mercy from the great me?" Shou said with a smirk

"Stop doing that shit" Kazu said as he put Shou in a head lock

They were crossing the street and didn't noticed that the light had turned red

They were half way accross when a truck suddenly appeared and was moving at full speed towards them


Shou with his almost superhuman reflect turned to Kazuto and push him off the way of truck

Kazuto was surprised, but managed to regain his balance and turned around just to see his best friend with a smile and few milliseconds later a truck hit his body

It was on that fateful day that Asata Shou has lost his life...

[End of Flashback]

*beep beep*

When Shoua and Kazuto snapped out of their daze caused by the memories the ref blew the whistle signalling that it's the start of set 2

"Alright, now get out there and do something ya lil bitch" Shou said with a smile as he kicked Oikawa back on the court

"Stop fuċkɨnġ kicking me damn it!!" Oikawa shouted back

"Alright guys let's go and get this victory.." Oikawa said to his teammates as he showed a confident smiled



[A/n: Hey guys, sorry for the long break between chapters but I'm not really in a good state right now, I'm a bit fuċkėd over at the moment, so I hope you guys understand, but don't worry this is NOT getting dropped and I'll hopefully be back in a better shape and grind out some chapters for you guys

By the way, what you guys think of the chapter? as I'm not too sure myself either. Anyways

Goodnight ❤️]

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