Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 25 - Aoba Johsai vs Karasuno (3)

Aoba Johsai and Karasuno players all got in their position as they get ready to play another set

Ennoshita got the ball and when the ref blew his whistle he threw the ball up and served it over

"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi said as he received the ball and got ready to do his approach

Oikawa looked at the ball and jumped up, but instead of setting the ball he immediately twisted his body and smashed the ball down

"Tch damn it..." Daichi clicked his tongue as watch the unexpected ball hit the ground

"..." Kageyama stare at Oikawa in annoyance as the play before playback in his mind

"Oi... Stop staring with those eyes, genius. I'm on a roll..." Oikawa muttered as a vicious smile crept up on his face and his suffocating pressure leaked out

[A/n: Blue Lock is fire, highly recommend it]

Oikawa then proceed to take the ball and walked to the service line to got ready to bombard Karasuno with his deadly serves

As the ref blew his whistle, Oikawa took a deep breath and threw the ball high up into the air

He did his approach, jumped up, held his breath and slammed his hand into the ball with all his might

The ball once again vanished and reappeared between Daichi and Hinata

"Tch grr" Daichi gritted his teeth as he struggled to extended his arm under the ball

The ball hit his arms causing him to be flung back before flying back at Seijoh's side

"Sorry! My bad!" Daichi apologized as he watched his arms twitched from the pain

When Oikawa saw the ball flying to the front he smiled and shouted, "Kindaichi! I'll handle it" before doing his approach and jumped before the attack line

"Oikawa-san that's crazy!!!" Kindaichi shouted before moving out of the way

"Oi!! Tsukishima!" Kageyama shouted before joining up with Tanaka and Tsukishima to do a 3 man block

To this Oikawa just smiled and as the ball got close he changed his spike into a set and tossed a perfect ball to Iwaizumi

"Fuck!" Karasuno's 3 blockers clicked their tongue in annoyance as they watch the ball

Iwaizumi eyed the ball as he did his approach, kicked the ground and jumped up and swung his arm

And with swift motion the ball hit Iwaizumi's hand and slammed down on to the ground in front of Hinata

"YEAHHHH!" Iwaizumi shouted as he clenched his fist

"Nice spike Iwa-chan...." Oikawa smiled as he looked at the three blockers of Karasuno

"Tch..." Tsukishima clicked his tongue

"AHHH GOD DAMN IT!!" Tanaka shouted in frustration

"It's alright it's alright calm down!" Daichi said as he patted Tanaka's shoulder

'Alright if you want it that bad...' he thought as he threw the ball up high

He then took a deep breath, did his approach, kicked off the ground and held his breath as he slammed his hand perfectly into the ball

The ball suddenly vanish and suddenly materialized in front of Hinata

"..." Hinata gritted his teeth as he suddenly dived forward and as he looked at the ball intensely he slid his arms under the ball in a quick motion

The ball embedded itself into Hinata's arms before flying high up

"Oi....Shou..." Kazuto muttered in surprise

"Yeah that's his pure instinct.... Oikawa was the cause of its ignition" Shou answered

"He's really like a wild animal" Kazuto sighed

"I mean he is the main character... he never fail to surprise..." Kazuto smiled

'I can't let this opportun- no.... I refuse to lose to that dumbass!!...' Kageyama gritted his teeth jumped and looked at Hinata who knew his intention and ran and did a quick approach

'This position.... this timing.... this angle... Dead on!...' Kageyama thought as he absorbed the ball and with all his might he shoot it right at Hinata's hand

The ball cut through the air at high speed before colliding with Hinata's hand which cause it fly toward Seijoh's court at high speed

Iwaizumi dived for it but, the ball was too fast for him to react and ended up hitting the corner, a score for Karasuno...

"Yeahhh!!!" Hinata and Kageyama cheered

"Nice one Kageyama! Hinata!" Tanaka shouted as he patted their back

"Alright let's keep going with this intensity!!" Daichi clapped as he shouted


"Ughh sorry my bad" Iwaizumi apologized

"It's alright we'll get em next time" Oikawa cheered up his team

The set continues and eventually Aoba Johsai dominated over Karasuno with a score of 25-16

"Alright, Shou.... it's time..." Kazuto said as he stood up and cracked his neck

"Yeah... let's go..."Shou smiled and stood up as well


[Karasuno's Bench]

"Ah... that was just too much.. but it's all right, you guys did great! So cheer up damn it!!" Sugawara comfort the players with a smile while tossing each of them a towel and also kicking those who seems downed

"Ahhh DAMN IT!! They got me good, I couldn't make a play that would make all of the girls scream: 'TANAKA-SENPAI'" Tanaka stomped his feet in annoyance which caused Daichi smack him right in the head

'Was that in your head the whole game...?' The whole team thought as they looked at Tanaka weirdly

'Tch he's gotten stronger again.. when would this gap close...?. Kageyama played back all of Oikawa's move and plays as he clenched his fist

'Even with the quick I was blocked so easily..... how much do I have to train to get on his level...' Hinata gritted his teeth as Shou's silhouette flashed in his mind

It was at that moment that the two of them felt a smack to their head that cause them to jolt their heads up

And when they looked up they saw the figure of the white haired youth with sharp silver eyes gazing down at them in annoyance

"Never you look down you shitheads... what are you waiting for? To be stepped on?" Shou muttered in a volume loud enough for them to hear as he let his aura oozed out

And at that moment the duo both shiver and chills ran down their spine as the aura engulfed them

"It's cruel, I know... this world of volleyball that is about talent, effort, and luck is unfair and cruel. But.... that's not a damn excuse to hang your head down and grieve about your failure, it's in those times that you gotta held your head high up and look at the world straight into its cruel eyes and continue forward. Am I clear?" Shou said as he increased the density of his aura

""Y-Yes..."" the two answered in synced

Shou then looked at them for a few moments before releasing the suffocating pressure around them as he muttered in a loud enough volume for them to hear, "Remember... your destination to the top ain't down there... it's up there..."

Then he walked to Coach Ukai and muttered something before turning to walk back to the center of the court where Kazuto was waiting with the whole Seijoh team

Coach Ukai instructed his team to joined the rest in the center of the court before walking there himself

Shou and Kazuto both nodded at each other before turning their attention back to the two teams

"Good afternoon everyone... my name is Asata Shou of Nekoma High" Shou Introduced himself

"And I'm Hiroshi Kazuto of Fukurodani Academy" Kazuto introduced himself as well and continued, "As you might have been aware, the Golden Week is coming up, and as representatives of Nekoma High and Fukurodani Acedemy, we would like to invite the two teams to participate in a training camp at Fukurodani Academy during the Golden Week"

As Kazuto finished his lines, the two coach and their team were surprised and murmurs filled the gum

"A training camp? With the two kings of Tokyo?"

"Ehh? That's amazing"

"I was gonna laze around on Golden Week but I guess this is pretty cool too"


"Hinata Shut up!"

"Oi brat! Quick question, who's participating as well? Surely it's not just going to be us..." Coach Ukai's question immediately cause the crowd to quiet down

"So far we have: Nekoma, Fukurodani, Itachiyama, Kamomedai, Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, and Mujinazaka" Shou's answer immediately caused both of the team and even the coach to be in shock

It was at that moment that he showed a vicious smile as he continued, "That's right... Ushijima Wakatoshi of Shiratorizawa, Sakusa Kiyoomi of Itachiyama, Kiryuu Wakatsu of Mujinazaka, Hoshiumi Korai of Kamomedai, Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu of Inarzaki, Kuroo Tetsurou of Nekoma, Bokuto Koutarou of Fukurodani, and naturally us Asata Shou of Nekoma and Hiroshi Kazuto of Fukurodani will be there as well"

"There's no need for further discussion, my team is joining!" The two coach immediately accepted the invitation to the training camp

"Shit.... a training camp full of monsters...? I'm about to barf..."

"This is going to be chaotic"

"Even the top 5 Aces are joining? This is just crazy"


"Shut up Hinata!"

Instantly murmurs filled the gym and players began to show different reaction as they heard the top players are joining them

"What a great start to this year... I have a chance to crush that Ushiwaka bastard again" Oikawa muttered as a vicious smile

'This is....what I've been waiting for...' Kageyama thought with a bloodthirsty smile on his face

"Oi! Brat! Tell me more about the training camp!" Ukai once again asked a question

"Well, I haven't got the exact detail, but for the most part of our training camp revolves around rotation matches, with punishment of course" Kazuto mouth curled up as he spoke the last line, "What else....hmmm....oh right! We also have another facility that contains 3 court if any team would like to train and hone their skills instead of participating in matches"

"Ughh let see what else.... OH Yes do you have a question?" As Kazuto was trying to remeber, a player of Karasuno raised his hand up, it was Yamaguchi

"Umm what is the punishment...?" Yamaguchi asked nervously

"Oh nothing much just a ŀȧp of full sprinting around Fukurodani Academy campus" Kazuto answered casually

"Oh okay....wait a minute..." Yamaguchi suddenly thought of something and pulled out his phone and searched: [Fukurodani Academy Campus]

And as he press the buŧŧon that leads him into the image, Yamaguchi fainted

"Yamaguchi....? YAMAGUCHI!?!?" Hinata shouted as he try to shake Yamaguchi up

While on the other hand the other member looked at his phone and discovered that Fukurodani Academy Campus is huge like your mom's fine big as- I mean its enormous...

"Anyways the detail would be sorted and presented on the first day of training camp, so that's i-"

"Ah right wait, a professional player is also joining us for some guidance, his name is Kirigawa Katsuki, the crazy versatile rookie that dominated and caused havoc in the V-League Division 1 last time,most of you probably knew him" Just as Kazuto was about to finish Shou interupted him

"But yeah anyways that's all! It was a great match, Let's have some fun in the training camp as well" Kazuto and Shou quickly bowed and left before the teams goes crazy again

"Ah god, this is just too much, my body can't handle this much excitement" Ukai said as he facepalmed himself, "But anyways, you hear that you lil shits? This is for the Seijoh brats as well, this is rare opportunity. Not only do you have a chance to play against all of the top players of this country, you also have the chance to play against 2 players that is considered World Class Ace and Libero, so learn something from them and you better not waste it"

""""YES SIR!!""""

When everyone became quiet, Tsukishima raised his hand up and spoke

"Coach, I know they're Top 1 Ace and Libero.... but wouldn't calling them World Class be a bit of a stretch?"

"Tsukishima was it?..." it was Oikawa who spoke up, "You're underestimating them too much. Let me tell you this, even the one who is considered the Top 1 middle blocker of Japan high school volleyball scene, Kuroo Tetsurou who's also one of Shou's closest friend just before me obviously hehe.... ahem!... and even as his teammate for 5 years have never been able to block his spike when he's using 100% of his power..."

"Seriously...?" Tsukishima muttered in surprise

"but the only one who is able to stop his onslaught and go toe to toe against him was Kazuto, in their history of battles, their longest rally ever was 3 minutes and around 32 seconds....

"3 minutes and 32 seconds?!?" Hinata shouted in shock

"Ugh...I fill like vomiting blood after hearing that" Tanaka commented

"I remembered it so vividly, it was a match point for Nekoma, the entire stage was watching silently, They were mesmerized to the point that they couldn't utter a single sound, even the Top Players and The Pros who came to watch couldn't move a muscle as they watch the Monarch's onslaught, the ball vanishing and materializing at high speed on the court just to be save from hitting the ground by the Guardian over and over again, when the match point ended the stage were filled with screams and cheers of awes by the audience, while the top players just sit there with a vicious smile as adrenaline filled their bodies"

It was at that moment that chills ran down the players spine as they realized the true might of these two players

"Although they are rival equal in strength in a battle, they are truly invincible when they are allies. few month ago we went together to have a practice match with Nicollas Romero the World Class Ace. Nicollas Romero could bȧrėly score 4 point from a direct spike because of Kazu's defense, and Shou was unstoppable, not a single player was able to block or defend his spikes. "

"Even Nicollas Romero was unable to go against them..." Kageyama muttered

"However, It was the first time that I've see Nicollas Romero's eyes filled with such viciousness and aggressiveness yet it was also the first time I've seen him so excited, and so it was on that fateful day even if it was just a mere moment Nicollas Romero had his huge Breakthrough and Evolution after a long time and it was all because the invincible duo, he was overjoy and couldn't stop smiling as he respectively shake their hands even though he knew he still couldn't defeat Shou nor Kazu even after the breakthrough, that's how much pride he have for getting a opportunity to play against them, now do you have some understanding on how fierce their true powers are?" Oikawa finished his speech as a smile formed on his face

"Ah... Yes" Tsukishima answered while he's trying to process all of the information

Hinata and Kageyama on the other was silent as adrenaline start pumping in their bodies

"Man, I just realized how much of a fanboy you are, nice going Oika! Haha" Iwaizumi chuckled as he smacked Oikawa's back

"Shut up! I'm not!" Oikawa immediately retorted

"So anyways, Those who wants to climb to the top, try to learn a thing or two from them, and don't waste this opportunity" Oikawa said while scratching his head before walking away


[A/n: Hey guys, long time no see, alright listen, I ain't dropping this, it's just I'm just going through a pretty tough time right now and I'm trying to calm and reset my mind, and in the middle of it I manage to grind out a chapter, but yeh thats the reason why I wasn't updating, call it excuse if you want but eh.. Im just here say, this book isnt going to be consistence with he update and It will definitely have a long ȧss time between chapters, so stick around if you want to, so.... (I haven't checked and probably won't check, but) for those who comments something like: "author you lil shit update or I'll stop reading", you could go on right ahead, I really don't mind cause I understand that shit updating schedule are pretty annoying

To be honest during the time that I was away I was also focusing on volleyball to distract myself so thats also a reason why I wasn't updating :)) , but yeah it really remind me how amazing and fun volleyball was...


Goodnight ♥️]

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