Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 5 - The Monsters Of Nekoma

Shou looked at the opponents and smile and unconsciously let out pressures as he muttered, "Let's Dance"

Katsuki got the ball and served it, Yaku recieve it Kuroo, who tossed the ball Shou as he shouted, "Do the thing!!"

Shou did his approach and jumped up, and was met with Kaneki with his arms ready to block Shou at any moment

Shou looked at the situation and made a decision, he smashed the ball towards the tip of the net and killed the ball's speed surprising the Nekoma's team

The ball dropped down to the court gaining the first point for the First Year

"... Interesting...." Hisoka muttered with the same mysterious smile

"..." Kaneki on the other hand was staring at Shou while releasing pressure and if you look closely you could sometime see his left eyes flickering between red and black

"OI OI OI What was that Shou-chan?!?" Katsuki yelled

"It was a spike..." Shou answered


"Questions later continue with the match!" Ikeda said

"Yes sir! "


The match continued

'A jump serve?!?' Katsuki thought in surprise as he backed off and got ready to recieve it

Shou smashed the ball perfectly and the ball flew from his hand, and just as it was about to past the net it hit the tip of it killing it's speed

The ball drop down in front the still stunned Katsuki

"Nice serve" Kuroo said with a smile

'He aimed for that?!?!?' everybody thought with their eyes widen

Shou casually picked up the ball and went back to the service line readying for another serve

The Nekoma team became serious for the first time and got ready to recieve his serve

Shou took a deep breath and threw the ball up, approached, jumped and smashed the ball towards the tip of the net

"Front!" Katsuki called out as he moved forward

"Huh? NANI?!?" Katsuki exclaimed

the ball flew and just as the people thought it was going to hit the tip of the net, it brushed past it with a gap of about a millimeter and flew over Katsuki and hit the end line gaining another point for the first year


After scoring 8 serves Katsuki manage to recieved the ninth serve

"Jeez the first years are scary huh" Katsuki sighed as he stood up

".. And interesting indeed" Hisoka smiled as he tossed the ball to Kaneki

"But... We can't let our Kouhais take the spotlight for too long... "

Kaneki took a deep breath and did his approach and jumped in a weird way

"Cause that's gonna ruin our image as senpais isn't it?" Katsuki smiled

Kaneki looked at Kuroo calmly, and suddenly, he spinned his body mid air and used the momentum and smashed the ball with his right hand while facing his teammates

" HUH?!?!? " Kuroo looked at the scene in shock

The ball went past Kuroo avoiding his arms and flew to Kai who tried to recieve it but the ball flew out of the court on his attempts, gaining the first point for the Nekoma's third years

[Ken Kaneki (middle blocker) : The most dangerous player of the 3 monsters of Nekoma Middle School, not much is known about this player except for his unique ability to move in the air in a weird and unpredictable way and spike the ball without using a proper form, almost as if he have multiple hands.]

The first years team including Shou looked at the person known as Ken Kaneki surprise

'That was crazy' Kuroo thought with his eyes widen

'I'm gonna recieve it next time...' Yaku thought

'A mysterious monster unknown and hidden from the original huh' Shou thought in surprise, but then his expression morphed into a vicious smile as he unconciously let put his pressure

"Yare Yare Daze" Shou sighed catching the attention of the players

"Kaneki-senpai.... thanks to you, I feel like using my full power now after a long time" Shou smiled

"Shou-chan!! what anime are you watching?!? Can you tell me?!?" Katsuki shouted across the court

"Boku No Pico, you should try it" Shou answered with a striaght face

"Is it like a shounen anime with magic, power and stuff?!? Like Boku No Hero Academia?!?" Katsuki asked innocently

"Yeah magic... Power... and...stuff"

"Alright I'll try it!" Katsuki smiled brightly

'Why you gotta do him like that...' the players on the court sighed while shaking their heads


The match continued with Shou going all out and the score was now 18-12 in favors of the first years team, Shou is now in the front along with Kaneki

Kai got the ball and perform an over handed serve, Tatsuo recieved it to Hisoka, Hisoka saw the ball and raised his hand getting ready for to set

Hisoka smiled as he absorbs the ball and straighten his arms towards Kaneki

"Right!" Kuroo shouted as he ran towards Kaneki to block him with Shou following from behind

But it was half way that Shou's God-Speed Impulse roared and his body moved back towards the opposite by itself

'Another one?!?' Shou thought in shock as he rushed towards Tatsuo

Hisoka made it seems like he is going to set to Kaneki going as far as even straightened his arms with the ball in his hands towards him but somehow he was able change the ball's direction and the ball flew towards Tatsuo

[Murano Hisoka (Setter) : The most mysterious and unpredictable player of the 3 monsters of Nekoma Middle School, Murano Hisoka is a third year in Nekoma Middle School, this player had won the award of Best Setter for 2 years straight, he have the ability to toss the ball anywhere he wants without pushing the ball towards that direction, almost as if he have full control of the ball after it leave his hands. This ability is what makes him the most mysterious and unpredictable out of the 3 monsters]

Tatsuo did his approach and jumped up and was about to smash the ball, it was then that he saw a hand in the corner of his eyes.

'Huh? How did he get here?!? ' Tatsuo thought with his eyes widen as he smashed the ball

Shou looked at the situation calmly ad he moved his hands slightly up and denied the ball's entrance

The ball dropped back to the Nekoma's team gaining a point for the first years

"Hisoka-senpai I'm so sorry! that was a good set!" Tatsuo shouted as he bowed down

"Don't sweat it, the Shou-chan is just too good" Hisoka said with the same mysterious smile

'Fuck this guy is giving me creepy vibes I don't know if I can go to school in peace or not' Shou thought as he look at Hisoka


The match continued and the score was 24-19 in favors of the first years

Katsuki looked at the score and smiled as he muttered, "I guess it's my turn.."

Hisoka got the ball and performed a jump serve, Kai bȧrėly managed to recieve it to Kuroo who tossed the ball to Shou

Shou did his approach and jumped up, and met with Katsuki smiling trying to block him

"What in the fuċk is that vert...." Shou muttered in shock as he looked at the sight of Katsuki's full neck exposed above the net

Shou's instinct told him changed his target immediately and tried to go for the tip of the net, Katsuki chuckled inwardly as he swing his hand to the right and blocked the the balls entry which caused the ball to drop back to the first years court

[Kirigawa Katsuki (Middle Blocker) : The Captain of Nekoma and The most versatile player of the 3 monsters of Nekoma, danger level is almost the same as Ken Kaneki, his abnormal high jumping ability, almost superhuman reflex and agility is what makes him the most versatile out of the 3 monsters]

The ball was dropping and when it was near the ground, Yaku dived for it and manage to save the ball

"Nice save!" Kuroo shouted as he tossed the ball to Shou again

Shou did his approach and jumped up and met Katsuki's face again, he inhaled and held his breath and aimed for straight

Katsuki looked at the scene and smiled and swang his arm to right trying to block the ball, but it was then that Shou's God-speed Impulse sent huge jolt all through out his body

Katsuki watches Shou's hand in anticipation, waiting for his hand to smash the ball, but something happened that shocked Katsuki

When Shou's hand was close to the ball, he suddenly changed the direction and smashed the ball from the side changing his straight to a cross

The ball flew and hit the corner of the court indicating that the first years won

Kuroo dropped down as he muttered in exhaustion, "Jeez let's go grab some drinks at the convenience store"

"Yeah sure" Shou sighed

After the game Katsuki and the rest of the member went to the first years with 4 red jackets that have the word "Nekoma" behind it

"Welcome to Nekoma" Katsuki said with a smile as he handed the jacket to Shou and the rest of the first years

"Thank you very much!" the first years said

After the practice the coach gathered up everyone to told everybody that they did well and it was time to dismiss

Shou was changing and he felt a pat on his back and turned around to see Katsuki

"I didn't tell you this earlier but you're officially a part of the Nekoma's Monsters" Katsuki said with a smile

"What's that?" Shou asked

"Well I'm not really too sure but it's nickname players from other schools gave to me, Hisoka and Keneki so as your captain I'm granting you a position in the Nekoma's Monster"

"Yeh sure whatever" Shou said casually

"Oi Oi Oi, act more happy! come on this senpai for yours is going to cry!"

"Yay..." Shou said in a monotoned voice, which made tick marks appeared on Katsuki

"GOD DAMN IT! SHOU-CHAN I'M GONNA TEACH YOU HOW TO TREAT THIS NICE AND HANDSOME SENPAI OF YOURS!" Katsuki shouted as he started chasing Shou around the changing room


After the shenanigans Kuroo and Shou went to the convience store

"Ugh should I eat some ice cream, feel like eating some right now" Kuroo said as he went in the store

"Yeh sure kinda feel like eating some as well" Shou said as he followed behind

When they entered a voice sounded out, "Hey Hey Hey, Kazuuto buy me some as well! "

When Kuroo and Shou looked up they saw Kazuto holding two ice cream and a guy with spiky white-gray hair with black streaks jumping around him


[A/n: Another chapter!! How do you like the idea of the 3 monsters of Nekoma? It seemed pretty cool to me :/, anyways I made Hisoka and Kaneki have an ability that seems like their original self and Katsuki is just Katsuki,

Anyways I know chapter update are slow because of school, but I ain't gon apologize because fuċk the school! :))

Goodnight ❤️]

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