Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 6 - Crazy week

When they entered a voice sounded out, "Hey Hey Hey, Kazuuto buy me some as well! "

When Kuroo and Shou looked up they saw Kazuto holding an ice cream and a guy with spiky white-gray hair with black streaks

Instantly they both smiled in a sinister way and started approaching the duo

"Alright Alright, chill" Kazuto sighed as he picked up another ice cream

It was then that he felt 2 arms wrapped around his shoulders from his left and his right and suddenly voices sounded out behind him, "Kazu... Buy me some too... " Shou said

"Oya~ Kazu-chan.... . You wouldn't mind paying for me too wouldn't you?" Kuroo said with smirk

"Fuck..." Kazuto cursed as he started sweating

Kazuto ended paying for 4 ice cream and they head out of the store

"Kyahh~ that felt great! Kazu-chan I'll pay you now" Kuroo said with a smile as he took as he took out his wallet

Kazuto stopped him and said, "Nah it's fine"

"Nyahahah if you insisted" Kuroo said as he put back his wallet

"Kazuuto who are these guys" the guy with spiky white-gray hair with black streaks said all of a sudden

"Oh yeah, I haven't introduced them, this is Kuroo and Shou the guys I've been telling you about" Kazuto introduced Kuroo and Shou

"Oh really?! These are them?!?"

"Yeah, anyways this guy his Bokuto" Kazuto introduced Bokuto

"Hey, Hey! So you guys go to Nekoma?!?" Bokuto asked excitedly

"Yeah, I'm guessing an Owl like you came from Fukurodani huh?!?" Kuroo said

"Yeah Yeah anyways I'm going to be the next Ace of Fukurodani! what position do you play?!?" Bokuto asked again.

"Middle blocker" Kuroo answered

"Wing spiker" Shou answered

"Oya?!? So you're Shu that Kazuuto kept on telling me about?!?" Bokuto pointed at Shou and asked

"Yeah, I guess.." Shou said

And Bokuto started bombarding Shou with questions and after that was Kuroo's turn after about 5 minutes they all got their bikes decided to go back to their home

But after walking for little while Kuroo decided to popped out the question, "Why are you guys following me?" he asked nerously

"Cause my house is in this direction" Shou, Kazuto and Bokuto all answered

"We're going the same path..." Kuroo said after walking for a while

"We're turning the same corner..." Bokuto said as the four turned a corner

"Wait.... My house is on this street what about you guys? " Kuroo said as he picked up on somethings

"Mine too!" Bokuto answered

"What a coincidence, mine too" Kazuto said with a smile

Kuroo and Bokuto both looked at Shou waiting for his answer, Shou looked at them and said, "Welp I guess we all live on the same street

" Yahuuu!!! " Bokuto jumped up as he shouted in happiness

"Haizz this is gonna be real chaos" Kuroo sighed

"Yeah no shit" Shou sighed as well

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Kurooo! Shuu! Kazuuto! Hmmmmm Let's go to Kazuuto house! " Bokuto insisted

"Yeah sure why not, my mom haven't seens Shou in a while" Kazuto said as he lead the trio to his house


"Mom! I'm Home! I've brought some of my friends! " Kazuto shouted as he entered

After a few seconds a beautiful lady with curly hair that seems to be in her late 30s step out and looked at the four

"Ara Ara~ Kazu you sure made quite a few friends huh, Oh? is that Shou-chan?! Shou-chan did you come to see me?!? ~" the woman said excitedly as she ran up Shou to hug him

Shou looked at her figure coming closer, sighed as he clasped his hand together and muttered, "Amen..", before getting pulled into hug that almost suffercated him due to the sheer size of her ti-..... I mean volleyballs

"Alright come in boys! It's dinner time!" Kazu's mom said as she released the now Shou who looked like a dead fish

"YEAHHHH DINNERR!! Oh wait let me call my mom first" Bokuto shouted as he ran into the house

"Is he alright?" Kuroo asked as he pointed at Shou

"He should be fine" Kazuto said before entering followed by Kuroo

After having dinner at Kazuto's house the four parted way and went back to their own house


The next morning Kazuto woke up to someone shouting in front of his house and opened the window just to see Bokuto with his bike

"KAZUUUUTOOO WAKE UP" Bokuto shouted

Kazuto sighed and quickly got ready, fed his yellow chubby cat kiiro, took his breakfast and lunch and head out

"Bye mom!" Kazuto shouted before leaving


"-rooo, Kurooo!"

Kuroo was woken up by a sound and looked around his room to see his black cat Kuro who was looking at him

"Aww Kuro did you wake me up? " Kuroo said as he pet his cat

"Nyah?" Kuro meowed in confusion

"KUROOOO! WAKE UP!!" Bokuto shouted

Knowing who it was, Kuroo sighed and open his window to see Kazuto and Bokuto standing in front of his house and said, "Stop wasting your energy damn it, I'm coming!"

Kuroo got ready and took his breakfast and lunch before leaving


Shou was having a great sleep if not his best, he was dreaming about meeting Kyoko again and going on a date, but it was then 4 huge owl like robot appeared and surrounded the two as the robot kept on repeating, "SHU SHU SHU SHU WAKE WAKE WAKE UP UP UP"

Shou woke up, annoyed, and it was then that someone's voice sounded out, "SHUUUUUU WAKE UPP!!!"

Knowing who it was Shou rised up from his bed like a vampire, walked a corner and picked up his white cat Shiro then walked to another and grabbed his volleyball and walked to the window and open it up

He put Shiro down and muttered into his ears, " Shiro.... Attack..."

Instandly Shiro eyes glowed in red and he jumped out of the window meowing, "NYAHH!!" (How dare you mortal disrupt my master's sleep!)

Bokuto continued to shout until he saw the window opened

"Ah he's awake, SHUU!!!! QUI- huh?" Bokuto stop as he saw a white cat with glowing red eyes jumped out of the window and next, a figure appeared in the window

It was Shou with a volleyball, but he's buff and his eyes are also glowing

"So it seems, you have chosen..... death" Shou said which confused Bokuto

"Wait wha- AHHH" Bokuto words were interupted as Shou threw the volleyball up and smashed the ball right into his face.

Shiro jumped out and head straight towards Bokuto and started scratching and biting him, "NYAH NYAH NYAHNYANNYA"

Eventually Shou came out and took his bike and started going with the four


The week continues in the same manner, Bokuto wakes everybody up by shouting earning him the nickname "The Coc-" I mean the "Morning Owl", the go and have breakfast with each other then they would go to school, go to the volleyball club practice, practice, practice then go home.

It was friday in the afternoon and Kuroo and Shou was walking home, they seems excited about something as they had a bright smile on their face

"Ano... Kuroo-kun Asata-kun?" a voice of a girl sounded out behind them

Kuroo and Shou turned around to meet the prettiest girls in their class, Arata Atsoko

"Yeah? what is it?" Kuroo asked

"Well.... Um, I kept on hearing you guys talking about a volleyball match... On saturday" Atsoko said nervously

"Yeah, we do" Shou said

"Um... e-to... D-Do you mind if I came along? " Atsoko asked nervously

"Eh?" Kuroo and Shou both were now confused

"Ahhh.... I'm so sorry for wasting your time... What am I thinking!" Atsoko said as she turned and was about to ran

"Arata-chan wait!" Kuroo stopped her and said, "Well we don't mind you coming along, we just wanna know the reason"

"Well... My best friend Aoi and I are now going to different school, she loves volleyball, so I decided to play volleyball to connect with her more and maybe one day play with her too!" Atsoko said in determination

"So you want see a volleyball game for yourself? Why not join the club?" Shou asked

"Well... Ummm... I'm scared" she answered with a embarrassed expression

"Well I guess that can be a reason" Kuroo said while scratching his head

"So I can go?" She asked with full of hope

"Yeah sure, just arrive at this location at 2pm" Kuroo said as he gave her the location

Kuroo and Shou started to head home


Shou walked into his house as he shouted, "I'm back mom!" and went to his room

He laid down on his bed, and sighed while looking at the ceiling

When he was talking to Atsoko, he remembered someone really important to him and he starting to be a bit concern, "Where is she?", he muttered


The saturday came and it was 8 am, Shou woke up and the first thing he did was grab his phone and text something into a group chat


In a place in Sendai boy with Olive hair was doing exercise when he suddenly recieved a text

He took out his phone and looked at the text, and his ever stoic face morphed into a vicious smile


In place in Hyogo, two boys who look the same, but have different hair colour was getting ready for something

Both of them suddenly recieve a text message and as they looked at it , they smiled with excitement

"Tell mom to hurry!! we will be late for the train!" the boy with yellow hair said

"It's 8 am our train starts at 11" the other boy with grey hair said

"Yeahhh but still!!"


In another place in Miyagi two boys were jogging, one had dark brown hair and the other had spiky black hair

They were in the middle of jogging and suddenly they recieve a message.

The boy with dark brown hair smile but then his expression morphed into an annoyed expression, "Che he only text us for these kinds of stuff"

"... Tsundere...." The boy with black spiky hair muttered



Kazuto was playing with cat Kiiro when he suddenly recieved a text, that said, [It's Time..]

Kazuto chuckled and muttered, "Yeah I guess it's about damn time"


When the clock reached 1:30 Shou head out and went to a public court in Tokyo where everybody would be gathered

"Oh Shou is here!" Kuroo called out

When he arrived, he scan everyone, there was Ushijima, The Miya twins, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kazuto, Bokuto, Kuroo, Yaku to even out the number and even Atsoko who came to watch

[Future Monsters Annual Gathering: Shou came up with the idea and named this gathering as this as there are only future monsters coming to the gathering, this gathering happens every year on the first Saturday or Sunday of a new school year]

Shou came in the court and put his stuff down, it was then that he heard someone shouting, "Sho-chan!!! Why didn't you come visit us?!?!", it was Oikawa running at Shou to try and hug him

Shou saw it coming and avoided the hug, looked at the readers and said, [You thought something gay was about to happen didn't you? Well I ain't about that life..]

Shou gathered everyone up and said, "Alright we gonna do a few matched, we switch the team when a team gets to 10 alright, I don't really have to explain anything else, so, I'm just going to say, Don't get your ȧss kicked too hard today"

"Cocky already?" Kuroo said with a smirk

"Yeah, because I can, Whatchu gonna do about it?"

"Sho-chan who's that girl?" Oikawa asked about Atsoko

"She just here to watch don't worry about it" Shou answered

"Alright, I gonna be on Sho-chan team first!" Oikawa declared

The first teams was decided and it looked like this:

Shou's team:






Kazuto's team:






"Hey Hey Hey let's get this started" Bokuto shouted

Shou chuckled, smile in excitement as he said, "Since it's been a while I'll let you taste some ramen after tasting despair"

"Yeah!!! Shu is buying us ramen!!!" Bokuto shouted


[A/n: This is by far my favourite chapter ngl, anyways hope you enjoyed it

Goodnight ❤️]

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