Hail the King

Chapter 224: Slaughter in the night

Chapter 224 slaughter in the night

Sun Fei’s arrogant attitude angered the young man in the shadow of the bald-headed one-eyed giant. His gaze finally left a little moment on the curve of the white-faced young woman’s body of the Soros caravan, and looked up and down a bit. Sun Fei three people, a little disdainful sneer in the corner of his mouth.

“Do you know what I hate most?” The young man said to himself: “It’s a delicate rose that grows in a greenhouse like you, but you don’t know how to provoke a wild thorn that has experienced countless storms... Kid, you Have you seen the dead? Have you killed anyone? Have you heard the crisp and beautiful sound when the head of the person was seen at home? Have you ever felt the **** scarlet blood splashing into the face? "When it comes to this, his tone has become roaring, and there is a hint of embarrassment and injustice: "You are a self-righteous stupid aristocrat, and take away the high-pitched **** pride you are in the outside world, here. You are a dirt dog waiting to be slaughtered!"

Is this sick?

Sun Fei inexplicably touched his chin. Laozi took the opportunity to kill a few people. Why do these philosophers discuss the stupid question? How do you listen to this face-changing tender goods, even a bit like the middle two angry youths who are not pleasing to the eye on the previous life network?

"Wang, this guy named David Bentley is a middle-ranking leader of the Blood Knife Mercenary. It is said to be a fallen warrior who has been deprived of his aristocratic status in his family. It may be because of his origin, and he has ordinary people for the general aristocracy. Incomprehensible hatred, ice warrior, strength between Samsung and four stars, bald eye-catching giant is one of the six major battles of the blood knife mercenary leader, the origin is not clear, but the strength is much higher than Bent Lee; that handsome middle-aged mercenary is also a leader, named Casa Sana, the surface is dull, but the heart is hot, very ugly, is a smiling face tiger, the girl around him who seems to be only about 18 years old, is already fast Thirty years old, half-dark black elf, bloodthirsty kill..."

It seems that the old Zola is not only a solar version of the automatic storage gps navigator, but also a new version of the identification machine, a book of revenge guide, and soon the identity of several people is clearly introduced Chu.

"Search and sell my people in the city of Chambord, have these people participated?" Sun Fei asked.

"Everyone has a share..." Zola has not yet opened, and the little guy, Modridge, rushed and replied: "On the Internet, they are the main leaders of the Northern Stolen Squad of the Blood Knife Mercenary. Everyone. The hands of the shampoo city slaves are covered with blood. For more than three years, more than 4,000 have been sold to the shampoo city slaves in the Black Rock country, and more than 60% of them have been searched for!"

At this time, the anger in the eyes of the thin teenager and the white-haired old man can burn the void.

After listening carefully, Sun Fei quietly watched the blood knife mercenary group mercenaries of more than 200 people present. The voice was not high or low, and he asked very calmly: "Hey, this time I know what the king is going to ask for." Debt, don’t you die, be a fool...”

His tone is gentle, but it reveals an unquestionable decision. It is obvious that the people of the Blood Knife Mercenary Group have all been regarded as dead.

This king?

Hearing this self-proclaimed, one-eyed bald head with a lightning flash across his heart, and immediately thought of a young king who had recently become famous. His heart was shocked and he was about to say something. David Bentley, who was in the shadow of his face, was now Can't help it anymore, grow up and jump.

"I don't know the stupid pigs that live and die, give me death!" Bentham screamed, Bentley instantly pulled out his long knife at the waist, smashed his arrogance and madness, then smashed, and in a flash, a dark blue of five or six meters long. The ice knife gas came out from the long knife, and the screaming roared, facing the Sun Fei three people hooded!

"Bitter ice blade -!" Bentley's face is like a demon against the dark blue.

The four-star weapon fighting technique [Bitter Ice Blade] condenses the deadly freezing air of the extreme cold, and can instantly freeze the opponent's flesh and blood into ice sculpture. It is an intermediate four-star ice fighting technique, which can increase the size of the practitioner. 6 times the strength of the grudge, Sun Fei has seen such a grudge in the esoteric cheats accumulated in the Evans storage ring, and it seems that he has been using the assassin mode of the true airflow artery to modify this cheat in these days. So very familiar.

Since you are familiar with it, you have to deal with it.

The backhand is in the void, a dark green is like a knife and a knife. The strange weapon like a sword and a sword appears in the hands of Sun Fei out of thin air. There is no Bentley’s self-promoting anger, no vindictiveness or magic. Surging, there is no gorgeous trick effect, just like taking a flies, with a gentle wave.

In contrast, it seems that the outcome is doomed.

"Be careful..." Which red-faced young woman in the Soros caravan couldn't help but scream.

But - in an instant, the change is sudden.

Among the stunned expressions of the crowd, I saw the sullen young man Bentley’s screaming smashing out of the place where the surrounding bluestone trees were frozen and the deep blue cold and cold, huge swords, not close to the grandson The flying body suddenly bursts like a smouldering snow, and the spurs sing aloud, splitting from the middle into two, slanting toward the two sides and smashing, smashing the numerous boulder trees behind, but However, there was no threat to Sun Fei’s three people.

And immediately, even more incredible things happened - Bentley's hands in his hands and his young and healthy body suddenly split into two.

This strange situation is like an invisible invisible person in the air, silently waving an invisible and indestructible peerless sword, like a sharp knife cut into the plate. Like the seven-quarter-old steak, it will be self-proclaimed as the savage young David Bentley, who has experienced countless storms, and easily squats into two.


The sound of the body and the steel knife falling to the ground came, and the entire lake was instantly dead.

Before the momentum of arrogance pointed to the roar of the blood knife, the mercenary mercenary group master Bentley instantly became a cold body, even the opportunity to back or dodge, those faces with a smile waiting to see the captain's exhibition Shenwei will be the blood knife mercenaries who killed the three little mice that suddenly popped out. The expression on his face instantly solidified, sucking in the air, and his face became ugly. Some people have already smelled the death of the face.

The atmosphere suddenly changed between the tricks.


Unbelievable master!

A trick to kill the four-star first-class ice warrior Bentley is as easy as killing a chicken and a dog. This kind of performance makes people in the place have a big shock.

The bald-eyed giant eye is not moving on the surface, but the heart has already set off a stormy wave. His strength is far higher than Bentley, so it’s very clear that the electric light flint is just a good match, and the dark mysterious boy is opposite. Did not use any martial arts secrets, nor did it motivate the slightest magic. The sword was only a burst of pure power. The edge of the eccentric blade was fast to the extreme, and it could compress the air and form a sharp resemblance to vindictiveness. Jianqi, easily smashed and smashed the four-star first-order vindictive Bentley... This kind of reach is terrible, far beyond the bald-eyed giant’s recent rise in the intelligence of the shampoo city. The strength of the young king is estimated, he instantly understands that today's things, I am afraid that there will be a change.

The Soros business team, who was surrounded by the middle of the scene, saw this scene, and there was a ecstasy of escape.

Especially in the foremost hand, the leader of the magic wand, Redknapp, the shock and surprise in his heart is hard to express in words. Between three minutes, when he saw Sun Fei’s three people suddenly appear, he was in the center and thought that things had turned around. However, when he later observed that Sun Fei’s three people had no grudges and magical fluctuations, they were only three without force. When the ordinary people, the heart sinks again. Who knows that the **** of war and he has made a big joke about the twists and turns. The black-haired boy who looks silly and unrecognizable is actually a super master who is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Harry, do we want to break through?" The young woman in the red dress on his face whispered.

"No hurry, wait a minute, wait and see." Redknapp shook his head and told him as the head of a good caravan. Maybe a big chance was in front of him.

Opposite the distance.

One shot killed David Bentley, and Sun Fei satisfactorily looked at the sword in his hand.

This is the dark green one-handed sword in the suit of the children of Bourkesso [the sword of the tribe of Burkesso, the sword of the secret instrument], like a knife and a knife, a sword is not a sword, the shape is very thick, and it really needs to be used. It’s a lot better than the previous purple and blue swords. It’s a barbarian’s leader. The weapon that I used has been used. Although it’s 50% sealed, it’s still amazing. shock!

With a slight flick, the tremor of the blade clearing the sound of everyone in the heart.

Sun Fei stepped slowly and approached the blood knife mercenary group. The figure of Wei'an was like a big mountain. It was crushed on the face, which made the illusion of many mercenaries suffocating.

"Xiangbo Wang Alexander?" The bald-headed squint is flashing: "Maybe we can sit down and talk..."

"Talk? Hey! Let's talk with the sword in Laozi's hand!"

Sun Fei screamed, and the voice did not fall. It instantly turned into a whirlwind and rushed to the blood knife mercenary group. The speed was incredible, and his residual image was still in place. Jianfeng had already passed several mercenaries. Neck, not waiting for the bald Cyclops and other people to come back to God, the four heads that rushed to the sky, the four headless bodies that twitched to the end, and the spurting blood column that smashed like the fountain, have been unstoppable The brutal slaughter of the night.

"Damn! Kill me for him!"

This scene made the bald giant face change, roaring and pulling out the weapon. The weapon in his hand is two unique giant axes with huge shapes and strange chills. They fly up and down, and the sharp blade cuts through the night sky, and it is harmful to Sun Fei’s chest and waist.狠 劈斩 劈斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Haha, dare to show off the axe skills in front of the barbarians?!"

Sun Fei laughed disdainfully, and the detective recruited [Bulkeso's sacred price, the giant blade of God], and the seventh-level green suit [Bulkeso's child] was completed in combination, and the two swords complemented each other, giving a cheerful sword. The sound of the sound, the strange light skyrocketed, where the sword front passed, the blood knife mercenary struggled desperately, but still fell like the straw under the farmer's sickle, no resistance.

Soon, the shoulders of Sun Fei’s hands met the giant axe in the hands of the bald giant.

Hey -!

A series of Mars bursts in the night, and then a deafening metal slamming sound.

"Oh... this is impossible!"

The bald-headed man vomited blood and succumbed to the blood. The giant axe in his hand was smashed by the swords of the children of Bourkeso. There were only two bare axe handles. His eyes were full of incredible shocks and fell back on the ground. The cockroach squats back and forth, and the blood fountain in the mouth is as arrogant.


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