Hail the King

Chapter 225: Three arrows

Chapter 225 Three Arrows

The huge force that came from the impact of the axe handle was not rested. A wave of waves like the hustle and bustle of the sea continued to flow incessantly, letting the bald-headed giant tiger mouth finally burst blood, bursting the back of the hand and the upper arm. The blue veins were exposed and trembling. A pair of bare axe handles eventually fell off the ground.

The power of terror.

The bald-headed man is heartbroken and cold sweats.

He is a self-defeating five-star first-class sharp gold fighting spirit is indestructible, but also a natural power, a pair of black iron axe in the palm is full of weight, that blow has at least a thousand pounds of power, for a long time, he relied on this A vindictive and natural power, do not know how many masters have fallen, this is the role of one of the six major battles of the knives of the knives, even if it is mentioned in the imperial mercenary community, it is absolutely The name is prestigious... However, it is a shameful humiliation to be swayed by the strange sword of the shampoo king like a fly in the first place.

Anger and fear, while burning in the heart.

However, looking at the shampoo Wang Sunfei, who is like a tiger into the flock and picking up the blade storm to subvert the blood knife mercenary, even though this thick and thin [one-eyed maniac] is frantically surging with a sinister look, he Instead of anger and anger, the second time, but slowly opened the distance, like a viper, quietly sneak into the crowd.

Sun Fei clearly captured this scene.

However, he did not pursue, but the blade was like the wind, and continued to slaughter ordinary blood knife mercenaries. Each of these people had the blood of the shampoo city, and they were all **** targets of shampoo.

The seventh level equipment [not Kelso's children] double swords, invincible, no one can stop Sun Feijian even if it is a second, he swept the whole desperate with a sword and a sword, those roaring surrounded by the blood knife maid The soldiers screamed and fell to the ground with their wounds, and it was difficult to get close to the two-meter range around Sun Fei.

"Tonight is the night of bloodshed, paying homage to the soul of the scent of the sacred mountain mine, the blood knife mercenary, one person do not want to leave!" Sun Fei drunk, in the blink of an eye, there have been more than forty mercenaries turned into swordsman soul .

Suddenly - oh -!

Sun Fei's blade vibrates, and suddenly there are dozens of splendid Mars in front of him, which is inconspicuous in the dark night.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen or so dark arrows followed by dark nights, and the ghosts quietly broke into the two meters of Sun Fei. This assassination arrow was silent and dull, as if The tentacles that the **** of death suddenly stretched out were incomprehensible. However, the barbarians’ awareness of the dangers of nature made Sun Fei aware of the dark arrows in the blink of an eye, and the two swords in the hands underplayed ten kinds of swords, and attacked them. The arrows are all flying.

The sword front and the arrow cluster hit each other, bursting with dazzling sparks.

"Oh... the shampoo king really has a well-deserved reputation. However, in such nights and chaos, I don’t know if you can block me a few arrows!" There was a sudden burst of laughter and laughter around the girl. Silver bells are generally crisp and pleasing to the ear, suddenly left and right, suddenly before and after, suddenly up and down, drifting, like mercury and diarrhea, no trace can be found on the shore of the lake.

Sun Fei noticed that the figure of the beautiful girl who stood in front of the bald giants and the blood knife mercenary group did not know when it disappeared completely. The sight could not capture any figure, and with the girl’s smile, a silent voice The interest-free arrows, like the hunger-stricken locusts in the Nether, are constantly smashing from the darkness of the front, back, left, and right, insidious and poisonous.

Such a means of killing is obviously much more horrible than a positive confrontation, and it is most consuming the energy of the opponent's mind.

Sun Fei suddenly remembered that when Lao Zola introduced this woman, she had a hybrid bloodline with dark energy, so the age of 30 is as beautiful as the 28 girl, since it is a dark elf blood, then It is logical to master the hidden techniques of the Dark Elves and the horror of the horror.

"Hey, little brother, it’s a good sword, but hey, you can stop me and try a few more arrows!"

Accompanied by the voice of the girl, the stunned and darker assassination of the arrows.

Hey -!

Sun Fei changed the sword and relaxed.

"Hey, little brother, sister, I like you more and more. It's better to join our blood knife mercenary group and let your sister hurt you. It's more fun than playing and killing such a big landscape!"

The laughter is charming, the arrow is raining, and the killing step by step is shocking.

Hey -!

Sun Fei sneered and strode forward in the encirclement of the mercenary. The Jianguang flickered and flew the arrow that hit the rainstorm. Under such a situation, it was still a sword to kill one person, and the sword was broken. Thunder, not a thousand miles.

"Giggle, little brother, you are like this again, my sister, I really want to be angry... Hurry down and put down your weapon, lie down and take a break, you are tired, need rest!"

There is an unspeakable charm in the voice of the girl from all directions, which makes people feel tired and sleepy. They want to put down their arms and immediately lie on the ground to rest, Sun Fei sneer, this It is indeed a technique of sinister spiritual confusion that cooperates with the assassination of the Black Arrow, but it has no effect on the tough barbarians who walk in the dark world on the edge of life and death.

Hey -!

The sword of the giant **** and the sword of the secret instrument formed a tight and imperative guardian blade storm at the side of Sun Fei. No matter how secret the angle of the dark assassination arrow that flies from the sky, how terrible the timing and rhythm of the shot are. Without exception, all of them were ruthlessly flying after invading the one-meter range in front of Sun Fei.

A cluster of Mars explodes around Sun Fei, making him seem unbeatable like a midnight killer.

The death and injury of the blood knife mercenaries soon surpassed more than 80 people. There was a mercenary body with blood and heat on the ground. Under such a one-sided situation, even these murders on the weekdays set fire to no evil. The **** desperados were used to life and death, and at this time they couldn’t help but feel the horror of the flutter and the fighting spirit quickly disintegrated. Obviously, the night elf female archer who sneaked in the dark has already made a housekeeping experience, but it has not touched even the opponent's hair. This is unimaginable.

"Hey, little man, you are so disobedient, really naughty, it is too disappointing to my sister..." The banshee’s charming voice is full of laughter and still erratic, still making people unable to capture her. The trace: "It seems that my sister, I should probably change the way."

The sorcerer’s voice fell, and the change suddenly occurred. Suddenly, a few lacquered dark arrows killed, but they were no longer directed at Sun Fei, but they shot at a distance and stood nervously for Sun Fei. Old Zola and Junior Modric.

A yin and sinister, **** and **** killing female demon.

Sun Fei’s face was a sigh, his left foot was on the ground, and the earth slammed into a crack. The barbarian’s skill [jumping] started when he jumped. The person pulled out a residual image in the air, and the sound wave whistling, and the first one arrived, and the space was not blocked. In front of the old one, the sword has several lightning changes, and '叮叮叮' has a few slaps of flying paint to kill the arrows.

"Oh yeah... It’s really amazing. Little brother, did you care so much about these two low-lying slaves? My sister found your weaknesses..." The old goblin proudly laughed at them. A young and old man who did not have the force to start, she thought she could easily eat the death of Sun Fei.

At this time, without the suppression of Sun Fei, the remaining more than one hundred blood knife mercenaries in the distance were together indefinitely.

Sun Fei smiled coldly: "Is it? Unfortunately, I also found your weakness!"

Said, Sun Fei suddenly switched to [Amazon mode], hands gently in the air, a sky blue flame flashing, a shape like a eagle-like eagle-like quaint blue long bow appeared in the wings In his hand, the bowstring is a soft blue light that glows in the cold.

With a light pull, the three arrows appear on the bowstring.

"Old goblin, the game is over! Come on!" A violent drink, Sun Fei looked around as if he was patrolling around. The arrow cluster slowly moved with Sun Fei's line of sight. Suddenly, his eyes bloomed and his mouth burst into a curve. Huo Ran loosened the blue bowstring pinched at the fingertips.

Hey -!

The sound of the huge bowstring tremors, the sharpness of the sky, and the sharp and harsh whistling.

If the dark arrows of the old goblins are silent arrows of assassination, then the three arrows of Sun Fei are definitely the arrow of the imperial king, like the shackles of the smashing the silence of the night, the destruction of the heavens and the earth. Amazing, lightning-fast, smashing in the shape of a character in the distant void.

"Hey, little brother, you...no...ah..."

The exclamation came, and the three arrows seemed to be shooting something.

A little bit, and then nailed into a distant stone pillar more than ten meters high, banging.

In the next moment, two bright red blood leaked out slowly, and then slowly flowed to the ground along the arrow. In the void, there seemed to be something struggling to break free, but the three arrows were like nails. Like the pillar of the sky, it is firmly inserted on the boulder, and it does not move at all.

Just when everyone was surprised, a graceful figure gradually appeared. I saw her arms and hair and her hair were firmly nailed to the stone pillar by the arrow. The middle arrow was condensed. A lot of ice, she was completely vacant on the stone pillar.

It is one of the masters of the blood knife mercenary group, a woman with a dark genie blood.

At this time, she was no longer charming, and her face was extremely stunned. Her face was pale, shocking and incredible. Like a ghost, she grew up and said: "This is impossible... absolutely impossible, how are you? Found me?"

Sun Fei ignored her.


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