Hail the King

Chapter 261: Invited

Chapter 261, the invitation of the old people

at the same time.

A kilometer above the upper reaches of the river on the banks of the shampoo camp, a defensive land area is almost a ten-fold large military camp.

In the central black tent, a figure sits alone on the middle of the rough stone, gently wiping the sword in his hand.

The sword is an ordinary sword.

But there is another sharp and lingering scent around the person.

This kind of breath is like a myriad of invisible swords that spread out at the same time. The horrible sharpness of the horror is violent, but this breath is well controlled by him within ten meters of his body. There was a loneliness and excitement in the arc, like a toy that finally found something that can be lowered and stopped to take a look.

"18 years old, a man who defeated the golden knight Sutton, um... worthy of my sword!"

Time flies.

In a twinkling of an eye, the golden sun has already left half of the smile on the west side of the Moro Mountains. The night of the 20-mile camp has gradually begun, ending the day’s practice and preparing for the battle. It was dimmed, and soon the entire plains began to smash.

The night of the night is the most embarrassing moment in the camp.

Among the twenty-mile camps, in addition to the elite warriors of the participating countries, there are also large and small caravans from all over the empire, as well as entertainers and hawkers. For them, the military competition is also a grand event. It is full of business opportunities everywhere. They are gathered in special areas specially divided by the empire. When night falls, they start selling and selling. During the time, the entire 20-mile camp is brightly lit. The sound of all kinds of screams is endless, like a bustling city, the wine is full of scent, the meat smells tangy, the laughter roars and the roars, and the vocal horses become a piece of music, and it is hilarious.

"If you want to revenge yourself, you must first improve your strength. However, the strength of a person is always limited. If you want to kill Cullen under the heavy protection of the Ptolemy family, you can only become a walk in the dark. Among the lone walkers, you must have the best killing skills, be familiar with the structure and function of every part of the human body, learn to master the psychology of all kinds of people, learn to hide and protect yourself, learn to grasp the opportunity, learn tolerate, learn Choose opportunities, learn to layout, learn to identify illusions, learn to confuse your opponents, learn to use a variety of weapons... Of course, the most important thing is that you have to learn to harden your heart!"

Among the shampoo camps, Sun Fei is one word and one sentence, and is guiding the orphans who survived Inzaghi and the four hot springs in the slums.

The four orphans, called Cavani, Michael Owen, David Trezeguet and Gonzalez Raul, spent their childhood in a life that was unimaginable and often experienced in this life. Life and death are difficult, watching people who are close to them die in front of their eyes, they are stimulated, the maturity of the mind is far more than ordinary people, the unforgettable hatred makes their hearts hard, even if they hold the butcher knife, there will be no hesitation Although it does not have the magical talents of Inzaghi, but it also has the acquired advantages of becoming an assassin. The four orphans and Inzaghi are as close as brothers, but they are loyal to Sun Fei, the savior. Guaranteed, so Sun Fei has made up his mind to train these four orphans into Inzaghi’s general killer. The idea that he has been lingering in his mind to cultivate the dark guards can finally be realized. The five teenagers will be the first death assassins trained by Sun Fei.

"Assassin, the night darling who wanders in the darkness, has no prominent name, but can make a significant contribution..."

Sun Fei switched to the Assassin mode and released the innocent power without any disguise, so that no one could clearly feel this erratic, sinister and strange atmosphere. His body swayed and changed in the camp. Twenty or thirty times, but after each change, the sharp feeling that gives people has not changed at all. This is a strange state. You know that you are standing next to a terrible killer, but you are always involuntarily Ignore it as if it were forgotten.

“Before you really practice the assassination skills, you need to cultivate vindictiveness and improve your body's sensitivity to external changes...”

Let Inzaghi feel the feeling of a real assassin, Sun Fei will have a very common one-star martial arts cheats and a book he has consulted countless Diablo World Assassin professional books skills, consulted Akara, card After the Xia and Kane’s uncle, the Assassin’s practice method was handed over to Inzaghi, and he was kept in good condition. According to the above requirements, he took four small brothers to study hard.

Sun Fei's skills are all from the world of Diablo. It is obviously unrealistic to let Inzaghi and others learn these skills. Therefore, only let the five people condense the stars, create a sense of temper, and cultivate temperament. You can learn the skills of assassin according to the martial arts secrets Sun Fei created himself. To tell the truth, so far, how to make these disciples truly become the invincible terrorist assassin in his imagination, Sun Fei does not have the best protection. Everything is still groping.

After the guidance of the apprentice, Sun Fei had a leisure time to patrol around the camp.

He soon felt the strange atmosphere around him. The tension was filled with all kinds of hostility. Of course, some people hesitated whether to throw an olive branch. The shampoo camp seemed to be a small focus area in the 20-mile camp. His Majesty the King did not care about such a situation, because what attracted him more was the night of the camp, which was noisy like a night vision. As a pastor who didn’t go out very much, hanging out on the roadside stall was one of his few hobbies. The night market in Shiliying District is not only lively, but also full of exotic customs. Many interesting things that can't be seen in Xiangbo City can be seen here. This makes Sun Fei have no suspense to go shopping with beautiful women. The impulse of the night market.

Many people have speculated that after receiving the challenge of the seventh ruling knight, the **** knight Krude, the shampoo king will at least feel pressure if he is not scared, and then prepare a quiet room to save his mind and save his mind. Physical strength, however, when they saw that the shampoo king first guided the soldiers to practice martial arts, and then smiled around the camp, and finally seemed to have greeted the men to continue to wander around the night market in the camp, and suddenly there was a bit of chaos.

However, Sun Fei’s plan to play with the US has not really been realized.

Because when he asked Oleg and Torres to prepare the magic carriage, ready to call Angela and Kima and others to go out, a team of more than ten riders with bright armor, riding a fast horse suddenly from a distance Running wild, the camp was screaming, but not many people dared to curse, because the emperor’s emperor’s double-headed bear coat showed the identity of their royal guards, even if they were first-class affiliates. People dare to disrespect any of these knights who represent the majesty of the imperial royal family.

Before the Cavaliers came to the shampoo camp, they unexpectedly stopped, jumping off the Malay for the first tall and strong man, letting Xiangbo City Management alone enter the big camp, came to Sun Fei, looked up and down. For a while, I gave a slight gift and asked very respectfully: "Are you the singer of Alexander Wang?"

"It is this king."

"My family, please come down to the camp in the camp."

Sun Fei gave a slight glimpse: "Who is your adult?"

The tall knight took out a white folded stationery and carefully handed it to Sun Fei. He smiled and said, "Look at it next time."

Sun Fei started the letter paper, but saw only four words on the letter, wrote.

"The old people are invited."

Invited people? What is it?

Sun Fei is a bit confused. These four words are quite beautiful. They are obviously from women's hands. But in the vicinity of the Imperial Capital, there seems to be no familiar female friends. Is it a long princess? Suddenly, Sun Fei smelled a scent of fragrance from the letter paper, the smell was familiar and strange, some memories that were not too long, suddenly used his heart.

Is it her?

This is even more strange for Sun Fei.


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