Hail the King

Chapter 262: So-called old man

Chapter 262 called the old man

The Windy Tavern is one of the most famous pubs in the Twenty Camp.

The most famous, in addition to its largest area, the best location, the most fragrant wine, the most beautiful maid, the most abundant dishes, but also the biggest fist. There is no shortage of chaos and blood in the 20-year-old state-run area. There have never been any desperate people who dare to lick a knife within a hundred meters of the whispering pub. Perhaps there have been, but these are not very good. The wise guys are finally in the dark and disappear from the world.

Some well-informed bards revealed that behind the Fengyu pub, there is a shadow of the imperial sect.

The distinguished royal knight rides all the way, no one dares to stop, the first high-ranking knight comes to the front of the windy tavern building with Sun Fei, and immediately there is the most enthusiastic waiter who has long waited for it, greeted the greetings and entered the pub. The temperature suddenly rose, and the existence of the magic array was better than that of the previous central air conditioner. Sun Fei began to feel the temperament of the wind pub from the first step into the pub.

Said to be a pub, in fact, is a six-story building.

Sun Fei picked up the ranks and soon came to the top of the sixth floor, where he could overlook the entire 20-mile camp. The Royal Knights who followed him were not eligible to set foot on the sixth floor. Only Sun Fei was allowed to enter.

There is only one hall on the sixth floor, which is luxuriously decorated, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, the kind of lively scenes of the front and back of the guards, the lofty halls of the lavish and rich, seemingly silent, even the waiter of the pub did not appear one, under the window in the east direction of the hall, posing A purple sandalwood is carved into a small table in the shape of a dragon and a wing. The four small dishes on the table are slightly exuding heat. A gilt crystal wine cellar is simple and elegant, exuding the intoxicating wine. The whole world seems to be suddenly from the outside. The hustle and bustle of the chaos was split, and it was incomparably elegant and fresh.

Sun Fei’s eyes quickly condensed next to the window.

Because there is a person standing there.

a woman.

A woman who has a passion for fashion.

For Sun Fei, this woman is indeed an old man - the beautiful girl Paris Hilton.

At the time when Sun Fei was crowned the throne, the shrine of Dongsha, which was first raised in the rising sun, almost succeeded in killing the horrible woman who succeeded the princess Tanasha and the Zenit army **** Arshavin, and met again after a few days. The enchanting is like a woman with a strange mandala. The style is still the same, and the charm is fascinating. The smile is not touching.

If you see this terrible woman half a month ago, it is estimated that Sun Fei will have to turn around and take the lead. After all, in the battle of Dongshan, the woman was offended, in case the woman vengeance. After launching it, it is estimated that the King’s Majesty will suffer a big loss. However, at this moment, Sun Fei’s strength has grown substantially, and there is more than self-protection, so he quickly stabilized his mind.

"Your Majesty, we met again."

In a white dress, Parisi slowly turned around, the smile of the world-famous smile was fascinating, the golden hair fluttered slightly, the corner of the horse was inserted with a **** rose that was waiting to be released, and the money went to the small table. Reaching for an invitation: "Your Majesty, please sit down."

Sun Fei smiled and went to the table and sat down.

"There is no surprise at all, is it that I have long known that Paris is a person to invite?" The delicate hand of the jade is as crystal clear as the new jade, and the woman of this style picks up the golden crystal wine and pours it. Elegant manners, no one will associate such a charming and fascinating ***, can be linked to the cold-blooded generation of female devils.

"Haha, on the letterhead, the fragrance is fragrant. If the king did not remember correctly, he had seen this strange smell at the top of Dongshan, so he guessed seven points for the invited person."

Sun Fei was extremely relaxed. He swept a few side dishes on the table. Although they were all ordinary dishes, they were obviously from the hands of famous people. They were full of color and flavor, exquisite and ingenious, and fascinating. Since noon to the camp of Xiangbo, Sun Fei really did. I haven't eaten dinner, and I was touched by this delicate dish by a stag beetle. I took a pair of exquisite bamboo chopsticks from the storage ring and ate it myself.

"Your Majesty is really a show in the chest, the day of the war, whether it is me, or the long princess, they all look down on it." Paris did not mind Sun Fei's rudeness, he took the pulp in the small cup, to Cover your sleeves and drink them.

"Haha, I have won the prize."

"But the prize, nothing at all. In my opinion, His Majesty is fully worthy of such praise..." Paris will have a bright red honey. The meat was sent to Tankou, and he smiled slightly: "Just, I am very curious. Since I have already guessed that it was my former enemy who invited me, but dare to come alone, don't you really worry about it, I am not worried. Will you put a **** squad here? Or do you think that I dare not kill you?"

The voice did not fall, the sorcerer woman Paris suddenly changed her face, a face of Fanghua's generation, the smile of all kinds of style suddenly disappeared without a trace, but replaced by a cold and biting breath, that is the upper body The murderous murder that has been cultivated for a long time is changed to the average person. It is estimated that this woman is just a face change, and she will be scared and flustered.

Sun Fei picked up the cup and sipped it in the cup. He shook his head and smiled: "Under the magic moon in front of the window, there is a beautiful wine in the high building, beautiful scenery, as a beautiful beauty, this king thinks you should talk about a happy topic, why bother to talk about it Is it so serious? Well, since you are a beautiful woman, so straightforward, then the king has to be more straightforward... Well, to be honest, the king does not worry at all, when let the top of the mountain You can't kill me, now you can't kill me!"

"Sometimes, too confident, is hopeless stupid!" The glamorous woman disdain sneer: "The shampoo king, I know that you defeated the golden knight Sutton in the Twin Towers, but such a record is not enough to explain The problem, within the Emperor's capital, can beat Sutton, not a few!"

Sun Fei touched his chin and smiled, no longer arguing.

Paris stared at Sun Fei coldly, a pair of dreamy beautiful scorpion releasers should not belong to a cold, but she stared for a minute or two, still looking at the front The people calmly drink and eat, and there is a hint of helplessness in the depths of their eyes. They suddenly scream and cover their mouths and laugh, and the fascinating face of the ice melts instantly, and the familiar smile of the style reappears. In a moment, it turned into a passionate flame. He smiled and said: "Hey, Dongshan is a different thing. In just a few months, the shrine of the shampoo is now famous for the sensation of the whole emperor. Today, I saw that this kind of temperament has already had to be made. Liz looked at me!"

"Duty, built on strength." Sun Fei is not modest.

"I heard that you will have a duel with the Seventh ruling Knight Crude in the first test of the sword at noon tomorrow. I don't know how much you know about this **** ruling knight. How much is it?" The hand is like jade, the dark fragrance hits people, picks up the body, and drinks for Sun Fei.

"Nothing to know." His Majesty replied honestly.

"In this case, I have a point about the seventh ruling knight - the most detailed description of the **** knight's strength, including the characteristics of his smug martial arts and the knives of the original fire, and his famous ten If you have a detailed battle, give it to you!"

Paris said, took out a black iron box, put it on the table and pushed it to Sun Fei's hand.


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