Hail the King

Chapter 285: Summon God

Chapter 285, Summon God Technology Drill

It is an enemy!

Sun Fei is quiet and thinks fast in the brain.

I must think of a way to get rid of this master.

Thinking of this, Sun Fei thought of a move, and instantly switched to the "Assassin mode", the body shape flashed, disappeared in the same place, the figure is like melting in the air, the shape change, even a trace of breath did not leak out .

"Hey? Interesting, can I get rid of my gas lock?"

There was a slight ripple in the air, just like a hair blowing on the calm water. In addition, there was no vision, and a slight surprise sounded.

"Hey... interesting shampoo king, but unfortunately you have been planted with my breath brand, no matter where you go, I can easily find you, today you will die... oh! Here... …Got you!"

Sun Fei’s face gradually changed.

After switching to the "Assassin Mode", his perception of danger became clearer, and at this moment he was surprised to find that with the strength of the current 36-level assassin, he used various assassin skills and could not get rid of the horrible enemy behind him. Instead, he was He just came closer!

"Death! Champagne!"

A low drink sounded from Sun Fei's ear.

In the instant, a few times the strength of Sun Fei descended from the sky, and Sun Fei was firmly locked. Huge, like the power of the mountain, slammed down and let Sun Fei almost fall to the ground with his legs.

"This is definitely not the power of a star warrior? Who are you?" Sun Fei roared.

Since he was seen in the line, Sun Fei no longer used the Assassin mode. He instantly switched to the most powerful [barbarian mode] among the seven major Diablos. He was like a hill-like muscle blasting bang. Roar, straighten your body.

"A dead person, don't need to know so much!"

The sound of indifference and indifference descended from the sky, and a sharp and unparalleled strength, like the peerless blade in the hands of the gods, smashed from the top of Sun Fei’s head.

At this time, Sun Fei was completely under the lock of the air machine, and even the finger could not be moved.

Looking up hard, Sun Fei's pupils shrunk and his brain was blank.

This is because Sun Fei first felt that he was so close to death since crossing the Azeroth continent.

This is a real death.

When he was shocked by the 250-year-old country in the first battle, he was quietly coming without any warning.



"Well? This power?"

A thin figure in a clean linen cloak, walking aimlessly in the 20-mile camp area, suddenly felt something, a pair of bright and sultry eyes flashed from under the cloak cover, looking at the distance, The face changed: "Who is shooting? Who is going to shoot? That direction... Is it?"


call out! ! !

This figure disappeared instantly in the same place, people around the people came and went, no one noticed that there was such a person disappearing around.



"Jima, come and see, I will wear this dress at the celebration party for a while, okay?"

In the central account of the shampoo barracks, the beautiful girl was wearing a black embellished half-length tight lace dress, gently squatting on the skirt, a small rotation, the skirt fluttering, and she was ready to put it. The beautiful arcs set off the shower, the black eyes of the cold eyes set off the girl's white enamel as the sleek and radiant skin, and the whole person is noble and unparalleled, just like the goddess of the gods is generally unsightly.

"Ankera, no matter what you wear, Alexander will like it!" Jimmy put on a sapphire silver headband for Angela, and carefully arranged a long hair that was as soft as a cloud.


"Ah...the feeling of this heartache?" Angela, who was smiling, suddenly changed her face, her face showing a painful expression: "Why is this? Is it Alexander?"

The girl Huo Ran grew up and her eyes filled with worries.



Sun Fei is in a state of almost no solution.

He doesn't say that it is a counterattack or a dodge.

At the top of the head, the sword of vindictiveness that will be killed is empty, and there is no vitality.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!! I want to kill me, first ask the **** demon to promise not to agree!" Sun Fei screamed in his heart, and then made a decision in an instant.

Hey -!

A slight and strange sound of vibration sounded.

The horrible opportunity to lock Sun Fei began to disorder, and the long-lost feeling of freedom finally returned to his body.


This is the first reaction after Sun Fei resumed control of the body.

At the same time, a huge blue light group flashed from the void, as if something was struggling to get out of it.

"Hey! Stupid man, are you looking for Bar?"

Among the blue light clusters, a pair of huge demon arms came out from the inside, carrying a force that did not belong to the world, and grasped the sword of terrorism that fell from the sky.

Hey -!

The demon's arm was blown into pieces, and the volcano contained blood with violent corrosion and strange smell, and the volcano fell.

"Hey - **** human, how dare you hurt the great Governor? You are dead!"

Among the blue light clusters, a huge horrible figure like the abyss and beasts rushed out. It was shaped like a hill, at least a hundred meters high, and the rough and hard leather was reddish-brown. The shape is like a huge, huge worm. The forelimbs are strong and sharp and sharp. They are like two thick dragon guns. The lower body is extremely fat. The short, thick and thick spurs are tightly fastened to the ground and support the whole body. The weight of the head accounts for one-half of the entire body. A row of spurs spurs the chilling light. The **** mouth is dense and dense, and a mouth can swallow a mountain.

The horrible behemoth rushed out of the dark blue light, and roared into the sky.

This is a historic moment.

The second scene of the Diablo World II map [Lu? Gaoin] In the last mission, wait for one of the four little devils in the strange space in the real [Tower? Laxia Ancient Tomb] in the Warlock Canyon. The king] Governor Riel, through the giant portal, to the mainland of Azeroth!

It was Sun Fei who used the "call" technique in the three great gods to summon the demon king.

"What monster is this?"

The figure in the sky has always been cold and indifferent, without a trace of undulating tone, and finally revealed a trace of surprise. For the strong Azeroth mainland, the existence of Governor Drill, the king of pain, is obviously It's an incomprehensible thing.

"Damn man, how dare you hurt the noble and great Governor!"

The fat 'big bug' roared angrily, its right pliers shell was broken, still flowing with blood, and it felt from the figure in the sky that it hurts its own breath before, which helped it find offensive. The goal, open the mouth of the blood pool, a horrible cold squirted out...

This is one of the signature tricks of the king of pain, Governor Drill, [Sacred Frozen].

"Low worms, you are looking for death!"

The voice in the sky seems to have been hurt by this coldness, an angry roar, and a sharp, swordless scorpion-like sword smashed like a lightning bolt, and cut off the [King of Pain] Another good forelimb, a large piece of corrosive and strange blood falling like a downpour.

The body of Governor Durre rolled, and a series of frozen gas spurted out.

"I am going to go, the governor of this food, it is not the opponent of the mysterious enemy!"

When Sun Fei saw this scene, he instantly realized that the big worm (King of Pain) could not stop the mysterious assassin for too long. This was originally expected by Sun Fei. In front of this, the Governor Drill was once less than 40. The barbarian role is killed, and naturally it is not the opponent of the mysterious assassin who can't even beat it.

"Paralyzed, this is forcing me to make a trick!"

In the heart of Sun Fei’s heart, he once again opened the [calling] magical technique, screaming at the moment when the governor entangled the mysterious assassin, summoning a dark blue portal, and disappeared into the portal.

Thirty-six counts, go for the count!

Just in the moment when the dark blue portal has just disappeared, the mysterious assassin has killed the big worm, Druil. This one of the four giants of **** in the dark world has supported a moment and is stupid like a pig. It is not the opponent of the mysterious assassin in the sky.

"Well, the shampoo king is gone? Hey, I was branded on my body, how can you escape?"

The figure in the sky sneered, closing his eyes and searching for his branding smell on Sun Fei, but soon his face changed: "Strange, it disappeared? I can't feel the slightest breath... How? Maybe? A six-star little warrior can escape my search?"

The mysterious assassin felt incredible and his face changed.

Just as he was going to continue to search for power, a majestic wave of power suddenly burst from a distance, and this breath was so powerful that he was even more powerful than him, so that he also gave birth to a kind of A sense of invincibility...

"Well? This breath... because it is the one on the mountain, damn, how could he come so fast?"

The figure in the sky is changing, and I can’t go to search for Sun Fei’s figure and turn it into a meteor, flying towards the distant Morro Mountains...

Behind him, the more powerful atmosphere, chasing after the same, did not enter the Moro Mountains in the same breath.


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Second more.

Today in Beijing, with the promulgation of vicissitudes, low-handedness and other great gods, as well as the editors of the editorial department of the vertical and horizontal editors to celebrate the birthday, so the update is late, I hope the brothers to forgive me.




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