Hail the King

Chapter 286: Unparalleled talent

Chapter 286, an unparalleled talent

Diablo World.

Sun Fei stood in the wilderness outside the [Rog Camp], listening to the familiar mysterious cold voice reminding himself in the ear that the barbarian character has returned from the 40th level to the news of 39, think about it before twenty miles. The scene of the camp encountered a super master, feared for a while.

If it wasn’t for the guardian of one of the four small bosses of Hell to be called a meat shield, this time it’s estimated that there are no deaths.

Of course, although using the [call] of one of the three magical techniques to summon the npc of the Rogge camp from the world of Diablo does not require any conditions - except for the time limit, but summon those devils with [call] And monsters, but there are big restrictions.

This so-called big limitation contains two necessary conditions.

The first condition, the monster to be summoned, must be a monster that has died under the sword of Sun Fei in the world of Diablo. If you have not strangled the monster, you cannot summon it.

Second, to summon any monster, you must pay a certain amount of experience. The higher the strength of the monster, the more experience you need to pay.

Generally speaking, this price is not unbearable, because summoning an ordinary [sinking demon] or "sinking demon" wizard, it only takes a few hundred points of experience, but this time, Sun Fei wants to get rid of the mysterious killer. Assassination, summoned like the "King of Pain", one of the four small bosses of Hell, but spent the entire experience of Sun Fei's full 50000 points.

Although for the barbarian who is already level 40, this 50,000 experience value is like a slap in the face. After all, the 40-level barbarian already has millions of experience points, but the problem is that Sun Fei has just risen from 39 to 40. That is to say, he has a little more than the 40-level threshold, so after deducting the 50,000 experience, he dropped to 39 again.

I have to re-level.

Imagine that the terrible killer may be searching for himself in the outside world at this time. If he rushes back, he may re-enter the opponent’s pursuit. It is equal to being sent to the door, so Sun Fei is slightly in the world of Diablo. After relaxing the mood, he did not hurry to return to Azeroth.

He thought about it and entered [Rogge Camp] to find the beautiful mercenary Irina, who used her anti-call to the real world to go to the shampoo camp to report a peace, while Sun Fei himself passed through the transmission array, back On the second scene of the big map [Lu? Gaoin] the last scene of the mission [Swordsman Gorge], continue to kill the quirks experience, and strive to make up for the lost 50,000 experience value.

So, the Warlock Canyon, which had already flowed into the river last night, once again ushered in the massacre.


"Ah ah ah ah ah……"


The screams of various monsters and demons are filled with the entire Devils Canyon

Sun Fei was fully armed and waved his hands [Bulkeso's children] double swords. His body was covered with the strange blood of various monsters. A thick blood color formed a tornado-like air column like a fog, hovering around him. On the head, you can feel a murderous smoldering out of the sky.

"Day Frost Boxing... Hey, what is the name of this move?"

Sun Fei waved the "God's Giant Blade" and the "Spirit of the Secret Instrument" in the hand. Suddenly, a sword spurt out and blasted it over the hard shell of a holy steel beetle two meters away. One blow didn't cause too much damage to the avatar's appearance, which looked like a magnified countless cockroach-like monster, but it made the monster into a deep coma.

This move, it is today in the duel that Sun Fei can stun the fifth [violent knight], and then throw his control to the second [killing knight] nirvana [black flame serpent kiss] The real reason is. Generally speaking, the master of the same level wants to kill or defeat. Maybe it is possible to control the opponent so that the opponent has no ability to fight back. This is three or four times more difficult than completely killing the opponent.

Sun Fei can do this in today's duel, mainly because his barbs have added barbarian skills [stunning].

[Stunning], stun your opponent for a short period of time, so that it falls into a coma, completely unable to respond to the external situation, and can be easily controlled by you, while increasing the accuracy of your attack.

At the time of the duel, Sun Fei has not completely integrated the [stunning] skill into his own frost boxing. His [stunning] skill level is 2, which can maintain the stun effect for 1 second, but Today's duel fifth [violent knight] real stun time is less than a second, this is the problem.

At this time, he has been killed in the Warlock Canyon for more than an hour. Sun Fei finally fully integrated the [stunning] skill into his own frost boxing, and even can use the sword to send out the strength and reach the day frost. He was greatly satisfied with the similar movement effect of the boxing glass punch.

"Well, this trick is called the third type of Tianshuangquan, [baby sleep]! Haha, good name!"

It took more than two hours.


A slightly sweet voice rang in Sun Fei's ear.

A milky white, like pure milk, descended from the sky with a sacred sacred radiance, shrouded Sun Fei. In a blink of an eye, Bai Mang washed away the blood stains and some tiny scars of various monsters on his body. The life of the barbarian character The value and mana value also instantly returned to a satisfactory state, and the whole person instantly became refreshed and refreshed, just as he was reborn.

After a series of killings, I finally made up for the lost 50,000 experience value and re-raised the barbarian role to 40.

"Well, the time is almost the same, you should be able to go back and see the movement outside."

Sun Fei stopped his killing in the Warlock Canyon.

Today's trial results have been achieved.

A series of killings and deliberate exercise, Sun Fei's brute force and various techniques for the 40-level barbarian have reached the 'use of the wonderful, lies in the heart of the water. The degree of blending, has been able to maximize the barbarism The full combat power of the human character, and even more, at this time, Sun Fei’s battle force has far exceeded the level that a 40-level barbarian should have in previous life memories.

This Sun Fei is related to the savvy understanding.

It was also in the recent period that Sun Fei discovered slowly that he did not know when he started, and he had a fascinating talent in his cultivation, and his savvy was far beyond the scope of ordinary human beings.

For example, at the earliest time, using the [Assassin Mode] to run the true gas route, and then combined with some of the martial arts secrets of Azeroth, create new martial arts such as [Lightning Lightspeed Boxing] and [Building Corpse Shockwave]. This incident, at first, Sun Fei was complacent and thought that this was because of his own wise and martial arts, plus some unknown knowledge of the past life, and the secret of the dark world in his hands... But slowly Sun Fei Found that it seems that this is not the only thing.

The real reason is that Sun Fei has become a genius without knowing it.

A true peerless genius.

His genius is that on the road to the strong martial arts, Sun Fei has begun to have the same insight, insight and creativity as God.

This is an unparalleled talent.

This is Sun Fei’s recent discovery after several consecutive matches with many close-knit masters.

And he is sure that this talent, the real Alexander before, did not, before Sun Fei, he did not even have it... In other words, this terrible talent turned out to be after Sun Fei’s crossing, I don’t know when and when. What kind of way is formed the day after tomorrow.

This is a strange thing.

Sun Fei felt very uneasy at first.

It's like suddenly there are some strange things in your body that you shouldn't belong to yourself. The initial surprise will make you uneasy. This kind of uneasiness comes from the incomprehension and ignorance of the abnormality.

It is the nature of mankind.

Therefore, in this uneasiness, Sun Fei began to work hard to recall everything he had experienced, trying to find out the answer and eliminate his own uneasiness.

He wants to think about it. The reason why this terrible talent appears on himself may be only one explanation.

That is the role of the three great themes that he got on the mysterious ancient altar after completing the multi-tasking clearance of the first scene of the Diablo World [Rog Camp] - especially the ones given 】 and [learning] these two great skills, absolutely inseparable from this sudden talent.

I remember that when I first won these three great skills, Sun Fei was not very satisfied.

The so-called magical skills do not seem to improve their own strength in an instant. It seems that there is no particularly prominent effect. It is not particularly obvious for the improvement of their own strength. At the time, Sun Fei’s view, such a reward is a bit confusing, and even It's better to reward a few sets of seventh-level suits or experience values.

But now it seems that Sun Fei’s thoughts at the time were simply a mess.

Change the talent, give the ability to learn and create, this is the greatest magical skill, and the so-called level, equipment, skill, point, these things, compared with such magical skills is simply slag!

The three great gods, even the talents that sound like they seem to be fascinating, can change.

This effect is simply incredible and terrible.


Sure enough, it is a magic!

This is called magic!

Only this terrible ability can be regarded as the word of the gods.


Chapter One.

Still waiting in the vertical and horizontal headquarters, I saw many legendary figures. Go back and fight for the photo on Weibo.

For collection, be sure to collect it, pass by, don't miss it.


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