Hail the King

Chapter 330: , North Theater No. 8

Chapter 330, No. 8 in the Northern Theater

By the time Sun Fei came from the world of Diablo, the time is already around two in the afternoon.

Since the most important martial battle competition of the empire will be officially started on the second day, this afternoon, the subordinate state-run area is busy in the afternoon, and the 50 test squad will be the stage for the masters of various countries in the martial arts competition, so the empire The official sent a large number of royal magicians and craftsmen at the last moment, re-repairing the swords under the protection of the soldiers, and arranging the magic array to ensure that the test swords can withstand the destruction of the masters, ensuring that they will not be in the duel. Injure the tragedy of the audience.

The camp is bustling and bustling.

Each of the affiliated countries is also in the final deployment before the start of the competition in an orderly manner. According to the practice of the Empire Battle Martial Competition, all the countries participating in the military competition are divided into five major war zones: East, West, South, North and China. The competition process in the district can be divided into two parts.

The first part is qualifying.

In this ring change, at least six of the most powerful players in their own country will be selected to participate in the six major players qualifying, and then 50 elite players will be selected to participate in the battle, each will decide their respective The top ten masters in the theater, the top ten countries in the group battle, will be received by the imperial emperor Yassin, and will receive the empire’s gift after the end of the theater competition. Moreover, such rankings can be received. In the national qualifying rounds, I added points to my country.

The second part is the challenge.

In this session, each of the dependent countries can choose another dependent country as their own challenge opponent. In general, there will be no limit to the number of challenges. A country can continuously challenge multiple opponents, but in this challenge that does not count the dead and the wounds. In general, few countries have the strength to withstand more than two consecutive challenges, so the challenge country chooses opponents with higher ranks than their own countries. In this way, after the victory, the corresponding subordinate country level of the other country can be obtained. This link is extremely cruel and determines the national level of all the subordinate countries under the Zenit Empire. Many high-level subsidiaries are in such a challenge. As a subsidiary country such as the land, there are also many low-level affiliated countries that have become a high-ranking subsidiary.

After the end of the two sessions in the major exhibition areas, the most important part of the entire empire's martial arts competition, the empire's qualifying war, will be ushered in.

The masters selected in the five major war zones of the East, South, West, North and Central will participate in the final battle of the respective theaters.

The real king will step on the blood of the master's bones to embark on the throne of the first country of the imperial state and the first country of the empire.

These two titles symbolize the supreme glory. When Yassin the Great was the great prince of Zenit, it was in the Spartak Empire’s martial arts competition that he took the subordinates’ guards and won the subordinates at that time. The first master of the country and the first country of the war, became famous in the world, and then this opportunity jumped into the emperor of the Zenit Empire, which later smashed the Spartak Empire and became the emperor. Because of this allusion, the two names are full of meaning, whether it is the imperial royal family or the major affiliates, they are very valued for these two names.

Moreover, the top kings will also be the prince of the Empire and become a distinguished presence that can keep pace with the imperial royal family.

Such a reward can be maddened by the kings and masters of countless affiliated countries!

Two hundred and fifty affiliated countries, except for the six affiliated countries that have been ruthlessly strangled by the assassins of the Spartak empire, all countries are making final preparations and look forward to the performance of the military in this session. The most lucrative interests are won above the combat competition.

In the afternoon, each of the affiliated countries chose to send representatives to the temporary temporary military establishments in the center of the 20-mile camp to determine the temporary order codes of the countries.

This ritual of substitution is generally attended by the kings of their respective countries. However, Sun Fei did not have much interest in such occasions. Peter Chekh, the military chief who was practicing the soldiers, was appointed by the King to be the representative of Chambord City and went to the temporary army. The department extracts the sequence number.

"No. 8 in the Northern Theater?"

An hour later, watching the final result brought back by Cech, Sun Fei grinned smugly, bluntly saying that Cech was his blessing.

This is a very good number.

The city of Chambord is located in the northernmost part of the Zenit Empire. It is naturally divided into the northern theater. There are 50 countries participating in the northern theater. As a new era, Sun Fei is a legacy of the past 8 and 6. Auspicious numbers have a special preference, and naturally they are extremely satisfied with such numbers.

At the last afternoon before the start of the contest, Champions League was personally presided over by His Majesty the King, and a summit meeting was held. The meeting highly praised the leaders of the Xiangbo Expeditionary Force and all the expeditionary officers who had obtained it during the period that had ended. Leap-forward development, the fragrant king of Alexandria made a warm speech at the meeting, named the outstanding contributors among the expeditionary forces, and looked forward to the forthcoming performance of the military competition, hope that all the soldiers can carry forward 'special Can endure hardships, especially killing people, especially fighting the spirit of the three special spirits, struggling for the interests of Chambord...

At the end of the meeting, the list of ‘players’ participating in the qualifying of the theater was selected, and the urban management of the 50 people and the Saints of the Saints were formed to participate in the group qualifying.

The moment is a busy day, everyone is eager to wait and see.

In the 20-year-old state-run area, people are smashing horses, and their swords and knives are bright, their flags are like dragons, their guns are like forests, and the anger of blood and blood is raging in the sky, and the heavens and the earth are discolored.



The magic moon is empty, like silver.

In the battlefield of the crater of the Morro Mountains.

A fistprint shattered the air, far from the dark night sky, and then the sky revealed a long fire mark, and then the harsh sound of the whistling sound came to the ear.

"Good." Although the mysterious strongman is still calmly faintly evaluated, but the corner of his mouth is slightly faintly twitched.

He did not seem to think that the talent of this young king in front of him was so high, and the progress was so fast.

Just now, Sun Fei’s fist blasted, causing the glass of the boxing to surpass the speed of sound. In the dark night sky, a **** red boxing mark was drawn, and the boxing was far from the sky and turned into a bright star... The breath of a punch, clearly and last night, the mysterious strongman's own punches are generally the same, the degree of control of the power is actually no less than his own, as if he himself punched.

This kind of means, obviously, has entered the "into the micro-environment" that the military is most difficult to comprehend.

And even more terrifying is that the mysterious strongman clearly feels that the strength of the shampoo king has risen a bit more than the last night, and from the seven-star first-order touch to the seven-star mid-level peak... This speed, compared to the two unparalleled geniuses that the mysterious powers have ever seen, is terrible, horrible, and incredible!

It's a metamorphosis!

The mysterious strong man whispered quietly in his heart.

Originally, he thought that it would take a long time for the young king to master the contents of the handwritten, but now it seems that some of his hard-working things are completely unnecessary.


The mysterious strongman raised his hand, and the blue flame wrapped his other hand into the hands of Sun Fei, and then his body shape changed, and the ghost disappeared in the same place.

"Come back tomorrow night!" Light without the slightest smoldering sound, gently screaming in Sun Fei's ear.

The strength of absolute horror is revealed in the body of the mysterious strong. Although Sun Fei has made rapid progress, this time he still has not seen how the mysterious strong man left, and the naked eye cannot capture the shape of the mysterious strong.

The hand is still holding a handkerchief, which is well-made and beautiful. It is exactly the same as the one obtained by Sun Fei last night. The texture of the handwriting is exactly the same. It is all yellowish and unknown. Made, tough and soft, also cut into strips neatly stacked together, the only difference is that the hot stamping on the top is another content -

[On the spirometry skills and darkness superposition skills of vindictiveness].

The small head of the drop-off is the ‘Yahuangzi Yaxin’s petition to Zenit’s royal pen,’, as with the handwritten last night, it is also from the hands of Yassin’s emperor.

Sun Fei thought a little, and suddenly understood the meaning of the mysterious strong.

This kind of spiral hair skill and darkness superposition technique is a very high force technique. It is superimposed on the fighting technique and can multiply the damage of any fighting skill, but this kind of power skill is only for the strength of itself. After the control reaches the 'into micro' level, you can try to complete it, so the mysterious strongman first gave himself the first thing to talk about, and then give yourself a self-satisfaction. And darkening superposition skills].

This mysterious powerhouse, like a teacher who is not good at words, is telling him step by step how to be a real powerhouse.

Perhaps he has long seen that Sun Fei's strength is tyrannical, but it is very shallow on the basis of martial arts. Therefore, when he meets for the first time, he will kill his hand and let Sun Fei understand his own shortcomings, so that he can understand and improve step by step.

Just this mysterious powerhouse, why should you be so good to yourself?

For this, Sun Fei always wants to not understand.

Although His Majesty the King is very narcissistic on weekdays, he is self-proclaimed and romantic. He is a beautiful man with a beautiful face, Pan An, and a pear blossoms. But he understands that there is absolutely no hate for no reason in this world. Unreasonable love, the mysterious strongman is so painstakingly helping himself, what is he planning?


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