Hail the King

Chapter 331: The situation is a bit different

Chapter 331, the situation is a bit different

Compared with the technique of Sun Fei’s last night’s exercise, the simple control of the method is more subtle. The meaning of the method is more subtle, and the requirements for the talents and strength of the practitioner are higher, but because of the previous repair I learned another handwritten book by Yassin, and the martial arts system discussed on the two handwritings is in the same line, so for Sun Fei, it is also handy.

In the long night, Sun Fei is like a drunk, and in the battlefield of the crater, he thoroughly studies the hands of the smuggling technique and the superb superposition skills. It is like a walker in the desert who is dying of thirst. When I met a Wang Qingquan, I benefited a lot.

time flies.

Until the east showed the white belly, when the sky was unclear, Sun Fei stopped the rest of the spiral and the darkness, and began to use the book of magic and purple skills to temper their own spiritual power.

When the first golden light of the day bloomed from the most lonely mountain in the east, Sun Fei finally completed the cultivation of the night. The night that had just passed was the longest practice of his cultivation. Before the arrival of dawn, Sun Fei had already Returning to the shampoo camp, this time it is a wonderful experience, and I can't help myself.

After switching to the "Assassin Mode", Sun Fei was shaped like a power. Although the sky was already twilight, it was still unimpeded through the imperial soldiers' heavy checkpoints and came to the camp.

At this time, all the shrine Saint Seiya and the city management have polished the knife and gun, passed on the armor, fed the war horse, and stood strong, waiting for the command of the king, and went to the battlefield of the Wushu combat contest to fight for the city of Chambord. A supreme future.

When Sun Fei changed the robes of Angela, who had already prepared for Angela, wearing the crown of the king of pure gold inlaid with rubies, and holding the king’s scepter out of the Central King’s account, the whole camp boiled for a while. cheer.

Every soldier's blood is burning. They look at their invincible king under the sun. They have a passionate worship in their eyes. They look at Sun Fei's confident and determined smile on his face. He only feels bloody, just like watching. A **** of war, slowly coming from the light of the red sun, every shampoo soldier is swearing with his boiling blood soul -

"I am willing to fight for King Alexander!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live the king!"

The bright knife and gun shot the winter's cold and the glory of the red sun. The blood tumbling in the cold and murderous, standing in front of Sun Fei, is an invincible division that is gradually forming. Their eyes are determined and they are madly admiring the young kings in front of them, fearless!

Their swords and guns will wave for the king.

Their blood will be thrown for the king!

At this moment, Sun Fei was also infected by the solemn and **** scene. He gently lifted the king's scepter in his hand. When all the soldiers were silent, Sun Fei said softly: "Victory!"

"Victory!" All the soldiers are madly responding to his words, and the sound is like a thunder.

"Glory is my life!" Sun Fei turned to the ‘dog’ and straddles the back of the black dog [Black Whirlwind].

"Glory is my life!" Every city management and Saint Seiya turned over the horse, grabbed the horse in one hand, and held the weapon shining in the cold with one hand.

"set off!"

Sun Fei shouted, and under a command, [Black Whirlwind] screamed and screamed, moving his strong limbs toward the outside of the camp.

[Black whirlwind] This strange cockroach is like a dragon and a tiger screaming through the entire 20-year affiliated state-owned area. These days, the black whirlwind is still eating in small quantities [green giant pharmacy], perhaps in pharmacy. Under the influence of its body, its body began to develop continuously. Today's **** dog is almost three meters high on all fours. The shape is more powerful and majestic. The black hair even has a blue faint light, and it runs like a tiger. Longyou, fast and lightning-fast, few people can distinguish from his appearance that he used to be an ordinary earth dog. [Black whirlwind] has a tendency to develop toward the monster Warcraft.

Behind Sun Fei is holding the two-headed dog of the shampoo city, the **** axe, the strange flag, the [hip-hop two will] Pierce and Drogba.

These two strong men are more than two meters tall, and their muscles are like a knife-cutting axe. They are like a thick mountain. They are four heroes, and they have four hoofs. The light red elements are flickering, and the blood is shining in the eyes. The action is quick and light, and the body is filled with a touch of magic power.

These natural cavalry mounts, which were grabbed from the hands of the Red Flame King, were finally revived by Angela's care and domestication, and the bloodyness in the bones was finally stimulated.

The four-level Warcraft is equipped with the giant War of the Warcraft. When the [Hip-Hop II] is serious, the body is exuding the pressure of the deaf.

Behind the [Hip-Hop II] are Torres, Cech, Elena and other shampoo city masters. They also ride the four-level Warcraft Red Flame Beast, a strange armor body, murderous, and will be driven by four horses. The magic carriage is in the middle, and the carriage is sitting in the future. His Royal Highness Princess Angela and Jimmy and eight girls like flowers - the eight homeless people who Sun Fei decided to leave. Poor girls, these eight girls have gradually adapted to life in the camp of Chambord.

Then there are fifty sturdy shampoo Saints.

They are also the four-level Warcraft Red Flame Beast with the cavalry's first evil beast. The fifty rides silently walk through the streets of the camp. It is like a guardian of the gods. The imposing manner makes everyone They all let go of their subconsciously, and they dare not block them. Because they are in front of their eyes, they seem to be fifty Hansen’s killing beasts. Whether they are people or their mounts, they radiate a sense of chilling oppression. .

This is the entire lineup of the parade of the state-owned military parade before the start of the competition.

Frank Lampard, the first master of the former shampoo, was a sword, with more than 50 city management sitting in the camp of Xiangbo, waiting for the triumph of everyone.

The group of people, under the gaze of other countries, looked at the crowd and walked in the direction of the most central military parade in the 20th camp.

"The gods are on! Is this the lineup of Chambord City? Powerful! Really powerful!"

"Oh, I can't think of it! I really didn't think that the shampoo people were not only masters, but also the individual equipments were so good. Did they see the four-hoofed horses with elemental flames on them? That's the legendary' The first evil beast of the cavalry, the red flame beast, the absolute king among the horses, is as good as electricity. Whether it is weight or endurance, it is regarded as peerless, and the single attack power is strong. This is the perfect mount for countless knights dreaming. Even the aristocratic knights of many empire have no such equipment..."

"Fuck! I thought that Champa was just the singer of the scent of Alexander Wang. We still hope to share a piece of the competition, but now it seems that we are all wrong!"

"Ha ha ha, interesting and interesting, this year's martial arts competition will become wonderful, hahaha, this is the top ten first-class state-owned enemy, and Chambord City will be able to break the strong monopoly of the top ten first-class affiliates!"

"I don't know if Champa will eventually stage a miracle and win the championship of the Empire."

"Not necessarily, maybe the shampoo king won the first hope of the individual. After all, he defeated the death ruling knight with one person's strength. The strength is amazing, but the group battle is difficult to say. After all, the top ten first-class affiliates are profound. , not the general emerging forces can be sideways..."

"Hey, look at it, things will not be so simple, Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest wind, the people of the shampoo are too high-profile this time, exposed the strength too early, this is their weakness, hey, want to break the established situation? Someone will let the proud shampoo people understand the terrible power of the old power!"

Looking at the Xiangbo people's imposing manner to the performance of the military school campus in the center of the camp, a variety of arguments in the crowd quietly spread.



The center of the Twenty Liying District plays the military school.

Two hundred and forty-four affiliated countries, more than 23,000 patriotic warriors, kings and princes from all over the world, numerous countless long flags flying in the cold wind under the red sun, spewing white mist The war horses gathered together among the masters of all the affiliated countries under the Zenit Empire...

More than 20,000 of the most elite soldiers have read the 244 squadrons of different sizes, and the entire center of the martial arts school is full.

Although Sun Fei has made a big splash in this period of time, it is a blockbuster, but in terms of national power level, after all, Xiangbo City is only a sixth-affiliated country, so the ranking of the Xiangbo Expeditionary Force is far behind in all countries. Looking at the school yard that is more than 20 meters away from the distance.

The platform was built from a hundred-year-old rafters that were directly cut down from the Moro Mountains.

The bottom of the platform is 100 meters square, extending one layer at a time into a total of nine layers. There are wooden ladders on both sides leading to the highest point. According to the practice of previous military competitions, the Imperial Yassin Emperor will appear in the At the highest level of the station, the majestic horses of the imperial state of the empire are listed, and the rituals of sacrificing the gods are carried out with the help of the Holy See. Then the swords are used in a unique way to slaughter a pure white that has been carefully kept for three years. The bull, cut the bull's heart to observe the texture, ask the gods to come to the divination empire for the next three years of fortune...

This ritual of worshipping the gods is the most indispensable part of the entire martial arts competition and has important significance.

But this year's situation seems to be a bit different.


Second more.

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