Hail the King

Chapter 332: Yassin the Great

Chapter 332, Yassin the Great

More than 20,000 people waited for nearly half an hour at the school yard, and have not yet seen the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor Yassin.

However, the contenders of the two emperors, Arshavin and the two emperors, Domingos, appeared in the eighth floor of the platform. The whole body was covered with golden mighty armor, and the black cloak hunted in the cold wind. Looking down on everyone under the platform like a god, the white bull has been brought to the ninth floor of the platform...

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Sun Fei was bored sitting on the back of the **** dog, and his eyes swept over the squares of the various sergeants on the school ground.

Under the rule of the Zenit Empire, there are now only 244 affiliated countries. These affiliated countries are divided into six ranks from first to sixth. They are like a pyramid of strength, and only one of the affiliated countries at the top of the pyramid. There are ten, second-class affiliated countries, 30 third-class affiliated countries, forty fourth affiliated countries, six fifth-party affiliated countries, and eight sixth-party affiliated countries.

It can be seen that there are still many countries with weak strengths, so the countries above the school campus are different anyway.

Sun Fei saw that there were more than two hundred soldiers in the array, and the soldiers were strong and strong, and some were just full of hundreds. They were barely wearing a few leather armors, and some of them were forced to make up fifty with the groom and the husband. People, these people don't say that they are leather, even the weapons are incomplete, only holding some simple bows and wooden javelins, it looks so shabby, even more so than the original Chambord City, the king of these small countries Even a piece of armor can not afford to wear, the body with a variety of animal skin stitching into a light armor, as if it is a barbarian, but their imposing manners are extremely incomparable, muscular, and look awkward, it can not be underestimated.

In comparison, more than 50 people of the shampoo king have a bright knife and a bright knife. They are equipped with four levels of Warcraft Red Flame Beast. The equipment is extremely elite, even if it is better than the top ten affiliated countries.

When Sun Fei looked at other people, there were countless gaze in the eyes of Sun Fei and Xiang Bo.

These sights are envious and envious, charming and hateful, kind and hostile, close and fearful... all kinds of looks.

Just when Sun Fei had waited a little impatient, suddenly there were five or six turbulent streamers in the distant sky, with a terrible momentum like a god, flying towards Taiwan. Grabbing.

The spirit of the people was alive, and they looked carefully. However, the six great magicians wearing magical robes burned the magical volley. The four were like four blazing suns, followed by a fiery red flame. Fly the position where the station is located.

Sun Fei looked carefully, but found that the red flame was actually a hill-like dragon beast, stretching his arms, flying like a giant bird, and screaming from time to time, huge sound waves formed like a gust of wind in the air. Several vortices of airflow visible to the naked eye shredded the white ones.

Yalong beast!

It turned out to be a Yalong beast!

Among the legends of the mainland, there are descendants of the Dragon descent, the absolute king in the sky, and the invincible air-riding mount.

The shocking exquisiteness in Sun Fei’s heart is hard to say.

This is a very visually striking picture.

Among the various fantasy films of previous life, in the collection of the royal family of Chambord, in the story of the bard, Sun Fei has seen the legend of the dragon and the pattern of the dragon. But when a dragon beast like a hill really appears in front of his own eyes, the shock is hard to express in words.

This has nothing to do with strength. A simple volume contrast can already destroy everyone's visual nerves, just like the stagnation of an ant suddenly seeing an elephant.

The sound of a loud, piercing beast smashed through the sky, and the dragon's back was carrying a mysterious giant golden magic throne, which flew very smoothly, surrounded by the guards of the four royal wizards. From the distance, the sky flew over without urgency, and finally passed over the ninth floor of the platform.

When the dragon beast came, there was a fear on the entire school ground. Some horses were scared and smashed to the ground and vomited.

When the dragon beast was passing over the stage, suddenly a soft turn turned.

The throne on its back is like a light feather, falling down, and the 'bang' stands on the ninth floor of the platform. At the same time, the shape of the four royal grandeurs is in the ocean. The horror of the horror of the horror of the elements of the horror, fell on the seventh floor of the Taiwanese, second only to the two princes of Arshavin and Domingos.

These four people stood in four orientations, their looks were very alert, their eyes swept through the crowds, and they shook hands with two-meter-high white staff. The magic of their bodies was infused with the magic of engraving on the centuries-old coffin. In the formation, a slight roar, a transparent invisible mask flashed away, and the entire platform was firmly guarded.

Sun Fei’s eyes are as electric, and it is clear from a distance that the four magician’s black magic robe embroidered with six golden singular pentagrams.

This is the hallmark of a six-star great magician.

These four royal magicians are all six-star magicians.

Sun Fei’s tongue in his heart.

The Great Empire is a great empire. I didn't expect that the Royal Magical Regiment could ask for four six-star magicians in one breath. This kind of heritage is really shocking.

However, I think about it. In a short time, I can arrange more than a dozen magical arrays of more than six stars in the Morro Mountains to protect the [Gukeng Battlefield]. Today, four six-star magicians can appear. Not surprisingly.

Even Sun Fei is still speculating that perhaps the roots of the Zenit royal family may not only be apparent on the surface, but in this well-guarded royal palace, perhaps there is this terrible hidden top master!

Sun Fei's gaze quickly condensed on the ninth floor of the top of the golden yellow throne.

This is a throne of a yellow Yalong beast dragon pattern carved from the unnamed precious material. The dragon-shaped pattern is vivid like a dragon flying in the wings, and the giant dragon that is still flying in the air. The beast is very similar. The dragon is luxuriant, the neck is graceful and slender forward, and under the sharp horns, Zhang’s mouth reveals a row of sharp fangs, spewing out a string of flames, and the dragon’s wide back is covered with a The layers of fine scales carry a two-meter-high giant throne.

Everyone knows that if you are qualified to sit on top of this Dragon King, there is only one person in the entire empire -

Yasin the Great.

After reading through the gift of the mysterious strongman Yasin the Great or the martial arts cheats handwritten by the princely era, Sun Fei was full of curiosity about the once-prestigious emperor, and also wanted to take a closer look at this life full of legends. The color of the emperor.

But at this moment, there was a sigh of red scent that spread out from the dragon's throne, like a burning flame, separating everything, the stalwart sitting on the throne. The figure completely obscures the back, even if Sun Fei is nearly seven-star mid-level strength, all the eyesight is still invisible.

Why is this so?

Sun Fei brows slightly wrinkled, it is difficult to hide the doubts in his heart.

According to the Chambord City collection of documents, in the previous martial arts competitions before the Zenit Empire, Yassin the Great was reached on time, and never even concealed his face, the imperial emperor with a heroic posture. Every time, I will personally stand in the platform, and the tiger will see the thousands of soldiers in the 250 countries affiliated with the Empire.

Moreover, according to the description of the Chambord royal family, Yassin the Great has a world of heaven and earth, and his style is peerless. Anyone who looks at the emperor's emperor at a glance can not help but feel the surrender, and he will be his style. Convinced.

But why is this time, Yassin, can hide his face?

Is it really like the rumors of the outside world that today’s geniuses have reached the edge of degeneration, and do not want their conquered people to see their coveted old man dying?

Although the distance is far away from the stage, Sun Fei can still feel the strength of everyone on the stage.

The strength of more than 20 guards standing under the seventh floor is generally between three stars and five stars. The four royal courts on the seven floors are as bright as the burning flames in the night. Amazingly, the eight-story grandfather Arshavin’s six-star strength is equally dazzling, with a trace of iron and blood, even more powerful than the four royal court magisters, but the two emperors around him. Domingos is barely able to maintain a four-star level after wearing a magical armor with a powerful increase. It is a far cry from the big emperor. But God gave Domingos an unparalleled appearance, and casually went to the station for a stop, immediately like a bright star in the dark night, stealing the brilliance of everyone, slender and strong posture, Gorgeous and noble armor, handsome to even the face of the gods are jealous, even if his strength is not as good as the big prince, but compared to the slightly smaller big prince, but still can easily attract the attention of thousands of soldiers.

"Oh..." The white bull, which has been carefully raised for three years, made a sigh of sorrow.

It was carefully raised by the imperial royal family at birth. Every day, countless servants waited for the wash, ate the most beautiful food, slept the softest blanket, and drank the purest spring water, just to wait for the arrival of this day, to be alive. Cut the heart to the fortune of the Divination Empire for the next three years. But unfortunately this bull may have been completely immersed in the good life of the past, do not know the upcoming bad luck, still leisurely lying on the ninth floor of the Taiwan, to regard himself as the master of the high, overlooking the podium There are no more than 20,000 soldiers under the mean.


The first is more.


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