Hail the King

Chapter 350: Two enviable capitals

Chapter 350, Two Enviable Capitals

Hearing the words of Sun Fei’s muttering, the mysterious strong man who was about to leave was slamming, and a little squat at the foot, almost fell to the ground.

This little bastard, he really dared to think, even want the boxing of [Dragon Boxing]?

The mysterious strong who has always been cold and not eating the fireworks of the world, almost at this time flew on the spot.

To know that among the hundreds of empire around, [Dragon Boxing] is recognized as the premier monthly martial arts collection, known as the 'Wan Guo First' martial arts, and even many long-established older generations have guessed this set. The boxing method created by the generation of martial arts Tianjiao Yaxin Emperor, as long as the practice of tempering and precipitation, it is not impossible to advance to become Japanese martial arts.

Japanese martial arts, this level of cheats, in the eyes of ordinary warriors, is even more dazzling than the myths and legends.

A Japanese martial art is a myth.

Precious! !

Over the years, in the dark, I don’t know how many super-powers have paid an unimaginable price. I don’t want to get a look at the [Dragon Boxing] boxing spectrum, which shows the rarity of this boxing method.

On another level, this set of boxing is not simply a martial art book for the Zenit Empire. It is also an artifact to suppress the entire imperial gas movement. In addition to the Yassin Emperor. In addition, even the two emperors, Arshavin and Domingos, who are most qualified to inherit the future emperor, have never looked at it.

And now, this greedy little king, dare to play the [Dragon Boxing] boxing idea?

At this moment, the mysterious powerhouse even turned around and slaps the impulse of this greedy guy to make a meat sauce.

But in the end, he endured forbearance, stabilized his body shape, took a deep breath, and stopped talking, turning into a streamer, disappearing far into the dark night sky.

"Well? If you don't say a word, you will leave. Hey, why did he promise to bring the "Dragon Boxing" boxing tomorrow?"

Sun Fei began to look forward to meeting tomorrow night.



When Sun Fei returned to the camp of Xiangbo, the stars of the sky gradually disappeared, and the horizon of the east was white.

A new day is coming, and the crowds have begun to make a splash in the camp. The Torres, Oleg and [Hip Hop II] and other people got their cultivation cheats from the Majesty the King last night and returned to their tents. The cultivation of the land, because the cheats are from the hands of Sun Fei, the system is one-stop, with the previous foundation, so everyone's cultivation is in good progress, at this time the final training.

Instead, Peter Cech had stopped training and started busy because he was responsible for reorganizing the holy warriors and selecting the most powerful soldiers to participate in the upcoming group battle.

In the camp of the shampoo, everyone is desperately preparing for the upcoming empire.

Because everyone understands that this empire qualifying will be the most missed opportunity in the history of the Chambord.

One day ago, when the emperor’s ruling made a decision to decide the control of the new legion in a competitive manner, the decision of the empire qualifying champion would be directly promoted to the command of the new army’s army chief, and then the rule would be governed by two hundred. The temporary army of the forty-four affiliated countries went to the southern battlefield, and the top 20 masters in qualifying will serve in the new legion, which means that the opportunity of the shampoo will come.

Because everyone can see that the Champa City soldiers Ma Ma Zhuang has reached a point of exclusivity.

The power of a country occupies eight seats among the top ten masters in the northern theater. If this advantage can be maintained in the Empire qualifying, then the entire new legion may be completely in the hands of Sun Fei.

The shampoo will also become the most powerful subsidiary of the Zenit Empire with the spurt of the King of Shampoo.

Although Sun Fei did not propose any substantive goals, every master in the city of Chambord is quietly fighting for his king, fighting for the first time in the Empire qualifying, but this way, once Sun Fei won the championship in the competition and became the head of the army. It can help His Majesty to control more positions in his own hands and truly control this new army.

Seeing the busy figure of the soldiers who have worked hard, Sun Fei also knows the hearts of the soldiers, and his heart is also a burst of gratification and happiness.

In the past, everyone can be deceived like a shuffled city like the same group of sand. Nowadays, not only the strength grows, but also the cohesiveness has reached an incredible level. The power of everyone has become a rope and the hearts of the people are available. As the biggest contributor to change all of this, Sun Fei is filled with a sense of accomplishment.

After a busy and busy night, returning to the king's big account, Sun Fei, like every day, chose to take a break before dawn to relax the tight spirit.

When Sun Fei felt it, the sky was already bright.

At this time, there was a noisy area in the affiliated area of ​​the 20-mile state. Due to the arrival of the Imperial qualifying, the atmosphere of the camp was not deserted because of the cold weather. Everyone was early around the 1st to the 10th. Fight for the most open position in the recent field of vision, and want to get a close look at the duel of the top 50 masters of the empire.

Sun Fei used up the breakfast prepared by the maid and began to prepare.

However, what made him feel a little worried was that the sun that had been touched had climbed from the mouth of the Moro Mountain Pass to Sancha, and went to the future Princess Wang Hao, who attended the dinner of the Princess of the Princess, yesterday, and even took it. come back. It stands to reason that today is the most important day of Chambord City. Angela will definitely come back to cheer for Sun Fei, but I don’t know if there is any accident that has delayed the time.

Sun Fei thought about it, sent a few clever Saint Seiya with his own tokens to the emperor to ask the reason, and he stepped on the drums of the game, and led the shampoo leaders who entered the top 50 empire of the five major theaters. , issued to the location of the final battle.

After a period of time in the northern theater, 50 countless times between the blood and Hengfeng's cruel killing, a total of eight masters in the city of Chambord entered the top ten masters of the northern theater.

In addition to Sun Fei, the other extremes are [one finger broken] Peter Petr, [White hair fast sword] Paul Pierce, [Black hair mad] Didier Drogba, "Shadow Assassin" Philippe Zhaji, [The Son of the Wind] Fernando Torres, [Desperate] Oleg and the last few rounds have shown an amazing strength, and are called by some good-time bards to be able to compete with [The First Goddess] Bran Princess Cindy's beautiful woman mercenary Jelena.

In addition to the eight people in Chambord, the last two seats remaining in the top ten masters of the Northern Theater were captured by the chiefs of the other two first-class affiliates.

For the affiliated countries of the Northern Theater, this military combat competition is simply the most 'dark' ever since.

The strength of the shampoo people made the other forty-nine affiliated countries cry and tears. In the whole game, they could not see any chance of promotion. Even their most powerful warrior could not get one from the shampoo. In the victory, if there are only eight players in the city of Chambord, maybe the two first-class affiliates will not want to get a place to qualify for the Imperial qualifying.

The only thing worthy of their fortunes is that although the people of Chambord are dominant, the means are not hot.

The eight shampoo masters, including the shampoo king who had left a savage and savage image before, did not kill on the test sword. Instead, they started to be very measured. This move also won the support and gratitude of some affiliated countries. At the same time, the Northern Theater has become the battle zone with the lowest deadly injury rate and the most complete strength in the five major war zones of East, West, South, North and China.

The light of the rising sun is getting hot, and Sun Fei’s group has just stepped out of the door of the shampoo camp, attracting the attention of countless people.

Among the 20-year-old state-owned camps, whether it is a promotion country or a country that has been completely eliminated, many people have followed the shampoo team and want to witness the latest developments of this popular team. To the performance of the shampoo city masters.

The final venue is the ten test swords in the center of the school.

Yesterday [Army] Arshavin led the Imperial reinforcements to the southern battlefield, the No. 1 to No. 10 test swords at the center of the school yard were rehabilitated and reorganized, and the imperial royal court magician re-arranged on the ten test swords. A more powerful guardian magic enchantment, because the most powerful masters of the 244th dynasty are to fight here. Their attack power is terrible. If there is no magic enchantment protection, hit it. It is possible to destroy the whole test sword station. The strength of the escape during the duel process will also hurt the VIPs who watched the VIPs and the audience around the test sword.

When a group of people came, you could see ten sky blue brilliances rising from the air, releasing the vast magical elements of water.

This is the magnificent effect caused by the magic enchantment on the sword platform [Water Curtain Tianhua].

Time passed quickly, and soon the top five masters of the five major theaters were concentrated in the center of the school yard.

In addition to the participating masters, there are many high-ranking empire, military officials, representatives of the big aristocratic family, and the person responsible for hosting this imperial master qualifying is originally thought by many people. After the outbreak of the war, the second emperor Domingos, who had gradually lost his power.

The cold wind blew the bright red cloak behind the two emperors.

Standing on the stage, the young emperor has a silver armor, a heroic, slender figure, and a handsome appearance that makes the world eclipse, and time has become the focus of attention. Domingos’s dazzling, and the great emperor Arshavin are exactly two types. The gods of heaven favor the two emperors, giving them different capitals that are enough to envy others. A instrument is perfect, one Born to be invincible.


I finally got home, and I was almost blocked by the snow.

There is one more in the evening.

Brothers and sisters, happy new year. Be sure to be happy!


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