Hail the King

Chapter 351: , the footsteps of the shampoo

Chapter 351, the footsteps of the shampoo

Some people have seen some mystery from the candidate who hosted the opening ceremony of the Empire qualifying.

It is said that many of the great aristocrats and ministers suggested that other people should preside over the opening ceremony, but the Yassin Emperor, who was seriously ill, tried his best to personally designate Domingos to take charge of the entire process of the Empire qualifying.

This seems to indicate that even if the war broke out, the status of this omnipotent second emperor in the hearts of the emperor did not decrease.

Looking at the two emperors on the podium, the hearts of some people began to shake again.

The ceremony was very simple. After the second emperor simply said something, like the previous qualifying in the theater, the top 50 masters got their own code, and when it was Sun Fei’s turn, Sun Fei’s code was 22, one. Very common number.

After determining their respective codes, the masters began to draw their opponents.

This time, Sun Fei draws the No. 1 code, which means that in the upcoming confrontation, Sun Fei’s first stop will be a decisive battle with a master named 1 who does not know which country from which theater.

"It is best not to be a shampoo city, otherwise things will be too bad." Sun Fei prayed in his heart, hoping that he would not touch his own people.

Such a lottery determines the way the opponent is, full of uncertainty and contingency. Of course, it is possible for soldiers from the same country to meet together and perform the same room in the duel. It is obvious that the Emperor has already expected this situation. In this way, only in this way can we maximize the fairness and justice of the Empire qualifying, and avoid the duel being controlled by some big families or large forces, and become a big battlefield for different interests.

At the same time as the masters started the duel, 25 elite squadrons composed of 50 elite soldiers and 20 substitute soldiers from the five major theaters began under the leadership of other officials of the Imperial Ministry. Team battle.

There is no difference between the rules of the team battle and the master battle. It is also the lottery to determine their own code and the number of the opponent. In the round of the knockout round, the country that stands in the top of the 25 teams will win the team battle. The glory of one.

The team sent by Chambord City is a group of 50 strongest Saints and 20 urban management teams. Because the team battle is fair and just, it is not allowed to participate in the masters of three or more stars.


"I can't think of my luck so badly, I even met you at the first stop."

On the No. 1 test sword, the warrior Diego Milito from a second-class subsidiary of the Western theater of war sighed sadly.

The tall, eyebrow-skinned swordsman gave up his first thoughts when he learned his opponent, the first quarter of an hour after Shampoo, but he did not give up the opportunity to fight. . Because after the duels of these days, it is already a long-awaited opportunity for the Zenit warriors to fight with the masters like the Champion, and everyone knows that the shampoo king never kills in the duel, and sometimes, Will also point to one or two opponents.

On the test sword, Sun Fei smiled.

He was very impressed with this opponent with a big eyebrow and a big eye.

In the evaluation of the booklet used by the first empire's first bard Materazzi to swindle money yesterday, the witch, the swordsman named Diego Milito, is very The sense of justice is simple and honest, the move is bright and straightforward, and the sword style is steady and steady. According to the records in the booklet, Milito’s life story is also full of knighthood, if placed in the ancient rivers and lakes of Sun Fei’s past life. This guy can be regarded as a chivalrous man. It is easy for Sun Fei to think of the Jing brother who is blunt in nature but ultimately achieves extraordinary achievements.

For such an opponent, Sun Fei will always be merciful and even complete.

Soon, the blue [Water Curtain Tianhua] magic enchantment blue flames flashed, and in the shouts and urgings of thousands of spectators around the magistrates and test swords, this has long since disappeared. The suspense game officially began.

"Your Majesty, please correct me." Milito's posture is very low, and the expression reveals a respectfulness between not being humble.

"Please." Sun Fei smiled and stood.

The blue sword is like a wave, and Diego Milito pulls the sword for an instant, and the whole action is done in one go.

Diego Milito's swordsmanship is a smooth and steady route. There is no tricky thing in one stroke and one style. It is slightly stiff and lacks inspiration, but it is such a rigid move in such a 'jing brother' character. It’s indispensable to make it out of the hands, but it’s always playing the most powerful power.

Unfortunately, Milito encountered Sun Fei.

Even a fool can see that Milito is definitely not the opponent of Shampoo. The so-called game is just killing time.

However, Sun Fei did not instantly suppress his opponent with absolute power. Instead, he carefully watched the road of Diego Milito, and even Milito’s savage skill [the wrath of the tiger] looked at one or two. all over.

In the end, Diego Milito was already screaming at the impenelist audience in the audience, blushing in the face.

Sun Fei is not in a hurry.

His Majesty’s cherished heart once again scorned, regardless of the anxiety of the audience. The smile was patiently pointing out some of Milito’s knacks in swordsmanship. During this time, he was fascinated by contact with the mysterious powers. Recently, I have studied a lot of martial arts basic handwritten by Yassin, and his knowledge of martial arts theory has also advanced by leaps and bounds. Although it is not a master, he has pointed out that Milito is struggling with his own efforts. The grassroots warrior is more than enough.

This made Diego Milito very happy.

Originally, he only held a glimmer of expectation, only to have the courage to persist in the snoring of thousands of spectators, but did not want to get the direction of the shampoo king at the end, but now I only feel a lot of troubles that have plagued myself for a long time. The mouth of the shampoo king is very simple and complete.

Milito remembered every word that Sun Fei had said in his own heart. After even thanking him, he jumped off the test sword and ended the teaching competition.

After the magistrate announced the outcome of the game, Sun Fei jumped off the test sword and returned to the temporary camping area of ​​Chambord.

I just walked into the temporary tent in the single room, but I saw the bodyguards Torres, the white hair Pierce, the black hair Drogba, the warden Oleg, Peter Cech and others waiting in the tent. Obviously, I ended my game long ago.

"Well? Are you coming back? Tell me, if you lose, you still win?" Although he smiled and asked, in fact, Sun Fei saw no injuries on the crowd and had already guessed the result.

"Wang, those opponents were simply unable to withstand a blow. We had several people in the first game to be directly on the test sword game, so they won the game early, but I didn't expect you to spend nearly half an hour to end the battle." [Hip-Hop II] You said a few words about the record of several people. The six players almost all defeated the opponent within ten strokes and won the game.

As for Inzaghi and Jelena, due to the sequence of the game, the two players have not started yet, so they have not returned yet.

"Although it is a victory, but remember not to be too arrogant, this duel is no better than the previous battlefield qualifying, the masters are out of the crowd, if you really touch the ancient cave country's [a sword], [wind and fire double Awesome, [first goddess] magic princess Cindy or [silver armor] these masters, you have to face the problem"

Sun Fei looked at the confidence of the crowd and swelled his confidence.

Calculating the time, Inzaghi and Jelena's game is about to begin. The group went out of the open top, looked at the direction, was crowded in the crowd, and soon came to the No. 8 test sword.

On the 8th test sword, [Shadow Assassin] Inzaghi's game is going on.

Under the blue water curtain Tianhua, the shadows of the people whistling like the wind, from time to time, there was a burst of sounds of gold and iron, and a cluster of Mars came out, obviously, and other shampoos before. The master has a different style, and Inzaghi has encountered a master this time. The situation is very unfavorable for this handsome and thin teenager. He is in a difficult battle.

In this case, in fact, Sun Fei had expected some before.

Strength determines everything, and Inzaghi’s strength can only be reached at the end of all shampoo masters.

Although Inzaghi had worked as a mercenary for a period of time at the hot springs, he had never experienced a real battlefield killing, and the tasks that both of Uncle York received were simple life-like tasks because Inzaggi’s natural body. Thin, so the martial arts are not as good as the soldiers such as Piers Drogba and Cech, and even the original ordinary civilian Torres is slightly worse.

In addition, Inzaghi’s time to meet Sun Fei was a lot late. Although this time was also gradually changed by Sun Fei’s light-weight [Hulk Pharmacy], it was always time rushed and the temperament level was also Only barely improved to the second-star mid-level.

If there is a kind of horror talent that can be hidden at any time and in the void, the luck is always good, and the luck has always been good, not to touch the absolute master, even to this boy who stabbed the sword It is difficult to kill the top ten masters in the northern theater. Even so, Inzaghi’s qualifying trip in the theater can only be regarded as awkward, and all the way to reluctantly advance.

It was only in the first game of the Empire qualifying that Inzaghi’s good fortune was used up.

Because he jumped to the opponent is a five-star beginner from the first-class subsidiary of the Eastern Theater.

Although Inzaghi’s talents add to the assassination of this period of time, each of his attacks is strange, but the five-star master is wearing strong armor, plus his cultivation. The wind is vindictive, and the same is a sensitive route. The response is extremely fast. Although it is impossible to detect Inzaghi’s hidden talent, it can avoid it in the moment of the move. Occasionally, it will cause great inzaghi. Trouble.

[Shadow of the Assassin] defeat has appeared.

This may be the first defeat of the Chambords in this year's martial arts competition.


The first is more.

Tonight is a special day, I hope everyone is happy and happy.

Seeking collections and red tickets.


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