Hail the King

Chapter 352: Three do not kill

Chapter 352, three do not kill

Looking at the stage, the battlefield has become clearer and clearer. Sun Fei’s face is calm, and no one can see what he is thinking.

However, Sun Fei’s side, [Hip-Hier] and the flattering Oleg, Peter Cech and other people have an anxious color on their faces. These people are masters, and naturally they can see the direction of the situation. The disciple Inzaghi has already used all the means, but he can't help the other side. Instead, he has suffered some injuries because of the counterattack of the other warrior. If there are no other unexpected situations, there will be no more than ten strokes, and Inzaghi will lose. undoubtedly.

"Which dog is on the stage? Is Philip pushed to this level? Waiting for the end of the game, I can't pinch his eggs..." Pierce looked anxious and pointed to the opponent on the stage. .

"When the game is over, let's talk about this mess." Drogba touched his chin with his hand and looked like a murderer.

In addition to [hip-hop two people], other Cech and Torres are also not good.

The people around watching the game heard the words of a few guys, but they also instinctively wanted to ridicule something, but after seeing these people’s fierce faces, they felt the danger of these stocks. The breath, one by one, closed their own big mouth, but whispered, pointing to Sun Fei and others pointing fingers, apparently did not say anything good.

"Ah... they are, [one finger broken sky], [white hair fast sword], [black hair crazy]... and [one punching the sky] shampoo king, they are shampoo people!" Someone suddenly recognized The identity of these very unkind guys is low.

When the voice whispered, the people who had been whispering in the past were scared and pale, and they never dared to say a word.

Sun Fei looked back and glanced [Hip-Hour], and the two guys quickly lowered their heads and honestly shut up and dared not say anything more.

No one knows what King’s Majesty is thinking.

Under the support of the powerful and unpredictable wings of His Majesty, Chambord City has not known for a long time what it is, even after Sun Fei and others left the shampoo, facing the Imperial Knights’ Hall. The aggression of the masters and the coalition forces of several countries, the unfavorable Chambord City, in the case of unity and desperation, finally defeated the powerful enemy and won the victory. From that time, the shampoo’s blood began to flow. The factor of victory, any failure, is unacceptable to them.

Therefore, at this time, the shampoo masters said that they did not want to be in the game of countless other countries, shampoo to lose such a game.

Those who have such an idea, and Inzaghi who is struggling to fight on the stage.


A sharp gasp.

Holding the palm of the Touch of Death, the palm of the dagger has begun to tremble slightly. It seems that if you just move the dagger, it will fall from your hand, but Inzaghi knows that if he is dead, he will never let the dagger leave his hand. .

Because the Emperor learned the **** night of the mercenary headquarters, his most respected person once solemnly told himself: As an assassin, you must not let the weapon leave your hand, and there must be no hesitation or hesitation. If you miss a shot, you will leave in an instant...


assassin! ! !

Inzaghi reached out and wiped the blood from his forehead and brows almost blurring his own eyes. The intense pain made him almost suffocate, but he knew he had to be awake.

The eleventh road on the legs almost cut off the scars of the bones. A stream of blood ran out like a spring, and it spread from the feet like spring water. In my mind, I really remembered Uncle York and Little Tina in the pool of blood. Waiting, also know that at this time, Owen, Cavani's orphans are watching their own game under the stage... At this moment, his thin body bears too much hope, so he must not fall.

Never fall down.

The endless exhaustion was like a tidal wave. He took a deep breath and suddenly moved under his feet. The next moment the body disappeared completely in the same place as it was transparent.

This is his talent abilities.

The horrible thing about this talent is that it is almost completely impeccable when Inzaghi is invisible, as if it is completely hidden in another space, and even the blood that has been dripping is gone.

But Inzaghi knows that under serious injuries, his physical condition can only support the last time.

This time, we must succeed.

Opposite, Inzaghi’s opponent looks calm, his narrow eyes squint, and the light of the road glimmers from the narrow corner of his eye. Although his body does not move, the transparent scorpion is between the small sounds. It is filled within the range of ten meters around the body.

These transparent ripples are the winds that flow in a slight flow.

Every turbulence of these winds is under his control. As long as any object breaks into the wind, even if it is a subtle bristles, he can feel it in the first place and then react.

Just now, relying on this quiet and silent means, he was able to find Inzaghi's figure again and again, and then counterattack.

"The hidden means of this shampoo is simply against the sky. Even if he meets opponents whose strength is higher than his four or five ranks, he will not find his whereabouts. Unfortunately, the opponent he met is me. And, this little guy. The head seems to be a bit stupid. I have to insist on it again and again, but I don’t know. Since I can find him once, I can find it for the second time!"

In my heart, I thought about it. At this moment, the long knife in his hand was cut off from the three-inch head without any warning.


One piece is like a wind, and the two black clothes are divided into four.

The face of the wind-powered warrior changed, because his knife was hollowed out. It was expected that the blade of the blade would fall into the flesh, and the scene of the blood splashing did not appear. The knife was only picked up. Clothes.

Suddenly, the samurai looked a condensate, and the long knife in his hand changed quickly, and the homeost suddenly went down quickly. In the cold air, there was a lightning-like white sharp puncture.

However, this knife was once again hollowed out, only a piece of clothing was cut.

At this time, the real attack suddenly stabbed from the front, and a dark dagger was like a silent stinger, slowly stabbing out in the void, without moving a slight wave of air, Even the wind that ran through the air escaped.

The handle of the dagger is tightly nestled in a pair of thin, thin hands.

At this time, the samurai's moves have been used old, and when the double-knife is down, the waist is slightly bent, and it looks more like an active head to meet the dagger that is stabbed in the void.


A few long hairs touched the dagger's short blade and suddenly broke into two.

It is almost a killing game.

No one thought that when the serious injury was almost overdone, the head of the thin boy seemed to have finally opened up. He even used two pieces of clothes to attract the attraction of the opponent. It was calculated that it was extremely simple but not too bad. The killing of the situation, the reversal of the situation, is between this move.

However, the huge gap in strength is not such a strategy can change, not to mention that Inzaghi at this time has been seriously injured to the end of the strong state.

The wind-fighting warrior moves with the old, and the homeopathic slams on the ground. The earth shakes, and the vibration wave acts on Inzaghi’s body. The big and small wounds are shot out, letting the thin young boy’s movements a little bit, and again In an instant, by the force of the earthquake, the long knife in the hands of the samurai was used as a blade, and a captain was reversed.



The knife slammed into Inzaghi's arm and suddenly heard the sound of broken bones.

It can be seen by the naked eye that the thin elbows of the thin arms are folded at 90 degrees in the back of the joints. It is obvious that the hand bones have completely broken the fracture under the impact of this knife back.

However, under such circumstances, the hand holding the "Death Touch" dagger did not loosen.

As if the pain was not felt, the teenager tried his best and the whole person leaned forward and sent the dagger into the left shoulder of the windy warrior.

This is the first time Inzaghi has injured his opponent in the game.

Unfortunately, the opponent did not lose the fighting power because of this attack. The body was slightly on one side, and the injury of the dagger into the body was reduced to a minimum. Then a rotation, the knife light turned like a practice and turned to Inzaghi. Back brain.

"Be careful!"



Under the test of the sword, a few screams and screams sounded. Torres, Cech and [Hip Hop II] and others screamed out loud. Torres didn’t even know when the longbow in his hand was in his hand. The bow and the arrow, the arrow cluster contains amazing power, it is necessary to shoot off the string.

But at this time, Sun Fei gently waved his hand and stopped all this.

Because on the test sword, the victory and defeat have been divided.

The blade of the wind-powered warrior suddenly stopped when he was less than a centimeter from Inzaghi’s brain. At this time, Inzaghi had already lost too much blood because of the injury, and he had already passed out. However, it is incredible that although this teenager has lost consciousness, but like a statue, his feet are firmly on the ground, not falling down.

"A respectable opponent!"

The windy warrior looked at Inzaghi, who was already fainting but stood still and refused to let go of his weapon. In the end, he couldn’t help but change his color. The long knife in his hand retracted and said: "I don’t kill three, first. Kill, it is said that the shampoo masters do not kill one person in all the qualifying positions in the theater, so I will not kill him today. The second does not kill, this boy is not as strong as me, but still entangled for an entire hour, but also stabbed me, is a worth The admired opponent, the third does not kill, an assassin should have stood in the shadow instead of appearing in the duel, so I can't kill him!"

This is not what he said to Inzaghi, but to the audience around the thousands.

It seems that it was shocked by the wind and the martial arts of the warrior and the tenacious fighting spirit of the fainting teenager. After a moment of quietness, the applause and cheers of the madness and screams sounded around the 8th sword.

"The result of the game... shampoo defeat!"

The voice of the magistrate just fell, but I saw a figure flashing out of the crowd, like a thunder, flying to the test sword, followed by a smooth blue sky like a water curtain, that is the water magic The enchantment [Water Curtain Tianhua] is in the protective test sword, but this magic enchantment, which can resist the full-strike of the six-star warrior, is like a paper paste in front of this person. Pull, it falls apart.

It is the shampoo king!

Sun Fei appeared on the test sword and reached out to help the faint teenager.

Try the sword station to be silent.

What is the shampoo king doing? Is it necessary to kill the windy warrior under the wrath of revenge for his disciples?


I am exhausted.

I wish you all the best in the Year of the Dragon, good fortune, sweet love, and healthy family.


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