Hail the King

Chapter 353: , a test of the wind and snow on the sword

Chapter 353, a ‘wind and snow month’ on a test stand

All the sights were concentrated on Sun Fei’s body. He watched Sun Fei take a small red bottle from the storage ring and pour the red liquid like blood into the stunned and lost consciousness. Inzaghi’s mouth, and then the shocking wounds in Inzaghi’s body began to wriggle, producing countless fresh flesh and buds, slowly shrinking and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The atmosphere is so tense that many people have overlooked the strange changes that are taking place in Inzaghi.

When Sun Fei held his own big disciple and turned his head and looked at the windy warrior on the opposite side, this tense atmosphere reached the most **, everyone knows, with the strength of the shampoo king, as long as he is willing, one Between the tricks, you can pinch the warrior like an ant.

But for a pursuit of the perfect hero image in his own mind, no one wants the shampoo king to really shoot, because before this, the performance of the shampoo king in the face of the ruling knight has already made many people will use it against the strong. The label was attached to him, and countless warriors from the dependent countries saw the young king who turned out to be his idol. Now, if the shampoo king takes the shot, it is bullying, he is in the hearts of these grassroots warriors. The idol image will suddenly collapse.

Sun Fei’s gaze is like a knife. It is fixed on the face of the windy warrior. Although the windy warrior’s warrior has no worries, he still can’t help but feel nervous. Only the opponents at the level of the shampoo can face each other clearly. Feeling this kind of horrible pressure, the windy warrior feels like a terrier dog stared at by the dragon. As long as the other side puts a little pressure on it, he will scream and scream with his tail.

This is a trembling from the soul level.

"What is your name?" Sun Fei suddenly asked: "Which country is it from?"

This question made the atmosphere on the scene even more tense.

Although the tone of the shampoo king is still calm, the more calm it is, the more scary it is, and the content of the question, so many people think that the shampoo king is going to be ready to kill, not only to kill this unfortunate wind vindictive The warrior even annihilated the anger of the other country’s dependent country.

The wind martial arts warrior obviously thinks so.

"My name is Alyang Robben. As for the name of the country I am in, you can know it by hearing the magistrate, but don't want to know it from my mouth." I looked at it and dared to shrink. The duel magistrate came over and Robben straightened his chest and said loudly: "Trying the duel above the sword, it was originally a death or injury, not to mention that I have been merciful, and if you want to shuff your own selfish anger, To me and to the affiliates I am in, we can only fight to death."

Alyang Robben said that the sound of the earth, the blood, suddenly won the applause of some **** warriors around the sword.

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks Robben's performance is correct.

"Bold, nonsense, Alyang Robben, your arrogant guy, don't hurry to apologize to Shampoo King? You stupid..." suddenly stood up from the viewing area on the other side of the 8th sword station. A fat middle-aged man with a crown of red, green and blue jewels stood up, trembled and pointed at Robben, and then turned around like a hunting dog to meet his master with a charming smile and laughed. : "Your Majesty, please don't be surprised. We haven't had a man named Robben since then. Since he violated your Ma Tianwei, the king announced that he would lift Robben's allegiance from then on. His behavior and our country. There is no relationship at all, and the king has always admired you..."

Said here, seeing Sun Fei frowning, the third-class affiliated king, Duo Wang, dare not say anything more, turned and leaned against Alyang Robben standing on the stage: "Idiot, you are a troubled piglet." Immediately give me your half-dead father to give me a goblet, and many countries will no longer welcome you these two idiots..."

This fat guy, the official third-class affiliate of the kingdom of a country.

The windy warrior named Robben is a long-time swearing loyalty to the king of the wandering warriors, with a seriously ill father, in a situation of poverty and desolation, and finally, under a chance, Going to the king. Many kings look at Robben's strength and have the value of using it. This has only taken over the warrior, and it is also relying on Robben that a small third-class affiliate can get a place in the previous qualifying qualifying. Finally, the opportunity to qualify for the Empire.

Originally, many kings thought that they had unwittingly picked up a treasure. They were happy to close their mouths. Who knows that this treasure is a root cause of trouble, and almost killed the disciples of the shampoo king, and angered the shampoo king. Still, the king of the king was scared to death, and quickly jumped out of the relationship between Minqing and Robben, for fear that Sun Fei would vent his anger to many countries.

When the words of the king of the kings came out, they suddenly attracted a lot of people around them to sneer.

Almost everyone began to sympathize with Robben.

This wind-powered warrior has a good strength and is even more open-minded. Whether it is before the "shadow of the assassin" in the strength of the Zhajibi competition or the victory over the opponent, the "three does not kill" is nothing but the A sly man, but unfortunately suffered a loyalty to the king who is so greedy and fearful of death, but it is really a secret cast.

"As long as you kneel down and apologize, today's things, the king will not pursue it." Sun Fei looked calm and said slowly, but the voice was clearly passed to Robben's ear.


Still silent.

Robben didn't say anything more. He stepped on the ground with his feet on his feet. His body was straight like a javelin. The temperament of the faint blue color began to frantically flash, and the strength of a five-star initial stage was raised to the extreme, even in Sun Fei. Under the pressure of the exuding pressure, there are still signs of breakthrough.

This is his choice.

I would rather die.

This figure, as well as the faintly flashing light blue flaming flames, reveals a tragic atmosphere, because no matter how many thousands of viewers around or Robben knows himself, even if he is desperate, he can’t be in the shampoo king. Under the support of a man.

But at the moment everything has nothing to do with victory or defeat.

It is related to the dignity of a real warrior.

Sun Fei smiled softly: "You are not my opponent. You have to think about it. If you are dead, who will take care of your father who cannot survive alone?"

Sun Fei knew the details of Robben from the booklet.

Hearing this sentence, Luo's own flashing light blue flaming flames glimpsed.

This sentence is like the sharpest dagger in the world, stabbing the softest place in Robin's heart.

But in the next moment, everything is back to normal.

"If I choose to kneel down now, my father will never forgive me. I will choose the latter between life and death and dignity."

Robben’s words are like iron.

"It’s a pity that the Pearl casts a dark ball and makes the hero shame!" Just as everyone thought that the next moment was when Robben splashed five steps, Sun Fei suddenly sighed: "A real warrior like you." It’s only a pity that the real king is worthy of your allegiance. Is it a pity to choose a guy who is loyal to the stupid pig in the distance?”

When Sun Fei said this sentence, he reached out and pointed to the fat and charming king in the distance.

The fat stupid pig suddenly looked white.

Robben didn't think that the shampoo king would suddenly say this. A flash of lightning flashed through his mind. In an instant, he thought of something, a little incredible, and didn't know what to say.

Thousands of people under the sword stand suddenly gave some exclamations.

"The stupid pig-like guy doesn't accompany you allegiance. I think shampoo is your best choice. Alyang Robben, this king appreciates your glory as a warrior. How about joining shampoo?"

Sun Fei’s face with a sincere smile and looking at Robben, who was completely at a loss, added: “Of course, this is not persecution. Regardless of your decision, the king hopes to get you like this. The true samurai friendship, you will always be the most popular guest."


There was a voice of exclamation and discussion around the entire test sword. No one thought that there was such a dramatic change in the end of the scene. Many grassroots warriors quietly sighed with relief, because the shampoo king did not bully. They did not let them down, and the tall new idol image in their hearts did not collapse.

But soon, their hearts hang again.

Will Alyang Robben choose to surrender to Shampoo?

Everyone is looking forward to seeing a happy ending, and they are convinced that only the unparalleled king of the Champa King is worthy of the real warrior like Robben, who is born and died, since that stupid is like a pig's head. The king of the king has already contacted Robben's allegiance, so now Robben has completely free to choose the object of allegiance.

"I, Alyang Robben, swears allegiance to my lord Alexander, is determined to be loyal, and does not leave until I lose my life."

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Robben made a swearing oath with his long knife on his knees. He recited every word clearly, just like reading a poem.

It is not difficult to make such a decision.

Because standing in front of him is an unparalleled king, one of the most worthy of his allegiance.

"Ha ha ha, in front of the **** of war, the king accepts the allegiance of the warrior Alyang Robben..." According to the ancient tradition of Azeroth, Sun Fei laughed and responded to Robben’s allegiance, and everyone saw it. When I came out, the shampoo king really attached great importance to this grassroots warrior, because at the end, he even said awkwardly to the multi-faced king in the distance: "Your Majesty, I thank you for your generosity, send me a Real warrior!"

At this time, the more sturdy king, the fat face is like a red-burning pancake.


happy New Year to all.


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