Hail the King

Chapter 388: Calm vortex

Chapter 388, Calm Swirl

Completed the third scene of the large map [Curaster Seaport], Sun Fei's barbarian role has been upgraded to 78.

The only other Sun Fei feels slightly disappointed that there is no special reward for the role clearance. It seems that it is necessary to wait until the other six major occupations are all cleared, and it is like the incredible after the completion of the first act [Rogge Camp]. Magical rewards.

In order to advance to the rank of the strongest of the month, Sun Fei did not turn back to upgrade the other six major occupations, but directly into the role of the barbarian, entered the fourth act - [Flock of Fortress].

Legend has it that the archangel Tyrrell opened a time and space door, and the heroes of the Heroic Brigade passed through the time and space door to the last line of defense known as Heaven against Hell - the group of demons.

The Devil's Bastion is located in the high mountains in front of the Gate of Hell, and the terrain is extremely steep.

The group of demons has only one mountain road down, thousands of steps, the width of the steps is less than one meter, and it is curved and straight, and there is a big man who has to turn off.

The other side of the mountain road is connected to the great plains of the suburbs. The vast plains of the outskirts also have only one rugged mountain road leading to the desperate plains, and there is only one small intestine path from the desperate plains to the city of the gods. It can be seen that the group of demons must be the intersection of heaven and hell, and its geographical location is crucial.

The entire group of magical fortresses was clouded all day long and there was no sunshine. Walking on the thousands of narrow steps out of the fortress, there will be clouds drifting from time to time. The faint, pink mist is said to be the blood of countless dead people.

[Flock of Devils] There are three most famous big maps - [Great Plains in the Outskirts], "Desperate Plains" and "City of Gods".

There are all kinds of powerful demons everywhere.

There have been thousands of bright knights fighting for the light and freedom of mankind. There are countless glorious sacred knights fighting evil at the intersection of heaven and hell. In the long war, they almost sacrificed this, their blood was red. The land.

Sadly, however, when these glorious knights die and die, their glory bodies are driven by the evil forces of darkness, or mutated into demons, or clinging to resentment as ghosts, or supporting them with skeletons. The empty armor, wielding the blade that was proud of his life, joined the evil camp.

This is the big environment of the group of fortresses.

The first thing that Sun Fei entered into the [Fortress of the Group] was to talk to the npcs in the city to determine if they were wise, and the final result did not exceed Sun Fei’s expectations. There is no computer program that belongs to one's own thinking. Except for some pre-set conversations, it is not like the npcs of Rogge Camp can interact with themselves.

In the magnificent hall of the [Flock of Magic], Sun Fei saw the super npc archangel Tyrrell, who had had several faces. The powerful angel wore a pair of golden mighty suits. The golden radiance of the body, behind a pair of huge wings, and countless strips of pure white tentacles, even the dull npc, the body exudes a strong breath, even the entire hall is filled The unique pressure of being a strong person.

I have to admit that Tyrrell is the most powerful npc Sun Fei has seen so far.

From the 'Tactile Angel' here, Sun Fei received the first mission of the fourth act of the Great Map [Flock of the Devil] [The Fallen Angel] - Killing a fallen angel who was corrupted by the Hell forces, ending him The pain of the soul.

This task is not difficult.

On the day before the advent of the Wushu Combat Competition, Sun Fei finally killed the fallen angel, and completed the first task in the fourth act of the big map.

At this time, Sun Fei’s barbarian character level was promoted to level 79.


As time went by, everyone in the Imperial Capital and the 20-year-old state-run area began to thrive.

Because in the next three days, there will be two shocking matchups that will be unveiled. The first is the empire qualifying match between Shampoo King and Super Black Horse Shevchenko. The final, and the other is the confrontation between the empire's supreme martial arts Wu Sheng Krasic and the imperial Spartak empire Icunya.

In these two games, one is the peak matchup of the younger generation, symbolizing the hope of the future of the empire, and the other is the dialogue between the old powerhouses, which determines the fate of the empire, whether it is the strength level of the warring parties, or The meaning of fighting is a factor that attracts countless people to boil.

The confrontation between Shampoo and Shevchenko will be carried out tomorrow. In the past few days, there have been countless pairs of eyes fixed on the two sides' every move, and various predictions and rumors have been flying all over the sky.

Some people say that Shevchenko was seriously injured in the confrontation with [One Sword]. It has not yet healed, and it is very likely that he will abstain. Some people say that the shampoo king sent a magical figure to Shevchenko for a fair fight. Therapeutic agents, some people say that in fact, the shampoo king sent a poisonous poison, Shevchenko may have lost his life...

With the rumors of the rumors that are changing the odds of big and small gambling gambling gambling inside and outside the Imperial Capital, people who chase the interests will have it at any time. It is said that whether it is the final of the Empire qualifying after one day or three days later. The martial arts warfare has a variety of gambling odds.

It is said that some of the great aristocratic forces of the Imperial Capital have participated in the gambling more or less, or even some gambling bureaus are specially set up for the nobles. In the rumors of the continuation, there are well-informed people who say the empire [Female Wensheng The long princesses have supported the shampoo king and the imperial martial arts, while the second emperor Dominguez has thrown a gold coin to participate in the gamble of the empire qualifying, but there is no indication of the martial arts war. The most surprising thing is that the four emperors Christine and the Bege family's arrogant female Beyonce each throw a million pounds gambling shampoo king will be defeated.

The odds of the two games are different.

In the empire qualifying, more people are optimistic that the shampoo king will eventually win the championship, so almost all odds are one-sided, the strength of the shampoo king has conquered everyone.

The odds of Wu Shengzhan are even more one-sided than the finals of the Imperial qualifying. Even countless profit-seeking people have chosen Wu Sheng Krasic, although people can't judge which of the two Wu Sheng is stronger. But almost everyone is more willing to believe in the martial arts of their empire.

At the time of the country’s death, the citizens of the Zenit Empire showed little blood and unity.



Among the camps in Chambord City.

Sun Fei is still guiding Inzaghi and Owen and other ‘four little dragons’ to practice martial arts.

In the past two days, Sun Fei basically spent the same time. Guide the disciples to practice martial arts during the day, or to learn a few times with the masters of the men, and then treat Robben’s father, Old Alyang, to block the blocked fighting channels, soothe the atrophied leg muscles. After these days of treatment, plus a trace of [Hulk The stimulation of the pharmacy, the old Aryang's leg injury is gradually recovering, and now it is possible to walk slowly with a cane.

In the past two days, Sun Fei did not step out of the shampoo camp, but in addition to the rest of the night, it always appeared in the eyes of everyone. In the eyes of outsiders, the shampoo king seems to be nothing at all. Worried about the upcoming competition, maybe he is already well-informed, and his performance is excellent and leisurely.

In fact, Sun Fei receives two letters each day that are not much different.

One is from the enchanted witch Paris, which mainly summarizes the activities of the secret agents of the Holy See during the day.

I have to admit that the efficiency of the Holy See’s behemoth is really amazing. In just a few days, people who have had a relationship with Sun Fei have been secretly investigated, even the tenth place of the Imperial Knights’ Hall that once fought with Sun Fei. The ruling knight [Golden Sun Knight] Chris Sutton got the appointment of the parish Pope. If Sutton was not willing to tell the latter about the contents of the interview, Paris would not know that the appointment was actually It is a detailed understanding of every attack that Sutton and Sun Fei played in the process.

"Alexander, you must be careful. The Holy See seems to be eyeing you for some reason. I hope that you will not be involved in the battle between the Holy See and the Imperial Royal Family. Even if the monthly power is involved, it will be broken if you are not careful." Remember to remember."

Paris has repeatedly stunned in a recent letter.

Sun Fei saw the meaning of the words. It seems that the relationship between the Holy See and the empire is not very harmonious. There are even some faint frictions, so that the witch thinks that she has been secretly monitored and investigated. It is because she is involved in the Holy See and the Empire. There is another reason behind the battle.

Sun Fei looked at the letter, and thought in his heart. It’s strange that during this time, the church power of the Zenit parish has been low-key, like disappearing. The parishist Pope Sergey Lily did not even attend. The opening ceremony of the Yanwu Combat Competition, but there was a rift between the imperial royal family and the parishion.

It seems that the situation facing the empire is far more sinister than it is known.

Under the calm water, there is an invisible undercurrent.

Another letter is from a tall master who came from the portal. This master is actually the master of Sun Fei's dispatch to protect the shampoo city's own intelligence organization [the petition office] by the elderly Zola and the little Modridge, and of course the npc in the [Rog Camp], so the transfer can be used. The door is traversed.


The first is more.

Ask for a red ticket.

Tonight, I want to add to the book review area, everyone is free to send a post to lead the essence. There is no limit to the number.


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