Hail the King

Chapter 389: The secret of Shevchenko

Chapter 389, The Secret of Shevchenko

In the letter from the Letters and Calls Office, there was a mention of the secret investigation of the Holy See, but it was not as detailed as that described by Paris. After all, the time for the establishment of the Letters and Calls Office was too short to be controlled by Paris. In addition to the dynamics of the Holy See, the letters of the emperor's side are in addition to the dynamics of the Holy See. They also bring together the recent developments of some forces in the Imperial Capital. The existence of the surface and underground forces of the Imperial Capital is basically clarified by both of them.

I have to admit that Zola and Modric are both intelligence personnel. The petition office is like a seed that is secretly sprouting and growing. Under the control of the two, it constantly penetrates into all aspects of the empire. Sun Fei is not eager to harvest, and one day, [the petition office] can also become a mainland super intelligence organization such as [Tian search] and [local question].

Sun Fei’s performance in these two days was very leisurely. He never crossed the door of the shampoo camp. In fact, he was seen by the intelligence personnel of the Holy See who were secretly observing and monitoring.

After all, in the event of the Necromancer, now Sun Fei is only a possible object of doubt. Once the Holy See can't find out the unfavorable evidence of Sun Fei for a long time, such surveillance will be withdrawn sooner or later.


The second day.

School center, the first test sword.

The final of the Empire Qualifying Masters is about to begin.

Tens of thousands of people are frantically surrounded by the test swords. Apart from the rest areas of the countries where the two sides are in the finals and the VIP viewing area, there are crowds of people everywhere. The water is leaking, and the people are so close that even one needle can't go in. Degree.

In order to prevent the line of sight from being blocked by the big man, some people even moved directly to the bench to stand on the battle, and those greedy guys who moved more than the ladder were directly smashed into pigs by those who were blocked.

From the dawn of the morning to the present, in less than four hours, there have been numerous **** cases of fighting for the front row to watch the game. Even the soldiers who maintain order in the imperial security have been Hey and beat the head of the **** hapless.

All the scenes show that this is the most watched game.

The royal court magicians who guarded the swordsmanship changed from ten to twenty, except for the first white hair, which was slightly older, and the other nine were young and energetic young magicians. The magical robe with red gold and red eyes, with a curious and expectant look in the eyes, stood 20 meters apart from each other around the test sword station, waiting for the start of the game.

In the VIP viewing area, the heads of the two emperors Domingos, the princess Natasha, the witch Paris, the four emperors Christo, the emperor's more than ten families and the big aristocratic group all appeared in the seating area.

Don't look at the long princess and the witch, Paris, who killed you in the Dongshan of Chambord City, but in front of the public at this time, it seems quite harmonious, the seats are approaching, and even often smile each other, two beautiful things like Fairy-like women sitting together, do not know how many men attracted the attention of the eyes, but only a few people can see the two pairs of beautiful scorpions in the face of the same as the sword shines like a splendid fire .

The shampoo city rest area, Lampard, [hip-hop two will] and so on to the Bo masters all appeared in it, dozens of masters of the stars, the arch of the general will be the future Princess Wang Hao Angela guard in the middle. The mighty strength of the samurai and the amazing beauty of the bright and unparalleled princes of the royal family have attracted the attention of countless people.

Try the sword on the stage.

Sun Fei and Shepchenko are relatively opposed.

The magistrate has announced the start of the game, but the two did not play the sword in the first time. Compared with the crazy scenes of countless **** people in the audience, the two on the stage did not meet as many people imagined. It’s a slap in the face.

"Andrei has not thanked his Majesty for sending medicines. But I don't want to say that I am participating in the competition today. I am afraid that the battle will not stand up." Shepchenko's black unopened giant sword is inserted in the stone. In the seam, like a stone monument, the shield behind the back, the tough body line and the firm face, it is easy to produce a good feeling.

"This king is just, want to know who beats [a sword], how strong the real strength is." Sun Fei smiled slightly.

Sun Fei knows that he sent people to send medicines, but it did play a role in some treatments, but the most important result is the treatment of doctors and magicians around Shevchenko. In this world, as long as it is not a particularly serious injury, always It can be restored as soon as possible under some unconventional treatments. It can be seen that Shevchenko is also very concerned about this battle.

It’s just that Sun Fei’s strangeness is that although Shevchenko is strong and strong at this time, it does not have the crazy magic of the Divi crystal camera. Whether it is temperament or gaze, it is completely different. Two people, the same person, don't know why there is such a huge contrast? Is it because his strength has not fully recovered?

When Sun Fei was suspicious, the opposite of Shevchenko took a respectful ceremony and solved the light yellow wooden texture round shield behind it. The backhand was shot and the black sword was placed in the hand.


At this moment, strange changes have appeared.

A quiet breath filled the air faintly, like a colorless flame burning quietly.

Sun Fei’s eyebrows stunned and he felt an indescribable change at the moment Supchenko held the sword.

It seems that the opponent standing in front of his own eyes has changed one person.


From a slight embarrassment to sudden madness, it was only an instant thing, and then the arrogant roar of the stunned stunned the eardrums of countless people. The black scorpion sword was suddenly covered with a red flame, like burning and falling. Like Tianzhu, the head screamed with a sharp whistling sound.


Sun Fei instantly summoned the steel barbs and put a fist on the sword.

Two huge forces collided, and a huge roaring sound came out. The fists and swords broke out with a glaring fire. The twenty magicians on the side of the sword were shocked by the loud noise. To give yourself a mute magic, some of the nearby viewers are not lucky, and there are not a few who have shaken their ears.

Sun Fei only felt his arms numb, and the power of a flame attribute invaded his arm along the glove. The force of the earthquake made him unable to resist a step back.

On the opposite side, Shevchenko was even more than four or five steps away. The giant sword slammed forward behind him, stabbing on the hard stone surface and drawing a first-class Mars, which stabilized the figure.

"Great power, natural power!" Sun Fei looked at Shevchenko, and she understood some in her heart.

He found that once the shield and the sword were in hand, the opponent was like a person changing, and the shackles of the madness were fascinating, and the ones that had been seen in the crystal camera of Divi and the violent overbearing that had never come back. The momentum finally returned to Shevchenko.

"Turn back and drag the sword!!"

In the mad anger, the black giant scorpion sword turned into a whirlwind. The human body, with the help of the giant sword's spinning force, was like a madness, and a group of black light swayed the body of Shevchenko. As soon as the cold wind blade storm hit the Sun Fei.

Hey! ! !

A string of huge roaring sounds rang in everyone's ear. The huge shock wave smashed a transparent water ripple in the air. The sparks in the sky were like dazzling fireworks in the night.

Just the moment of the electric light and flint, the fist sword hit no more than a hundred times.

Then the two figures shot backwards and split them.

Sun Fei retired three steps.

And Shevchenko retired eight steps.

Despite the violent ups and downs of the chest, the breath began to be unstable, but the breath of Shevchenko was stronger and stronger, and the madness of the madness rose wildly, which was even more terrifying, almost shaken. At the moment, the black sword swayed instantaneously, and the figure swung back at a faster speed.

"One word 斩!!!!"

Carrying the momentum of madness, the black scorpion sword is generally head-on and squatting. It is a simple character, but it is the most powerful. It is the most powerful way to reflect the 斩 诀 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , general.

"Ha ha ha, good! Come well!"

Sun Fei under [Barbaric Mode] hasn't encountered an opponent who can make him feel hearty in the hard power. Although he can't play it, he finally played the most direct and shocking. Feeling fiercely, I couldn’t help but scream, seeing Shevchenko’s 'word swearing’ as the head squats, it wouldn’t be better than the double fist, hitting the sword in the black sword, this terrible one The sword was firmly connected.

In three days, Sun Fei’s strength is growing at a rapid rate every moment. The role of the barbarian after the killing of the monster again last night has been promoted to level 80, which is equivalent to the real-world nine-star mid-level strength. Far higher than the strength of Shevchenko, so this move 'one word 斩 method' next, in addition to the palm of the hand slightly numb, it is effortless.

"Open and open, open, open, ah!"

In a state of madness, Shevchenko violently screamed, and even the blood was red in the eyes. The hands holding the hilt of the swords swelled, and the muscles of the old trees were like the roots of the old trees. It was apparent that they had done their best.

However, it is impossible to pull the black sword!

Sun Fei shook his head slightly.

Judging from today's game, the defeat of [One Sword] is indeed a bit embarrassing. Regarding the true strength, although Shevchenko can threaten the martial art strongman, but wants to win, it is It is difficult. It is a pity that [one sword] played in the semi-finals is really strange, the big loss of standards, will be killed by Shevchenko.

[One sword] Why do you play abnormally? This is a fan!

At this time, Sun Fei has discovered some secrets of the situation of Shevchenko.

In the battle, Shevchenko will enter a miraculous state, completely mad, this kind of person is a bit like a double character in the legend of the past, there is nothing special, but when he comes into contact with certain When a person is something, it instantly becomes another character, just like changing a person.

This double character is based on Shevchenko. In general, he is just a handsome man with a strong eyebrow and a strong face, but when he holds the handle of the black sword and the pale yellow wood texture. The shield will instantly enter another character state - the state of madness!

In this state of madness, Shevchenko can explode the same strength and stability as robots, and the more furious and frustrating.


Sun Fei’s double fists were shocked, and the strength of the nine-star line was rushed.

Hey! !

Under such a huge and incredible power, the black giant sword was thrown out of the hands of Shevchenko, and the heavy blade trembled with a high-speed tremor, and it screamed like a subsonic wave, then fell from the air. The bang sounded as if the ancient mountain collapsed and fell on the stone floor. The entire test sword was almost collapsed and violently shocked.

The exclamation of the four faces is like a stormy wave that rang between the heavens and the earth.

What happened next confirmed Sun Fei’s speculation that when the black sword was shot and shot, the horrible blood red flame in the eyes of Shevchenko gradually disappeared, from madness to confusion, from confusion to sunnyness. In the end, it was clear, and it was withdrawn from the state of madness, and it became the man of the hearty and determined man before the sword.


Second more.

Now go to the book review area and add it.

By the way, the plot is followed by a high-speed, arrogant stage, because the previous stage, including the game, has been written.


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