Hail the King

Chapter 393: Battle of the peaks [1]

Chapter 393, the Battle of the Peak [1]

"Follow, sire."

Even though the hearts of the people are more or less filled with mysterious questions, everyone wants to know what the old man of unknown origin said to the King of the King in the past two hours or so that Alexander Wang turned out to be Trusting him so much, but out of absolute obedience to Sun Fei, no one has objected and accepted such an order with respect and respect.

Robben is undoubtedly the most exciting of all.

This kind of excitement is not because the father has gained the trust of his majesty, but because he was once in the face of his father’s faint self-exile, he finally saw the glory of hope again, just like a near dry. The old tree finally took out the new green shoots.


For Sun Fei, the appearance of the old Aryang is simply a charcoal in the snow, and like a little sleep, someone sent a pillow.

On the white scroll handed over by Old Al Yang, the recommendations on the formation of the "Spider Legion" were discussed in detail, and the candidates of the commanders of the various brigades and squadrons were also presented. The reasons for selecting these people were also explained. A very bold suggestion, if you follow this idea to form this legion, it will take half a year, and the "Spider Brigade" will become its own private army.

Of course, the place where Sun Fei really values ​​old Aryang is that the old man is indeed a real talent.

After reading the white scroll file, Sun Fei had an hour and a long talk with the old Aryang. Sun Fei Sun Fei was completely a layman in the marching war, but he could still hear it. At this time, the legs can only walk slowly. Even the old man who is not as strong as ordinary people has a wealth of experience.

From the old man talking about the pride and self-sufficiency that can't be concealed in the eyes of the military, and the sloppy and sloppy that is inadvertently revealed, he clearly told Sun Fei that this old man who is not amazing is likely to have It is a famous figure who holds a heavy arm.

This may have once dominated a prominent person in the past, but did not know what had happened to the tragic change, and even fell into the miserable end of a severely disabled family with his legs, with his son Robben to hide, even with the five-star strength of Robben, In order to survive, I had to bury my name in a small country.

Sun Fei did not want to know what happened behind the old Al Yang.

He only knows that Chambord is now extremely talented.

Old Aryang is the talent that is needed now.

Sun Fei does not have to worry that the old Al Yang will betray himself, because when he was treating the leg injury for the elderly, he used the [Hulk Pharmacy] to stimulate the strengthening of his leg muscles, while the [Hulk Pharmacy] is similar to The role of branding in the soul of the other party can make the other party loyal to Sun Fei unconsciously. This is a wonderful spiritual maintenance function, but it can play an unexpected role at a critical moment, and it also makes Sun Fei How much can be perceived by some of the other party's emotional changes.

Moreover, Sun Fei does not think that old Aryang and Robben are the kind of people who are used to betrayal.

Men’s trust, in many cases, lies in a feeling.

Sun Fei is very convinced of this feeling.

Therefore, he did not ask the origin of Robin and his son. He did not trace the true identity of the two people. He chose to believe that the old Alyang was immediately used to make the mysterious old man responsible for the formation of the "Spider Legion".

In this way, Sun Fei can be a good shopkeeper.

To tell the truth, it’s really not Sun Fei’s past occupants who can play this kind of thing.

Sun Fei is now most concerned about the upcoming Wu Sheng war.

The battle of the most powerful powerhouse in the past 20 years has been the focus of the two empire of the Zenit Empire and the Spartak Empire, and even other such as The major neighbors such as the Jax Empire, the Eindhoven Empire, and the Saint-Germain Empire are closely watching the confrontation between the two great saints.

It is said that in the last one or two days, in addition to the Spartak empire of the Spartak empire, the Emperor of St. Petersburg, the first swordsman Huntelaar, Eindhoven first place Costacu The tower, the St. Germain Crown Prince Girano and others have come to St. Petersburg with their respective missions, just to see this martial war.

As the decisive battle between the Mount Wushan is approaching, the issue of eligibility for the Mount Wusheng Mountain has already received much attention.

Such a martial arts level confrontation, ordinary wandering warriors and imperial people do not want to watch the scene.

It is said that the two martial arts were not willing to watch the war, but the pressure of several major empires came down, and finally took a step back. Only one hundred people were allowed to appear on the Wusheng Mountain. This hundred-point match became The goal that countless military people dreamed of, it is said that the value of a quota was fired to nearly a million gold coins.

After all, this is a confrontation between the two Wushens who usually do not see the end of the dragon.

For some warriors who are at the bottleneck of cultivation, if they can watch the war, it is not impossible to realize what can be realized from this peak confrontation and then break through the bottleneck. In addition, they can watch the confrontation between the two imperial martial arts themselves. It is a symbol of identity, a kind of capital that brags and sells to others. Therefore, apart from the military, the big aristocrats and the big consortium controllers are also extremely enthusiastic about the number of places to watch the battle.

However, Sun Fei is not worried about the quota.

Because the imperial royal family and the military combined to make a decision, the 25th predecessor of this empire qualifying competition can get a place to watch the Wusheng Mountain, Eindhoven, Ajax and Saint-Germain. The empire's missions each received five places, and the Zenit parish summer court received a Ming brother, and the other 50 places were distributed to the imperial aristocrats and some of the rising stars of the army - Of course, these strong people are basically also nobles.

In this way, a total of six people in Chambord City have been given a place to watch the battle, and they can wait for the arrival of the game.

At the same time, the old Al Yang, who was authorized by Sun Fei, was working hard to form the "Spider Legion".

In the process, the prestige of Shampoo King and the black horse miracle staged in Chambord City won the hearts of countless people. At one time, there were countless elite kings led by the kings of the dependent kingdoms to join the [Wolf Legion], including the promotion to The Byzantine state of the fourth-affiliation country and the Gudong country, the second-class subsidiary country, within three days, the five brigades have already woven three full.

"However, there are a few masters who are very talented and talented. It seems to be hesitating." At the next night when he reported the progress of the formation of the army, the old Aryan wanted to stop and seemed to complete the wolf within ten days. The formation of the Tooth Corps is not very confident.

"If you can't fill it, you can't fill it up. This thing doesn't have to be forced." Sun Fei didn't care very much about this matter.

Old Aryan wants to stop, and finally look at the King’s Majesty seems to have no useful meaning, think about it, have written it, and finally resisted, silently retired.


At night, Sun Fei entered the world of Diablo and continued to kill and upgrade.

After the first two nights of fighting, Sun Fei has completed the first two tasks of the fourth scene of the big map [Group of Magic Fortress], not only solved the fallen angel, but also found the handle in the [Flame River] The special hammer, which broke the soul stone of Mephisto, is equivalent to finally solving one of the three giants of Hephaesto, and finally settled the final boss of Diablo.

In fact, the third mission of the [Flock of Devils] [the ending of terror] has also been carried out more than half.

This task is extremely difficult to complete. It is the Diablo, one of the three giants of Hell, who entered the [Chaos Refuge] from [The River of Fire], entered the innermost temple, unlocked five seals, and eliminated a huge amount. After the monsters, the Diablo will appear in the ground, and Sun Fei’s mission is to destroy Diablo.

In the first two nights, Sun Fei has uncovered three seals and wiped out a large number of monsters.

At this time, the Sun Fei barbarian level has risen to 83, the strength is extremely strong, and harvested a few very good fifth-grade orange equipment, but there is a little bit of equipment that Sun Fei bought from npc at all costs. The gap, in addition to a few excellent pieces of fine color collection in the temporary storage box, all other bought gold coins.

Every time a seal is opened, there will be a large number of monsters in the temple. They are extremely powerful **** elite monsters. They have certain threats. Sun Fei does not dare to go too far, and can only slowly use the war of consumption. After four small killings, Sun Fei finally succeeded in uncovering five seals.

The dark black rock pillars are covered with the Hellfire and the magma fountain. The mountain shakes for a while, as if the space is to collapse, and the raging roar, Diablo finally appeared.

This is a **** of a red blood like a blood, the back of the eight pairs of bone spurs rise to the sky, see the claws of the **** devil, not only strong attack, but also the ability to restore life, lingering around this terrible pressure, screaming, Huge sound waves can even directly kill a master of the real world's five or six-star strength, which is extremely difficult to provoke.

Sun Fei and Elena burned for more than 30 minutes before they killed the super boss.

There are colorful brilliance equipment on the ground, and even two pieces of green and green equipment, but Sun Fei has no time to go, because the game's upper limit time has arrived. As an aboriginal in the world of Diablo, Elena has the inability to see the equipment on the ground, and can only wait for the next time Sun Fei returns, and then harvest the equipment.

At this time, the barbarian role finally rose to 84.


Twenty miles of affiliated state-owned areas.

The weather is not very good, the deep cloud is like an ugly tulle shrouded in the air, it is already causing seven or eight o'clock, but the sky is still like the dusk half, the light is dim, there is no trace of the wind, in the air There is a heart-warming atmosphere.

Sun Fei and his clothes held Angela, and he washed it in the future under the service of Wang Hao. He walked out of the big account to see the sky, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and suddenly there was a not too good premonition.

After another half an hour, the horse team that rushed out of the emperor's capital and came out with a golden helmet, came to the affiliated state-run area, waited for about half an hour, and took the empire to rank twenty-five before the war. Going in the direction of Wusheng Mountain in the center of the Imperial City.

At dusk today, the two great martial arts battles are on the top of Mount Wusheng in St. Petersburg.

The lucky ones who won the battle will climb the Mount Wusheng before dusk and arrive at the designated area to watch the battle.

This is a rare opportunity. Even the arrogant people of [One Sword] have listened to the arrangement of the Royal Guards of the Imperial Capital and have been removed from the rust sword. Everyone has solved it. Weapons and armor, and experienced a rigorous inspection and screening, arrived at Wusheng Mountain at 3 pm that day.


Today, the extreme Calvin, combed several times, can only be one more.

Three more tomorrow.


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