Hail the King

Chapter 394: Battle of the peaks [2]

Chapter 394, the battle of the peak [two]

Wusheng Mountain is located in St. Petersburg, the capital of the capital. It looks like a blooming lotus flower. It consists of a total of eleven peaks. Ten slightly low peaks are located around it, surrounded by a towering sword. Peak, the area is not large, only the radius is less than ten miles.

These eleven peaks grow out of the ground. They are extremely abrupt in the emperor's capital. There are no mountains in the surrounding area. Even the surrounding nine peaks are extremely steep. The whole body is white rock and even slightly Tilting to the outside, the stars and moons generally surround the middle of the sword peak.

A famous bard once made a metaphor. The Wusheng Mountain of the Zenit Empire is like a pair of giant gods from the depths of the ground, carefully holding a sword.

This metaphor aptly expresses the intuitive impression of the Emperor's people on Wusheng Mountain.

Under the leadership of the Royal Guards, Sun Fei and others were sent to the South Third Peak in the periphery of the Wusheng Mountain. The south three peaks touch about five or six hundred meters high, the mountain is still slightly tilted outwards, standing under the mountain peaks, there is a sense of horror that the mountain body collapses over the surface, but compared to the other nine peaks, it is the most A soothing one.

Under the Mt. Sanfeng Mountain, because the mountain is covered, there is no direct sunlight for many years. It looks dark and damp. There are a lot of mossy plants growing in it. There are also some dark gray vines, many venomous snakes and the like. Usually they are empire here. The royal family is not allowed to be close to each other, so it is more quiet and lonely.

However, at the bottom of the South Three Peaks, there is a dark and deep ramp, which is said to be naturally formed, and after the late artificial carving, it can always lead to the peak of the South Three Peaks, and the lucky ones who watched the Wusheng War will This ramp enters and goes straight to the summit of the Three Peaks.

When Sun Fei and others arrived, seven waves of people had entered the ramp.

The order of this ranking reflects the difference. After all, Sun Fei and others are only some of the masters of the dependent countries. They talk about the true identity and status. Compared with other major imperial missions, the Holy See and the emperors, the nobles are still worse. It’s a blessing to be able to get a chance to watch, and naturally you can’t care about it anymore.

At the end of the South Third Peak, Sun Fei and others once again accepted the rigorous inspections of the defense squad composed of the royal court guards and the court magicians. They repeatedly confirmed the identity of the people and removed all the weapons including the magic store. After the spacecraft such as the ring of things, it was finally released.

This inspection process is extremely demanding.

At the entrance to the ramp, Sun Fei noticed that a Guardian’s master held a purple round object in his hand, and a purple light radiated from the crowd. He looked very radiant, and he did not know which subsidiary he came from. The master of the country did not know why when the scan was over, suddenly the purple light was overwhelming, and suddenly he was beaten by a group of wolf-like guards in the exclamation.

Twenty-five masters of the affiliated countries have not yet boarded Mount Wusheng.

Among the ramps, the environment is much dryer than the bottom of the mountain. On every side of the stone wall, there is a magical voice-activated lantern that emits a hint of orange light every five meters. When the footsteps of the people approach, they suddenly light up and will be dark. The radiance of the martyrdom was completed, and soon after the crowd passed, it was slowly extinguished again.

The road is deep and deep, winding and winding, and in ten minutes, it will not distinguish the direction. It can only be faintly known that the road leads to the mountain, because the road under the foot has always been sloped, and some places are even steep, straight up and down. It can only be swept by the iron rope hanging from the cliff.

Fortunately, the pedestrians are the masters in qualifying, and the minimum strength is also the first stage of the four-star. This kind of road is naturally difficult for a group of people.

Under the leadership of the top three unrecognized Guardian middle-aged masters, they have touched for more than 30 minutes. The front is faintly revealing a ray of light, and there is a faint whistle of wind, and then go a few minutes. Suddenly, a piece of platform with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the square was waiting for ten middle-aged people wearing linen robes and carrying the swords of the autumn water sword.

The three expressionless Royal Guards master whispered a few words to the eldest of the ten men in the sword shield, then turned back to the ramp and went down the mountain. Obviously their lead mission has been completed.

Sun Fei clearly can feel the importance of the empire to this martial war.

The three Guardsmen who led the way before, the strength is around the peak of four stars, and the ten middle-aged people who appeared in Xiaoshi Square at this time, the strength is actually about five stars, walking calmly, like between actions The mountain is not a master of the temperament of the earth, and it is not the people of the royal court, nor the people in the military. If Sun Fei did not guess wrong, these people should be masters of Wusheng Mountain.

Hey! !

A series of fine and dense gold-stone symphonies suddenly came, and everyone looked up, only to find that they were already at the top of the South Three Peaks. The square stood on the four sides of the Zenit empire. The God of War held the sword and shield more than 20 meters of statues, behind the statue are more than 600 meters of cliffs, the clouds are misty, the mountain winds roar.

And the sound of the golden stone symphony is the upload of the suspended iron chain created by the black stellite iron on the side of the square.

Numerous black chains are fixed on the side of the God of War statue on the edge of the small square, and the other side extends to the misty distant clouds. The mountain chains sway and collide with each other, making a series of fine and dense The sound of gold and iron symphony.

"You adults, please come with us." The short-haired middle-aged man headed to Sun Fei and others nodded and turned to the edge of the square, leaping to the smashing iron chain, and his body was extremely skilled. It was actually going in the clouds.

The group was in awe.

Such a high mountain peak, and a hurricane-like mountain wind whistling, accidentally falling down is a broken bone, is it necessary for everyone to pass over this chain? What is the other end of the chain?

Most people have hesitated for a while.

After a moment of hesitation, [Silver Armor] did not change his arrogant hands and hips, laughing and laughing, and glanced at everyone behind him, saying: "A group of cowards, see Laozi to show you." Finished like a white lightning Flying like a chain, it quickly disappeared into the white mist.

With the leader, more than 20 people continued to fly on the chain.

At this time, the magic princess Cindy became the envy of everyone. She only saw her sing a curse. A pair of cyan transparent giant magic wings extended from her back. A few flashes disappeared into the clouds. The magician was in this way. Under the circumstances, it seems that it is more expensive than the warriors.

Soon there are only a few people with the lowest strength on the square platform. You look at me and I look at you one by one, hesitating, it is still difficult to resist the temptation to watch the peak battle of Wu Sheng, biting his teeth Embarked on the chain.

Sun Fei was the last one, and when everyone fell into the clouds, it flashed the chain.

He had been thinking about it for a long time. After seeing that it was a middle-aged man with a long sword and a wooden shield, I don’t know why. There is a very strange feeling in Sun Fei’s heart. It is both strange and familiar, as if To have something happening in general, from the morning to open your eyes at first glance, Sun Fei has a feeling of not so good, this time is more obvious.

Under the feet, the body shape is like electricity.

This kind of iron rope bridge is naturally unbearable.

Just then, there was a voice of exclamation in front.


The other end of the cable is also a small stone square. The area is slightly larger than that of the south three peaks. It seems to be between the clouds and clouds. In fact, it is less than a kilometer away from the top of the South Three Peaks. Most people only use a few Minutes have already reached the opposite side, and soon there are only three or four people left.

However, one of the people who have not yet come is the shampoo king, and this is a bit abnormal.

Just when the people were suspicious, the sound of the singer's hunting sound came, and the figure flickered, but they saw two people flying in the hands of the shampoo king, and they fell in front of them.

"Thank you for your help!!"

"Thank you!"

On the other side of the square, the two men stepped on the ground and immediately thanked them. Their faces were so scared that they were on the chain. The two men almost fell in the mountain wind. The cliffs were saved by the shampoo king who was subsequently rushed to the scene, and the two were naturally thankful.

Only the next route is still the road of the iron chain. The two are no longer willing to move forward. They will stay at the top of Dongyifeng for a while. Later, there will be masters who will send two people down the mountain and want to watch the battle of Wusheng again. It is not alright.

In this way, after six consecutive journeys of the chain between the clouds, a group of talents reached the middle of the central Jianfeng.

The mountain of Wusheng Mountain is really too thrilling. Even the four-star first-class warriors want to board the battle. It is absolutely difficult for ordinary mortals or the army to attack Wusheng Mountain.

Fortunately, from the peak of Jianfeng to the top of the mountain, it is also a road to the road in the mountain, but it is much safer.

In the next hour or so, in the winding road that was winding around the winding road, when everyone was very intolerant, there was another light coming forward, a few steps away, and finally got out of the ramp. .

As everyone sees it, everyone is a stay.

I saw the hills and undulating, the green grass, the flowers, the ancient trees, the breeze, the breeze, the squid, the singer, the singer... The time of the day was originally the coldest winter of the empire, but it turned out to be A beautiful scene of the resurgence of all things in the spring.

Everyone's foothold is like a paradise, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, just breathing a breath of fresh air here, and feel that there is a sense of eternal love, forgetting all the troubles and sorrows.


The first is more.

There are two more, seeking red ticket support.


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