Hail the King

Chapter 409: , declare war and news

Chapter 409, declare war and news

At such a moment, the propaganda of all the happenings of Mount Wushengshan is almost equal to the Zenit Empire's declaration of war with the two empires of Eindhoven and Ajax.

Because from the moment when Huntelaar and Costa Kuta chose to kill Zenit Vulture, it means the arrival of war, even if it is known that the result of war may be the complete destruction of the empire. Zenit must also declare war on the two empires!

This is the iron law of Azeroth's mainland. Attacking the country's Wusheng means that the other party has already declared war on you.

If you breathe, you will become a shame on the whole continent!

Originally, Sun Fei thought that the empire of the princess and other people, the imperial royal family should temporarily keep this news confidential, wait until the southern war disappeared, chaos identification, and then freed up to ask Eindhoven and Ajax, after all, The power of the Zenit Empire is to fight against the three empires at the same time. It is really difficult to continue... Who knows that things have evolved to this point!

In the chaos, is it really coming?

What are the tops of the empire thinking about?

Sun Fei gradually did not understand this situation.

But his guess is not wrong.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, the slightly impetuous but strange and calm situation was broken -

Step on the pedal! !

On the gate of the square of the four capitals of St. Petersburg, the bells rang, and a fast horse carrying a rushing messenger, flying under the tiger's glory of more than twenty waves of black armor, flew toward the major provinces of the empire, in the same At the same time, the Emperor and the Royal Family announced to the people of the Imperial Capital and the 20-year-old state-owned camp that the Zenit Empire declared war on the two empires of Eindhoven and Ajax!

The war is coming!

Everywhere you can see the Zenites who are filled with indignation, even those ordinary people, the expression on their faces is also in the middle of these enthusiasm, and Krasic’s death completely inspired the Zenit’s blood.

On the mainland of this jungle, Daze, when faced with danger, the weak rabbits dare to resist the male lion. Even in a weak country, there is no lack of courage to resist at a critical moment, let alone Krasic sits in Wushengshan for twenty-six years. Since the achievements, everyone feels in the body, and the esteem of the imperial legendary guardian Wu Sheng has turned into an torrent of anger at this moment, whether it is in the streets of the imperial capital or the wooden fence attached to the state-owned area of ​​20 miles. On the streets of the besieged city, some of the sacred priests of the sacred priests even put on the cherished black hair band, clamoring for the empire to wave the iron hoofs to the emperors of Eindhoven and Ajax!

The war and the blood are in the air!

Sun Fei saw a dangerous and frantic madness in the faces of these people.

The entire empire seems to be gradually embarking on a path of out of control.

Perhaps this began with Yassin’s decision to recruit a large-scale nationwide. Sun Fei smelled the madness from everything that happened during this time.

At noon, Sun Fei received a call from the royal family and entered the emperor to accept the high-level meeting.



Guanzi District, one day before the small courtyard where the St. Barak Empire Wusheng Mission was stationed.

The three wolverines were sitting in the living room of the stone temple that was turned over. They met with a smile, and there were endless sorrows on their faces. There were even a few fears of uncertainty. Who could think of it, before last night, they were still The Megatron side is the super-martial powerhouse, but now, it has become a dog of funeral.

These three people, it is the first place in Eindhoven to be Costa Kuta, Ajax first swordsman Huntelaar and Spartak month-level strongman Amauri.

Last night, the three of them took the Griffin. They could have shaken off the magical defense of the Zenit Emperor. They left the territory of Zenit. Who knows that they were shot down from the sky by the man in the palace. I suffered from a minor injury. It was a wounded injury when I fell to the ground. If it wasn’t for the three men, I was afraid that I had already been searched by Zenit’s master.

"I don't think that the man has the power to shoot. Is it true that the news that his old wounds are not cured?" Huntelaar thought of the golden dragon fighting power that fluttered last night, and could not help but be afraid.

At this time, Ajax’s first swordsman was bloody, and the burly front and back were covered with dense wounds. The right arm that had fallen from the sky had been recovered, and the fall was not a problem for the seniors. Next, but those wounds wounded by Krasic's blue vindictiveness contain horrible cyan remnants, and it is difficult to completely expel healing at one time.

"If the person is really innocent, I am afraid that everything we have planned over the years will be drained." Amauri is also in a bad condition, and a shocking and huge wound extends from the shoulder to the abdomen, and there is still blood flowing out. The wound is constantly dissipating the blue flame, which is obviously also hurt by Krasic's sword.

"There is no such thing as a bad thing," Eindhoven, who had been silent for the first time, silenced Costa Kuta for a long time. This opened the door: "If that person is really innocent, I am afraid we could not survive last night. Under the dragon fist, who can stay for a life? Since he did not kill us, it just means that he may not be able to do it."

"Yes!" Huntelaar and Amauri had their eyes lit up at the same time, thinking of this layer.

Both of them are males of the moment, and their wisdom is extraordinary. The simple things like this will never cause trouble to them. It’s just that the person’s reputation over the years is too strong, just like the next day, any genius. In front of that person is like a chicken and a dog is generally vulnerable, the two people's fear of that person to the extreme, last night saw [Dragon Boxing] was born, suddenly fell into fear, did not think through this Floor.

"We have been preparing for so many years, and we have spent countless human and financial resources. Tens of thousands of empire have paid their lives. Over the past ten years, tens of thousands of messages have been transmitted from the Zenit Palace, more than one. Thousands of actions, tens of thousands of temptations, and reached a conclusion, have long proved that that person is really going to persist, this will not be wrong, and now he is only the end of the powerful, lost his teeth The dragon, not enough to worry about, this action failed, we did not expect the Saint-Germain Empire to dare to betray the Qiguo covenant." Costa Kuta sorted out his thoughts and said slowly: "In a way, to some extent, we The second action is also a failure. Although I don’t know why Krasic suddenly broke out of horrible combat power, he must have paid a heavy price. Before that, he has been seriously injured. Even if he is not dead, there is no four or five. In the year, I also want to restore top fighting power!"

"This is true." The brilliance on Huntelaar's face came back again: "After being so badly injured, even if there is a Holy Month of the Holy See, it is difficult to recover in a short time, not to mention the Zenit and the sacred today. The relationship of the Holy See is so tense, haha, pulling out the thorn of Krasic, the Zenit is like a hyena that has finally been smashed, and there is no threat."

Amauri nodded and confidence recovered a lot.

Costa Kuta quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he said so much just now is to prevent Huntelaar and Amauri from being disturbed by the fear of that person in their hearts. Now the three people are in the Zenit, and they are folded. More than half of the combat power, under the crazy search of the Zenit people, once there is any carelessness, they are discovered, I am afraid that I will have to peel off the skin if I don’t die. The more I want to be at this time, the more calm and confidence I need. .

This is the difference between the real name and the general martial arts powerhouse.

After thinking about it, Costa Kuta said again: "But in the rising star of Zenit, the young man who made the blue-red swords tonight, it is worth paying attention to, even if I can resist with me for more than ten minutes, I will not lose. Surprisingly, I see that he is only about twenty years old. He has such strength. His potential is not terrible. On his body, I saw the enchanting qualification of that person. I must kill it as soon as possible. Otherwise, After more than ten years, I am afraid it is a scourge!"

"You mean the hero of Alexander Wang?" Amauri nodded solemnly: "This little king is indeed worthy of attention. He has killed Spartak's first line of swordsmanship. This seat has long seen his terrible potential. So, he did not hesitate to take the opportunity to kill him, but unfortunately, he was lucky enough to escape, and it was motivated to kill Krasic with me!"

Both Amauri and Costa Kuta have had a fight with Sun Fei. The understanding is the most clear, so they dare not underestimate the horror of Zenit.

But Huntelaar does not think so. The Ajax First Swordsman has the arrogance of a strongman. He can't help but swear: "A little king of the dependent country, what is worthy of you and me? Wait until this The injury is restored, and a sword can take off his head!"

Amauri and Costa Kuta looked at each other and did not argue with Huntelaar. There would be no result in arguing with such a solitary swordsman. Besides, the three people are now in danger and the argument is useless.

Just then, the sound of the clothes rang in the courtyard outside the stone hall.

The look of the three people changed.

"Don't be nervous, Lanji is back." Costa Kuta listened to his ears and relieved.

Soon the footsteps came, and a beautiful figure like a rainbow entered the stone hall. The young woman wore a very ordinary Zenit women's robes, and the black blue silk was wrapped in a red and white floral headband. It is extremely healthy in wheat color, and the body is full of explosive power. There is a food box with a thorny branch in the hand. The bare arm is slightly muscled, but it does not hinder the woman's beauty!

If Sun Fei is here at this time, I must recognize that this woman is the beautiful guard who stood behind Costa Kuta last night. The key moment was rescued by Costa Kuta from Sun Fei’s double sword. A life, but it appeared here.

"Father." The young woman bowed to Costa Kuta and then looked at the other two strongmen: "Two adults, I bought some food, you should eat it first!"

The food box opens and overflows with the scent of food.

“How is the news?” Asked Costa Kuta while swallowing food to replenish his energy.

"Everything has been inspected. The Zenit Empire and the military have no concealment. What happened in Wusheng Mountain last night has spread, and there is another good news that you absolutely never expected," said the woman. After selling the customs, he paused and smiled. "It turned out that shortly after we left last night, Zenit Wusheng Krasic died because of serious injuries!"


The third is more.

Tomorrow is still three.

Seek support.


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