Hail the King

Chapter 410: First commander of the theater

Chapter 410, First Commander of the Theater

"Dead... dead?" Costa Kuta stayed, and a piece of barbecue pinched in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"So is it possible? Is it a fake news that the Zenit deliberately released?" Amauri could not believe this news. Last night, the Zenit Wusheng killed them like wild dogs. How suddenly Is it dead? How can a person who is seriously injured and who is likely to play such a powerful combat force at that time?

"The news should not be wrong, because I did not use the intelligence network of several empire in St. Petersburg, but now all the Zenit people have already known such news, the streets of St. Petersburg are full of excitement, and about carat The news that Sickey killed Yakuntu Wusheng was also spread!" The woman, who is slightly darker in appearance, said clearly: "And, just now, the Zenit has been to Ajak at the same time. The two empires of Eshoven and Eindhoven declared war!"

After listening to François, the stone temple was quiet.

The three strongest are silently thinking about the stories that may exist behind these two news.

"If something is abnormal, it is a demon. The Zenit dare to fight against the three empires at the same time. Do they have any suspicions that we don't know? But now even Krasic is dead, that person is half dead, and there is still Who can support Zenit's dilemma?” Amauri struggled to swallow the food in his mouth, carefully not touching the shocking wound between the chest and abdomen, frowning to himself.

"Have you forgotten the Saint-Germain Empire?" Costa Kuta shook his head, as a generation of famous men who once stood in the battlefield. It was obviously farther from politics than the ordinary strong: "Girano's shameful fellow in Wusheng Jianfeng Dare to shoot us, apparently after the emperor of Saint-Germain Blanco, also means that the Saint-Germain Empire has betrayed the Seven-National Covenant, the Saint-Germains stood on the side of the Zenit, who can guarantee that Zeni Are there any other allies?"

"You said it is good. Who can guarantee that among the seven countries of the Rotterdam City Covenant, apart from the Saint-Germains, will there be other people who are also secretly standing on the side of the Zenit? The glory of the Covenant has long been shameless. The forgotten person!” Ajax’s first swordsman, Huntelaar, who had been quietly swallowing the barbecue in front of him, sneered.

Costa Kuta and Amauri were shocked and nodded in the same place.

Huntelaar said that it is not unreasonable. There is indeed such a possibility. After all, the means of that person are unpredictable and never unprepared. Even if his heart stops beating, there will be countless scars. The bottom card disintegrates the opponent.

It is a terrible nightmare to fight against such a person.

But they have to stand opposite this person, because they choose to compromise, then they will lose their country, lose their loved ones, and lose their own race.

"The current situation has exceeded our control, and we are not able to control it." Costa Kuta filled her stomach and was ready to start fighting to treat her own injuries. "The result of last night's battle, since It has been completely spread. Compared with the eyes of the great emperors of the Covenant countries at this time, the next step is how to proceed. Naturally, some people will make choices. What we need to do is to treat our injuries as soon as possible and leave St. Petersburg as soon as possible!"

In this bureau that has been prepared for more than a decade, even the strongman of the month is just a **** in the hands of the emperors.

For a time, the battle of Iaquinta will inevitably make the three people feel awkward. It was originally a high-ranking person who accepted the worship of thousands of martial artists. When the troubled times came, they only solved the sacrifices of the **** prelude. Among them, Who, can you guarantee that you will be able to see the end of the struggle for this moment?

"Yes, we have to recover from the injury as soon as possible and find a way to leave Zenit." Amauri and Huntelaar looked at each other and agreed with Costa Kuta's suggestion.

In the stone temple, a blue magic wand of less than 30 centimeters releases a faint blue light, and the three are completely enshrouded in it. It is also relying on this artifact-level staff to completely complete the three-person air machine. Shielding, so that the Zenit strong within the Imperial Capital can not find their tracks.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

At this time, they were hidden in the original resident area that had been searched by Zenit soldiers. I believe that no one in a short time would like to get them to come back and stay here.

Moreover, François, who has restored her daughter's attire, avoids the Zenit's search and can inquire about the outside world. For a while, the three have time to recover their injuries, and when they recover slightly, they can start early. Get ready to evacuate the passage and leave the Zenit Empire as soon as possible.


Sun Fei did not think that the so-called high-level empire to summon himself was actually the long princess Tanasa.

In the front hall of the Royal Palace in the most central part of St. Petersburg, Sun Fei saw the empire [Female Wensheng] who was enjoying the breakfast in a sip of mouth. When Sun Fei arrived, the long princess arbitrarily waved and gestured to Sun Fei. Dine together.

In the gaze of the maids in the vestibule of the palace, Sun Fei was not polite, and went straight to the table and took the knife and began to enjoy the food.

Last night, from the back of Wusheng Mountain to the camp of Xiangbo, Sun Fei felt the exhaustion and fatigue that had never been seen before.

For the first time, he did not enter the Diablo World to kill the monsters when the game time was sufficient. Instead, he and his fiancee Angela had been sleeping in the gloom until dawn. In the morning, he patrolled the camp. In a circle, I had been called into the palace before I had breakfast. I was really hungry at this time.

Looking at the man who is unconstrained in the eyes, no, to be precise, it should be a boy. The princess has slightly licked the intoxicating scorpion, and there is a smile on his face. I don’t know why, with him. At the time, there will always be a kind of ease from the heart, as if you can unload the heavy burden in a short time, you can get a moment of leisure.

"If it wasn't for the purple medicine he gave, it is estimated that he has become a cold body at this time?"

The princess sighed slightly, and sometimes she would be thinking about it in the eyes of many people. Maybe it will be easier after death?

She suddenly remembered that when she first saw him, it was also at the table.

"Find them?" Wiped the jaw of the white milk, and Sun Fei asked without lifting.

The princess naturally knows who the 'they' is in the mouth of the king, and the Imperial Order and the Guards have almost turned over the entire emperor. The hundred magic towers that stand in the capital are also glanced all the time. The searcher Amauri and others breathe, but unfortunately these three seriously injured monthly powers are like water droplets that have entered the sea, disappearing without a trace.

However, the princess was not in a hurry and smiled and said: "It is only a matter of time to find them. The military has already made arrangements. The net-type search is also going on. They are absolutely impossible to escape from the emperor. ”

Sun Fei chuckled and said: "I have already guessed that you haven't found it yet. I still have to do this."

"How can you find it?" The princess was a little surprised.

"Well." Sun Fei finally got full, wiped his mouth, leaned back on the back of the chair, and embraced the chest without any image. He changed the subject and asked: "Let's talk, I am so anxious to find me." What the **** is there?"

The princess gently pushed the silver knife and fork in his hand to the table and stood up to the main hall on the other side. He whispered as he walked: "You know, the empire has declared war on Eindhoven and Ajax, so except Outside the southern battlefield, which has already been filled with smoke, the military decided to open the second and third battlefields at the same time..."


The princess said that she unveiled the red flannel on the central wall of the main hall, revealing a huge map of ten meters square hanging on the wall of the stone temple.

Sun Fei followed and looked carefully.

It will soon be clear that this is a topographic map of the Zenit Empire and neighboring countries.

The territory of the Zenit Empire is an irregular trapezoid. A large part of the eastern border is the coastline, and the east is [shaking the sea]. Most of the borders of the south are bordered by the Spartak Empire, and a small part is bordered by Eindhoven. The west side is bordered by the Ajax Empire.

Chambord is located in the back of the Zenit Empire, near the northern boundary line, and further north is a continuous mountain range. No one knows what the other side of the mountain is. On this border map, shampoo Wang went north to a gray, unnamed land, giving a feeling of gloom and barrenness.

Sun Fei looked at this boundary map in detail.

In his heart, he could not help but compare the map of the mysterious demon site that he once got in the hands of the four-star magician Evans, and found that the map of the demon site is more ancient, except for the general topography and the frontier map. Most of the same, the boundaries of the major empires did not appear.

That is to say, when the map of the gods and deities was born, there were not even a few great empires.

This discovery made Sun Fei's heart confirm the authenticity of the map of the gods and the ruins.

"The military decided to open a second battlefield here...and open up the third battlefield here..." The long princess made a red fluorescent glow with a long magical brush at a location on the southwestern frontier and a western boundary. Marked, said to Sun Fei: "The war has arrived, no one can avoid it. The original military plan to send the "Spider Legion" to the southern theater, but now it seems that the army chief, you may have to change a place to win the battle. !"

"What do you mean?" Sun Fei stunned.

"The military decided to appoint you as the first commander of the theater. Within five days, he led the [Spider Legion] to the battlefield. However, it is still hesitant to take the terrain to the second battlefield or the third battlefield. Of course, you can decide for yourself. I have won a chance for you to be your own master." The princess smiled and pointed to the place where the red magical fluorescence was just marked.

"Can the military sergeants see me so much?" Sun Fei sneered, touched his chin, meditated in his heart, and his eyes focused on the two positions marked by the princess.


The first is more.

Ask for a red ticket.


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