Hail the King

: 650, the strength of the city of Chambord (2)

This sudden good news, for a time, let Sun Fei feel very happy.

The turbulent turbulence of the sky is coming from the arched stone temple around the Temple of God.

Cech, Drogba, Pierce and other shampoo cities are in the process of retreating hard-working veteran masters, and finally at this critical time, almost in no particular order, in the magical potency, [sky city] special world environment and mutual comparison Under the influence of various factors such as fighting spirit, it created a miracle, collectively achieved a breakthrough, crossed the threshold of nine-star peaks, and entered the primary level of the month.

Sun Fei could not help but feel a thousand.

A year ago, these people were all small Wuwu who had unknown knowledge. Some even did not cultivate themselves. Now they have entered the realm of the moon that many countless warriors dream of in the whole country. The short time is incredible, if they are spread out It is definitely a huge storm that shocked the entire continent.

The so-called peerless genius is nothing more than that.

Feeling the raging temperament around the sky, Sun Fei thought of a move, took out six well-prepared fighters from the storage ring, and immediately turned it into six streams, flying to six different surrounding. Stone temple.

These fighters are hundreds of good fighters that Sun Fei picked out from the endless white bones and weapons of the dwarf ancestors' last ancestral land.

It is also the weapon that the King has prepared for these six people.

The next moment.

The depths of the six stone temples.

At this time, he is running his full strength, screaming in the gradual change of the arrogance, and he is also surprised and delighted to see the Drogba, Pierce, Torres, Cech, Oleg and Robben in the process of power change. I only felt that there was a flower in front of me, and a weapon with a strange spirit was appearing in front of them.

[Black hair mad box] Didier Drogba got a six-step giant tower shield soldier with a width of two meters and a width of more than one meter. The name is called "Sacred Collision". The whole body is trapezoidal and the shield face is facing outward. The bulge shows a Mitsubishi spiked shape, and the four sides are a row of shiny rivets, arranged into a rare magical group, with a strange pattern engraved, and the glamour is unusual.

[White hair fast sword] Pierce got a two-handed wide sword, six-stage fighter, the sword body with three blood troughs, left and right open, bright as the same spring water flowing into the sun, the sword tip part is actually divided Second, like a scorpion spit out the letter, forked, with two sharp barbs, the inside of the barb with a row of serrations, at first glance, it is full of cold, engraved on the hilt The inscription of the Demon Age is called the "Split of the Sky."

[The Son of the Wind] The nature that Torres got was a sixth-order longbow named "The Will of the Gods". The bow of the longbow looks magnificent, and the gold is engraved with the patterns of the gods, and is also wrapped around various animals. The entanglement, the long dragon carvings of the two sacred gods as the ends of the bow, the mouth spits out a faint cyan light, which is the bowstring. The overall length of the bow is close to two meters, which is not easy to control. The most strange thing is that The position of the middle bow can be divided into two. The long bow is disassembled to become a melee weapon like a double-handed machete. The styling function is regarded as a fine among the longbows.

[One Finger Split] Petr Cech got a pair of thin silk-colored gloves called "Lover's Hand", which is a lot smaller than that. I don't know what made of different materials. There is almost no one on it. The magic pattern, the whole shape is also very ordinary, without any awkwardness, worn on the hand, as if it has a layer of skin, it is extremely difficult to detect, only the fingertips of the finger ten fingers are slightly hard and the general existence of the fingertips This pair of gloves has a slightly different atmosphere.

The dead fat warden Oleg got a sessile hammer with an endless black chain called "Night Greetings". The hammer is a black ball with a diameter of one meter and is directly connected to the black chain. It can be long or short, suitable for throwing and melee, and can even be used as a shield. It has considerable visual shock and impact, and is an extremely rare type of fighter.

Robben got a set of three-handed curved air knives called "Blast of the Wind". The blade is light and thin like paper. It is a kind of weapon that is suitable for the fast knife and the soft weapon. It can be used for close-knit combat. It can be thrown at a distance, like a three-piece blast. It is almost invisible when it is flying in the air. It is like a wind blade, killing people invisible.

At about the same time, the six men reached out and held the weapons in front of them.

According to the painstaking efforts of the six people's vindictiveness and martial arts characteristics, Sun Fei got the best verification at this moment. The six people only felt that a feeling of blood connection was coming, as if the fog in their hands had merged with themselves. It is very handy.

"Hurry up the time, adapt to the fighting in your hand, communicate with refining and chemical in the first time, and prepare to accept the impact of the test of the elements of heaven and earth."

The sound of the king’s majesty sounded in the ears of each of them.

The unarmed fighters need to use the soul to communicate when they first contact, because the soldiers have spirits and souls. Only after the communication has been recognized by each other can they be used freely and play the real thing of the soldiers. Power can also be incorporated into the body space of the fighters, becoming an indispensable boost for the military.

The six people did not dare to neglect, and quickly began to communicate with the soldiers with their own souls and degenerate vindictiveness.

After a while, in the sky, there are six majestic attributes of different heaven and earth elements, like the six pillars of the sky, raging in the "city of the sky", constantly voluntarily gathering the strength of the heaven and earth elements that gather the same attributes, constantly Growing up, sweeping away from the six stone temples below the central mountain.

The orange-colored earth element storm hits the stone temple where Drogba and Oleg are located.

The white-silver, sharp gold elemental storm hits the temple where Pierce and Cech are sitting.

The blue wind element storms. The turbulent flow hits the temple where Torres and Robben are.

The six masters, after their respective breakthroughs, attracted the attention of the laws of heaven and earth. The corresponding elemental power between heaven and earth initiated rejection and harassment to these six new moon-level powerhouses. Only survived this wave. The test of the elements of heaven and earth, and the use of tempering **, concise and vindictive, to achieve the dual qualities of their own life and the strength of cultivation, can be regarded as the true rank of the strongest.

Sun Feigao sat on the top of the "Gone of the World" and appeared in the sky above the top of the central mountain.

He closely watched the promotion process of the six masters. For any warrior, this is an extremely dangerous experience. In addition, the heaven and earth elements possessed by [City of the Sky] are more intense, so the elements of heaven and earth The storm condensed in the test process. The power of turbulence is even more terrible. One is not careful, and the six masters are in danger of fighting against each other.

Fortunately, the hidden transparent shield of [City of the Sky] has magical power and isolated all breath, so from the direction of Chambord City, there is no change in the position of Wujian Tianfeng, and there is no sense of heaven and earth energy. Rage and raging.


The little raccoon [small bully] didn’t know where he was sneaking out of it, and he didn’t know what he was chewing and swallowing, screaming and even crawling on the stone steps of the Temple of God. On the other hand, the horror of the six terrible elements of the sky, the raging scene of the end of the sky, apparently stunned by this sudden change, do not know what is going on, looking up at the small head and tears Sun Fei.

Sun Fei smiled a little, and raised his hand, and took the little raccoon volley to the top of the "Royal Throne".

This process lasted for about an hour.

The elemental energy turbulence in the sky finally dissipated, and the blue sky and white clouds reappeared. The six strong men did not disappoint Sun Fei. They successfully passed the most difficult part of the test of heaven and earth and realized their personal life and strength. The metamorphosis, like the **** dog, the squid jumped to the dragon gate, and the blue sky went straight, becoming the strongest in the realm of the moon.


Thanks: Go to your baggage, white rabbit prince, you know what you know, and Jieyuan has four big cheers.


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