Hail the King

: 651, the sudden changes in the world

At this moment, the six elements of the heavens and the earth that are diffusing in the sky are turbulent, marking the true rise of the city.

Since then, this small country, the first-class subsidiary of the first-class empire in the northernmost part of Azeroth’s human domain, has incredibly a strong eight-month-old realm, and even as a king’s Sun Fei, even I have already touched the threshold of the big-day sage, and will soon be on the next level, achieving a few of the most powerful ones within a million miles.

By then, the true strength of Chambord City is better than that of the Empire-level country.

At this time, Sun Fei stands on the throne of the chaos, and has been able to clearly feel the flow of the heavens and the earth in the space around him as clear as the leaves.

The strength of the nightmare difficulty level 99 [barbarians mode] is equivalent to the strength of the real world month-level great perfection.

If you step by step and practice martial arts to reach this step, you must deepen the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and you can feel the invisible binding force in the air, just like the ubiquitous chain between heaven and earth. Living in the way of the general warrior, only by breaking the **** of these invisible chains can you surpass the outside and become a real powerhouse.

However, Sun Fei relied on the golden finger of Diablo to rise up against the sky, so the sentiment of the law of heaven and earth is not as profound as that of other warriors of the same level, but the ancient patron saint Klik and the mountain at the top of Jarrett Talek's golden ambiguity, to a certain extent, makes up for Sun Fei's lack of this aspect, so he does not need to comprehend the feelings, but also can achieve promotion.

At this point, the frenzied elements of the sky began to dissipate.

The momentum of Drogba, Pierce, Cech, Torres, Oleg and Robben finally completed the final transformation and stabilized.

At this time, you can see the difference between the depth of the six people and the talent of understanding -

Peter Cech accumulated the deepest star in the star warrior, and Torres is the best talent for understanding. Therefore, after breaking through the realm of the moon, the two far surpassed others and rushed to the level of the eighth grade of the new moon. Although it is a little worse than the Frank Lampard, who is full of secrets, it is already a enchanting ghost among the numerous military officers who have been promoted to the moon.

Followed by Pierce, Drogba and Robben. The former two had almost no martial skills before they met Sun Fei. They were Sun Fei’s use of various gold fingers to promote them one by one, while Robben It was a little late to Sun Fei, so the time spent on various genius treasures was short. The three men rushed to the next stage of the new grade, and the breath stabilized.

The last point is the death of the prisoner Oleg.

In truth, his original strength is stronger than Drogba and Pierce. When the hip-hop and the two great guys are just a big man, Oleg has already had a grudge, and he The time to follow Sun Fei is longer than Robin, and it should have hit a higher level of martial arts.

It’s a pity that this guy has too many thoughts and spends a lot of time trying to flatter. He needs to manage the trivial things of the Champion City Criminal Department. Plus, he is not as crazy about the martial arts as Pierce and Drogba, and even lacks a sense of enthusiasm. The enterprising heart of the strong, more obsessed with the strong **, most of the cultivation time, placed on the strengthening of the **, the sword to go slanting cultivation, so that after the impact of the state of the moon, a little behind Look at the level of the next level of the new moon.


Suddenly, the six sounds of shouting, from the six stone temples, are filled with the same kind of excitement.

Although I have been working tirelessly for the impact of the moon level, but at this moment, after truly becoming a genuine month-level powerhouse, six people stand in their respective stone temples, but there is an incredible The illusion, to know that on the mainland of Azeroth, do not know how many nine-star peaks of the strong, for a lifetime can not advance to touch the threshold of the monthly strong, and they, with a mediocre starting point, actually only spent In just one year, I have finished the journey of countless geniuses for a lifetime... as dreamy!

Sun Fei felt the joy of love, and could not help but laugh.

In the next moment, he has returned to the [God of the Temple].

The King’s heart was moving, and a majestic force swept through the surrounding six stone temples. Drogba and other six people only felt a word in front of him. In the next moment, six people couldn’t help themselves, and the vision of the eye changed. In the meantime, I don’t know why, even from the respective stone temples, they appeared in the temple of the gods.

This is the magical power of Sun Fei’s law that he realized after he became a great man of the month.

You can mobilize the power of the omnipresent law of heaven and earth, and move some of the strengths within a certain distance far below your own, and move them to your own body. This is already the big day vision of the great-day sage. The rudiment of the magical powers, after Sun Fei really has the power to change the rules of the elements of the reconstruction of the heavens and the earth, can construct a big vision of his own.

"See your Majesty!" After the six people made a slight levy, they understood.

Looking at it, sitting on the top of his smile, watching his own king, suddenly filled with unspeakable gratitude, if not for the young king who is full of miracles in front of him, how can they change the sky? Life, in a mediocre position, promoted to the moon level, life expectancy doubled, become a monthly strong who can stagnate the sky and disdain the world?

At the moment, all six people are kneeling on one knee.

"Get up, you six, and now they have all achieved the realm of the moon level, hahaha, among the twelve golden peaks, there is one of you." Sun Fei’s line of sight, swept over the six people, nodded with satisfaction, Eventually fell on Robben's body.

Only Robben has not yet obtained the title of Saint Seiya.


Two days before the date of the wedding of Shampoo.

Around 4 pm, the sky is clear.

This is the moment when the thick history of the history books and the bards will be firmly remembered.

The bustling streets in the city, people coming and going, hawkers selling stalls, rushing warriors, leisurely nobles, bard wandering around, singularly patrolling sheriffs into warriors... this is a normal However, in the afternoon, the temperature is not hot or cold, very comfortable.

However, at this time, everyone was extremely surprised, and the shocking things happened.

The sapphire is empty and the blue sky, suddenly, without any signs, it is dim, like the horrible existence of the scorching sun, and the whole world is quickly shrouded in endless darkness. The thick black is like the thick ink that is splashed. The fingers are not visible, the streets and alleys are screaming, and no one knows what happened.

In the next moment, the stars in the sky instantly appeared in the sky.

A star-studded star with a dreamy color, showing the beauty that has never been seen before, like a dream.


The first is more.

Today is four more.

Thanks: 啃书小书虫, Xibei Xiong, not sleeping in the night, Wang, 诛 incompetent, Cihang Pudu real people, Jie Yuan, you greatly support.

Under the propaganda, at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, yy guild: 49 has a small event, everyone to play together, talk about the plot, the knife will meet with you on time. Special note: This event, don't raise money for any brothers, don't need sponsorship, don't sponsor, don't bring benefits, if you play, the knife bears all the expenses.


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