Hail the King

: 805, God war opened

Updated: 2012-08-28

"I. Fuck, this is forced to be a second product, the strength is indeed strong, but the heart is burned out, the IQ is not enough, the equipment is forced to be stupid. Forced."

Sun Fei blocked the time and was too late.

Daly Sandro, the big devil, is it all in his head that is hydrocephalus? Even if you really release a real demon from the millennium seal, even if you are sure, but if Kluivert comes out, run away?

If a demon **** really wants to run, how can he stop?

Seeing that the situation is not good, Sun Fei has no idea of ​​staying here. He has poured a few large bottles of [full recovery medicine] in one breath, and he has treated all the injuries on his body, ready to go, stay here, continue With the two lunatics going down, life and death are unpredictable.

Boom! ! !

The collapsed [Sacrifice Temple] began to shake sharply at the lower level, as if it were an earthquake, there was a terrible existence under the ground, and it was necessary to break the ground.

Sun Fei thought of a move, floated into the air, looked down and saw the dark cave in the center of the temple ground. It only showed the existence of a palm of the sharp scales, constantly hitting the ground and wanting to get from the cave. Rushing out, a huge crack spread in all directions, and only the three-meter-wide cave opening began to expand sharply. Later, an arm full of black steel needles and bristles stretched out from the inside.

Sun Fei turned and looked.

The white-haired big head Dali Sandro was also floating in the air more than ten meters at this moment, sneering and watching the strangeness below, without any intention to stop it, it seems that he is really crazy, to be thorough Release the true body of the sea **** Kluivert, and then suppress it once.


An indescribable terrorist force appeared on the ground, and the dust and stones within a radius of a thousand kilometers, like a grain of gravity, died of gravity, and slowly floated up, in the last earthquake In the violent bang, the evil spirits under the ground, without the limitations of the millennium seal, finally completely broke the ground, with the appearance of a scary lacquer black magic full of corrosive breath, imprisoned the void, skyrocketing Get free.

"Hahaha, more than a thousand years, I am finally free, hahahaha..."

The earth-shattering roar rang above the ruins of the Temple of Sacrifice.

More than an hour ago, it was definitely the most magnificent building among the new Hainan cities. At this time, it has completely become a ruin. The sixty-story steps have long been turned into pieces of boulder in the chaotic stones. In the middle, a super behemoth with a height of more than 100 meters, with his arms smashing his furry chest, Yang Tian issued a long-lost roar.

The magical fog of black is obviously a kind of terrible power that is illusory, divine and difficult to penetrate.

With Sun Fei’s eyesight, I can only see it faintly. The Kluivert God, one of the seventy-two pillars of the sea god, is really a very large water-gorilla, and the head is full. Black shiny scales, like fish scales, are tightly connected. The head has two sharp big horns. It is threaded like a reindeer's horn. The face has three eyes. The most central one has no pupils. The red flame, among the other two eyes, has four pupils in each of them. When the eyeballs turn, they look very strange.

He is more than a hundred meters tall, and the muscles of the knife-cutting axe are bulged, like black iron casting. The chest and abdomen are slow and black spots, like the charcoal fire, the palms have five fingers, each finger The sharp ones are like sharp weapons, black long hair, as if it was suppressed under the ground for too long, the mold is stinky.

The original force that killed only the shoulders and the head was split. At this moment, it turned into a bright gray flame, and it did not enter the real body, and Saviola’s body lost all vitality. Dropped on the ground and quickly dried up.

In this process, Dali Sandro did not look at it.

"Ha ha ha, great, you have not escaped, two humans who have made me feel shameful, now, give me a painful price!"

After a little activity, Kluivert looked up and laughed. The sound wave was like a hurricane, which caused the entire sea city to be devastated. His black thugs couldn’t wait to take the lead in Dali Sandro. .

Obviously, Kluivert’s hatred for this arrogant guy far exceeds that of Sun Fei.

"Hey! Can't wait? Now this seat will come back to suppress you once again, let you go back to the dark and deep abyss, hahaha!"

In the face of the killing of the demon god, Dali Sandro's face is unchanged, laughing wildly, and he has not seen how he moves, a silvery white sword, instantly produced out of thin air, and smashed toward the huge body of the evil spirit. It seems to be destroying the earth.

Hey! ! ! ! !

The swords of the "Sword of the Gods" are on the huge palms and bodies of the sea gods, and they emit a series of dense gold and iron strikes, and then the sound of the crisp sound, followed by the sparkling Mars. The dark space is constantly flashing, and the surrounding area is being stunned by the power of the aftermath of the collapsed buildings, as if it were the end of the world.

Dali Sandro changed his face.

Your own sword can't hurt this evil spirit.

"Hahaha, the deity said, when my true body appears, you are in front of me, just a dog!"

Kluivert’s roar is like a thunder.

The black giant claws of the evil spirits of the sea, like the flies, seem to be slow and rushed toward Dali Sandro, passing through the void, like the iron tofu, and easily smashing the space out. The collapse of the black, the hurricane of the outer surface of a strand of blasts boasted out of it, and the annihilation of everything in front was turned into dust and dust.

"Hey!" Dali Sandro snorted and shook his face.

I saw this peerless strong man's hands changing in front of his chest, leaving a phantom-like handprint, changing, a series of silver sword shadows, like a peacock opening screen, in the void behind him Endlessly arranged and unfolded, looking at it, the entire sky is silvery swords, giving a suffocating pressure.

"The goddess destroys the devil... destroys - God - hey!!!!!!!"

A cold scream in the mouth of Dali Sandro, this is a terrible god-level fighting skill, the sky of the sword of vindictive silver light, suddenly turned into an endless swords of rain, storms and general rain The true body of the evil spirits of the seas is plunging. The scenes are magnificent and smashed to the extreme, like a meteor shower that is dying, terrible and deadly.


The sea evil spirits returned to the head with their arms, and they gave an angry and painful roar. Under the killing of the endless sword rain, his defense was finally broken, and there was a dense wound on his body with a black mist. Spilled from the inside, the corrosive space sent out a sizzling sound.


The rain of the silver sword of the sky is endless and generally shoots toward the evil spirits of the sea. Dali Sandro has the upper hand, and the devil is shot into a meat sauce.

Although Sun Fei has been hiding on the edge of Jian Yu, but the silver sword rain, still enveloped him.

"Spicy next door, this grandson is absolutely deliberate, the dog's day, a guy who practiced **, actually killed the old man..." Sun Fei screamed in his heart, had to summon [the throne of the world], with the help of The power of the throne shuttles the space, constantly evading the pursuit of the silver sword rain, and came to the periphery of the city.

"Well? Why are you still here?"

At this time, the entire city of the sea has been completely plunged into disaster due to the battle of the two strong men. The ground collapsed, the building was destroyed, and the shield in the sky was about to collapse. The guy likes to wear gold mask wearing gold. The owner of the seas forced by the armor did not know where to hide. Sun Fei discovered that the half-dead Lyon King Buckingham Loris was running away in the collapsed city.

When the mind was moving, Sun Fei waved, and a golden flame came out, and Loris was photographed on the throne of the world.

"Xiangbo Wang? You are not dead? Wow, hahaha, you are still alive, great, it is very good, hahaha, I have different corpses for you..." Lorris was suddenly caught, and his heart was shocked. When I found out that the person in front of me was Sun Fei, I suddenly got excited and excited, and my concern was beyond words.

"Your grandfather, you want someone to take the corpse!" Sun Fei sighed with a grin.

I don't know why, in this dangerous moment of 'the dead mother marry, personally consider the individual', a serious injured Loris does not look so annoying, especially looking at the face of this guy is not a disguised expression of concern, Sun Fei can't help but feel moved. This guy is a hostile position despite his strength. But how to look at it is much better than Dali Sandro's big pie buns.

"Hey, let's talk about it, how is it inside? I told you that I saw a peerless man in a long time, a white coat..." Lorris frightened to tell Sun Fei about his previous experience.

"You mean the big devil of the good ** (Silver Sword)? Not a good bird, we have to be careful..." Sun Fei manipulated the "Royal Throne" and carefully returned to rely on the function of "The Throne of the World" Hidden the trail, hiding in the periphery of the battlefield to observe and sweep.

Although the feeling of the big white ghost is not good, but the same as the human race, Sun Fei does not want this arrogant madness to lose the battle. Otherwise, what will Azeroth mainland suffer under the sacred spirit of the sea? The impact is hard to say, but within a million miles of the fragrant waters, all the Terrans will be slaughtered.

It will be a disaster that human beings cannot afford.

However, gradually, Sun Fei found that things seemed to be moving in the opposite direction of their expectations.


The third is more.


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