Hail the King

: 806, God Fighters

Updated: 2012-08-29

After a short period of adaptation, the power of the sea **** Kluivert has been constantly improved. His huge body is shining with the black of the flirtatious. Dali Sandro’s [God of Desolation] is indeed unpredictable. Machine, the silver lightsaber never stopped killing, the entire sea city has been destroyed into a ruin, but it is gradually difficult to hurt the evil spirits.

"Ha ha ha ha, an ant-like little human race, even dare to call out the gods, ignorance!"

[Destroy the gods] The name of the martial law angered Kluivert, and the sea gods snarled contemptuously.

He laughed in the sky, but he ignored the endless silver sword rain, and stretched his huge body and gave up the defense. However, it can be clearly seen that the place that was previously punctuated by the silver sword rain has gradually healed, and even a drop of blood has not flowed out.

With the black light on the skin of the body, the silver sword rain of the sky has been difficult to hurt him, returning to the previous scene, sending out a series of metal and iron strikes, the spark of Mars!

"Human, now, your performance is over!"

After the sea gods stretched out the huge body, they suddenly took a deep breath.

This sucking, the air current sent a sigh of noise.

I saw the chest of the huge body of the sea evil spirits bulging like a balloon. Most of the horror sword rain in the sky was sucked into his mouth, and even the space within 100 meters of the front was distorted by his suction, slightly After the pause, Kluivert opened his mouth and snarled, sending out a watery sound.

"Devil Howler! Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The huge sound waves appear in an instant, and the limits that human hearing organs can bear.

Sun Fei and Lorris, who are hiding in the battle for more than 500 meters, have the protection of the mask of the chaos of the chaos, but they have to hold their ears tightly at this moment, still feel their eyes Black, his ears squeaked, and a series of golden asteroids danced playfully.

Dali Sandro, the young man in Wushengshan, who is the first to bear the brunt, is naturally facing a huge crisis.

"Destroy the gods... receive! Protect!"

In the overwhelming clear voice, the silver sword of the sky, like a child who understands the words of Dali Sandro, sends out a series of sly joyful and crisp sounds, suddenly bursting together, a handle The shank is arranged closely and orderly, like a huge onion, layer by layer, forming a silver ball with a diameter of more than 20, which protects Dali Sandro.

The next moment, the roaring sound wave finally hit the silver ball.

Hey! ! ! ! !

Among the broken sounds of the weapon, a piece of metal broken sword like a real one splashed from the silver ball, and a layer of fine silver powder debris fluttered like a potato skin, a huge silver circle. The ball was peeled off layer by layer and the body shape was sharply reduced.

It only lasted for less than four or five minutes, and all the silver swords were completely shattered, turning into a silver powder floating between the heavens and the earth, revealing the body of Dali Sandro wrapped in it.


Dali Sandro, who was in a drastic change, was busy with his hands in front of him, and a huge silver sword appeared across the sky. The devil roaring sound wave hit the giant sword. This time, he could not smash the giant sword. However, the huge impact force made Dali Sandro like a broken kite. The mouth spouted a silvery brilliance of blood and flew back.

"Ha ha ha ha... die!"

In the raging and ridiculous laughter, the sea **** Clujvit was merciless and began to pursue.

He stepped out in one step, and the ground of the entire submarine city swayed violently. It seemed to be awkward, but it was obviously a kind of **** that was similar to the shrinking ground. In just one step, it had already arrived at the inverted Dali. In front of Sandro, the huge sharp claws, under the lingering black mist, bloomed with blood, and the chickens were usually buckled.

"Damn!" Dali Sandro's silver flashed, and he couldn't avoid this catch.

The battle has entered a state of white heat.

The two great peers chased each other and started chasing under the sea.

The aftermath of the fighting spread in all directions, the ground began to collapse, a reddish magma spewed out of the ground, the submarine volcano was triggered, and the entire sea city was submerged in the red magma. .

Booming and banging! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After a series of violent impacts, the huge sky blue mask over the sea of ​​the city finally couldn’t hold back, and the screams fell apart. Like the fragile glass, the pieces shattered, and the water above it suddenly poured. After pouring down, the roaring sea waves drowned the entire city.

The icy cold water and the hot magma met and produced a terrible reaction. After a series of crazy explosions, the sea began to expand and spread like a gas.

This is a terrible scene of the end.

Sun Fei had to manipulate the "Rise of the World" to stay away from the battlefield and temporarily avoid it, so as to avoid the fire and the fish in the gate.

In the distance, the two great peers are still madly fighting.

Sun Fei slightly frowned.

Although I can't see the clear picture of the battle, from the sound of the explosion and the roar of the roar, it is already possible to judge some information - the confident emperor, the big devil, the brain water, the human strong Dali Sander Luo, it should be in a disadvantage, and it is firmly suppressed by the sea gods.

"Alexander, the situation is not very good, what should I do? Do we want to help?"

Lorris, who had already treated the injury with the help of Sun Fei, also saw that the situation was not good. He worried that Dali Sandro would be defeated. When the time was over, the people around the shampoo would bring disaster to the Lyon Empire and eagerly advised.

Sun Fei glanced at him with a scornful look and dismissed: "Help the hair, the gods fight the mortal suffering, we are going up to just send food to others, this level of fighting, there is no part of our speech, or honest Let’s do it on the ground, and when they are both hurt, we can... oh!”

The last sentence was full of ** meaning 嘿嘿, let Lorris feel a cold war.

Lorris suddenly woke up a little from the **** impulse.

He realized that the guy who had been subconsciously regarded as his comrade-in-arms was actually a big devil, an absolute bastard, and a guy who was ready to be eaten without any bones. I don't know if it is an illusion. It seems that the impression of the shampoo king on the white peerless is not very good.

Sun Fei smiled and manipulated the "Royal Throne" and carefully approached the center of the battlefield.


At this time, the two great peers have already played tens of thousands of meters away from the deep underwater canyon.

Wherever they went, the sea floor collapsed, the earth cracked, and the white seabed fossil forest was destroyed. The chaotic gas swelled up the turbulent currents, some unfortunate sea fish and World of Warcraft, and the escaped seas. It was twisted into a bolognese by the aftermath of the battlefield. Within the kilometer, only the throne of the chaos can easily avoid the horror of these horrible hooligans and trace the two strong men.

"Damn **** damn damn! Ugly beast, you irritated me!"

The figure is constantly in the mountains between the claws of the sea gods, the white clothes are bloody, the wolf is extremely, and Dali Sandro is still arrogant, he screams, squirting a blood, suddenly breaking free from the evil spirits. The **** of the power of God opened a relatively safe distance, and both hands squeezed out a handprint, and the half of the rusty machete broken blade twitched gently from his body and slowly emerged.

Suddenly, the third force is enough to rival the divine power of the sea gods, appearing in the battle circle.

Sun Fei and Lorris in the distance watched each other at the same time. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They could not help but exclaimed: "This is... a **** soldier? The real **** soldier ?"


The first is more.


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