Hakai no Miko
Lesson 11 Pioneering (Previous)
Would you believe me if I told you that the civilization of this world was taken over?
There are times in far ancient times when technology and knowledge developed rapidly.
Yes. An era of exponential advances in technology at the edge of the city of Bornis, which was in the western part of the continent. It's what we call the "technological revolution".
What we call technology and knowledge were piled up by our ancestors over a huge amount of time in trial and error. Technologies that seem original at first glance are just things that, if you look closely, change the way you look at existing technologies and knowledge, or are on their extension lines.
However, with regard to this "technological revolution", there is clearly a gap (kankai) in the technology and knowledge before and after it. No, you can say disconnect. He's what we call an intellectual missing link.
Many researchers consider this to be due to the contact of several different worlds.
I see. Rapid advances in culture and technology are often made when different worlds come into contact with each other.
For example, the contact between the world of Dwarves and the human world in ancient times. The anecdote "sin of ale" would be famous for the Dwarves, who until then had just lived in mountain caves, who had rapidly developed that technique because they found out about ale that humans make from grain.
If you think about it, the ancient city of Bornis, where the seven races coexisted, is like a cauldron of witches, where seven different worlds collide and mingle. Maybe it's no surprise what pops out of there.
But then why didn't something similar happen in the rest of the continent?
At least there must have been contact between humans and other race-worlds, in the form of unilateral exploitation from the human race. Yet, looking across the continent at the time, we do not see the equivalent of the "technological revolution" that took place in Bornis.
The more I looked at the material at the time, the more I thought.
At that time, was there not so much contact with the mighty and heterogeneous world as with the race world and so forth? And I was wondering if the authentic technology of this world had been destroyed and taken over by what came from it.
Excerpt from an interview article with archaeologist Martin S. Ackerson
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The Ethereal Horse, who dropped off Barak, the chief of the [deformed clan] leaving the city, immediately returned to the Lords' Office to summon lead treasurer Michena and former Holmeer National Army soldier Marcronis, as well as Dwarf's Dvarin.
"Mr. Michena, give me what you were asking for"
When everyone gathered in the office, the Ethereal Horse ordered Michena to do so. Besides, Michena spreads a big cloth on her desk, eating bubbles.
"Is this a map of the plains?
As Shemr said, peeking into it, it was a map depicting the entire Sorbiant plain that was spread over the desk. On the map are written the location of the pioneering village and information on the village.
"As the lord said, I also added the numbers' alas numbers'"
"Arabic Numbers,"
After correcting Michena's mistake, the Ethereal Horse turns to Shemr.
"Hey, Shemr. Can you draw the realm of each clan here?
Shemr snorts one and then when he hands the charcoal Michena offers, he thinks a little and then draws five distorted (snoring) rings on that map.
"This smallest is the realm of the Eye Families. This is the" Family of Takeshi ", and this is the" Family of Claws ", and the closest thing to this city is the" Family of Tails ". And this is the realm of the Fang Clan."
The Ethereal Horse, who was listening with one snort (nod) to Shemr's explanation, when finished listening, first pointed to the realm of the "Tail Family".
"We were rented land by the Zoans, which was the realm of this [Tail Clan]. We will gather here the pioneering villages now scattered throughout the plains."
Then he pointed his finger towards the realm of the "Families of Takeshi".
"First, we will move the pioneering village in this area as a priority. Next, the village in the realm of the Fang Clan."
So the Ethereal Horse sees Shemr.
"Can you ask Mr. Gallam to wait for Pioneering Village to move until the wheat harvest here is over?
Shemr strained his chest to tell him to leave it to him.
"I asked you, Shemr. - And the realm of the" claw family "will remain intact, depending on Mr. Zug's reply."
So once I cut the word to get everyone to react. After making sure no questions or objections are raised from anyone, Ethereal Horse continues his words.
"Now ask Zoan's fast-paced warrior to deliver my current instructions to Pioneering Village."
So Marcronis said, "Can I have a minute?," he raised his hand.
"Until now, Zoan has been a natural enemy to Pioneering Village. If all of a sudden Zoan's warriors go there, they can't cause unwanted disturbances. Why don't you let me handle this?
Marcronis' words seemed to be the best. However, Ethereal Horse had already asked Marcronis for another important job, so he couldn't snort right away.
"But then, what about the transfer of the prisoner you asked for?
The prisoners of the Holmeer Country who now keep them outside the city of Bornis, but they can't afford to waste their rice forever. Ethereal horses were going to use them as a pioneering workforce because they couldn't just let them go.
But when it came to transferring them, they were originally left to Marcronis because Garam and Zug and others, Zoan, who were not in the habit of taking prisoners, could not.
"Then, no problem"
Marcronis, who said so, introduces the Ethereal Horses when he summons a human soldier who was keeping them waiting outside the office.
"He is a man named Setius. They were my men in the Holmeer National Army, but they let me hire them in as my men again the other day."
To Marcronis's introduction, Setius lowered his head lightly. It's an indescribably complicated look that still doesn't convince you to get under the pale horse.
"You can leave the transfer of the prisoners to this Setius. His abilities, I assure you."
Marcronis had been given human soldiers who had fallen back on the pale horse, just like him, from among his captives. But the fallen soldiers were originally just people who had trouble eating and became soldiers, regardless of whether it would be the Holmeer country or the Ethereal Horse if they were fed, and not necessarily when they would not fall back on the Holmeer country.
Marcronis wanted a trusted subordinate to sell Setius in here, make him improve his prisoner transfer track record and put him in his right arm.
Even the Ethereal Horse who perceived it has no objection. If that makes it easier for Marcronis to do it, it will also help him as a pale horse.
"Okay. - Then we leave the transfer of the prisoners to Mr. Setius, and Mr. Marcronis asks for a circular to the pioneering village"
Marcronis lowered his head small, thanking him for accepting the election.
"And one more thing. How many soldiers do I have to take to reach the villages?
It goes without saying that the question was whether it was okay for the villagers to boast of force if they showed difficulty in transferring the village. Besides, the Ethereal Horse shakes his neck to the side.
"We don't want to buy resentment because we need the help of the peasants. Please be as calm as possible."
"Then what should I do if I'm reluctant to move the village?
To that question of Marcronis, the Ethereal Horse often thinks before answering.
"At that time, please offer a tax credit. If you follow us, we'll cut taxes."
I'm trying to make a big difference in my previous farming methods. Until that gets on track, the harvest will probably be less than ever. In that case, we will have to make tax breaks in any case, so if the farmers are willing to move the village, they will make money (already).
Then the Ethereal Horse turns to Dvarin.
"Mr. Doverlyn. Do you have what you asked for?
"All the things that Lord Soma said were put away. I can confidently say that they are all satisfactory."
So the pale horse nodded contentedly at the lavish doverlin.
"Okay! - Now the land, the people and the tools are in place. After that, just do it..."
Hearing that grunt, Shemr asks the pale horse with a strange leaning of her little neck.
"Hey, Soma. What are you trying to do?
That was a question shared by everyone on this occasion.
Says the Ethereal Horse, gathering together the gaze of everyone's curiosity and expectations.
"Norfolk farming."
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Norfolk farming method.
It is a new farming method that began in the eighteenth-century state of Eastern Norfolk, England, where its name was known by a famous work. The Norfolk farming method was until then when Sanyuan-style farming had rotated the farmland into three parts: winter grain, summer grain and fallow land, whereas farmland had been rotated into four parts: winter grain, clover, summer grain and turnip.
This has just eliminated fallow land and made it more productive than sanjuku-style agriculture, or turning turnips to feed livestock in winter eliminated the need to have slaughtered livestock due to the lack of feed in winter until then, leading to an increase in the number of heads of livestock to be reared. It is also said that local power has been restored by the staple fertilizer (cuhi) and clover of livestock, which have thus increased, dramatically improving agricultural productivity.
Before this chieftaincy consultation - the introduction of the Norfolk farming method was no longer nothing more than a finalisation for Ethereal Horse, who had already considered pioneering the plains to produce more food since shortly after the Bornis showdown. Especially since the interviews conducted by calling the peasants around the city found out that yakitori farming dominated the area, the sentiment was further reinforced.
Instead of sanyuan-style agriculture, if yakitori farming is still the dominant world, Norfolk farming will be a strong weapon.
The first started by Ethereal Horse, backed by such strong thoughts, was the pioneering of new farmland for Norfolk farming methods.
Firstly, because the peasants had hitherto plowed as much as they liked, they had Dwarves and others measure the fields, all of which were of a miscellaneous shape, and let them change to elongated rectangles.
When it is thus decided where to make agricultural land, it is the next improvement of the soil.
I burn down the growing grass and then plow the soil, but the soil that no man can reach is harder than I thought. Since it was difficult to cultivate the soil alone, the soil was dug up using the tsuruhashi. That's how I shatter the dust I dug up, and now I shatter the dust chunks with the dust and the dust, and I put it out of the field once. And the soil crushes and fines even more, and sifts away stones, tree roots, etc.
That's how he put it back in the field after mixing ash, charcoal, lime, crushed seashells, bone powder, and even rotten soil brought from the mountains into the sieved soil.
"Because when the soil is hard, the crop can't hold its roots tight. If you can root well, the wind and other things will make it hard to fall, and you will be able to get lots of nutrition..."
Where I can't be sure, it's the Ethereal Horse.
Anyway, Ethereal Horse is just a high school student and not an agricultural expert. At best, he only has the degree of knowledge he was taught when he helped his late grandfather do a small field as a hobby, or was interested in what he read in light novels and comics about home affairs, and looked it up on the internet, etc.
Ashes and lime scattered for soil improvement may have been further skewed by alkalinity if the land had been alkaline soil, making it less suitable for cultivation.
For this reason, it is planned to start with some villages, watch their course and spread it throughout if it is to be successful.
It was also contemplated if pioneering failed. Until now, the city of Bornis has paid half of its tax revenues to the King's Capital, but thanks to its disappearance, the tax that can be used in the city of Bornis is simply calculated to be double what it has been. Worst of all, even if agricultural land improvements failed and crops were not picked at all, there would be room for exempting and even aiding the village from taxes, which was a reform on top of the fact that there would be enough room for the Ethereal Horse to calculate.
"How user-friendly are the new tools? Is there a problem?
Under the guidance of Dwarf craftsmen who specialize in civil work, Ethereal Horse asks Dwarf, who was nearby, looking at the sight of the peasants who were driven out to work for captives and servants who were soldiers of the Holmeer country. Then, as the dwarf said, "There's no way there's a problem," he snorted a lot louder.
The tools at the hands of the pioneering captives and peasants were all those that the Ethereal Horse had asked the Dwarves to make for this time.
The peasants of this era had all the tools, such as wax (wax) and wax (suki), which were just metal coated in wood or in part. The Ethereal Horse found out about it, after the Bornis showdown, caused the city's inhabitants to cast and crush their weapons to produce iron tools in large quantities.
Initially, however, there was strong opposition from many, including Dwarves, to casting and farming the weapon because of it.
Because iron was precious in these times when iron could not yet be produced in large quantities. Seeing iron coins made of iron circulated in the same way as other gold and silver and copper currencies would have shown that they were found to be worth equivalent to other precious metals, although their value was inferior to that of gold and silver copper.
It is only natural that we all disagree that weapons made of such precious iron should be cast and crushed even though we refrain from fighting the Holmeer State. But the Ethereal Horse persuaded those who were against him with the following words:
"This pioneering is about winning the war. I mean, this is a fight. Are you telling me to be a fool who only lets people go to battle with weapons made of wood or stone?
Since Marcronis, a former soldier of the Holmeer National Army, had taught him the presumption that it would take six months to a year for the Holmeer National Army to heal the pain of the Bornis showdown, Aoima thought it was time to put iron into pioneering.
But even that pale horse did not correctly understand the value of iron farming tools.
For modern Japanese Ethereal Horses, where metal farming tools are commonplace, it is only recognition to the extent that iron would be more durable and long-lasting than wood. However, according to some research, iron tools are even more than quadrupled as efficient as wooden tools.
It goes without saying that the introduction of this iron farming tool has been a major force in the development of the plains.
At the same time as making the agricultural tools iron, Aoima also worked on the reproduction of the tools he saw in modern Japan, producing numerous tools.
One of them is a wheeled hand-held car.
In this day and age, if we take a little off the main roads such as the trading route, there is only a beast road named after the interstate. Not to mention the land that was about to be newly pioneered, there was not even a path between them, and the only way to carry materials was through a plain without a path.
But if you try to get through a wooden luggage truck that has no robust structure or powerful power source like a modern automobile, you can't help but get stuck just because you've been wheeled by a tiny bit of mud or a broken axle and become useless. It seemed to me that too many of those accidents and malfunctions would have made it much quicker for humans and animals to carry their luggage on their backs than to use luggage poorly.
Knowing such a situation, Aoima came up with the idea of using a hand-held wheelbarrow to transport materials and supplies to the pioneering land in the same way from the famous story that Zhuge Confucius Ming devised a wheelbarrow called Wood Stream Cow Horse when the Shu army transported food on a rugged road in the Three Kingdoms' Will.
However, the problem was that Ethereal Horse had seen a wheel of hand-held cars used at construction sites and so on, but he had not observed it in detail and only remembered it in vague form.
It is with great credit that Dvarin was able to take such vague memories of the Ethereal Horse into its physical form.
"As long as we know what we're going to use it for, it's enough in approximate form."
Looking at the diagram painted by the Ethereal Horse relying on the vague memories, Dvarin uttered:
Let him tell you, the shape of the tool painted by the Ethereal Horse looks bizarre, but that seems to be a very sensible shape given the function of the tool. If you are a dwarf named after a craftsman, you can't guess the logic and make up for the missing parts of the picture painted by the Ethereal Horse.
And with only so many big slaps, the arms of the Dwarf craftsmen were certain. In the knowledge of the Ethereal Horse, the advanced tools of modern Japan were made one after the other by the hands of the dwarves.
But even such exceptional Dwarf craftsmen say they screamed before the knowledge of a pale horse overflowing like a flood.
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"Wow! Amazing, Shemr!
The Ethereal Horse exclaimed at the sight of a herd of more than a hundred cows being driven up by the warriors of Zoan, one after the other entering the enclosure set in place of the pioneering land.
Shemr cautions against such a childish Ethereal Horse as he is slightly confused.
"The cows are so excited, don't get too close to the enclosure"
Even so said, the Ethereal Horse can't contain his curiosity.
I've seen it several times before, but I've never had a chance to observe it more closely because I've been busy attacking the city and driving away the crusaders.
Observing it that way, the cows in this world seemed different from the cows known by the Ethereal Horse. The overall silhouette is close to nu but grows hair as long as a bison from head to chest and back. Compared to its big head, its eyes are small and cute.
But a cow noticed a pale horse, excitedly hitting his head hard on a pile of enclosed thick trees. The Ethereal Horse, surprised by it, accidentally wears a butt cake.
If you don't say so, Shemr asks, who sighs deeply and then lets the Ethereal Horse stand up with his hand.
"What are you going to do by collecting so many cows?
"Sure, keep it."
Ethereal horses say they want to keep so many cattle, not only to use them as an important source of power to tow stone molars that plow the soil (but also) and wheat, or to use that manure as a fertilizer needed for Norfolk farming.
The biggest reason is to feed Zoan.
"Mr. Zug told me to make the lease on the land a cow if possible."
If you ask me, Zoan's staple food is meat, so that was also a natural demand.
"It's good to collect cows, but what are we going to do with these guys' bait?
Pastoralism in the Continent of Cerdeas in this era was dominated by grazing. Instead of feeding them at the hands of men, they were releasing their livestock to the meadows and feeding them grass at will.
But what the Zoans have gathered is a whole herd of cows. When it comes to the amount of grass that the cattle eat, it becomes uninterrupted. Between spring and summer, there is no problem when the grass is growing fast, but if it is winter, it will not be enough to root and eat the grass around it.
We plan to grow turnips as livestock feed, but until the Norfolk farming method is still on track, there is a risk that it will also be lacking. Besides, as well as the light novel that the Ethereal Horse has read, the pigs are going to keep it, so they will still have to reconsider securing food for the cattle to eat.
Now, it was the sight of a ranch in Hokkaido that floated behind the brains of the Ethereal Horse that bothered me with what was going on. What I associate with when I say ranch was, cheaply, a ranch in Hokkaido, but from the sight in its memory, Aoi Horse came up with one idea.
"That's right. Silos! Let's make silos."
Silos are tower-shaped storage facilities for storing cereals and feed found, for example, in European and American barn zones.
The Ethereal Horse, who came up with it, said goodness only hurriedly, and took it back from the pioneering village to the city of Bornis.
"Mr. Doverlyn, I'd like you to make a silo."
The Ethereal Horse, who came near the city of Bornis to Dvarin, where he was building a new furnace, said so most of the opening.
Especially with the chosen Dwarf craftsmen, Dwarrin, who was sweating and making huge furnaces and lutubos, makes a "again" face.
"What's next? Well, what do you say?
The Ethereal Horse tells him to wrap it up in an exciting tone.
"It's a building that packs and stores mowed grass!
"Pack the grass? I don't know. Why would you do that on purpose? Wouldn't that be a normal barn?
"Are you sure it ferments lactic acid? Anyway, it seems that the grass will also save and make it tasty and the cows will eat better."
The Ethereal Horse explained to Dvarin, previously seen on television, as the talent thought of a plan to help work at a dairy farmer's house in Hokkaido.
"Does the grass taste good? Oh, I don't know. Tell me as much as you can."
When the Ethereal Horse picks up the twig that was falling, he paints a galloping picture on the ground with it.
"Er... with this tall tower, there's this entrance and exit up there, stuffing the mowed grass from the top, and later people step on it and compress it."
"Step from the top and compress? Now, you have to make the sidewalls strong."
If you were to weigh in and compress the grass, there should probably be a lot of pressure from the inside out. If you don't make the side walls so sturdy, you risk bouncing off the inside of the tower.
"Then should we dig and build holes instead of towers...?
Doverine put on an arm and began to immerse herself in her thoughts.
"No. Then it's hard to dig dirt. Perhaps we should take the form of a half-bottom underground with only the bottom half of the strength required."
Doverine, who was bothering her head with the design of the silo as she spoke to herself with a bump, looked up, and there was a sparkling eyed pale horse there.
"What do you say? Do you think you can make it?
When it comes to Dwarves, the Ethereal Horse is the fairy of the earth who made numerous legendary weapons and treasures in myths, legends, etc. In addition, even light novels, comic books and the like are still portrayed as a species with exceptional production techniques that are not far from human beings and create numerous specialties.
And the dwarves who live on this continent of Cerdeas are also a species that specializes in production reminiscent of it.
For that reason, the Ethereal Horse unconsciously said, "Dwarves can make anything!" I assumed. From such a pale horse, he said, "Dwarf wow! Dwarves can do it!" If you can look at it with a vision, if you're a Dwarf craftsman who remembers your arm, you can't say you can't.
"Ugh, um... Well, I was wondering if we could make it somehow..."
"Is that true?! Well, thank you!
To put it that way. The Ethereal Horse repeats his words of gratitude as he grabs both hands of Dvarin, swinging up and down with the boom. And while Doverin was black-and-white with his eyes, the Ethereal Horse walked away with a light foothold.
Dvarin, who was walked away by the Ethereal Horse shortly after he stopped calling, drops his shoulder alone in dismay. And Doverin, who returned to the workplace in heavy footsteps as opposed to the Ethereal Horse, told him that he had called the craftsmen together and told them to make more silos than the Ethereal Horse. Then the assembled craftsmen raise their voices of condemnation.
"I'm sorry, Lord Doverlin!
"No matter how much Lord Soma asks, we have our limits!
"Build that one, make this one too, I don't have any kiri!
"We don't have enough men to rush through this furnace and Lutzvo."
"All right. Instead of Lord Dvarin, we'll come straight to you."
That said the Dwarf craftsmen, teasing their shoulders, went under the Ethereal Horse.
But not long after, the Dwarf craftsmen drop their shoulders and come back.
"- So, what's up?
Although much could already be guessed, Doverlyn asked, with some of the return of interest mentioned earlier in the do-it-yourself.
Then the Dwarf craftsmen turned away uncomfortably, he said.
Lord Soma is a terrible man.
"Mm-hmm. He's a genius who uses people unconsciously."
"But this is not a hoard."
Yes, Michena, with her wrecked face, comes fluttering to the point where the Dwarf craftsmen are speaking with a sinister face.
"Oh. Mr. Doverlyn, it was just fine. Can you come to the warehouse later and gather all twenty men?
Even Doverlyn, who was in trouble without enough manpower, said in an insured tone, "Why?" Ask. But Michena also answered in a nasty sky how disturbing her head was.
"Earlier, Master Soma instructed Dwarf craftsmen to give priority to turning the liquor stored in the warehouse, so I'd like you to lend me someone to carry that barrel."
Then when Michena walked away with a bump of "unplanned expenses," the Dwarf craftsmen looked at each other.
Lord Soma is a terrible man.
"Mm-hmm. He's a genius who uses people unconsciously."
"But this is not a hoard."
What you are saying is the same as earlier, but the faces of the Dwarf craftsmen were sloppily loose.
But the Ethereal Horse rushed in, trying to swap with Michena there.
The Dwarves, who were floating when they could drink, were uniformly gnawed at.
"Hey, Mr. Doverlyn! Now I want to make a windmill. With this, you can flour even where there is no river, and you can crease groundwater from the well and watering crops. - So, it's a structure..."
"So, Lord Soma. Exactly, no more..."
It was a doverlin I tried to say no to, but when I see a pale horse in front of me that sparkles in anticipation, the words I refuse don't come out of my mouth.
"... and anyway, let me just talk"
From behind, I heard a huge sigh of chorus.
Later, Dvarin says:
"There's never been a harder time than then. His Majesty says, do it. Make that one, and make this one after another. So much so that all my compatriots kept their mouths shut and spilled their stupidity: 'How much easier was it when this was a slave?'
But at the same time, there was no better time than then. Squeeze out all the skill and wisdom cultivated until then and make what His Majesty says is new. None of that, nothing we've ever seen or heard of before. As a dwarf craftsman, there was never a time so full of joy ".
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