"This giant doesn't seem to be an ordinary giant!"

The definition of giants is different in each mythological system.

However, most of them are representatives of evil.

For example, in the Celtic group of gods, giants represent the enemies of mankind.

In the Norse mythology, the giants represent natural disasters, which can be understood as personified natural forces.

Speaking of the origin of Norse mythology, the original giants, Ymir is the source.

After the gods born later killed the ancestor giant Ymir, his corpse was transformed into the world, and the Norse mythology system was formed.

After the birth of the world, the mythic history of Odin's creation of the world has its history! And [Asgard] is also the ultimate mystery of the myth that Odin once inscribed, which can resist the invasion of infinite power - the giants! "So it is, Are these giants incarnate?"

Looking around, Wes is in the world of ice, and the south is a sea of ​​fire. That is where the flame giants are, and they are also attacking [Asgard], in addition to the flash giants, lightning giants, etc. The presence.

Seeing this scene, Weiss touched his chin and thought.

"Since [Asgard] guards the Nordic group of gods, that is to say, wherever there are giants, the protection of the simulated star map should be the strongest! The only place without giants is... The flaw lies! "

In an instant - Wes was locked under the World Tree! The World Tree was the origin of all Norse mythology at the beginning of its birth, and it was the source of strength that supported the entire Nordic mythology system! At the very beginning of Norse mythology.

The world has not yet been born, it is the beginning of the vast immemorial, showing a chaotic posture.

And in the chaos, a scar of void was torn apart.

This void scar divides the entire chaotic universe in two.

Like a huge gap, because of the gap, the universe presents two extremes.

To the north of the chasm is the country of fog, with abundant water vapor and constantly emerging fog, and there, there is an inexhaustible spring, and the water of the void is constantly emerging from the spring. These... the water of the void is constantly The land is scattered and aggregated to form rivers and glaciers! On the other side of the gap, is the land of fire.

There is a fiery flame that burns forever, and here, an eternal fire giant Surtur was born early, and Tertur's spirit is burning! It is the existence of destruction, and it is the rule of all. Return to the eternal and peaceful void! With the passage of time, in the interweaving of ice and fire, a life is born, a giant larger than the world - the ancestor Ymir! He is in the mist interwoven by ice and fire The born giant is the ancestor of all giants! Ymir gave birth to countless giant descendants! Including the wisdom giant Mimir, the female giant Bestra and so on.

Then, after the birth of the gods, he and the giants gave birth to the future king of the gods - Odin! Odin is also a descendant of Ymir! Later, Odin killed Ymir and used the corpse of the ancestor giant as the Sacrifice and created the world! He made the sky out of Ymir's head, the brain into clouds, the body into the earth, the blood into the ocean, the bones into mountains, and the hair into trees.

Over time, Ymir's body decayed and maggots grew.

The maggots on the bright side... turned into beautiful and kind elves, and the maggots on the dark side... turned into dwarves who were skilled in mining! Then, Odin captured the flames of the land of fire and turned them into The stars, the moon, the sun, and make the four seasons! And with ash carving for men, and elm carving for women, they created life.

So far, the Nordic world has been created and turned into nine kingdoms! They are Aesir, Vaner, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Frost Giants, the Mist Kingdom with the souls of the dead, and Sur, the powerful giant. Ter's Fire Country! And it is the World Tree that links the nine 9 worlds and provides the source of life! The World Tree has three 3 roots, which go deep into the three springs in the Nordic world to absorb the energy of the world! Therefore - as The origin of the world, only under the world tree, it is impossible for giants to exist.

That's where Asgard's weakness lies! "Just enter from here!"

幡幡——Weiss held the scepter and tapped the ground lightly.

this moment.

As if a drop of water fell into a calm lake, invisible ripples rippled on the ground in an instant.

The rhythm of time, full of vicissitudes, ripples away.

Chapter [-]: Apocalyptic Black Dragon, Nidhogg! 【Four more for subscription】

The power of time, turned into a time channel, rushed to the bottom of [Asgard].

And at this time, in the realm of the gods, the main entrance is on the Rainbow Bridge of Frost.

There is a god in golden armor.

Just standing there, it seems to be able to suppress everything, standing still.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This glance penetrated the physical distance and space, and saw beyond the realm of the gods.

He saw the enemy this time.

"That is!"

People who have never seen it, and at the bottom of the World Tree, that immense power can be felt even in the God Realm.

"Is it someone from the Eastern District that Odin ordered to pay attention to?"

And then—the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The torrent of time turned into a beam of light, directly hitting the strange God Realm.

If it were other powers, it would not even be able to approach the realm of the gods.

This is somewhat similar to the Queen's realm, you can't work with him at all.

But - time is different, he can erode everything, and anything that is not eternal will wither in front of time.

Even space can be broken.

The torrent of time washed over the gods.

A thud.

The blow that shook the world directly blasted a huge hole at the bottom of the God Realm.

Then, Weiss slowly put down the scepter in his hand.

"Okay, now let me see, Odin, where is your enlightenment!"

With the passage of time.

Whis entered the hole and directly invaded [Asgard], which is a simulated star map! Although it has not really entered the realm of the gods.

However, as long as the weakness of the simulated star creation map is broken, it is only a matter of time before entering the realm of the gods.

The moment he came in, what appeared in front of Whis was a huge tree root.

The roots of the tree that are comparable to the universe starry sky are twisting and circling, rising into the sky, becoming the source of nutrition for the world tree.

And this time.

Weiss suddenly found out.

Above the roots of the World Tree, there is a living creature!!! Hohohohohoho-wrongly thought to shake the heaven and earth, that...life instantly showed hostility to Weiss.

The huge roar, just the sound, made Whis raise his arm to resist.

And then—through his arm, he saw the gesture of that life.

That's a dragon! A pitch-black dragon! There's no way to describe how big it is.

If you look around, you can't see the head at all. Although it's not as big as the world dragon carrying the world, but - at least, there is no problem in describing this black dragon as a galaxy.

At this moment—that black dragon is hovering over the roots of the World Tree, constantly gnawing at the roots of the World Tree.

After the gap reached Whis, he immediately regarded Whis as a threat to the enemy! And then—— his fangs were directly exposed! Whis jumped up, evaded with the peak of martial arts, and released [ The power of time] smashed the body of the black dragon.

I thought that the other party would instantly turn into a dead bone on the road of time! But——[Time]'s power passed by, and a dazzling light instantly bloomed on the body of the black dragon.

Weiss' eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that it was the power of fate! The black dragon was blessed with a destiny at the level of the truth of the universe - immortality! The instant collision of [time] and [immortality] caused Weiss and the black dragon to be bounced away.

The black dragon seemed to be frightened by Weiss, and returned to the root of the World Tree again, hovering over it, staring at Weiss with a cautious attitude.

That look was full of hostility and murderous intent.

If the collision just now made him realize the power of Whis, I am afraid that Whis would have been torn apart by the black dragon at this time.

"What a cute little dragon, are you scared by my [time]?"

Weiss smiled.

Didn't even take it into account.

This dragon is indeed strong enough.

Although there is no clear number of digits to express, but the power that has just been displayed, there is no problem with the top three digits. Moreover, his body is blessed with the fate of [immortality], which is a little bit. It's intriguing.

The black dragon that eats the roots of the world tree is immortal.

In an instant, the end of Norse mythology - Ragnarok of the Gods appeared in Weiss' mind! A major feature of Norse mythology is... The world will eventually be destroyed, that is, Ragnarok of the Gods.

This battle is inevitable, and the gods are doomed to fail.

The constant conflict and struggle between the gods and giants will surely lead to the final battle between the two major forces.

At that time, not only all creations that can be seen will be destroyed, but also the inhabitants of [The Kingdom of Giants], [Land of Fairies] and [Atrium], the gods of [The Kingdom of the Gods] and [The Kingdom of the Dead], will perish with the world in which they live.

This is the end of the Nordic world! To achieve Ragnarok, one of the conditions is that the poisonous dragon [Nidhogg], who gnawed at the roots of the World Tree in fate, bit off the roots of the World Tree! At this time, Weiss' eyes narrowed slightly, and then he reacted.

"Does Odin want to use the power of a closed world to cross the Ragnarok of the Gods!"

Only in this way can all of Odin's actions be explained.

After all, if you want to simply solve the problem of belief in the Nordic gods, you will not be able to support the closed world as the [Godslayer].

Only when the Nordic gods face extinction in the apocalypse, Odin, who is the incarnation of wisdom, will be forced to make a choice! Fight the mythical apocalypse with the godslayer! I have to say that Odin is very bold.

After all, the closed world is a godslayer. If one is not careful, perhaps before the Ragnarok comes, the Nordic gods will be extinct in the hands of the closed world.

And now, it is clear that the Norse mythology has not only not been exterminated by the closed world, but has gained a lot of power and benefits through the belief in the closed world.

However, is this really enough to get through Ragnarok? Weiss smiled! Ragnarok, that is the end of fate and cannot be avoided.

Of course, in Hakoba, things like fate can be reversed.

However, as far as the fate of Ragnarok is concerned, it is no less difficult to reverse the fate of human beings.

"Odin, you are too naive. When you drink the fountain of wisdom, Ragnarok is already doomed!"

Chapter [-] The origin of Ragnarok! 【Five more subscriptions】

The world tree is the support of Norse mythology and the origin of its world.

The source of the power of the World Tree is the three three roots of the World Tree that draw power from the three three roots and the spring that has existed since the beginning of the world! The first spring is called the Spring of Wuerde, and this spring is composed of Controlled by Odin's Aesir.

The gods gather around the spring every day to discuss how to manage the world! And next to the spring, there are the three goddesses of Noron! They are the three goddesses representing [time].

Of course, this is not the power of [time], and the three goddesses are only spectators of time, not controllers.

The current controller is Wes! They represent the past, present and future of time respectively! They water the world tree with spring water, and write and compile the fate of human beings and gods. They are the recorders of time and the bystanders of the times. Everything in Norse mythology is written by the three goddesses.

According to the legends passed down in human history, the three goddesses are the source, and they are the poets of Norse mythology! The second spring, named Hwagmir, is located in Niflheim, where the dead belong. All the souls of the dead will return here.

This is also the kingdom of death controlled by Loki's daughter, Hela, the goddess of death! Above this spring, there lives a poisonous dragon, which is... Nidhogg, who eats the roots of the world tree! At this moment, Weiss It is in the kingdom of death of Hela! And the third spring, exists in the mortal enemy of the gods, the kingdom of frost giants, Jotunheim, its name is Mimir's fountain.

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