Legend has it that as long as you drink a sip of spring water, you can get [wisdom]! Odin's [wisdom] comes from this! After Odin created the world, although he was the creator, he did not have the power to manage the world! In order to gain power, Odin rode Sleipleni and crossed the rainbow bridge across the void to visit the Fountain of Wisdom, which the gods dared not approach.

However, the one who controls this spring is the mortal enemy of the gods, the giant Mimir! Odin fearlessly came to the fountain of wisdom, dismounted beside Mimir, and asked him for a mouthful of spring water.

Although Mimir knew who the person in front of him was, he still shook his head slowly, refused to give water, and said.

"Before this, many people wanted a glass of spring water, but when they heard the price of a glass of spring water, they were too frightened to ask for it."

Young Odin was not afraid at all.

"I already know this, and I am willing to give all the gold of [The Kingdom of the Gods]!"

Mimir smiled and replied.

"That's not what I want... Odin! The price of the fountain of wisdom is your sharp right eye!"

Hearing this, Odin took off his right eye without hesitation.

At the cost of losing his right eye forever, he drank the water of the [Fountain of Wisdom].

Obtained the power of [wisdom]! Then, Odin tied one of his feet with a rope, hung it upside down at the top of the World Tree, and stabbed himself with a spear, leaving blood on the ground! In the end, the profound meaning used his own As a sacrifice, he sacrificed himself, without food or water.

On the ninth day, Odin's blood droplets formed some strange patterns. Odin looked at these patterns and suddenly had an epiphany! On the basis of these patterns, he created the words in the world, these words It is... [Rune Alphabet]! With words, civilization can be formed, and civilization can be ruled and managed! So far.

Odin completely took charge of the Nordic world with [wisdom]! However, this wisdom also allowed him to see the end of the Nordic world-the Ragnarok! After that, Odin was doing what he did to deal with the Ragnarok. The preparations—what Odin didn't know, was that all the preparations he made were just a part of Ragnarok.

And the origin of Ragnarok is the [Fountain of Wisdom] that Odin drank! "Odin, fate is not so easy to reverse!"

Weiss smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Odin not only wanted to use the power of the closed world to strengthen the power of the Aesir to deal with Ragnarok.

At the same time, he also attracted Whis here, and also wanted to use the power of Whis to deal with Ragnarok.

Otherwise—it can’t be explained that Whis easily entered [Asgard]! After all, it is the profound meaning of Norse mythology, and its power is equivalent to the [Three Thousand Worlds] of [Buddhist]! Even [Time] is impossible. Easily penetrated.

"Odin, you're just using your wisdom in this kind of place, and you're doing some clever tricks-"

At this time, the breath of death came.

Dark smoke came from the end of the kingdom of death.

In an instant, he was surrounded by Weiss.

Smoke doesn't know who Wes is, but——as long as it appears here, it will be regarded as an invader of the kingdom of death.

Immediately after - unleashing a blow from the smoke of death.

With the grace of death.

Although it's not like Dead Eye Balor... it's foul to give death directly to the gods.

However, the curse contained in it is not trivial! To this, Weiss smiled.

"Is it Hela, the goddess of death?"

The scepter that taps lightly releases the power of [Time] in an instant! Dispels all the gifts of death! For... Hela's attack, Whis does not care.

Hela, goddess of death, is a member of Ragnarok.

Obviously, Odin wanted to get rid of Hela with the help of Weiss.

Of course Whis will not do what Odin wishes.

next moment.

With the passage of time, in an instant, all the smoke of death was washed away! He rushed to the root of the World Tree with an invincible attitude.

Seeing this - even the black dragon avoided the edge for a while, dodged instantly, and made way for Wes! At this time - in the black fog of death, an exclamation voice came out.

"What even Nidhogg fears that man?"

Hela emerged from the dead.

In the realm of death, she holds the power of almost immortality! Even if it is Odin, she can't help it.

However, even so, she was very afraid of the black dragon.

However—that black dragon seemed to be afraid of the person she just attacked.

This can't help but let Hella's face be shocked.

"Who was that person just now - a double-digit 0 sequence! Stronger than Odin"

Chapter [-] Nordic Dungeon! 【For a more subscription】

For... Hela of the Dead Realm.

Weiss didn't talk much.

Not to mention that Odin wanted to kill with a knife, Whis would definitely not be as Odin intended, and it would be difficult to kill Hela in the kingdom of death.

Even Odin couldn't do it, otherwise, he wouldn't have kept Hela until now.

For... Ragnarok, Whis will not move.

That is the catastrophe that Odin must face.

Even if Weiss knew about the process and the attack, it had nothing to do with Odin.

If the Norse gods come to pray for [Fantasy], one of them will pull them in one event.

However, the other party chose to support the closed world and destroy the construction of the small garden, which is simply to slap the face of [Fantasy] in the front, then there is no need for Whis to save face for them! With the passage of time.

Weiss left the excesses of death in an instant.

If you continue to move up, you should be able to cross the roots of the World Tree soon.

And between Asgard and the roots of the World Tree, there is a hidden space.

By the time his vision recovered, Whis had already come to another dim space.

Everything in front of him was a dark hue.

The towering city wall is like a cloud, and the top cannot be seen at all.

"here is"

Weiss narrowed his eyes slightly, then jumped up, wanting to go over the high wall to see where it was.

However, no matter...

No matter how he soars, there is no end to it.

The same is true for this high wall, with no end in sight, but something like the ceiling.

It should have received special blessings just like the gods.

With the scepter in hand, Weiss tapped the ground lightly, and circles of charm rippled out.

It seems to be investigating the situation at the scene.

After a while, Weiss raised his eyebrows and rubbed his forehead, "This place is really big."

No, rather than... say it's big.

Rather, it is a world.

A world of endless abyss, the earth under Weiss' feet is a drop in the ocean of this endless abyss.

Outside the mainland, there is a slow abyss and a huge sea.

At the same time, this continent presents the appearance of a maze, with typical traces of divine creation.

Those... labyrinths that cannot be destroyed, probably come from a family of dwarves who possess magical craftsmanship in Norse mythology.

The dwarves of Norse mythology forged many Norse weapons.

Including Odin's Spear of Eternity: and Thor's Thor's Hammer, both from the hand.

"The independent world that was opened up, built under [Asid], and suppressed here with profound meanings, should be the dungeon of Northern Europe!"

In the Nordic worldview, war is rife.

Although Odin unified and ruled the nine kingdoms as the leader of the Aesir, the giants were their eternal enemies.

Not only because giants are the incarnation of natural disasters in Norse mythology, but also because the ancestor Ymir was killed by Odin to build the world.

Therefore, the other giants have always wanted to attack [Asgard] for revenge.

The war between them is endless and endless.

The source of the Ragnarok in Norse mythology was also caused by the contradiction between the Aesir and the giants, namely Odin and Loki.

Weiss walks in a huge labyrinth and observes the world.

The dungeon was suppressed by [Asgard] who was a simulated star map, and ordinary power could not easily break through.

Therefore, if you want to leave here, you still need to find the weakness of the simulated star chart.

And under the Profound Truth, the stronger the thing being suppressed, then the power in that place is... the weakest.

"I just don't know what Odin closed in. If the intensity is not high, I'm afraid I'll have to spend a lot of effort to directly penetrate the profound meaning."

It is not impossible to penetrate 【Asgard】Weiss.

[Time] Power is the prototype of the truth of the universe, and its power is equivalent to simulating the star chart.

If the two sides attack each other, it is not difficult to forcibly open a hole in [Asgard].

But——that kind of consumption is unnecessary...

Even though Weiss is a god with a double-digit 0 sequence, he has just gone through the battle with the closed world, and even used [Time Backward], which consumes a lot of money.

After all, I might have to face the entire Nordic mythological world later, and if I can retain the spirituality, it is natural to retain it.

At this time.


With the vibration of the space, a fiery wind swept in instantly.

Looking along the heat wave, Weiss immediately saw that on the other side of the maze, a flame giant with a height of at least [-] meters appeared.

The fiery flame, which seemed to be more terrifying than the temperature of the sun, illuminated the dim dungeon.

The flame giant slammed his palm against the high wall of the labyrinth, thinking that the high wall would be eroded by the high temperature in an instant.

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