But it was actually unscathed.

The labyrinth built by the dwarves is blessed with indestructible properties.

The palm of his hand slid lightly across the wall, and he could indeed perceive the presence of power in it, and it was very high.

If the power cannot be surpassed, the wall cannot be destroyed.

The flame giant walked slowly, no accident, it should be the giant clan locked in this dungeon.

After he appeared, in another high wall, there was an opposite existence.

The chilling chill came, and the wave of flames formed a form of rivalry in an instant.

The flame giant seemed to have sensed the existence of the ice, and an angry expression appeared on his face.

"come out!!"

He let out a loud roar, and just this roar shook the earth.

However, there was no movement on the other side of the high wall, annoyed, he rushed over instantly and waved his fist.

The flames poured down with his anger, scorching everything, and the waves of flames rolled in circles.

But—— was caught by the opponent's fist.

It was a fist full of chills, the ice extinguished the flame, and the flame scorched the ice.

Neither side seemed to be able to make up for the other.

It was only when the two sides were fully revealed that Weiss found out.

It was the flame giant and the frost giant, and the two sides had already scuffled together, and they were inseparable.

The two giants are very powerful, even if they can't reach the three-digit sequence, they are enough to match a demon king in the Eastern District.

Chapter [-] [Godslayer] Fenrir! 【Two updates for subscription】

However, the real threat here is not the giants.

It can be said that the one with the lowest combat power here is... the giant clan.

Really powerful giants, the Norse gods will not keep them in dungeons.

The kind of...the giants they regarded as a threat were always killed directly.

The giants who can be imprisoned in the dungeon are more powerful than others, but not enough.

The gods imprisoned them here, leaving them to fend for themselves, multiply and develop themselves.

It is not only convenient for the Nordic gods to study the giants, but also conducive to the experience of their younger generations.

Apart from the giant clan, the most threatening person in the dungeon should be the evil god sent here.

According to Odin's idea.

He wants to let Whis contact the conditions of Ragnarok, and use the hand of Whis to slaughter the evil gods. Hela, the goddess of death just now, is one of them.

In other words, there is a high probability that Loki and other evil gods are imprisoned here.

Of course, it could also be a descendant of Loki.

in spite of……

Whether to let the evil gods kill each other or kill with a knife.

Norse mythology is the beneficiary.

At this moment, the two giant clans were fighting to the death of each other, but it seemed that they would not be able to tell the difference in a short period of time.

But—that is... at this moment.

In the void, a giant jaw appeared! It is impossible to estimate how big the giant jaw is. According to Weiss, the power contained in it is even enough to swallow the whole world.

The upper jaw of this giant jaw is against the sky, and the lower jaw is against the earth, and wants to treat everything within the visible range as the target of devouring.

Then——in an instant, he bit down on the flame giant and the frost giant.


The faces of the two giants changed suddenly, knowing what it was, they didn't have time to deal with each other's grievances.

In an instant, he ran away! "Damn, why does this thing do?"

That... The giant jaw showed its fangs and instantly shattered the indestructible high wall built by the dwarves, and then rushed towards the flame giant at an extremely fast speed.

With a puff.

With a blow of ignorance, the flame giant didn't even know what happened, and his body was pierced by fangs.

The flames all over him didn't mean to protect him in the slightest, "Hmm... ah!"

The flame giant spat out a mouthful of blood, and his fangs easily shattered his body and tore him to pieces.

Blood splattered everywhere in the flames.

A very cruel scene.

Seeing this, Weiss just narrowed his eyes slightly.

The fact that the indestructible labyrinth is easily bitten shows that the power hidden in the fangs is very terrifying.

And that is a divine weapon made by the dwarves.

The merits and spirituality of the gods do not have the slightest advantage in front of Fang Fang, for this, Weiss can only think of one possibility.

"That...does the [Godslayer] hidden in the fangs?"

[Godslayer] in the Nordic group of gods.

According to inheritance and destiny, a name appeared in Whis's mind - at this moment, a low sigh came from his throat like a beast.

The fiery gasping sound was even hotter than the flame giant.

A thud.

After tearing up the flame giant, that thing fell heavily on the ground.

crush the whole earth.

The whole body is bound by a magic chain, but that is not the reason to restrict this beast.

There is only one purpose that drives him to act.

Kill [-] worlds! It's impossible to calculate how much the total length is! From a distance, just his mouth occupies the entire world.

The overwhelming sense of weight and strength is one of the nightmares of the Norse gods! The end of mythology - [Godslayer] Fenrir! The moment he saw this dark shadow, the face of the frost giant showed absolute expression. fear.

"Fen, Fenrir!!"

He shouted.

Without the slightest hesitation, he swung a blow in an instant, and the ice rushed towards the shadow, wanting to freeze it and flee in an instant.

Then, after the ice swept away, it did not cause any substantial impact on the shadow.

Roar Roar - The roar that shook the world came from the throat of the shadow.

It was not the cry of any beast, it was a completely heterogeneous roar.

There is no reason and no will, as if it only exists for the sake of fighting.

With his bloody pupils exposed, he just sensed the target in front of him and acted.

The frost giant who saw this scene was frightened, and without thinking much, he was reincarnated and escaped.

"Damn, how can I meet here, the dungeon is so huge, but I encountered it, what the hell is the probability!"

Speaking of this, the face of the frost giant suddenly changed, and he suddenly found out.

Here, it is very close to Xinghai.

"It's the one who got so close to the endless abyss without realizing it... It's the flame giant's fault that he actually hit him here! is distorted.

Seeing this, the black shadow did not hesitate, and rushed towards the Frost Giant at a very fast speed, showing its fangs and biting its body instantly.

Then, just like the flame giant just now, it shreds it directly.

The black shadow showed bloody pupils, the whole body was covered with fur that was stronger than steel, and the sharp blades growing on the limbs were extremely sharp.

in spite of……

Whether it is a sharp blade or a fang, there is a strong deity-killing power on it.

Finally, I can see clearly the true face of this shadow, that ominous posture, after seeing it once, it will not be forgotten by people.

"Sure enough, it's Fenrir, the son of the evil god Loki, what a pure beast—"

Since then, everything makes sense.

Odin is deliberately leading Wes to the source of Ragnarok.

in the future.

When Ragnarok was triggered, Odin was... torn apart by Fenrir.

The deity-killing power contained in his fangs, even Odin, who has gained a strong belief in the closed world, cannot resist it with his body.

It's not about power or spiritual power.

It's pure natural restraint! 【Escenology】 Restraining the gods, this is indisputable.

Therefore - the gods may be able to kill eschatology with great power, but they can't defeat them! You can kill him countless times, but he only needs to kill you once, enough.

Chapter [-] Dog, sit down! 【Three changes for subscription】

After devouring the two giants, Fenrir of the End did not look satisfied at all.

Being bound in the endless abyss, he hasn't eaten for a long time! The approach of the two giants this time is purely a surprise! Want to eat, kill, delicious - Fenrir has been releasing such signals, purely as a physiological His disgust made the giant imprisoned in the labyrinth unable to approach.

At this time, Fenrir, who was full of appetite, had no intention of stopping at all.

He is going to enter the maze.

He has to eat all the giants, so that he can satisfy his slaughter desire, so that he can satisfy himself, which he cannot fill alone.

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