Boom! Accompanying his jump.

His star-like body jumped up.

Just a jump, the easiest move for... Fenrir.

However, it stirred the abyss in an instant, causing a storm, making the entire labyrinth chaotic.

if it is possible.

Fenrir can even swallow the entire maze in one bite.

But—there was a chain, which restrained Fenrir, and put a collar around his neck.

Not reconciled! If not for this magic chain.

The entire maze will become his swallowing object.

A pity, a pity! Fenrir fell silent again.

He didn't know how many times he had been so mad.

However, he knew it was useless, he did not have the power to break free from the magic chain! This magic chain was a magic chain named [Gleipnir] specially created for him by the Nordic gods and the dwarves. It had the power to restrain him. !Fenrir's hair can resist the invasion of all gifts.

Even if he is stabbed by the spear of eternity, he can handle it with ease, coupled with the divine slaying ability of his fangs.

The Norse gods have nothing to do with him.

"Odin, the gods will one day pay for it!"

"Oh, it's amazing to be able to spit out human words!"

Suddenly, Weiss came to Fenrir, without the slightest fear.

Fenrir didn't even look at Whis, and slapped it, trying to tear Whis apart.

However, Whis cleverly avoided it, and in an instant, he came to the side of Fenrir's brain.

"Looks like you're a little disobedient is a dog, sit down: how"

Boom! A blow strong enough to shatter the galaxy.

Whis exploded tens of thousands of heads in an instant, and all the subversive martial arts tilted on the side of Fenrir's head, making him dizzy and retreating one after another.

After realizing the power of Whis, Fenrir began to face Whis, and the spirit was locked in an instant, even Fenrir couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"There seems to be an extraordinary character. Usually, in order to maintain the nature of the monster and maximize the power, there is no need to speak, but it is normal to take back the language when there is no need to fight!"

Fenrir grinned.

"God over there, you seem to be delicious, come over and let me eat! I can promise to give you a good time."

If it wasn't for the chain, I'm afraid he would have rushed over and swallowed Wes.

Weiss just smiled at this.

"Yeah, do you think you can eat me?"

For a moment, Whis, who showed his spirit, made Fenrir stunned.

This spirituality and power are even more exaggerated than Odin, the center of the Norse gods! He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's an incredible spirituality. In this case, it takes at least two mouthfuls to swallow. How holy are you?"

Weiss introduces himself.

"I am Weiss, the [Fantasy] cadre, the god of time."

"[Fantasy] Where is the community? I've been locked up here for too long, and I can't figure out the times."

"The dawn period has passed, and the Eastern District is now in charge of [Fantasy], and [Buddhism] has declined."

Hearing this, even Fenrir couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"[Buddhist] decayed, you mean that... Sakyamuni has decayed"

Weiss nodded.

"Well, he passed away, in front of our leader"

Fenrir didn't think Weiss would lie to him.

However, this is a little too shocking.

After all, Shakyamuni is much stronger than Odin.

The beliefs gained from each other are not on the same level.

In today's Europe, who still believes in gods, Europeans may think that they are more powerful than gods.

However, it's hard to say now, after all, it seems that Odin has stepped into the realm of full power through some means.

"Then why are you in the dungeon"

"For some reason, Odin provokes us [Fantasy] I'm here to punish Norse mythology, but Odin seems to want to use my hand to get rid of you... The threat of Ragnarok."

"Twilight of the Gods"

Fenrir looked puzzled.

"What, don't you know-"

"Odin saw the end of Norse mythology through the wisdom he obtained. The Norse gods will be destroyed by giants, and in the future, you will bite off Odin's neck."

Hearing this, Fenrir grinned.

"I really want to bite his neck off right now, and it's no wonder that Odin, the immortal, targeted his father so much because of that boring prophecy."

"Obviously his father is his righteous brother! He doesn't mean to shake his throne at all because his father is a giant clan?"

Fenrir was very dissatisfied.

His father was the god of fire and the god of mischief, Loki. Before that, he was the righteous brother of Odin, and he held a pivotal position in the Norse gods.

However, after Odin obtained [Wisdom], he saw that Ragnarok had something to do with the giants.

He began to be hostile to Loki, forcing Loki to become a sinner in Norse mythology.

Obviously the Spear of Eternity: and Thor's Hammer were both given to Odin because of Loki, but Odin bit Loki back.

Loki is clever and cunning. Although he was born in the giant clan, the enemy of the gods, he became a righteous brother with the main god Odin and became a member of the Aesir clan.

At first he was both good and evil, or his evil was not intentional, but unintentional.

In the early stage, Loki often helped the gods, such as tricking the giants to build the Asgard wall to protect [Asgard], and giving birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnes to become Odin's mount.

Chapter [-] You are free, Fenrir! 【Four more for subscription】

However, due to his own nature, Loki is often mischievous.

The most famous prank is...Sif's Hair Incident.

In the incident, he cut off the blond hair of Thor's wife Schiff, provoking Thor's rage and chasing Loki everywhere.

And Loki went to the dwarves to get a lot of mythical weapons in order to get forgiveness.

Odin's Spear of Eternity: Dropnir with the golden ring, Skidplatne, the god ship of Frey, the god of abundance, and Gulimbosti, the mount, Sif's blond hair, Thor's Thor. The hammers are all made by Loki in the Sif's hair incident, and asked the gnomes to build or bet with the gnomes, and dedicated them to the gods as compensation for his mischief.

However, after Odin knew about Ragnarok, he started to prepare, and he didn't have a good look on Loki.

In order to avoid Ragnarok, Odin gave birth to a son, Balder, the god of light! Balder is a symbol of light in Norse mythology.

And Loki, who holds the Vulcan spirit, also has the meaning of light in Norse mythology.

At this time, the wise Loki knew that Odin began to reject him, which made him very unhappy.

It can be said that the development of Norse mythology to this day and the acquisition of so many powerful mythological weapons are inseparable from Loki.

Odin's behavior of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge makes Loki disheartened.

At that time, the break between Loki and the Aesir had already begun.

Since Balder symbolizes light, as long as he exists, Ragnarok can be suppressed. After all, one of the conditions of Ragnarok is... Balder's death.

When Baldur dreamed and felt the shadow of death, his mother, the queen, Frigga, was very worried, so she traveled all over the world, asking all things to swear an oath not to hurt Baldur.

All things are sworn, except for the one tree, the Mistletoe, which grows in the east of Valhalla, because it is too weak and should not be able to hurt people.

The gods were happy for Baldur, and they threw their weapons at Baldur, but they couldn't hurt the... God of Light.

Loki was always jealous of the bright Baldur, so he turned into an old woman and questioned Frigga, knowing that only the little mistletoe did not swear.

Therefore, after Loki obtained the mistletoe, he asked the dwarves to forge a spear and gave it to Balder's brother, the god of darkness, Hodel, and bewitched him to throw it at Balder. Weakness penetrates and dies.

because of this.

Loki was judged by the gods and sealed forever.

But this matter did not end, the queen Frigga was unwilling to give up Baldur, she asked Thormode to ride Odin's eight-legged god Masleibnir to the land of the dead.

When Hela, Queen of the Land of Death, learned of this, she sneered and offered conditions to the messenger.

——If all life and inanimate cry for Baldur, then Baldur can be resurrected.

Then all things wept, and it is said that the tears are... . . . morning dew.

There is only a female giant, Sok, who lives underground. She doesn't need light, so she refuses to cry for Baldur, so Baldur can only stay in the land of death.

However, the fact is that this giantess is Luo Lai's backhand, and they have no plans to revive Balder at all.

Impossible to think about.

The Norse gods not only judged Hela's father Luo, but also sent him to the dark kingdom of death because of fear of Hela's power.

Therefore, how could Hela agree to revive Baldur, that is just embarrassing the Aesir.

When Balder died, one of Ragnarok's conditions was fulfilled.

It can be said that the cause of all this is... Odin himself, but he himself does not know it.

He drank the [Fountain of Wisdom] which is... the source.

All the means he used to deal with the Ragnarok of the Gods became the conditions for causing the Ragnarok of the Gods.

"If you want revenge, I can release you."

Weiss looked at Fenrir with a smile on his face.

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