Ever since Loki was sealed for eternity.

His other two sons, Fenrir and Yemengard, did not end well.

Fenrir was chained by the gods, and Yemengard was thrown into the abyss and fell asleep.

Hearing this, Fenrir's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You should know what power is in my fangs, are you still making this decision?"

"Of course, the reason is very simple, I am stronger than you! Much stronger!"

"It can't be regarded as not heard - if I hadn't been trapped, I might have swallowed you in one bite!"

In the face of eschatology, the number of digits is irrelevant.

As long as it is a god, three-digit and two-digit 0 are within the killing range.

Divinity has a natural restraint on the gods, and the gods cannot avoid it.

"If you are not convinced, I can knock you down and then make you surrender!"

Hearing this, Fenrir smiled and laughed.

Its laughter shook the entire Nordic dungeon.

"I may have heard it wrong, do you want to tame eschatology with the body of a god?"

"Of course, the premise is that I can release you!!"

In an instant! Fenrir opened his giant mouth, the giant jaw ripped apart the sky, and from the shattered sky, a [Atrium Pillar] was revealed! That is the center that supports the entire [Asgard].

It is also the center of the profound meaning and the place of the strongest suppression! And on the pillar of the atrium, you can see that the magic chain that bound Fenrir extended to the sky and was trapped on the [pillar of the atrium]! "In this case, you Come try it - whatever the outcome, I will destroy the Norse gods!"

"Can you do it"

"Didn't you say it was fate!"

"In that case, you are free, Fenrir!"

The voice fell.

With the scepter in hand, Weiss instantly tapped in the void.

The power of [time] spreads out, and the galaxy of years walks between Fenrir's body.

Although his hair can resist the power of [Time], this power still makes him squeak...

"What a powerful power that actually broke through my hair!"

If the opponent releases all his strength, he is afraid that he is not the opponent.

Fenrir had a trade-off in mind.

Although Fenrir's hair can resist [time] in front of him! However, that magic chain is only a gift for Fenrir, and it cannot resist the devastation of [time]!

Chapter [-] Ouroboros, Yemengade! 【Five more subscriptions】

Fenrir, the most famous monster in Norse mythology, is a huge wolf-shaped monster. It is said that when he opens his mouth, his upper and lower jaws can withstand the heavens and the earth.

He was imprisoned in the sky by the gods because of his ferocious personality.

As Fenrir grows, the gods fear his power more and more! Therefore, want to keep it locked forever.

Only in this way can the gods be reassured.

Due to his ferocious nature, the gods tried to tie him with a chain named Retin, but Fenrir broke the chain easily.

Then the gods tried to bind it a second time, this time with a chain called Dromi, but Fenrir was still free.

After the first two failures, they teamed up with the dwarf to use six rare things: the cat's footsteps, the woman's whiskers, the mountain's roots: the fish's breath, the bear's tendons and the bird's saliva.

A cursed chain is made, the chain is called [Gleipnir], and the texture is as soft and smooth as a ribbon.

Afterwards, Fenrir was captured by sacrificing a hand of Tyr, the god of war.

This is what Fenrir is all about.

And at this moment—the magic chain [Gleipnir] that bound Fenrir shattered like a mirror.

The completely liberated Fenrir unleashed an earth-shattering roar for the first time! Roar roar roar - this roar collapsed the labyrinth and stirred the sea of ​​stars.

Even the [Pillar of the Atrium] trembled because of this.

It was almost a moment of liberation.

Fenrir opened his huge jaws and swallowed the entire labyrinth in one bite, and the world trembled.

Seeing this, Weiss smiled.

"I'm really in a hurry-"

"Hurry up, it's your turn next!!"

Fenrir grinned, revealing his god-killing fangs in an instant, and bit down on Wes.

"If you want Lao Tzu to surrender, who do you think you are?"

The fangs that even the world could swallow swept away.

Weiss put his hands behind his back and escaped easily.

All the movements flowed smoothly! Fenrir's eyes narrowed slightly when he noticed this.

"Are you still the pinnacle of martial arts?"

This time, Fenrir not only used... fangs, but also claws.

However - Whis is faster! Whis, who accelerated his [time], came to the side of Fenrir's brain in an instant, and a whisper appeared in Fenrir's ear.

"Empty one's strength but can't use it, no matter how strong the god-killing attack, if it can't hit, it will be meaningless!!"

Dong Dong Dong——In an instant, Weiss burst out with tens of thousands of fists.

The fist of the pinnacle of martial arts is enough to blow up a galaxy.

Fenrir also vomited blood, and his head was dizzy.

However, he was not at all reconciled.

He smashed his fist with brute force, opened his fangs again, and tried to swallow Whis's punch.


The huge jaws are open, standing upright.

Weiss smiled at this.

After rotating the scepter in your hand for a week, it instantly grants it the power of [time]! "Go!"

A bang! The scepter instantly grew bigger, directly against Fenrir's jaws! Fenrir would let out a terrifying roar of stinging pain as soon as he tried to close it.

What a familiar sight it was, and Fenrir shuddered.

"Do you guys know me so well?"

At the beginning, the gods... dealt with him in this way, so that his huge jaw could never be closed! At this moment, Weiss used the same method.

He briefly bound Fenrir's limbs with the power of [Time].

Fenrir couldn't move at all, he wanted to bite Weiss' scepter, but he couldn't.

"If you can't do it, then let's go!"

Weiss stepped out.

He grabbed Fenrir's ear and threw it directly to the horizon, sinking into the endless abyss.

The next moment, Weiss jumped and jumped onto Fenrir's head.

"Go big, the scepter pierces Fenrir's jaws!"

The scepter instantly grows.

Fenrir let out a growl as the jaws parted.

The next moment, Fenrir gave up the struggle.

Weiss knows.

He still gave in.

This kind of godslayer who doesn't even know how to use brute force is the best way to deal with it!! "If that's the case, then come with me, Fenrir penetrates [Asgard] and descends to the realm of the gods! !"

"Don't order me!"

The scepter was withdrawn.

Fenrir instantly exerted strength under his feet, carrying Whis, and galloping towards the sky of the [Atrium Pillar] at a very fast speed.

And at this time.

Weiss suddenly found out.

At the farthest extension of the [Pillar of the Atrium], at the bottom of the endless abyss, something twists and turns.

That thing is too huge.

So huge that the entire Nordic dungeon is on top of his hovering body.

It can be said - although only the tip of the iceberg of his size can be seen.

However, a glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

His size is not even inferior to the body of the world dragon, that is a world itself.

"That's Yemengarde. Since you know so much about my story, you should know him too."

"Ah, I know."

Yermengard is a giant sea serpent that can surround the world in Norse mythology.

He is the second child of Loki, the goddess of trickery, and the giantess Angelboda, and brother of Fenrir and Hela.

Because his existence was too dangerous, he was thrown into the endless abyss of the dungeon by Odin.

Yemengarde is the strongest monster in the giant clan, so it is called [Earth Giant Python]! At this moment, Yemengarde is in a state of sleep.

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