It will only wake up when the world is destroyed, and it is because of such evil forces that Odin has to imprison him.

However, because the size of this giant snake is too huge, even if Yemengade is thrown into the dungeon, it cannot be fully stretched out.

Therefore, as a last resort, Yemengarde could only circle the [Pillar of the Atrium], surrounding the entire dungeon, presenting a perfect circle.

And in this huge Norse mythology, he just circled around and bit his own tail.

Therefore, there is the current image of the snake with its head and tail connected.

This is the snake biting its own tail, the Ouroboros! It is intertwined with its head and tail, hermaphrodite, and coils around the whole world, symbolizing [everything], [perfection], [reincarnation] and [yin and yang], and it represents the cycle of phenomena in nature, Both the beginning and the end!

Chapter [-] Invade the God Realm! 【For a more subscription】

Location: Norse Divinity.

Countless gods tensed up one by one.

Not long ago, Odin had issued an order to put all of them into a state of preparation.

Soon there will be a great demon king descending into the realm of the gods.

However, they were skeptical about it.

After all, they are in the realm of the gods, and they are protected by [Asgard] who is a simulated star map. If the Rainbow Bridge is not opened, how can the demon king break into the entire realm of the gods? Just these... God When the group thinks so.

Peng's voice.

As if it was a volcanic eruption, the most central part of the God Realm exploded with a bang, and all the places within a radius of several thousand meters collapsed. The torrent of time washed away all obstacles and instantly rose into the sky.

At this moment, all the gods' eyes widened and looked at all this incredulously.

"What - the Demon King is from within"

At this moment, all the gods reacted.

And then——the chills struck everyone in an instant.

Something special happened and it wasn't.

It's just that there is something behind it: an icy chill.

It's not something as simple as cold.

It was an unpleasant feeling like the fingers of the god of death stroking their backs.

"Then what is that—!"

All the gods turned their attention to the torrent of time with a gesture of preparation for battle.

They widened their pupils, and their heartbeats accelerated to the limit. Although they had always specified a combat strategy before, and fought against the Demon King, their group of gods were considered veterans.

But the chills just now deprived them of all their thoughts.

Neither felt hostile nor suppressed.

If I insist on a metaphor—that is... a deer who is too sensitive to the movements of the lion.

"Here, what kind of Demon King is?"

And then—the next moment, the torrent of time slowly faded away.

In it, a huge body is displayed.

The one curled up on all fours...the posture, like, next to a mountain.

And it was...that...the moment when the posture showed.

The scream that shook the world came instantly, turned into a substantive sound wave and spread away, just this shock caused countless gods to retreat one after another, not daring to come forward.

Immediately after.

What is displayed in the time channel is a giant mouth.

The upper jaw is against the sky, and the lower jaw is broken into the earth.

This mouth wants to swallow the whole world.

"Well, what is that"

"Fast, run--to deal with wanting to bite the world into pieces!!"

The gigantic jaws, just displayed, are enough to uproot the courage of the gods.

I didn't even have the courage to face it.

Some powerful gods wanted to resist the bite of the giant jaws.

They drew out their mythical weapons.

However, as soon as they touched the fangs, they shredded their bodies.

Not even faith is left.

The face of the god who knew what power this was, changed his face and died in his fangs.

"This, this is the God-killer, the God-killer!!"

"The eschatology is coming!"

A loud cry suddenly awakened all the gods.

This is not an ordinary demon king, this is a godslayer, an existence that kills gods.

"Back off! Don't be bitten by the opponent's fangs!"

"Prepare for a long-range attack and consume the opponent!"

"First figure out the identity of the other party's [eschatology], and then formulate a strategy!"

The gods resisted.

Acting in an orderly manner, it seems that I have faced [Essays] more than once! Any eschatology is an extremely powerful Demon King.

You must be prepared to sacrifice a lot of life, otherwise, it will be impossible to repel the [Escenario].

And if you want to repel [Escenario], the most important thing is to find out the truth of the other party.

With just one bite, the giant jaw shredded thousands of gods, and with just one blow, it repelled thousands of gods, making the Nordic body passive.

"Don't take it lightly!"

The gods are waiting in earnest, waiting for the appearance of [Essays]! At this time, a conversation was heard in the time channel.

"It's really gentle, if it's a perpetual motion mechanism... The gods may be destroyed in an instant."

"Hmph, are you talking about the final trial of human beings? I'm sorry, I'm not the same thing as them! How can the apocalypse of mythology be confused with the apocalypse of mankind!"

Fenrir smiled.

Even if they are both eschatology, he does not want to fight against the real human final trial.

"That old man Odin probably didn't expect Lao Tzu to reappear one day. Today, I'm going to bite off his neck!"

"Isn't he afraid of the Ragnarok of the Gods? Today, that... Ragnarok of the Gods, it will be realized by Lao Tzu!!"

Roar Roar - The sound of furious roars instantly drove the group of gods back.

In the next moment, the sky and the earth turned black.

Then, the group of gods saw that the inherited sun in Asgard was instantly swallowed by darkness.

It was a huge black shadow that instantly shredded the sun with its fangs exposed.

The solar eclipse scene caused by this moment made the group of gods terrified to the extreme.

They want to find the culprit behind it all.

However——the culprit, there is no hidden gesture at all.

After the sun was bitten, the Norse gods turned into a dim scene.

Above the sky, showing an ominous posture.

The giant wolf, who bears the fate of the [Nordic end of the world] alone, gallops across the sky.

The appearance of the hazy moon seems to be stitching up the cloudy sky surrounded by dense clouds.

The wind of the end blows everything away in an instant.

This unbelievable chill instantly attracted the attention of the rest of the group of gods.

"what is that"

That... the giant jaw that devoured the sun, the hair that was immune to the gift, the huge body, the overwhelming sense of presence that was released in an instant, above the entire group of gods.

The ruby ​​eyes of a malevolent star that reflect the daytime.

The giant wolf looked down, and after a while, he instantly released the final spirit.

Let the cloudy sky that hides the sky fly away in an instant, and the tent of the night will be dissipated in an instant.

“Not good to be ready soon”

Accompanied by an exclamation.

A large amount of blood splattered towards the center of the group of gods.

Before all the gods could react, the spirits of thousands of gods were torn apart.


The gods were shocked.

What kind of demon king is this, just a random blow can do this.

The wind of the end, a storm called despair is rippling.

At this moment, the group of gods finally saw it clearly.

"Why, why was that kind of thing released?"

"That, that is - the incarnation of the end of the Nordics, Fenrir, the son of the evil god!"

Chapter [-] Goodbye Odin! 【Two updates for subscription】

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