Roar Roar - The fury of vengeance instantly burned through the entire Nordic God Realm.

Fenrir showed his gigantic, ominous stance, as if to announce his return! The open jaws enveloped the whole world.

"Abominable Norse gods, are you ready? I am Fenrir, the son of the evil god, the avenger who has returned from hell, and will surely sweep the Norse gods' final incarnation!"

With the scream of the giant wolf Fenrir as the trigger, the gunshot of war was instantly knocked.

The scream even crushed the earth of the God Realm instantly, causing huge cracks, the chandeliers shattered, and finally turned into a glass shower and disappeared in the city.

The huge ominous note galloped past, just in the blink of an eye, tearing up the spirits of the gods and taking them away.

Rushing into the flock of gods, Fenrir is like a wolf rushing into the flock of sheep.

The instant eruption of opening the giant jaw is simply unmatched, and the mere spirituality is enough to crush thousands of gods.

The Nordic gods who have been immersed in the era of peace for too long, once again recalled the majesty of the demon king of the end of the world.

But at the moment when Fenrir caused chaos, Whis stepped out and came to the top of the World Tree.

Here, in the void, there is a throne.

On the throne, Odin has already sat here and waited again.

The spear of eternity clenched in his hands: he slowly wiped them, releasing a dazzling light between them.

The cosmic truth unleashed from the spear is a symbol of strength, and it can also be seen as a representation of threat.

However—this is not something that Weiss is worried about.

He stepped out one step, and in an instant, he came to Odin.

"You are still here. You deserve to be the cadre of [Fantasy], who is in charge of the truth of the [time] universe. Since the appearance of [Asgard], you are the first one who can invade the realm of the gods in such a short period of time. of."

Hearing this, Weiss spread his hands.

"Yeah, but I don't think it's a compliment. If it wasn't for the consumption of [closed world] before, that part of the spirit would be enough to offset [Asgard]."

Hearing this, Odin... smiled open-mindedly.

"Hahaha that means, in your opinion, even after fighting with [closed world], can you still fight against the entire Nordic group of gods?"

"That's right!"

Weiss nodded, he had no doubts about his victory.

"[Closed World] is really powerful. In terms of the final trial of human beings, he is still too young and has not reached the peak period at all. After all, all human final trials are of the same grade. In theory, the full strength of [Closed World] It is no match for [Tian Dong Shuo], but at this stage he has no tendency to show this kind of power at all!"

That is to say——[Closed World] is still: growing up, with the passage of time, he will only become stronger and stronger, and then reach a peak.

If [Closed World] really reaches its peak, I'm afraid Wesdu can't kill him! The final trial of the real human being is not something that can be compared to the apocalypse of mythology.

One is for a myth, and the other is for the entire Hakoniwa world.

"And, more importantly, your Norse mythology is not of one mind at all!"

Although Weiss is powerful, he is born with full authority, in charge of the power of [time], and is the top powerhouse in Hakoba.

However, it is impossible to compete with the entire group of gods by one person, and it is the top group of gods in the western region.

"Because of the prophecy of [Twilight of the Gods], you actively rejected the giants, which caused a huge gap between your Nordic mythology. The power of the Loki family is quite powerful! Not to mention Loki himself. , His three children, Fenrir, Yemengade, and Hela, the goddess of death, are all first-class powerhouses even if they are placed in the whole box garden."

"However, it was suppressed by you because of that...boring prophecy!"

"The infighting between each other consumes a lot of divine power of the god group, and [Asgard], which simulates the mystery of the star creation map, has to allocate a lot of power to suppress the evil gods. The Nordic god group has also declined. !"

"Compared to [Buddhist], you are really far behind!"

【Buddhist】It's a complete heart.

In order to deal with Shakyamuni, Chiba did everything possible.

In that case, it was because Shakyamuni didn't want to fight and he ushered in his own demise alone, otherwise, [Fantasy] would be impossible to achieve without bloodshed.

Compared with the scene where [Fantasy] all members were dispatched when they were fighting with [Buddhist].

Now to deal with the Norse gods, there is only one Weiss, which is a complete insult to the Norse gods.

Hearing this, Odin sighed.

"Since that's the case, it looks like you already know it. It's not worth my effort to show you so many things along the way. Then, the reasons for supporting [closed world] should be clear to you now."

"To be honest, I also regret the sip of the [Fountain of Wisdom] that I drank. If I didn't get [Wisdom] and saw the twilight of the gods, I would not have prepared for it at all!"

Speaking of which, Odin was a little annoyed.

He thought that he could see through the truth of the world, that he could stop it by knowing the end of the Nordics in advance.

However, Odin himself found out later.

Any preventive actions he did became additives for Ragnarok.

Weiss shook his head.

"No, the fault is not in wisdom, but in that you are blinded by [wisdom]. There is no [eternity] at the core of your Norse mythology. After all, in your system, everything revolves around sacrifice, God is creationism all came by sacrificing ancestor giants!"

"Such a core will eventually come to an end!"

Weiss had a smile on his face, as if he was giving Odin guidance.

"The Ragnarok is destiny, and you absolutely cannot escape it!"

"However, fate can be crossed and reversed!"

"I've never seen or heard of an escape from fate!"

"So, do you understand Odin, the only way to avoid Ragnarok, do you know now?"

Chapter [-] The shame of double digits! 【Three changes for subscription】

"So, do you understand Odin, the only way to avoid Ragnarok, do you know now?"

Odin, who understood the meaning of Weiss' words, frowned.

"Do you want to deny everything I've done so far?"

"I think, that... no need for me to deny it, time has proved everything!"

Weiss said with a smile.

"Fate, in the words of [Taoism], is the cause and effect. The original Shakyamuni was... ... defeated at the hands of [Cause and Effect]!"

"He thought he was enlightened, but he didn't!"

"What is the cause and what is the effect, he doesn't understand at all, so he made a mistake, which eventually led to the destruction of [Heavenly Court] and the brokenness of [Buddhism]. At the end, he realized a little bit of the truth, and only then did he know the so-called cause and effect. Destiny is unavoidable, catastrophe is used to overcome!"

"And now, you are walking the old path of Sakyamuni, even as strong as Sakyamuni, you have not been able to avoid fate, can you Odin do it?"

Odin was silent.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Weiss and shook his head.

"No, Sakyamuni couldn't avoid it, that's because he wasn't strong enough! It was because he was too weak that he was forced to pass away. If he had absolute power, any fate could be suppressed!"

For... Odin's claim.

Weiss couldn't refute, and also agreed.

After all, Chiba himself firmly believes in the [Power Concept]! Chiba, who believes in the supremacy of power, also pursues power! But——In the world of Hakoniwa, is there absolute power? The world of Hakoniwa is full of infinite possibilities.

[Miracle Collapse] Is it strong or not, the gods and Buddhas who are so powerful in the Eastern District can only think of using [Martial Skills] to suppress Chiba.

However, even Chiba reached the top in [Martial Skill].

The single-digit Demon King appeared again.

On the road of pursuing power, there is no right or wrong, but you must recognize your own strength and clearly see your own position.

This is important.

Obviously, Odin's strength and behavior could not satisfy his lofty dreams.

"Then do you have absolute power?"

"I have found a way."

Weiss smiled, and this smile was full of ridicule.

"That's... ...relying on [closed world]?"

Odin did not answer.

But, from his expression, the Weiss case.

"Ignorance, even the [closed world] has become my subordinate. What will you get by relying on this kind of thing?"

"At least, Ragnarok was delayed by me"

Odin looked at S. with a firm look.

He never regretted his words or deeds.

This is what he got after careful consideration.

"You......the eastern gods who enjoy the world of the small garden, what do you know if there is no belief in [closed world], the Nordic gods will be destroyed under the twilight of the gods——"

"So, it's ridiculous that you think you will lose from the beginning, and it is also worthy of being called the Nordic Center. It's a shame of the double-digit 0 sequence!"

Odin sneered.

"Whatever you say, I will only choose the safest way, and pin the Nordic gods on the illusory destiny struggle, I can't do it, and it is better to bet on the [-]%% of the victory. The means to increase your own strength!"

That's right, Odin just... thinks so, and does it too.

"Yes, the idea is very good, but unfortunately it is wrong! Although you have gained the belief in [closed world], even if the current... eschatology does not kill you in the future, it will become your enemy, and you will not die in Under the twilight of the gods, he will also be killed by [closed world]!"

"However, now you have to face the wrath of our [Fantasy]!"

Hearing this, Odin suddenly showed a crazy expression.

That... fierce appearance, and the old wise man who just showed are two completely different gestures.

"Come on, I, who bear [wisdom], have long since realized that no matter what our Norse mythology will lose in this battle, there is no doubt that the layout of Ragnarok has been disrupted."

This may be the real purpose of Odin.

Disrupt Ragnarok and postpone the end of the Nordics to gain a chance to breathe and increase your strength.

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