The closed world is no joke.

He really has the ability to do it.

However, Thor didn't mean it at all.

"Hmph, do you think I'll join the human race in the final trial?"

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. Haven't you heard such words? If I take back those... Faith, your Nordic gods will fall again! When Odin is summoned by Hakoba, he will be furious! "

"Then why do you want to find a group of gods to cooperate with? It's your business, but it definitely doesn't include me!"

That is eschatology.

Although there is not much experience in the West End.

However, the story of [Tiandongshuo] in the East District.

He grew up listening.

There is a saying: Fools learn from experience, wise men learn from history.

Thor is no fool.

He didn't know that his father would choose to close the world, but - he couldn't do such a thing.

"Really, what a pity."

There is a sense of disappointment in the quiet tone, and the regret that the other party said must come from the sincerity.

Thor is the most powerful Thor of the Norse gods.

In addition to... Odin, he is... The strongest would be a good pawn if he could push to the center of northern Europe and take charge of mythology.

Before Odin, the closed world was very satisfied.

Even if the other party becomes the two who are out of the control of the closed world, it will not hurt.

Between each other, there is a need, and a closed world needs to maximize eschatology.

And Odin needs faith.

At least, in a short period of time, the two sides will not turn their faces.

However, Thor refused.

A closed world is indeed regrettable.

"I am a utopia, the ultimate dream of mankind, and only I can save mankind from the suffering of the world! And you, but this also ruthlessly denied me, in other words, I can believe that you are the enemy who destroys the world. Bar"

In the next instant, the murderous aura that squeezed the atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

His voice became: cold and ruthless, the black wind surrounded Thor.

Thor reflexively waved his arms to resist, but the black wind was unaffected and continued to blow fiercely.

"You guy-"

"Your belief comes from the fact that you think you can resist me. Although Odin, who has been promoted to the double-digit 0 sequence, can be an exception, but it is too arrogant to be an almighty."

Thor's power was instantly deprived.

As the closed world says.

Thor's power is useless in front of the closed world.

"Don't worry, I won't take your life.

It's just that I was consumed by the god of time before, and I'm currently in a state where I can't show up.

So I want to borrow your body temporarily."

"What a joke! You thought I would allow you to do this!"

The black wind slammed violently, eroding Thor's body.

The darkness was so deep that Thor was surprised.

He has been in the outside world so far, and Hakoba has endured the curse of the gods and giants, but adding all of them together is far less than this time.

Obviously this has exceeded the concentration of curses that a group of gods could possibly do.

In addition, Thor is in charge of Thunder, Thunder is the natural enemy of the curse, even so, facing the closed world, he is still helpless.

"Don't struggle, before Odin wakes up, you can rest slowly—"

Those were the last words Thor heard.

When the black wind dissipated, the one who remained in place was the mindless and manipulated Thor.

The mutation of the Golden Palace instantly caught Heimdall's attention.

"Thor, what happened?"

The moment Heimdall came in.

All I saw was Thor with his hands on his back.

At this moment, Thor is standing at the window, looking at the huge World Tree.

"No, it's nothing - has Fenrir found it?"

Heimdall shook his head.

"Not yet, it seems that they have fled to the territory of the giant clan, and there is no news."

"Really, don't worry about him for the time being, as long as the magic chain of the dwarves is ready at any time, he is not a problem. Now what we need to think about is how to increase the strength of our northern Europe!"

"Father is asleep, the group of gods has suffered serious losses, and the giants are ready to move, we can't sit still."

Hearing this, Heimdall showed a puzzled look.

I always feel that something is wrong with Thor today, and the usual Thor is more like a warrior.

However, Thor felt more like a strategist at the moment.

——Because Odin died and he became the commander of the Norse gods, he changed his mood? Heimdall didn't care about that.

"I have an idea!"

"Based on the World Tree, create an independent mass-produced creation gift!"

Heimdall was stunned, unable to keep up with Thor's rhythm.

"What a gift?"

"After all, the World Tree has bathed in the [Fountain of Wisdom], and if it is based on [Omniscient], any race can be reproduced—if it's name, it's called the [Life Catalog]!"

:, evaluation ticket, monthly ticket, reward!!!

Chapter [-] The Fountain of Wisdom! 【For a more subscription】

[Closed World] There are also his considerations to make [Life Catalog].

The most direct reason is that this is one of the ways to increase combat power.

On the world tree, the origin of species is recorded.

The extension and branch of the race can be found in the world tree species.

The vertices of its species have always been and will always be those three.

Inborn gods, pure-blooded dragons, and protoss.

Underneath it are the branches of the three most powerful species.

For example, the branch of the protoss ghost or elves, demons, etc., or the branch of the pure-blooded dragon, various eudemons and dragon subspecies.

Giants are descendants or branches of pure-blooded dragons.

And the [Life Catalog] is... a gift based on the origin of species on the world tree.

It can extract and imitate the characteristics of each species, and even merge the characteristics between different species.

If possible, it is not a problem to reproduce even the strongest species.

It can be said that if you have this gift and can mass-produce it, you can create a group of armed forces that are stronger than the group of gods.

However, if it evolves according to this effect.

The fusion of different species on the basis of one's own spirituality will only make oneself a monster, and even lead to self-destruction.

After all, the fusion of species, and the fusion of species on the world tree, is not... a joke.

However, the human beings raised in the closed world have their thoughts imprisoned and their desires obliterated. Therefore, all human beings born within the domination of the closed world will gradually lose their spirituality and lose their lives.

Therefore, these... [Livestock] have a characteristic - people who cannot become anyone, that is! For this reason, therefore, if you want to fully exert the power of the [Life Catalog], only those... human beings who are imprisoned in the closed world Come on! Because there is no need to consider security issues, this kind of development is not difficult for a closed world.

Even if you use the [Life Catalog], you will become a monster and go berserk.

But, what is this? After all, this kind of gift is not prepared for other people, only for those who are imprisoned.

The original species Kasugabe Yō failed to turn into a monster because her mother was a human who lived in a closed world.

That kind of... qualification was passed down to Kasukabe Yō.

And her father Kasugabe Takaaki also turned into a monster because of the [Life Catalog]. He lost the [human factor] at the most critical time of the crusade against Azdahaka, and missed the best opportunity to overcome the [absolute evil]. .

Of course, there is a more important reason for the closed world to order the production of the [Life Catalog].

After the evolution theory has reached its limit, the creation theory is the denial of the divine nature.

Even at this age in human history, creationists who believe that the world was created by God should still account for more than half of the entire population.

This is the reason why the group of gods can fight against the closed world.

Therefore, the gift created by closing the world with some of the gods in order to overthrow the source of the other party is... [Life Catalog], which is a gift for the decline of belief and the mass production of biological weapons.

At this moment, the closed world that captured Thor, the god of thunder, stands at the top of the Golden Palace, calmly looking at the towering World Tree, showing a calm smile.

"In this way, other opposing voices in the Western District can be wiped out. After suppressing the entire Western District, even the [Fantasy] of the Eastern District will not be able to take action against me. Humanity will come to an end, and no one can stopped!"

The real iron and steel wall is about to be completed.

If it really suppressed the entire Western District.

For... the amount of repressive pressure on heretics, even a double-digit 0 sequence, will be suppressed.

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