At that time, the closed world can be kept in captivity as much as possible, and no one can match.

However, there was one more thing that worried him.

The closed world looked up and stared at the direction where Whis and the Perpetual Motion Machine were leaving.

There - is the world of the Frost Giant Realm.

Although the first generation of giants are all first-class powerhouses.

However, if it is the god of time and the hypocritical eschatology, the giants must not be ignorant enough to shoot at them.

Because of this, the closed world worries.

Because——【Fountain of Wisdom】in the kingdom of frost giants.

If [Fantasy] gets [Wisdom] and predicts himself, maybe his actions will be cut in half...

"Now I can only hope that the purpose of [Fantasy] is not here!"

Not to mention this.

Under the leadership of Weiss, the perpetual motion mechanism is galloping wildly in the time channel.

Just in the blink of an eye, he has crossed the kingdom of frost giants.

During this period, many giants wanted to attack, and many of them were powerful Almighty Ones.

But——under the suppression of the infinite spirit of the perpetual motion mechanism, they still retreated.

Just put down the harsh words and let Weiss and the perpetual motion machine leave quickly, otherwise - even if it is eschatology, they will take action.

In this regard, the perpetual motion agency does not care.

If the other party wants to fight, he will naturally accompany him.

But, that's not the purpose.

Just as the closed world conjectured, the purpose of the two is the 【Fountain of Wisdom】! When the two crossed the kingdom of frost giants and came to its end.

Here, let alone the Norse gods, not even the giants dared to approach.

The third root of the world tree, extending down with the trend, submerged into the world.

Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Organization know that there are the Three Fountains of Wisdom in Norse Mythology! As for why no life dares to approach here.

That's because the one who guards the fountain is the first generation descendant of the ancestor giant Ymir, the powerful [Wisdom Giant] Mimir! "It's here, it's here!"

Weiss looked at the roots of the huge World Tree calmly.

The next moment, the time channel shot out instantly, directly submerging in the direction where the tree roots disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the sight was deprived by the white light beam.

When the two of them regained their sight again.

What is shown in front of you is a spring with clear spring water constantly emerging! That..., is... [Spring of Wisdom], the source of [Wisdom] of Norse mythology Odin.

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Chapter [-] The Wisdom Giant Mimir! 【Two updates for subscription】

Compared with the one under the black dragon who gnawed at the root of the world tree [Nidhogg]... Hwagmir, the current [Fountain of Wisdom] seemed a little smaller.

However—as if to match the size of this spring, the roots of the World Tree began to shrink the moment it extended into the [Spring of Wisdom], and by the time it submerged into the spring, it had already turned into a palm-sized root.

Very miraculous.

And beside the spring, an old man curled up.

He was white-haired, leaning on a cane, and looked extremely stooped. However, those Ruili's eyes didn't look like an old man at all. With that Ruili, even Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Agency sensed the threat.

This is Mimir, the guardian of the [Fountain of Wisdom].

It is because of his guard that the 【Fountain of Wisdom】 can be preserved to this day.

This is due to his great strength and his identity.

Mimir is one of the direct descendants of the ancestor giant Ymir.

It is the third generation of the ancestor giant, and it is also the origin of the frost giant.

At this stage, within the kingdom of the frost giants, on the bright side, there is no existence more ancient than him.

He is old enough to rival the age of the original star, the White Night King, who appeared with the birth of Hakoniwa.

No frost giant will offend Mimir, because the frost giants are his descendants.

At the same time, no one can invade here, because the kingdom of frost giants will intercept all the invaders.

Even now, there are only two exceptions.

The first is Odin.

The second one is Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Machine.

Odin can cross the kingdom of the frost giants to the [Fountain of Wisdom], which is due to Mimir's order.

Because, Mimir himself is a greater [wise man] than Odin! Odin has worked so hard to drink the [Fountain of Wisdom], Mimir can quote every day.

Before Odin became the [God of Wisdom], Mimir was...[Incarnation of Wisdom]! Therefore, he saw the ending of Odin with the [Eye of Wisdom] and saw the coming of Ragnarok.

Because of this, Mimir made Odin drink the Fountain of Wisdom.

Because, the origin of Ragnarok is... Odin saw the end of Northern Europe.

Although Norse mythology itself has no eternity, there is no doubt that Odin, who drinks the fountain of wisdom, will make Ragnarok come in advance.

The giants who are hostile to the Aesir are very happy to see the Aesir doomsday.

And this time, no giants in the kingdom of frost giants came to stop Wes and the perpetual motion light, and they were also ordered by Mimir.

Because, Mimir also saw the ending through his [Eye of Wisdom].

Right now, these two are enemies even more terrifying than Odin in Northern Europe.

If you block it with all your strength, it will only make the kingdom of frost giants fill in the flames of destruction and burn forever.

All giants will be destroyed by this.

Even the second generation of giants could not escape the fangs of eschatology.

The existence of the perpetual motion mechanism is doomed to the destruction of its hostile giant clan.

Because, the giants do not have the means to kill the perpetual motion mechanism, nor the way to seal it! Once this... Great Demon King runs rampant in the Frost Giant Kingdom, his infinite spirituality will make everything vanish, not to mention the The existence of a god of time.

After seeing the arrival of Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Mechanism, Mimir's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said with a smile.

"Welcome to the arrival of the eastern gods, and eschatology—"

In response, the Perpetual Motion Agency looked directly at Mimir with the eyes of red jade and grinned.

"You're also a giant, you don't look like it at all, even the frost giants of countless generations have a very impressive size. As the third generation of giants, even if they are not comparable to the ancestor giant Ymir... equivalent to the body of the world , but it won't be so shabby."

Mimir has a huge difference from other giants.

His physique, like a human, is completely different from that of the Frost Giant.

If he hadn't been recorded in mythology, it would be impossible to associate him with the giants.

In this regard, Mimir smiled and said with a hand spread.

"How do you say it's the side effect of drinking the [Fountain of Wisdom], you have seen it, even an existence like the World Tree, after absorbing the [Fountain of Wisdom], the roots of the tree become smaller, I am the third generation of mere How can the giants resist?"

"Really, but compared to your huge body, you have gained a more powerful [wisdom] power--"

Weiss said with a smile.

Mimir looked up to the sky and sighed, this sound was full of vicissitudes.

"Yeah, [wisdom] is the greatest power in this world. It can turn the impossible into possibility, and turn beautiful dreams into reality—"

"That's right, you can even destroy the Asa gods of Norse mythology without a single shot!"

Mimir was stunned by Wes' words, and then laughed.

"So, even the gods of the East know about it?"

"Just a reasonable guess. After all, Odin killed your grandfather Ymir, and sacrificed his body to create the world and build a mythological system. For... Norse mythology, Odin is great. Father, but for... the giants, Odin is... the most evil murderer, isn't it?"

"As Ymir's third-generation giant, you can't help but be hostile to Odin. However, even so, you let him drink the [Fountain of Wisdom]. You should see the gods one step ahead of Odin. 'twilight'

Mimir did not deny it.

"Odin, he is too greedy, even if he sacrificed my grandfather to create the world, he still doesn't know how to converge and wants to see, understand and rule the whole world, and hit his attention on the fountain of the origin of the world, then— -It's his end!"

"The Ragnarok is indeed caused by Odin. After he drank the [Fountain of Wisdom], he saw the end, but he did not know that everything he did to prevent the Ragnarok was accelerating the arrival of the Ragnarok. ."

"Even if Odin doesn't drink the spring water, Ragnarok will still exist, but that... the end is too far away, I don't want to wait!"

Zaifeilu novel!,

Chapter [-] The future, the terrible future! 【Three changes for subscription】

"Even if Odin doesn't drink the spring water, Ragnarok will still exist, but that... the end is too far away, I don't want to wait!"

Ragnarok is the final destiny of Norse mythology.

It is unavoidable, unless it can really be crossed, it is impossible to stop it, it is just a matter of coming early and coming late.

Obviously, after Mimir made Odin drink the [Fountain of Wisdom], he accelerated the arrival of Ragnarok.

Odin thought he was on the second floor, but who would have thought that Mimir had already reached the atmosphere.

Hearing this, the ruby ​​pupil of the perpetual motion mechanism narrowed slightly.

"So, this time, you deliberately let me wait here, is it the same as Odin?"

Hearing this, Mimir smiled.

He looked at Weiss and the perpetual motion mechanism, and spoke meaningfully.

"Do you want to listen to my [advice,]?"

Weiss stepped out and raised his hand.

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