"But it doesn't matter."

"Even if I look at it with the [eye of wisdom], I can't see through your [fantasy] no, it should be said that I can't see through some of your [fantasy] existences!"

"Including your leader, that... young man with a mysterious meaning, the god of destruction, and you, the god of time, the end of the world, the White Night King, Alger and the queen, etc. For the time being, you are the only ones who can't see it at all. Toru, even if it is a closed world, I can see through it at a glance, but—your existence itself seems to be more mysterious than Hakoten.”

"I don't want to and won't pursue or guess your identities. I should be in awe of... this kind of mystery. I know this well, the more I know, the more dangerous-"

"However, I still saw something I shouldn't have seen,"

Weiss and the perpetual motion machine frowned.

"What do you see"

"The future, a very terrifying future, Hakoten is shrouded in the [Heaven Movement], and even the double-digit 0 sequence is beheaded, and the world of Hakoba becomes: incomplete, [malefic stars] rampant in the world, all things are demonized, the Queen of Halloween even The genocide was carried out, the world dragon incarnates its body, and it crosses the gods and Buddhas, it is simply... the incarnation of the end of the world, and even the pure half-star spirit Sun Wukong has also joined it!"

"It's so terrifying, at that moment, I even stabbed my [Eye of Wisdom]!"

Saying that, a third eye appeared on the forehead of the frost giant Mimir.

That is the strongest eye that sees through the truth of the world, but can see through the present and the future.

At this moment, that one eye was plunged into eternal darkness.

"I peeped into the future that I shouldn't have peeped into, I can only give up this eye, or I will be punished by Hakoten!"

It was because Mimir blinded his [wisdom eye].

So I can reveal the terrible future I see.

However, Whis and Perpetual Motion Light frowned at the same time upon hearing this [Prophecy].

"how is this possible"

[Tiandong Shuo] was suppressed and turned into a demon king, which was not his original intention. The Queen of Halloween is also a crazy admirer of Chiba's body, and even his partner. Even if Sun Wukong lost his pure star body, but—her heart is still very pure.

How could such a future perpetual motion machine narrow its ruby ​​eyes and look at Er.

"You're not playing any tricks, are you?"

"It would be too heavy to use my life's [Eye of Wisdom] as the price!"

Both Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Agency were silent.

In terms of [wisdom] and [prophecy].

Odin in the west and Laplace the great demon in the east are almost on the same level, and they are both well-known prophets! However, Mimir's power is far above the two.

Odin was easily toyed with by Mimir.

Although there is a high probability that Odin knew about Mimir's trap.

However, he had to jump in, because - if there was a chance to peek into the future and make predictions, would you hesitate? Obviously impossible.

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy carried out by a temptation that Odin can never refuse.

And that's what made Mimir terrifying.

Mimir's [prophecy] power can even peek into the truth of Little Garden.

However—now that... [Eye of Wisdom] is blind, just to deceive Weiss and the Perpetual Motion Mechanism is unlikely.

Therefore, there is a high probability that what Mimir said is true.

But—why is there such a future? It's unbelievable! The White Night King, Alger, Queen of Halloween, Sun Wukong, and even the World Dragon have all made moves to destroy the little garden.

Ignore the first three problem children, after all, they all have a criminal record, and if something really happened, it could be so crazy.

However, why are there Sun Wukong and the world dragon Sun Wukong with the ideal of pacifying the world, because they call themselves "Qi Tian".

And the world dragon is one of the sun king gods who rescued the world from the apocalypse.

Even if the world is destroyed, it is impossible for the two of them to do anything against their own morality.

For a moment, the perpetual motion mechanism narrowed its eyes and looked at Mimir.

"Is it a decadent wind, is that thing doing a trick, and only he, who is a single-digit sequence, can do such a thing, right?"

Mimir just shook his head slowly.

"Impossible, there is no rampant [eschatology] in the future I see! Also, I don't feel any coercion in the actions of all of them! It's all out of their own will, even if Being branded with evil, degenerating into a mortal enemy, the enemy of the world is also willing to spare."

"They, all willingly-"


Even the perpetual motion mechanism, this time, couldn't help but widen the eyes of red jade, and his eyes were full of incredible.

How could it possibly have happened before this.

Let them all make this decision together.

What happened? "Where was our [leader] at that time?"

Perpetual motion light asks Mimir a question.

All he got was Mimir's shaking of his head.

"I said it at the beginning, I can't peep into your future, and I can't make predictions about you. Everything about you is unknown!"

Speaking of which, a divine cup appeared in Mimir's hand! Mimir used the cup to hold a cup of [The Fountain of Wisdom] and showed it in front of the two of them.

"Odin's lesson from the past, you should have seen it, if you have the consciousness to deal with such a terrible future in advance, you can take this cup of [Fountain of Wisdom] with you!"

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Chapter [-] Chiba returns! 【Four more for subscription】

"Odin's lesson from the past, you should have seen it, if you have the consciousness to deal with such a terrible future in advance, you can take this cup of [Fountain of Wisdom] with you!"

In the end, what Mimir saw was the real future.

Or to keep the [Fountain of Wisdom] in order to scare me away! Neither Weiss nor the Perpetual Motion Machine can make a judgment.

As for whether what Mimir said is true, the most critical point is whether his [Eye of Wisdom] is really blind.

Mimir holds the highest achievement in Wisdom.

He is a great prophet with innumerable magical powers.

Even if there is magic that blinds the eyes of the double-digit 0 sequence, Weiss would not be surprised.

Therefore - he is skeptical about whether Mimir's [Eye of Wisdom] is really blind.

This requires verification.

Therefore, neither Weiss nor the Perpetual Motion Agency went to take the cup of spring water.

"Mimir, we need to verify!"

"Verify what"

"Is your [Eye of Wisdom] really blind!"

Hearing this, Mimir's face was calm, as if he already knew it, and he spoke quietly.

"I see, are you doubting me?"

"It doesn't matter, for...my [Eye of Wisdom], you can verify it as much as you like!"

"Well then you better get ready!"

The ruby ​​pupil of the perpetual motion mechanism narrowed slightly, and instantly released a cold light.

"If it is found that this is a false act, your Frost Giant Kingdom, the entire giant clan, will disappear forever in the Little Garden World!"

The perpetual motion mechanism unleashes his infinite spirit.

Commanded by oracles.

The whole different dimension was shaking, and even the [Fountain of Wisdom] began to boil.

Once Mimir's words are false, then the final anger will burn all the giants, even if they flee to the end of the world, they will not be extinguished.

"No problem!"

Mimir's expression was still calm.

Not to mention this.

The lower level of the box garden.

Chiba's main body, who learned of this, showed a serious expression for the first time.

Mimir's prophecy is worth noting.

However, he does not exist in Mimir's [Prophecy].

This can be confirmed.

After all, he is not a person from the world of Little Garden, and he does not exist on the torrent of history.

However, this alone makes it impossible to be sure that Mimir's other prophecies are correct.

If you want to verify, the most critical point is still on the [Eye of Wisdom].

That is Mimir's treasure.

It is impossible for the other party to give up just to deceive thousands of calamities.

Therefore - as long as the [Eye of Wisdom] is really blind, then the prophecy that Mimir sees is... Fact! "Why is his face like this?"

The White Night King looked at Qianye with a little surprise.

Ever since she knew Chiba.

The image that Chiba has always given him is... honor and disgrace, Taishan collapses in front of him without changing his color, and he can handle everything with ease! This is the first time the White Night King has seen such an expression.

"It's nothing, something happened to the upper floors and I have to go back!"

Hearing this, the White Night King frowned.

"Is it a closed world?"

"Now that the Western District has not been completely suppressed, the closed world is not a big threat for the time being. I have to confirm other things, White Night King, you go back with me!"

"Then, about the class rulers"

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