"For the time being, let the Moon Rabbit Clan act as an agent. I have given me a powerful grace. With the prestige and strength of their clan, they are enough to act as an agent. When the matter is settled, it's not too late for you to come!"

"All right!"

The Night King nodded in agreement.

She didn't ask Chiba the reason, but Chiba's expression already explained everything.

Even if the decadent wind of the single-digit sequence appeared at the beginning, Chiba calmly dealt with everything.

However - this time is different.

Could it be that something more terrifying than the wind of decadence happened in the upper floors? "Let's go!"

Qianye took the White Night King and left quickly.

The construction of the lower level of Hakoten has come to an end temporarily.

The class ruler system is still going on.

However, without the strongest backing of the White Night King, the construction progress will definitely be delayed.

After all, the deterrent power of the Moon Rabbit and Vampires is far less than that of the White Night King.

Those... Demon Kings who can be suppressed by the prestige of the White Night King, perhaps for...them, they need to use force.

Soon, Chiba took the White Night King back to the third floor of Hakoba through the Moon Rabbit Clan's [Ren Litian].

In [Ren Litian], Chiba even saw Emperor Shitian.

After seeing Qianye and Bai Yewang appear, Di Shitian said with a smile.

"Why did you come back so early? Why did the White Night King come back? Has the plan for the construction of Hakoten changed?"

Chiba nodded.

Regarding... Di Shitian, he doesn't want to say much, although he has a sense of justice, but sometimes, this is a shit stirrer! "Yeah! It's a small matter that needs to be dealt with."

"Need help?"

"Not for now."

After speaking.

Qianye instantly took the White Night King and rose into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into Renlitian.

That enormous power made the entire Renlitian tremble.

There were even cracks in the sky.

Seeing this, Di Shitian frowned.

"It's not like he did such a rude menstruation!! It seems that something extraordinary has happened, and it can actually make him emotionally change."

Need to follow the past? Di Shitian is hesitating.

However, it was soon given up.

If it can make Chiba have troubles.

Even if he goes, it doesn't make much sense:.

"Hopefully it can be dealt with as soon as possible!"

It's just that Di Shitian has a bad premonition in his heart! A haze is slowly shrouding Little Garden.

At this moment, the rhythm of 【Time】 was rippling all over Chiba's body.

For... a power he had never seen before, the White Night King's expression changed slightly.

After realizing the power in it, even she couldn't help but marvel.

"This is the power of [time]! Moreover, the speed is really fast!"

In the blink of an eye, it crossed half of the Eastern District, came to the boundary wall, and entered the Western District in an instant.

At this time, Chiba spoke up.

"King of the White Night, release my seal. Now, show your [Heavenly Movement]!"

Zaifeilu novel!,

Chapter [-] Shocking the Kingdom of Frost Giants! 【Five more subscriptions】

"King of the White Night, release my seal. Now, show your [Heavenly Movement]!"

Hearing this, the White Night King was stunned for a moment.

"The liberation [Tiandong said] is here"

Chiba nodded.

"Yes, enter the West District, immediately.


"All right!"

The Night King nodded.

Although I don't know what Chiba is going to do.

However, it seemed that it was not the time to ask why.

Now, there are too many questions.

The doubt that Chiba is in charge of [time] power can only stand aside.

Now the White Night King just wants to know, what is it that can make Chiba take it so seriously.

In an instant.

The two crossed the boundary wall and entered the West District.

But this moment.

The power from the suppression of pagans in the closed world struck instantly.

That kind of... powerful crushing, enough to suppress the three-digit sequence.

However—it was at the same time that the more powerful [Tian Dong Theory] was liberated by the White Night King.

next moment.

Everything at the moment is stained with snow white.

At the end of the horizon where the horizon cannot be seen, there is a round of rising primordial stars, the silver sun that never sets, illuminating the earth for eternity, and running horizontally within the cosmic starry sky.

That is - the representative of Tiandong theory, the most center of the universe.

This is the paradox of [Heavenly Movement Theory], the end of time that human beings can never reach, the abyss at the end of the stars.

- White Night Horizon! The stars are reversed, and the Sun's sovereignty begins to move.

The heavens and stars move in a strange way.

At the same time - in the face of the pagan suppression of the closed world, [Tiandong said], with stronger force, crushed it back.


The face of the closed world in the Norse mythology changed and couldn't help being surprised.

There is nothing wrong with this power.

To belong to the same power as he is, is the place of his fellow man.

"The Ultimate Trial of Mankind"

"Why is Tiandong said to be liberated? Wasn't she suppressed by the leader of [Fantasy]?"

The closed world appeared, and it appeared in the Norse mythology [Asgard] in an instant.

Want to know what happened.

However—that is... at the moment when he was peeping.

He immediately.

All the power was gathered, turned into a shadow, sneaked into Thor's body, and hid in the very center of Norse mythology.

"Well, what is that"

Even the closed world was taken aback.

That chaotic nothingness, an existence that even the end cannot see through.

At the same time, although he couldn't see it, he clearly sensed that the smudge was nothing, and seemed to be looking at himself.

Although only for a moment.

However, the closed world was still frightened back.

"That... is... the [Fantasy] leader?"

Can't be wrong.

Next to it, is... the liberated [Tiandong Shuo]! [Tian Dong Shuo] was suppressed by the leader of [Fantasy].

The only one who can liberate [Heavenly Movement] is the [Fantasy] leader.

"Is it such a terrible opponent?"

The closed world smiled.

There was no fear, but rather a hint of excitement.

"Even the [Tiandong Talk] has been suppressed. If I kill the other party in the world of Hakoniwa, the history of mankind will be over."

Although it will not be the opponent's opponent at this stage.

But——once let him finish the end, reach the climax of the end.

He will gain enough power to suppress the double-digit 0 sequence! Just the suppression of the heretics is enough to be invincible within Hakoniwa.

"I'll be waiting for you, the [Fantasy] leader of the Eastern District!"

Not to mention this.

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