Completely liberated [Heaven Movement Theory].

It's simply not comparable to the current closed world.

Although the [Tiandong Doctrine] is now suppressed by human history, it is the strongest eschatology that once dominated all cosmology and shrouded the entire small garden in darkness! If the closed world cannot reach its peak, it is impossible to compete. .

And just... in this case.

Chiba, took the White Night King into the kingdom of the frost giants.

Right at the moment of entering.

Thousands of giants were instantly slaughtered under the suppression of [Heavenly Movement].

The frost giant trembled.

next moment.

There were several terrifying breaths, and they came flying, trying to intercept the White Night King.

However, Chiba just took a shot.

"disappear as far as you can!"

Miracle collapses, smashes all attacks, and there is no luck.

At the same time, aiming in one of the directions.

Chiba snapped it with a palm.

The big hand of [Miracle Collapse] even shattered the mountains supported by the power of giants.

Just one blow is enough to shock the crowd.

Countless giants were silent, daring not to fight again.

However, immediately afterward, the stronger giant also woke up.

Previously, Wes and the Perpetual Motion Machine could be allowed to pass, that was Mimir's approval.

And Chiba and the White Night King are not among them.

Seeing this, the White Night King smiled.

"Do you want to deter them?"

"Yes, don't be stingy with your power, White Night King!"

That's right, Chiba just... wants to frighten the Frost Giant.

He is showing power to Mimir.

This is also the reason why he did not come through the realm of the queen, but directly entered the kingdom of frost giants.

He will show a powerful force that Mimir could not predict and enter the kingdom of frost giants, and let him know that if the other party deceives him, he will fall into the endless hell! Even death will become an extravagant hope! At this moment! In front of Ye, a giant appeared.

The huge frost instantly sealed the whole world, however, not including Chiba and the White Night King.

His body is equal to heaven and earth.

Although I don't know which generation of Frost Giants he is, his overwhelming presence is above the three-digit sequence.

"Stop, intruder, dare to invade again"

The words are not over yet.

The White Night King just grinned.

With the power to control the total mass of [the entire universe], it flew out at the sixth cosmic speed in an instant and turned into a starlight.

"What nonsense are you talking to us here? Even the giants must have been shrouded under our rule. That kind of... humiliation and fear, have you forgotten?"

The White Night King came across.

That is the total mass of the entire universe! Right now, the frost giant with a height equal to the sky and the earth was instantly knocked into the air.

Turned into starlight, flew to the end of the universe!:, evaluation ticket, monthly ticket, reward!!!!

Favorite, Recommend, Share! 11

Chapter [-] The Heavenly Punishment of the Box Court is back! 【For a more subscription】

The giants with power above the three-digit sequence were directly knocked into the air by the thousands of [Tiandong Shuo] liberated.

Even his huge size is enough to stand up to the sky.

However, in front of the White Night King, who is in charge of the total mass of the entire universe, it is still not enough to see.

Like Mimir, this frost giant is probably the third-generation descendant of the ancestor giant Ymir, otherwise he will not be able to control this power.

The second-generation giants have long since disappeared in countless years, and the third-generation giants are... The giants are the strongest fighting force on the bright side, but, at this moment, the strongest fighting force dispatched even blocks the White Night King Steps can't do it.

After defeating the frost giant.

All the giants who were boiling and wanted to expel Chiba and the White Night King calmed down.

He looked at the body above the sky in disbelief.

The White Night King showed her [Heavenly Movement Theory] spirit without hesitation, and suppressed the frost giants of the heavens with the mystery of the center of the universe.

At that moment, the rising primordial star illuminated the entire frost country.

The eternal sun, reflecting the heavens, suppresses the earth! "That, that is the saying of heaven moving"

"My God, that... the strongest demon king has appeared again?"

"how is this possible--"

this moment.

The frost giants are finally like him, the kingdom that was once illuminated by the sun of the White Night King in the dawn of the little garden, but as a kingdom of frost giants, there is no trace of frost.

It was a sad history of oppression! Since the Western District is full of gods, the Eastern District was born with Protoss.

Therefore, the original White Night King was active in the Eastern District as the [Heavenly Movement].

However, even though the kingdom of frost giants in the western region was not directly hit by the destruction of the White Night King, the prestige of the [Heavenly Movement] is still well known.

The White Night King stood in the void, bursting out [Heaven Movement], calmly swept over everything below, and said.

"Those who want to make a move may show up. I am the Demon King of the White Night. We will consider it as a challenge to us by showing up now. In response, I will respond with a duel with all my life."

"Even so, those who want to hinder, even if they appear, even if it is hundreds of millions, it is not a problem!"

The White Night King released an oracle to suppress the Frost Giant with the spirit of [Heaven Movement].

At this moment - the chills are astonishing! The entire kingdom of frost giants is terribly quiet.

Not to mention that the White Night King is the strongest eschatology [Tiandong Shuo], even if she is the strongest species [Xingling], few giants dare to go forward to provoke her.

In the face of the full-strength angry Protoss, no one is willing to bear it.

Wherever the White Night King's eyes went, all the giants hid and did not dare to speak.

Seeing this, Qianye smiled and waved at the White Night King.

"Let's go, White Night King!"

Hearing this, the White Night King quickly followed and flew towards the deepest depths of the frost.

On the way, the White Night King couldn't help but speak.

"Why are we here? We are swaggering into the West District, and the closed world will be alert!"

"Now the closed world is put aside for now, there are more important things to confirm!"

In Chiba's view, the closed world does not pose much of a threat.

Even the peak of the growth path is enough to suppress the small garden.

Chiba also knew how to defeat him.

However, for... Mimir's prophecy, this cannot be delayed.

Right now, we soon come to the end of the frost giant kingdom, which is the entrance to another world, the towering World Tree, winding and circling.

Seeing this, the White Night King's pupils shrank.

"That's the root of the World Tree. Let's remember that in the kingdom of the Frost Giant is the third source of the eye - [Fountain of Wisdom]"

Chiba nodded.

"That's right, as the caretaker of the [Fountain of Wisdom], Mimir, at the expense of his [Eye of Wisdom], peeped into a future, a very terrifying future!"

"My appearance is to confirm whether this future is real."

Hearing this, the White Night King narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mimir's [Eye of Wisdom] is gone"

Chiba nodded.

"It is said that his [prophecy] attracted the Tianzhu of the small garden. In order to survive, he stabbed his [eye of wisdom] blind, and thus obtained a glimmer of life!"

Chiba's words silenced the White Night King.

At the same time, she also showed a serious expression.

What kind of future did Mimir see, which could attract Tenju of Hakoba, "It's here, it's here."

Chiba jumped up and took the White Night King into this strange world.

After entering, there are three people 3.

Weiss, the perpetual motion mechanism and the wisdom giant Mimir.

After Chiba arrives.

Mimir's expression changed obviously.

Excited and excited are not enough to describe.

If you insist on saying it, it is as if a child saw his beloved toy.

"You, you are... ... the leader of [Fantasy], what is this, what an honor!"

Mimir smiled like a happy child.

There was no miracle in his eyes.

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