Observing Chiba with her original posture, she looked directly at his face.

"This is... a mystery that even the [Eye of Wisdom] can't see through. I am Mimir, the giant of wisdom. As the guardian of the kingdom of the frost giants [Fountain of Wisdom], I welcome you, Your Excellency Chiba!"

In response, Chiba just smiled.

"Don't get too excited, if you pass my verification, if you lied, the final flame will burn forever in the kingdom of frost giants!"

"That's natural!"

Mimir spoke quickly.

He naturally knew that Qianye took the White Night King to deter the kingdom of frost giants.

That is [Fantasy] showing his power.

That is to say, [Fantasy] has the power to suppress their giants at any time, and if they say or lie, they must consider the consequences.


Mimir didn't panic.

Because everything he said is true.

"I don't know, how do you want to verify?"

"It's very simple, just let me put my hand on your [Eye of Wisdom]!"

The moment he finished speaking, Chiba walked up to Mimir.

The raised right hand is placed on the [Wisdom Eye] that has lost its light.

The next moment, [Miracle Collapse] is activated.

What is surprising is that the [Eye of Wisdom] that lost its light is actually slowly recovering at this moment.

Both Chiba and Mimir's expressions changed, but they didn't wait for both sides to react.

Hakoba Tenzu, here we come!

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Chapter [-]: What's the secret?

In order to obliterate the existence that affects the balance of the small garden, the central garden of the small garden will personally do it and give the opponent an absolutely fatal blow.

The former Chiba revealed the information of the final trial of mankind to Shakyamuni in advance, and was then killed by the center of the small garden.

However, at that time, because Chiba possessed the [Miracle Collapse], the execution of Hakoniwa Tenzu was blocked.

And now, this is the second time Chiba has seen Hakoba Tenzu.

Both Chiba and Mimir's expressions changed, but for different reasons.

Mimir's face changed because his [Eye of Wisdom] actually recovered his vision, doesn't that mean that he is lying?

However, he clearly said the truth!

Chiba's face changed because the moment his palm touched Mimir's [Eye of Wisdom], a force was wiped out.

And this power comes from the center of the box garden.

Obviously, Mimir did predict something, and even attracted the power of Little Garden to seal his [Eye of Wisdom].

It's just that Mimir didn't know it, and thought he gave the [Eye of Wisdom], but it wasn't.

Because of this, after Chiba wiped out the power of the central center of the small garden, Tianzhu came in an instant.

"In other words, what Mi 243 Mir said is true?"

Chiba frowned.


Here comes the problem.

In the future world, what happened to make the White Night King and others do that kind of thing, and even the world of Little Garden was crippled.

There is no reason.

And when they were destroying the world of Hakoniwa, where were they?

Did Mimir fail to predict him, or was he not in the Hakoniwa world at all?

Just as Chiba was thinking.

The center of the box garden instantly aimed at Mimir and fell to Tianzhu.

That thunderbolt contained infinite mysteries.

At this time, Mimir reacted with a look of fear.

"What, what? How is it possible that Tianzhu Hakoten has appeared again?"

Mimir was able to sacrifice his [Eye of Wisdom] before barely avoiding Tianzhu.

Didn't expect it to come again now?

It's the [Eye of Wisdom], yes, it must be because my [Eye of Wisdom] has returned to light.

In an instant!

Mimir was extremely decisive, and after pulling out a dagger, he directly stabbed his [Eye of Wisdom]!


The light has not been taken away!

Hakoten also did not retreat.

"Don't waste your efforts. At that time, your [Eye of Wisdom] was blind. It wasn't you who stabbed you blind, but the power of the center of the garden. Now, the [Eye of Wisdom] has regained its light, and Tianzhu will naturally come."


What makes Chiba curious is.

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