The development of the situation seems to be far beyond their imagination.

Seeing Mimir's confused expression, Chiba smiled.

"Your expression is really cute, haven't you noticed anything wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think you can still recall the reason why you guarded the [Fountain of Wisdom]?"


Mimir was stunned, and then spoke firmly.

"Of course it is"

"Huh? Wait—what the hell am I doing—?"

0 · Ask for flowers ·

At this moment, Mimir's eyes were filled with horror.

He looked at Chiba, looked at himself, and finally looked at the [Fountain of Wisdom].

That's right, what's the reason for protecting the [Fountain of Wisdom] by yourself?

Obviously carrying an absolute reason, it can even be called a [mission].

However, why would I forget that important thing?

"That's because I have rewritten the world - Mimir, you are part of my will!"

At this time, in this independent world, a heterogeneous voice suddenly sounded.

That voice originated from the [Fountain of Wisdom]!

At this moment, Mimir froze, and his thoughts were deprived.

The White Night King looked at all this in horror.

"It's really amazing, [The Fountain of Wisdom] actually formed [Wisdom]! Didn't it get cleaned up by the central garden?"

"Sorry, White Night King, you are too dangerous to belong to the mechanism of [Esomatism], I declare, deprive [Quality]!"

In an instant!

The concept of [quality] disappeared in this world.

The power of the White Night King disappeared, and almost instantly, the double-digit White Night Spirit dropped suddenly, down to the level of only a sun god.

Seeing this, the White Night King was stunned.

"Deprivation of power, you can actually use this method, are you provoking us?"

The White Night King, who narrowed his eyes, instantly released a cold light.

Although she has been deprived of two-digit [Power], her [Heavenly Movement] is even above two digits, and if she displays divine power here, it is no problem to destroy the world.


The White Night King stopped, to be precise, he was stopped by Chiba.

"Wait, White Night King"

Chiba, who was stagnant to release the [Tiandong Talk], quietly looked at the [Spring of Wisdom], and slowly let out a sigh of relief.

"Following the law, you have this kind of power, you are a bit powerful, and the other reasons for the Fountain of Wisdom will be ignored. Regarding the terrible future you gave, I need you to prove his correctness. By doing this, I can do it well. judge."

"What judgment?"

"Should I kill you here, or let you go!

Chapter two hundred and eighty-four: the center of the garden and the wind of decadence

"Is it going to kill you here, or let you go!"

This is one place.

[The Fountain of Wisdom] was stunned, and the next moment, he instantly showed the power of Tianzhu, the center of the small garden, and made a declaration.

"If that's the case, then I'll take the lead in depriving you of the concept of [time]!"

He didn't know Chiba's power.

The perpetual motion mechanism belongs to the eschatology, and he can't make a smooth shot, only the power of [time], under his denial.

this moment.

The double-digit spirituality of Weiss was shattered, and the power of [Time] was deprived.


The power of Whis did not mean to weaken.

He still holds the power of [Time], but this [Time] is not the time power given by Little Garden, but comes from himself.

After all, Weiss himself can control time.

Aware of this scene, [The Fountain of Wisdom] obviously experienced emotional fluctuations.

"How, how is it possible"

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