"In this world, the concept of [time] no longer exists, why haven't you disappeared?"

By the way, Chiba smiled.

"I don't know if the prediction about the future you gave is correct, but I can confirm one thing. You said that you can't see through me, which must be true."

In an instant, the fountain of wisdom shot Ruili's eyes.

"So that's the case, are you also an existence that belongs to the same concept of hierarchy as the central garden and the wind of decadence? It's because I can't see you, is this the reason?"

Hearing this, Chiba smiled and stepped out.

"You seem to know something, what is the relationship between the center of the little garden and the wind of decadence?"

"What? So you don't know, haha, so it seems that you can only be ranked the fourth, but wait, since the central box garden knows this, why didn't you clear you? East District's [Fantasy] So it is, you are box garden The agent of the center, no wonder the center of the small garden is so tolerant!"

The next moment, Chiba lifted it up.

The power of [Miracle Collapse] activates.

The law that erased the concept of [time] from the Fountain of Wisdom was directly smashed by Chiba.

Before the Fountain of Wisdom was shocked, Chiba was already close at hand, and the big hand was about to take a picture.

"If you don't answer my question, your [wisdom] will be obliterated by Eternal Mark!"

"wait wait wait--"

The voice of the Fountain of Wisdom was clearly flustered.

Obviously, he didn't know that Chiba couldn't kill his [wisdom]!

Therefore, he was frightened.

"What do you want to know?"

"All, let's start with the center of the garden and the wind of decadence."

"How should I put it, the center of the small garden is the representative of the small garden, and the wind of decadence is the representative of the history of mankind. In the mutual observation of the small garden and the history of mankind, it is the center of the small garden and the wind of decadence, that is, the battle of eschatology. In other words, that is—[Almighty Paradox]!”

"The agent of the central garden is the gods and Buddhas of the gods, and the agent of the decadent wind is the eschatology, that is, the [Heavenly Movement] [Absolute Evil] and [closed world] that appear at this stage!"

"If the gods of the small garden cross the eschatology, it is the defeat of the wind of decadence. If the human beings finally try to destroy the world, it is the defeat of the central garden of the small garden. It is very simple, right!?"

Hearing this, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

The mechanism of the box garden center and eschatology is becoming more and more clear.

This Fountain of Wisdom is truly worthy of his title of [Wisdom]. He knows everything, and he can even tell such secrets.

"That is to say, the wind of decadence is the counterattack of human history against the world of Hakoniwa?"

"That's right, the gods intervene in human history with their own will, nominally to correct human history, but human history has never agreed. The gods just want to gain the power of belief from human history."

"And in order to defeat such gods and Buddhas, what was born out of them is eschatology, that is, the final trial of mankind!"

Therefore, there are only two ways to defeat eschatology.

One is the elusive leap.

The other is to give up human history, and Hakoniwa and human history once again become independent worlds.

"And the equivalence between the wind of decadence and the center of the small garden is the law of this mechanism. You should have also discovered that the wind of decadence cannot be casually shot in the small garden, because the game between them is through agents. If If the law is used, it will violate the rules! Then the center of the small garden can be a matter of course: the temporary exile of the decadent wind 0 "

"For the time being?"

"It should be, as long as the gods are still obsessed with human history, if they don't cross the eschatology, the decadent wind will not disappear."

The fountain of wisdom is also uncertain.

After all, this is a deduction based on his [wisdom]. Although he is confident in his [deduction], he cannot speak too slowly.

Thinking of this, Chiba smiled.

"Then what about you? What kind of existence are you?"

"As you can see, I am the personification of the Fountain of Wisdom in the Eye of the Source, and I have obtained [wisdom]! After seeing the truth of the world of the little garden, I imitated some of the laws of the center of the little garden!"

"Oh? Wasn't this cleaned up by the Central Little Garden?"

"This world was built to shield the center of the box garden!"

Because of this, the Fountain of Wisdom can deprive [Time] and [Quality] just now!

Because his laws are all imitating the center of the small garden, and the power of the two-digit sequence of Whis and the White Night King comes from the center of the small garden.

So 4.2, he cannot deny eschatology because, in the laws of this world, there is no such rule.

Of course, Chiba belongs to the [Fantasy Fusion System] side, and naturally he is not in the ranks of his denial.

"After I obtained [Wisdom], I knew that one day I would be cleaned up by the center of the small garden, so I separated a part of [Wisdom] into Mimir and integrated it into Norse mythology as a cover!"

"I rewrote the Norse mythology system and incorporated Mimir into it. As a result, the center of the small garden found a flaw. Although it escaped because of this independent world, the center of the small garden regarded the Norse mythology system as an inferior product. As punishment, it was deprived of it. Their [eternal] power, therefore, the fate of the ultimate demise of Norse mythology is bestowed by the center of the little garden!"

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Fifth: Like Humans

Hearing this, Chiba knew.

Why does the powerful Norse mythology system have no concept of [eternity].

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